I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 367 Purple Gang Xuan Qi, the mysterious half-immortal

Top grade spiritual treasure.

At this moment, the rising sword intent of Qingping Sword was no longer calm and restrained, but extremely fierce. This sword seemed to have changed its nature in an instant.

But in the next moment, this ferocious sword intent disappeared, and his calm and restrained character was restored again.


Han Yi already knew that this calm and restrained characteristic was not the essence of this sword.

This sword is still a vicious sword. It was only after fusing with the sixth branch sword that its true nature was awakened.

The sword is the king of a hundred weapons, a weapon for fighting. It itself is associated with "killing" and "ferociousness".

The Qingping Sword is a vicious sword, so that's normal.

The buzzing sword whistling gradually subsided, and Qingping Sword restrained its sword intent, fell back in front of Han Yi, and was held by Han Yi.

Taking the long sword into his hands, a burst of excited spirituality seemed to jump out. Han Yi touched it gently, feeling happy in his heart.

This is a top-grade spiritual treasure.

Under normal circumstances, monks in the late stage of divine transformation rarely have high-grade spiritual treasures. Most of the peak divine transformations use high-grade spiritual treasures.

Although Han Yi is strong, he happens to lack one of the most powerful spiritual treasures. The promotion of Qingping Sword is just a timely help, so how can he not be happy.

The Qingping Sword of the above-mentioned Lingbao, combined with the sword-controlling skills blessed with the power of the Six Paths of Divine Transformation, Han Yi speculated that even the peak Divine Transformation could fight. As for the outcome, he would have to try it to know.

Just when the fusion of Qingping Sword was about to be completed, Han Yi's consciousness entered it and saw the phantom of the white sword, and his consciousness was annihilated inch by inch.

In the cave in his body, the gray knife named "Taiyuan" had a thought flowing on it, and there were inexplicable emotions flowing, but there was no further movement and it fell silent again.

Beyond the cave within the body.

Han Yi put the Zhen'e Sword on his back back to the Ruin Formation Diagram, put the Qingping Sword on his back, and was about to leave this piece of land, but suddenly stopped and looked behind him with half-squinted eyes.

Somewhere behind him, there was a fluctuation of spiritual energy that suddenly appeared. This fluctuation became stronger and stronger. In Han Yi's perception, it increased by about ten times after just one breath, which was almost equivalent to the breath of a Nascent Soul monk. , and it continues to improve.

"It's not the breath of a monk."

"God's seed?"

Han Yi was shocked and confused.

The divine core of the Mechanical God Clan, after it is broken into a divine species, has no breath at all and is completely dead.

Only those who have absorbed enough spiritual energy, given birth to mechanical consciousness, are between the divine seed and the divine core, and are about to enter the spiritual transformation stage, will have the breath of life.

This kind of special life form is called the imperfect mechanical god race.

The imperfect mechanical gods only have a mechanical god's heart and no mechanical god's body. Their strength is no higher than that of a half-immortal, between Nascent Soul and Transformation God.

When they condense the mechanical god body, it means truly becoming the mechanical god clan, and it also means entering the first realm of the mechanical god clan, the spiritual transformation stage. At that time, they will have half-immortal combat power. When you enter the stage of spiritual transformation, you will be even more comparable to the immortals.

The spiritual transformation stage and the divine transformation stage are only the two weakest realms of the Mechanical God Clan. After this, there are higher levels comparable to Golden Immortal, Taiyi, and even Daluo.

Han Yi's heart moved. If it was a non-complete mechanical god who had not yet entered the spiritual sloughing device, then no matter what, he would have to test it out.

This kind of incomplete mechanical god race that has just been born with consciousness, escaped from the death god species, but has not entered the spiritual transformation stage. It has no mechanical god body and cannot be regarded as a mechanical god race. It is not only the best spiritual creature, but also the points gained if it is turned in, It’s definitely not cheap either.


Han Yi has learned that the transition period for such a newborn life form is extremely short. The mechanical instinct will allow it to quickly condense the mechanical god body with the materials that can be found around it and enter the spiritual transformation stage.

