I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 372 Death of Zhou Xin, Sword Cutting Dark Moon

Han Yi originally didn't think much about Zhou Xin's appearance. In the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, the fall of cultivators was naturally random. Meeting one of the eighteen people who happened to be in the team gave him some idea of ​​the ensuing fight. help.


He has always been cautious, especially in unfamiliar and dangerous environments. He will subconsciously think and judge everything that happens.

Cautious, yes.

He was cautious, and other gods should be the same way.

Not long after entering Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, the other party found Senior Brother Chen?

The senior brother Chen mentioned by Zhou Xin is a late-stage god-transformation monk named Chen Xu. He is only one step away from reaching the peak of god-transformation. Among the eighteen people in their team, his apparent cultivation level is considered to be the highest.

Under normal circumstances, in a dangerous environment, if you really find a powerful monk, you must be attached to the left and right, and you should not separate and look for other monks. This is contrary to the meaning of forming a team to survive.

This is not cautious enough.

In Han Yi's opinion, there was something wrong.

As for the reason for this, there are most likely two aspects.

On the one hand, Zhou Xin himself had conflicts with him, but Han Yi believed that he had never had contact with the other party, so there should be no conflict of interest or even enmity.

The possibility of this is slim.

On the other hand, something went wrong with Zhou Xin after he entered the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace. Perhaps the Zhou Xin in front of him had been taken away or manipulated.

This one is more likely.

Thoughts jumped, thoughts gathered, and Han Yi had already taken action.

He did not put himself in danger in order to verify his speculation, but directly chose to jump out of the problematic circle.

But in which aspect, ensuring your own safety is the first priority.

I saw him turn around directly, and with a slight flash, he disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was already several miles away. Then, with another slight flash, his figure blurred and disappeared.

Before the crisis, he did not hesitate to use his spiritual power, and in an instant, he disappeared from Zhou Xin's sight.

When Zhou Xin turned around, he could only catch Han Yi's fleeting figure.

His expression changed slightly at first, and then became ugly.

"Damn it, Han Yi actually ran away?"

"I did not manifest my murderous intention. The other party's escape should be due to certain signals inferred from my words and actions."

"This is too cautious."

"The next time we encounter them, it will be harder to booby-trap them."

Zhou Xin suddenly looked up and his expression changed again, because he sensed a monstrous dark moon murderous intention coming from a distance.

"That's all, I'll look for another opportunity next time."

He turned around and fled towards the opposite position from Han Yi.

At the same time, he could not help but feel awe-struck as he thought about Han Yi's speed when he escaped just now. From the terrifying speed just now, combined with Mu Xiao's strong praise, Han Yi's strength was definitely no less than his own, and even, most likely stronger than his own. .

Since the other party has noticed that something is wrong with him, next time he encounters him, if he can kill him, he will definitely strike with thunder. If he can't, he should be more cautious.

After three breaths.

A majestic Dark Moon tribesman descended silently as the space fluctuated slightly. This was a male Dark Moon tribesman carrying a giant bow. Under his dark gray skin, there was a mysterious light surging and flowing, highlighting his appearance. As majestic as a demon god.

The practice of the Dark Moon Clan has its own system.

In the Dark Moon Clan, warriors of levels one to nine correspond to monks below the Immortals in the Immortal World. Above level nine, there are god level, heavenly god level, source god level, true god level, ancient god level, and the nine supreme moon gods.

The male Dark Moon tribesman who appeared has the aura of an eighth-level peak warrior. When converted into the immortal world, he has the peak spiritual cultivation level.

This eighth-level Dai Peak warrior from the Dark Moon clan lowered his head and glanced at the Dark Moon female cultivator who was killed by Han Yi with one sword. He roared angrily and immediately closed his eyes. Obscure words spat out from his mouth, as if A simple but strange ritual, in which the moonlight floated from the body of the dead Dark Moon female cultivator and was absorbed by the male Dark Moon tribesman.

After a while.

The dead Dark Moon female cultivator had no flesh and bones except for a set of black robes, and there was no trace of her in this world.

The Dark Moon male cultivator's aura increased and he was already one step away from the ninth-level warrior. He suddenly opened his eyes and took a heavy step towards the position where Han Yi escaped. His figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, It was already several miles away.

The Dark Moon clan is the darling of moonlight, darkness and space. In their eyes, space has shortcuts. When they use space secrets, they are like jumping on space nodes, almost teleporting.


