I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 375 The ancient illusion, the real ancient god

In the Great Luo Immortal World, the Eastern Region is empty.

The huge Abyss Demon Clan has long since disappeared, but the power of its punch has far-reaching influence and lingers for a long time.

The Dark Moon Heavenly Tower, which was originally suspended in the void, has long been shattered and turned into countless large and small fragments, scattered throughout the void.

Within the countless fragments and in the void between the fragments, there were piles of broken limbs and broken bodies.

Entering the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace this time, the monks below the immortal level came from seven fairy castles, thirty-five fairy armies, and one fairy army of 100,000 monks. In other words, there were about 3.5 million in the Heavenly Palace. Monks and immortals on the left and right.

The punch from the Abyss Demon Clan killed nearly 80% of the more than three million monks. 10% of those who survived were high-level monks, such as half-immortals and immortals, and 10% of those who survived were either lucky or powerful half-immortals. A monk below the rank of monk.

These surviving monks were silently healing their wounds while waiting for reinforcements to come to rescue them. The area where they were scattered was too vast to gather at once.

And at this moment.

In this remote corner of the expanded battlefield, a strange scene unfolded. It was a semi-immortal chasing the Avatar, rushing towards the area where the debris was increasingly concentrated.

The half-immortal at the back is naturally Dai Zhe, and the deity being chased is Han Yi.


After just a few breaths, Dai Zhe stopped and looked ugly.

He originally planned to approach Han Yi unnoticed, and then control Han Yi with soul skills. Once he turned Han Yi into his soul slave, not only the Purple Gang Xuan Chalcedony, but also all of Han Yi's immortal connections, It will become your own nourishment.

Moreover, this method can also avoid the punishment mechanism of the Immortal Palace and avoid being chased by the Immortal Fort law enforcement team.

He himself is a soul cultivator, and he has used soul cultivation skills to complete the path to immortality. I believe that with his soul skills, no matter how profound his knowledge is, Han Yi will not be able to resist.


What he didn't expect was that Han Yi in the void was so alert that he spotted him ahead of time across a large section of void. Moreover, he turned around and ran away at an incredible speed, only better than his own soul escape technique. Be weaker.

With the speed of both parties, even if they can catch up, they will definitely be spotted by other surviving half-immortals and even immortals, and it will definitely be difficult to end it by then.

Therefore, he stopped in time and allowed Han Yi to leave.

His chances are that the ancient witchcraft will last for hundreds of years. During this time, he can always think of a way to control Han Yi.

the other side.

Without saying a word, Han Yi turned around and ran away. With the magical power of the mind world and the virtual fire escape, he was only a little slower than the half-immortal Dai Zhe. In the balance of caution and survival, he went directly towards the storm where the debris was floating in the void. Go to the land.

Within a few dozen breaths, he was no longer aware of the tracking aura behind him, but he did not stop immediately, but continued deeper until he encountered a larger fragment of the sky, and then stopped.

Among the fragments of this Tianque, there is a true immortal and dozens of half-immortals. Han Yi does not recognize this true immortal, but he is wearing the Suizhu Immortal Palace Immortal's robe. He should be someone from other nearby immortal castles. The leader of the Immortal Army.

After Han Yi approached, he took out his token, verified it, and then joined in.

After him, monks from the nearby Immortal Castle came one after another and fell into the fragments of the Heavenly Palace. Whether they were half-immortals, transformed gods, or Nascent Souls, every monk had a look of horror on their face, and the hope of surviving. lucky.

After a while, several more Heavenly Tower fragments approached, with several true immortal-level military leaders and hundreds of half-immortal and thousands of monks below the half-immortal level on them.

Han Yi's face was slightly happy because he saw Yu Qing, the leader of the Thousand Lies Immortal Army, and Fan Qiusheng, the leader of the Shadow Moon Spirit Camp. As for Du Ruhu, the captain of the seventh team of the Shadow Moon Spirit Camp, he did not appear in the column. , I don’t know if he died in this battle or was temporarily separated.

Several true immortals used magic to temporarily connect the fragments of the Heavenly Tower together.

Three hours later.

A broken cave that was pieced together from more than a dozen fragments of the Heavenly Palace gathered the monks who survived the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace this time.

The golden immortal who defeated the Lord of Tianque did not appear. Only three mysterious immortals returned, using their magic to explore the surrounding void and gather the cultivators.