This transition time can be short, about three days, or long, no more than a month at most.

This is the best time to capture the imperfect mechanical protoss.

Thinking of this, Han Yi flashed and disappeared.

The disappearance this time was much more sophisticated than the escape technique he used before. It could even be said that it was not at the same level. This time, its essence was teleportation, not flight escape.


This kind of teleportation uses thoughts as the path, and wherever the spiritual thoughts reach, they are all accessible places.

This is the realm of magical power and thought.

The magical power of the Mind Realm evolved from the magical power of the Light Realm blessed with the power of the two most powerful divine tribulations.

Not counting the sword-controlling skills that withstood the power of the Six Paths of Divine Transformation.

This is already Han Yi's strongest magical power, followed by the shape-changing magical power.

Using all his strength to exert his mental power, his figure appeared again ten miles away, near the strange aura he sensed.

With just one glance, Han Yi's pupils shrank.

In front of him, there was a scene that could be called magical.

A blood-red divine seed is suspended in mid-air.

Before that, the two divine seeds that Han Yi had found were only the size of a soybean or a fingernail. Although they seemed to be beating, they had no life breath and were essentially dead objects.

But at this moment.

The divine seed suspended in mid-air, like a real heart, exhales and inhales with great amplitude.

But the strange thing is that this huge beating "heart" does not make any sound.

The diameter of the god seed is about one and a half meters, and it is not slowly growing.

The divine seed in front of you is not a dead thing. It has a strong aura flowing out of it. This aura belongs to the nascent consciousness and only has instinct.

And its instinct is to continuously extract the purple gas that is pulled up from below. This purple gas comes from a two-meter-wide hole about one meter below the huge god seed.

simply say.

On the shattered ground, wisps of purple gas were pulled from the pits below and merged into the huge blood-red divine seed suspended on the ground, beating silently like a heart.

This magical scene shocked Han Yi.

But in an instant, he realized that the god in front of him was in the process of transformation. Its consciousness had just been born and was extremely weak. There was no better way to deal with it at this time.

If the divine seed really completes its transformation and becomes a mechanical god in the spiritual metamorphosis stage that is comparable to a half-immortal, he will have only one way to escape.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, he took action without hesitation.

With a slight finger, the Qingping Sword behind him jumped up, and then, with a slight flash, it passed sideways.

brush! !

Talk about it.

From the moment Han Yi noticed the abnormal aura, to when he used his magical power from the mind world to arrive here, his thoughts started to turn, he didn't dare to be negligent, and decisively drew his sword.

The time in between was only a breath.

Within the God Seed, the newly born consciousness is weak, but its instincts are still there, and its sense of danger is, to a certain extent, not weaker than that of the mechanical gods who have just entered the spiritual metamorphosis stage.

Moreover, in the short period of time when Han Yi arrived, the aura of the divine species had already reached the middle stage of divine transformation.

When Han Yi drew his sword and danger came, the aura of the god suddenly lifted up, directly entering the late stage of god transformation. Moreover, it did not stop, but became faster and faster.

When the breath was raised fiercely, this god's seed also trembled instinctively, and it was about to move upward to avoid this sword.

But in the next moment, the sword light suddenly accelerated.

When Han Yi noticed that the opponent's aura had become stronger and he wanted to avoid it, his consciousness surged and he went all out to use his sword control skills.

The sword control technique blessed with the power of six heavenly tribulations did not disappoint him.

The Qingping Sword, which was originally regarded as extremely fast among high-grade spiritual treasures, was so fast that even Han Yi could not react with the additional blessing of sword control.

There was a flash of void.


Then I saw the huge divine seed that had just risen about ten centimeters, making a shattering sound.


The huge god seed, which was about one meter and a half in diameter, split in half from the middle. The aura that had been promoted to the late stage of god transformation and was close to the peak of god transformation suddenly dissipated.

The divine seed that split into two pieces started to fall to the ground after a slight delay.