In this Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, the space secret technique performed by this Dark Moon warrior is no less than Han Yi's magical power of the mind world.

the other side.

After Han Yi stayed away from Zhou Xin, he didn't relax at all because he didn't know whether the existence that might be attached to Zhou Xin would catch up.

At this moment, he was inclined to think that there was something wrong with Zhou Xin, not the original Zhou Xin of the Immortal Mansion, but he did not think that Zhou Xin had any grudge against himself. After all, he did not have God's vision to see the problem, he just relied on the existing information, After further reasoning, make a preliminary judgment.

After six breaths, he raised his brows. Behind him, a murderous intention came close to him. It was not the aura of Zhou Xin, but the aura of the Dark Moon Clan.

When I noticed this breath.

An arrow exuding terrifying murderous intent, but silently, crossed an arc and poured down like soft moonlight.

Boom! !

The ground cracked and exploded, and spiritual energy spread violently.

From the chaotic spiritual energy, a figure flashed past, and in just a moment, it was several miles away.

This figure is naturally Han Yi.

Although there were cracks on the corners of his robe at this moment, he himself was not injured. However, even if he escaped safely, his heart was extremely serious.

Very strong, the Dark Moon warrior behind him is very strong.

At this moment, Han Yi once again changed his Void Fire Escape to the magical power of the mind world. Every time his body disappeared, he appeared several miles away. Moreover, he did not move in a straight line, but turned left and right randomly. Even he himself was not sure. A jump point, whether it is the left side or the right side.

But what alarmed him was that the strong murderous intention behind him was always attached to him without concealment.

Han Yi's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.


There was something wrong with that weekly letter

I just got rid of him with my front legs, and the Dark Moon clan members were chasing me from the back. Moreover, judging from the speed and murderous intention of the Dark Moon clan members behind me, I can tell that his combat power is definitely that of an eighth-level peak warrior of the Dark Moon clan. That is the state of peak divine transformation.

Among them, the most likely possibility is naturally that 'Zhou Xin'. Han Yi guessed that Zhou Xin has been controlled by the Dark Moon tribe with some secret method and came to seduce him. If he followed, he would definitely fall into the siege. , fell here.

Fortunately, he felt something was wrong and escaped early.

Han Yi checked the cause and effect and pieced together the greatest possibility.

Little did I know.

There are many coincidences in this.

However, it made no difference to him.


Han Yi dodged seven or eight deadly Dark Moon arrows that burst out from behind him. This made the Dark Moon warriors behind him even more furious and their murderous intent rising.

Time passed, and the pursuit behind him was fierce. There was a Nascent Soul monk nearby. After Han Yi flashed past, the eighth-level peak warrior of the Dark Moon Clan behind him randomly popped up a dark light, which was like an arrow, silently. It passed by and exploded the Nascent Soul cultivator. Even the Nascent Soul was not spared.

Han Yi was stunned, and the murderous intention in his heart suddenly rose.

The opponent was targeting him, and this battle seemed inevitable.

Right now.

He noticed that there were several familiar auras more than ten miles ahead. These auras were clearly the other monks who formed a team in the Immortal Boat not long ago.


There is Chen Xu in the late stage of divine transformation, and Zhou Xin and Mu Xiao in the middle stage of divine transformation. In addition, there is another late stage divine transformation, and three in the middle stage of divine transformation, a total of seven people.

"Zhou Xin is actually here safely?"

This moment.

Several thoughts suddenly emerged in Han Yi's heart.

Could it be that Zhou Xin really knew Chen Xu's location before and that taking him there was indeed a kind act by the other party?

Have you misunderstood the other party?

After Zhou Xin appeared before, within a breath, Han Yi ran away because he didn't understand the situation and felt something was wrong. In fact, most of the anomalies in Zhou Xin's body were his calculations.

At this moment, I noticed that Zhou Xin's aura was safe and sound, and he was with other immortal castle monks. Then there was a problem with the starting point of his previous speculation.

But if there is a problem, what about the dark night warrior behind him who seems to have a deep hatred for himself?


There is another possibility, that is, he killed a Dark Moon tribesman as soon as he entered this place. If the Dark Moon tribe warriors chasing after him are related to the Dark Moon tribesmen he killed, then all this will be different. That makes sense.