Han Yi did not know in advance how many monks had joined Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, but he knew that the number of people who died this time was definitely far more than the number of monks who could still stand in this broken cave.

This is an urgent mission in the Void Battlefield. The mortality rate is extremely high, which makes the people of Fairy Castle fearful.

Han Yi glanced at Dai Zhe in the distance, but his expression did not change. The other person also noticed his gaze, turned around and gave him an indifferent look, and then looked back.

Han Yi noticed another gaze falling on him. He turned around and met Mu Xiao's gaze. He saw the residual fear in the other person's eyes and nodded without moving forward.

Next, in the broken cave sky, the leaders of each immortal army counted the cultivators. Han Yi fell into the ranks of the Qianlie Immortal Army. He glanced at the surviving monks of this immortal army and had an idea of ​​the mortality rate of this war. Clearer understanding.

The Qian Lie Immortal Army originally had about one hundred thousand monks, but at this moment, there were only more than seventeen thousand people gathered under Yu Qing's command.

In other words, the mortality rate exceeds 80%. Among them, there may be a small number of monks who were swept too far by the space storm, or were directly sucked into the space turbulence and disappeared.

But no matter what, the mortality rate is close to 80%.


It's really scary.

He glanced at the surrounding monks and found that of the eighteen people who had formed a team in the immortal boat, in the end, only himself, Mu Xiao, and another mid-stage god-transformation monk survived, except for Zhou Xin, who was killed by a borrowed arrow. Apart from that, the other fourteen people all died in this scene.

Even though she was used to seeing life and death, she still had complex heart palpitations in the face of this mortality rate.

Next, the masters of the immortal armies took the monks from each army and took the immortal boat to leave this broken battlefield.

As for the cave sky fragments, endless corpses, broken spiritual treasures, and even fairy weapon fragments on this battlefield, they will be pulled by the force field of the void and converge to a certain void node, becoming part of that node.

This kind of node is the void ruins. The ruins that Han Yi stepped into when he performed the regular mission of Sequence 17 to 'Clean up the God Seeds' was one of these nodes.

This is one of the rules of the void.

Three days later.

Han Yi returned to the Immortal Castle with the cultivators, and the Immortal Castle he returned to was no longer the Immortal Castle No. 78, but the Immortal Castle No. 57. It is understood that the Immortal Castle No. 78 he was originally in Bao has moved to another area and joined the battlefield fighting against the mechanical gods. The date of his return has not yet been determined.

And this group of monks who had fought against the Dark Moon Clan and were encountered by the Abyss Demon Clan returned to Immortal Castle No. 57 to make some repairs. If the battle line was tense, they might have to press on again.

In the fairy castle, the fairy army reorganized.

Fortunately, due to the fall of Qing Dynasty, the Thousand Lies Immortal Army did not need to disintegrate. Instead, it quickly absorbed other Immortal Army monks in Immortal Castle No. 57 and rebuilt it, returning to 100,000 monks.

A certain spiritual camp node in Immortal Castle No. 57 was occupied by the Shadow Moon Spirit Camp. The Shadow Moon Spirit Camp was rebuilt, Han Yi was assigned to the first team, and the captain became another half-immortal. .

In a certain room in this spiritual camp, Han Yi could finally relax and sink his mind into the cave in his body.

In the cave within his body, his soul was suddenly startled, because the gray-white turtle shell that served as the guide for the four sources of magic had disappeared.

Han Yi's spiritual consciousness scanned the entire cave, but there was no trace of it.

Yuanshen placed his gaze on the gray long knife and immediately shook his head. There was a restriction of his own spiritual thoughts around the long knife, so it should be impossible to remove the turtle shell silently.

He suddenly thought of something and returned to his mind. He opened his eyes and looked at the proficiency panel in front of him.

[Four-source Taoism: (?)].

First ignore the ‘?’ in this line of text. ’, as soon as I thought about it, my magic power surged, and I was about to use the technique of the four sources. Suddenly, a special realization emerged in my heart.

In an instant, Han Yi suddenly realized.

Dao Yin, Dao Yin, is the 'introduction' of Taoism, and the Taoism here is naturally not an ordinary Taoism technique, but a Heavenly Dao technique.

Once the Taoist skills are completed, there is no need for a guide anymore, and the guide will naturally disappear.


It's not appropriate to say that it disappeared. It should have been integrated into the Taoism and became a part of the Taoism.

After a sudden realization, Han Yi's magic power surged out, forming a gray-white light outside his body surface in an instant.