Around it, the originally peaceful void began to ripple with invisible ripples. The ripples intensified and quickly transformed into a spiritual storm that swept around.

This is caused by the shattering of the divine seed just now and the spread of its internal energy.

Han Yi couldn't help but feel happy after he used his sword and saw that the divine seed was split into two pieces by him.

But he was cautious and did not step forward immediately. Instead, he first took back the Qingping Sword, then took out a new spare Qiankun Ring, and put the two large pieces of the split divine seed into it.

Then, he looked at the one-meter-wide pothole.

Without the traction of the divine seed, the wisps of purple gas began to retract and fall into the pit.

Han Yi understood and had the most intuitive guess about the birth of the divine species just now.

That god's seed should have been just a small piece in the beginning, but in the void, it happened to float to this small broken and abandoned land. By chance, it arrived around the pit and continued to absorb the energy from the pit. The overflowing purple gas gradually grew in size with this energy, and finally became one meter and a half in diameter.

When the energy is accumulated to a certain level, the god species gives birth to consciousness and becomes an imperfect mechanical god race. The next step is to condense the mechanical god body and become a new complete mechanical god race.

Unfortunately, the scene of his transformation happened to be encountered by Han Yi, and he was killed with a sword.


The conditions for the birth of imperfect mechanical gods are extremely harsh. In the regular missions of Sequence Seventeen, it is extremely difficult to encounter them. Even if they are encountered, most of them are mechanical gods who have advanced to the spiritual transformation stage. Machines of this level The gods need a half-immortal to deal with them.

Putting away the Qiankun Ring, Han Yi approached the pothole.

What made him more curious than the imperfect mechanical protoss was the purple gas flowing out of the pit.

The spiritual object that can transform the mechanical gods is by no means simple.

Han Yi rolled up his consciousness and prepared to pull a wisp of purple gas over.

But what surprised him was that although the gas was pulled over, the speed was very slow.



This wisp of gas actually gave Han Yi an extremely heavy illusion.

When the purple gas was pulled in front of him, his originally doubtful eyes suddenly erupted with an astonishing light, and he blurted out a low cry.

"Zigang Xuanqi, this, this is Zigang Xuanqi."

"Then, what's down here is..."

Han Yi suddenly looked at the pothole, his eyes gleaming.

"...Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony."

"That's right, it's definitely the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony."

Han Yi took a deep breath, swayed, and reached the top of the pit, then quickly fell into it.

Less than ten breaths.

He flew up again, his eyes deep in his eyes, unable to hold back his ecstasy.

There is already an extra piece of immortal jade in the cave inside his body.

This fairy jade is purple in color, irregular oval in appearance, about three meters in length, and about one meter in diameter in cross section.

This is the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony, which is no less precious than the Source Fire of All Spirits in his divine orifice.

It's just that the source fire of all spirits belongs to the fairy fire. With Han Yi's spiritual consciousness and internal space, he can't bear such terrifying fairy fire, so he has to use divine power to collect it into the divine orifice.

Zigang Xuan Chalcedony is the essence of chalcedony born from the core of Zigang Xuan Mine. This kind of chalcedony is very heavy, but it is not as powerful as fairy fire. It has huge attack power. Han Yi will have a hard time defeating it. Into the cave in the body.

"However, it is quite strange."

"There is no Zigang Xuan ore under this broken land, so where did this Zigang Xuan Chalcedony come from?"

"Could it be that when the master of the fairy world where this land is located fell, this chalcedony happened to enter it, was covered up, and happened to avoid the detection of other monks, and has been preserved to this day?"

"This is too much of a coincidence."

Han Yi collected a few scattered wisps of purple Gang Xuan Qi in a jade bottle, then returned to the way he came from without stopping.

Although he is not too deep where he is at the moment, he is a bit far away from the seventh team. He can just stay here and will not try to go deeper to prevent other accidents and no one to support him.

Han Yifei jumped up and fled towards the void where he came from.

In the third month of his absence.