As soon as Han Yi had a change of thought, he gave up all his conjectures and quickly moved towards the seven fellow monks he sensed.

Naturally, he is not trying to divert trouble, but wants to take advantage of it.

Among the seven monks, two were in the late stage of divine transformation. If they blocked them for a moment, he could take the opportunity to deal a cruel blow to the Dark Moon clan warrior behind him. There was a high probability that under the distraction and contempt of the other party, he would It can be killed.

With Pu Ding's plan in mind, Han Yi headed straight towards the seven god-transforming monks who were more than ten miles away, and his spiritual consciousness conveyed the message first.

"Brothers, there is a Dark Moon Clan warrior behind me who is chasing after me. Please help me kill him."

At the same moment, more than ten miles away, the seven monks turned around suddenly.

Talk about it.

With Han Yi's spiritual power, it only takes a few seconds to reach a place dozens of miles away. However, he was worried that the transformed gods were not prepared enough, so he deliberately teleported to the side first and made an arc. Only then did he approach the seven monks.

Among those seven monks.

Chen Xu, who had the highest level of cultivation, had a slightly ugly expression on his face: "Damn it, he's a peak eighth-level Dark Moon Clan warrior."

"They're so fast."

"Can't escape."


Chen Xu did not turn around and run away. His fighting experience was so rich that he could tell in an instant that if he avoided fighting and left his back to the Dark Moon warriors, he would only die.

He didn't think about why Han Yi was so fast. He just understood that as soon as he escaped, the seven-man formation dispersed. If Han Yi was killed, sooner or later it would be his turn.

With the shooting range of the eighth-level peak warrior of the Dark Moon Clan, he would never be able to escape.

Among the seven people, a gleam flashed in Zhou Xin's eyes. Before that, he already knew that Han Yi was extremely fast. He guessed that Han Yi should be very good at body skills, but the opponent's cultivation level was only the spirit transformation. In the early stage, even if the combat power is unparalleled, it is at most in the late stage of divine transformation. As long as you block it secretly for a moment, you can definitely trick the opponent to death.


Han Yi's move was to attract the soldiers of the Dark Moon clan, which in itself would arouse resistance from the cultivators. It was natural for him to block it. Even if there was an investigation afterwards, the six Immortal Castle cultivators around him would testify for him.


In the flash of lightning, his thoughts turned rapidly, and he vaguely grasped the fleeting opportunity.


When Chen Xu and the other five god-transformation monks began to sacrifice their magic, supernatural powers, and spiritual treasures, Zhou Xin also sacrificed his spiritual treasures. His spiritual treasure was a bell as big as the palm of his hand.

This bell was a spiritual treasure given to him by his soul master Dai Zhe, and its grade was clearly a top-grade spiritual treasure.

Its name is Qisha Ling.

The Qisha Bell was Zhou Xin's trump card. Everyone he saw was dead. This time in order to trap Han Yi, he had to expose this powerful spiritual treasure.

In fact, this is a soul treasure, a spiritual treasure aimed at the soul, and its real name should be the Seven Evil Soul Bell.

魑, enchantment, 魍, 魉, 魭, 魃,魋. , this is the Seven Evils.

One sound and one evil sound, seven sounds will destroy the soul.

This spiritual treasure, even at the peak of divine transformation, has a chance to kill if the opponent despises it.

As soon as Zhou Xin offered up the Seven Evil Soul Bell, he shook it violently, and an invisible wave spread out. Its direction was not aimed at the Dark Moon warriors behind Han Yi, but directly penetrated into Han Yi's body.

Han Yi paused slightly.

At this moment, in the cave inside his body, a dark shadow suddenly appeared. This shadow had a ferocious face, green face and fangs, four arms and two horns, and scarlet eyes. It was clearly one of the Seven Evils, the Evil One.

Then, this evil spirit went directly towards Han Yi's soul.

An ordinary person in the early stages of becoming a god would definitely be in a hurry under the evil spirit attack. In just an instant, the opponent would be shot dead by the Dark Moon warriors behind him.

As for how the Dark Moon warriors will hunt them down after this, Zhou Xin can't control that much for the time being. The soul master's mission has a higher priority than his own life and death.

In addition, although Dai Zhe did not order him to kill Han Yi directly, and he did not know that Dai Zhe killed Han Yi to retrieve the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony, but he felt the soul master's murderous intention towards Han Yi, no matter what , when you kill the opponent and take the body back, you will naturally be appreciated by the soul master.