A figure approached silently from the void and arrived at a nearby floating broken palace. When he saw a sign outside the palace, his eyes lit up with joy.

"Yes, it should be here."

"In thirty years, even if there are changes in this ruins, it shouldn't be too serious."

"You only need to explore the surroundings and you should be able to find that piece of chalcedony."

This figure is a middle-aged monk, and his semi-immortal aura has not been deliberately restrained.

His figure flickered in the nearby void.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the location where Han Yi discovered the divine seed, stepped into the pit, and after a few breaths, he walked out.

The originally calm face of the half-immortal middle-aged monk who walked out of the cave turned gloomy.

He stretched out his hand to make a magic seal and fished it into the void. He caught a breath that was extremely light and flowed on his fingertips.

"This breath is the breath of the divine core."

"That's right."

"In other words, the divine seed here has absorbed energy and transformed into a divine core."

"Then, there are only two possibilities for my Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony."

"One way is that this divine core condenses the mechanical divine body and becomes a mechanical god in the spiritual transformation stage, taking away the chalcedony."

"The other is for monks to arrive here and kill the mechanical gods who may have entered the spiritual transformation stage, or the incomplete mechanical gods who may not have entered the spiritual transformation stage, and destroy the divine core fragments and chalcedony Take them all away.”

"If it is a mechanical god in the spiritual metamorphosis stage, then this person is at least a half-immortal. If it is only an incomplete mechanical god, this person may be a peak god."

"If the mechanical gods leave on their own, or if the immortals get the chalcedony, I will naturally give up. There is nothing I can do."

"But if you are an immortal or below, you need to hand over the fragments of the divine core. As long as you are willing to inquire, it is not difficult to find out who it is."

"Hmph, I want to see who has taken over my immortal fate."

This gloomy middle-aged half-immortal ground the divine core aura at his fingertips into powder with just a pinch.

Next, he tried to capture the aura of the monks who had come to this broken land. Unfortunately, it took too long and Han Yi deliberately controlled it, and finally found nothing.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, he snorted heavily, and left the broken land in a flash.

the other side.

Han Yi didn't know that the ownerless chalcedony he had obtained was about to cause trouble.

After he reunited with other monks, he continued to explore the surroundings for divine seeds.

But it seemed that finding the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony had drained all his luck, and he found nothing more.

The period of one year passes slowly.

For Han Yi, this routine mission contained surprises but no danger. The surprise naturally referred to the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony.

After taking the fairy boat and returning to the fairy castle numbered 78, he, like other monks, teleported through the space transmission point to the Wanzhan node established in the fairy castle.

The Wan Zhan node naturally extends to the Immortal Mansion and the setting of Wan Zhan Immortal Palace.

In every fairy castle in Suizhu Immortal Court, there are not only Wanzhan nodes, but also supreme virtue nodes, etc. These nodes are no longer called fairy palaces, but palaces.

For example, on the Ten Thousand Battles node, there is only the Ten Thousand Battles Hall.

In the Hall of Ten Thousand Wars, Han Yi submitted the divine seeds he had obtained in this regular mission, including two tiny divine seeds and a huge split divine core.

Fortunately, using the same method as the Xianting Colorful Spiritual Pillar promotion task, Han Yi submitted the Split Divine Core and did not cause a large-scale uproar.

But there were also a few dedicated monks who were quite astonished when they saw the huge divine seed that Han Yi brought out.

After a while.

Han Yi left the Wanzhan Palace, feeling excited. Because of this mission, the two small divine seeds earned him 190 points, and the huge split divine core gave him a full 8,000 points. Three hundred points.

This kind of points is difficult for many cultivators to obtain even during their entire rotation.

But when he stepped into the space teleportation point and was about to teleport back to the Shadow Moon node, he suddenly noticed an inexplicable weak murderous aura.

He frowned, turned his head suddenly, looked back, and saw a middle-aged monk with a gloomy face, staring at him.

Before teleporting away, two thoughts popped into his mind.

"I don't know this person."

"You have murderous intent towards me, why?"

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