Just at this time.

In the cave in Han Yi's body, the demon that pounced on his soul was directly shot into the soul realm by him with a soul arrow, and was destroyed into soul energy, providing a source of energy for his future soul energy loss. energy'.

Zhou Xin, who was behind the defense line, was already overjoyed when Han Yi's body paused.

But the next moment.

Han Yi, who was stunned, suddenly raised his head, looking towards him with murderous intent burning in his eyes.

In these deep eyes, a flash of sword light wandered through the void.

Zhou Xin shuddered, but murderous intent quietly emerged in his eyes. At this point, he couldn't help but hesitate. His talent, talent and determination were equally extraordinary to be able to go from a golden elixir soul slave to the middle stage of divine transformation.


Before he could shake it a second time, he saw Han Yi suddenly turn around, draw his sword, and face the Dark Moon warriors who were chasing him.

boom! !

The green and black sword light collided with the dark moon arrow light, and in an instant, fireworks were like dust and swept violently.


Han Yi seemed to be unable to withstand the shock of the arrow light. When he spurted blood, he flew back, and the direction was clearly where Zhou Xin was.

Zhou Xin's pupils shrank, and he shook it violently again. The Seven Evil Soul Bell vibrated silently, and the waves penetrated into Han Yi's body again.

It's not over yet.

This time, he did not pause again, but shook it six times in a row, bringing out all the power of the Seven Evil Soul Bell.


What frightened him was that, facing the complete Seven Evils, Han Yi was safe and sound. On the surface, there was no abnormality at all.

The soul bell is broken?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he was horrified to find that Han Yi was injured by another arrow after sacrificing another sword. He vomited blood and suddenly retreated in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

A ray of dark moon arrow light exploded his body...

No, that's not right.

The opponent is an afterimage, and this arrow light is coming towards him.


The last light reflected in his eyes was a brilliant but deadly dark moon arrow light.

His thoughts solidified and then dissipated. As his thoughts dissipated, his head exploded, and not even the soul in the cave within his body could escape.

Talk about it.

From the time Han Yi appeared to everyone preparing for the battle, Han Yi felt that the opportunity was right, turned around to fight, was shot back by an arrow, retreated into the Seventh Cultivation, and happened to appear in front of Zhou Xin.

Next, Han Yi used his speed to dodge the Dark Moon arrow, and the arrow shot Zhou Xin, causing Zhou Xin to fall on the spot.

This scene, in the outer void, is nothing short of normal.

Because Zhou Xin's soul technique was too short-lived and Han Yi had no external abnormalities, no one had time to doubt it.

As for Zhou Xin's death, there is no undead person in the void outside the territory and in the urgent mission.

This is perfectly normal.

Just at this time.

The attacks of the other six monks were already slanting out like angry waves, heading towards the Dark Moon Warrior to destroy them.


The dark moon warrior just snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pulled forward, and a dark light curtain appeared in front of him. The light curtain turned into a bottomless deep hole, absorbing many attacks.

The light curtain dissipated.

He then saw the immortal monk who was injured by his two arrows, vomiting blood, and had a look of madness in his eyes, rushing up again, and a bloody long sword, exuding a ferocious aura, shuttled towards him.

This Dark Moon clan warrior did not take it lightly. He held a giant bow and pulled it suddenly. Invisible energy gathered from all directions in the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace space and condensed into a Dark Moon arrow.

An arrow shot out.



The Dark Moon warrior felt something was wrong, because no sword fell from the psychic energy that exploded this time.

When he suddenly realized something was wrong.

call out!

A bloody broken sword burst out from the exploding moonlight and flew towards him. Its speed was several times faster than before, and even he couldn't react.


A ray of light lit up on him, blocking the bloody broken sword.

This is a technique used by the god-level warriors of the clan to protect themselves in times of life and death crisis.


Before the Dark Moon warrior could say the word 'death', his expression changed drastically.

No, not just this one.

He looked down suddenly and saw a green-black sword light and a bronze sword light rising up. Their speed was actually faster than the bloody broken sword just now.


A trap within a trap.

As soon as the thought emerged.


The sword rays intertwined and flashed past. A headless and chestless body froze in the air for half a breath, and then fell.

The whole place was dead silent. (End of chapter)

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