That's right.

This gray-white body-protecting light is the Four Sources Taoist Technique.

This is the art of heaven that is composed of earth dragon art, water curtain art, fire shield art, and wind wall art. It plays the laws of earth, fire, water, and wind, and is condensed by the four sources of Taoism.

Even in the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, it can withstand the terrifying impacts that destroy the world. One can imagine how powerful its defense is.

Even when facing a half-immortal, Han Yi believed that he could withstand most half-immortal attacks with the help of these four-source Taoist techniques.

He really didn't expect that he was not the first to break through the boundary of half-immortal with his most powerful sword control skills, but instead used defensive spells to break through this boundary.

The fate of immortality is unpredictable.

He once again focused his attention on the "?" in [Four Source Dao Technique]. This question mark also made him puzzled.

He obtained the real Four-Source Taoist Technique by integrating two Extreme Realm Spells and two Extraordinary Holy Spells into Taoyin. However, the real Four-Source Taoist Technique did not show the realm, which made him unpredictable. .


This Taoist technique definitely comes from a mysterious source.

Han Yi suppressed his inner speculations, because once he went in the wrong direction, it would easily cause deviations in his practice. It was better not to speculate and continue to practice.

Anyway, since this Taoist technique can be displayed on the panel, the secrets within it can naturally be improved through proficiency. As long as you continue to increase your proficiency and improve your cultivation, this Taoist technique will eventually manifest its true level name. .

There is no need to rush to uncover momentary doubts.

This is the objective law that Han Yi has discovered during his journey of cultivating immortality over the years.

Next, Han Yi checked his body. There were no hidden dangers in the cave, the divine aperture, and the sea of ​​demons, and he began to practice with concentration.

Now, his Immortal Dao system is maintained at the early stage of becoming a god. In the short term, even if he practices to the middle stage, the increase in his combat effectiveness is not strong, far less than the increase of the ancient god system.

After thinking for a moment, Han Yi began to sink his mind into the divine orifice and began to condense the spiritual objects.

He had previously sent the Tianyi Divine Water and Earth Soul Serum purchased from the Immortal Castle into different divine orifices. At this moment, he directly stimulated the yin and yang energy, assisted by the artistic conception of life and death, and transformed these two spiritual objects from foreign objects. , condensing towards the innate spiritual being in the divine orifice.

An hour later.

Han Yi, who was immersed in the condensed spiritual objects, did not know that a bronze light slowly emerged from his Qiankun Ring. As this light emerged, a rusty copper coin jumped out of the Qiankun Ring. Suspended in front of Han Yi.

This copper coin has an ancient character 'RU' on the intact side, while the other side is rusty.

This copper coin was actually another item that Han Yi bought from the Fairy Castle together with the gray-white turtle shell.

At this moment, as the copper coin shines, the rust on the rusty side begins to peel off, and finally another ancient character emerges.


This copper coin is a ‘Ruyi Copper Coin’.

At the same moment, the light from the Ruyi copper coin shrouded Han Yi, and in just a moment, his whole person began to blur and then disappeared from the same place.

No one knew about this scene, not even the several immortals who were sitting in the Immortal Castle and constantly monitoring the subtle changes in the surrounding space were completely unaware of it.

At some point, Han Yi ended his practice.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was suddenly shocked because he was not in the quiet room of the palace at this moment, but sitting cross-legged on a huge blue stone.

The environment changes and ideas just arise.

Without thinking, he activated his magic power and used the strongest defense and four-source Taoism. A gray-white light appeared on the surface of his body, like a spiritual god.

Then, Qingping Sword fell into his hand, his mind turned around, and he took a closer look at the surrounding environment.

In front of him, the road paved with huge bluestones was almost endless. With Han Yi's eyesight, he could only vaguely see a vast and majestic mountain peak towering into the clouds at the end.

Just when he was about to activate the Phaseless Fire Eyes, he noticed something and looked up suddenly. Then, his face changed drastically and he was extremely horrified.

Above his head, high in the sky, he saw a huge divine bird soaring past, flying towards the looming huge mountain.

The spread wings of the divine bird cover the sky and the sun for countless miles. The divine bird's body is burning with five colors of divine fire.

With just one glance, Han Yi didn't even have time to see clearly what this divine bird looked like, but blood and tears were already shed in Han Yi's eyes.

Horrible, too terrifying.

Just one glance left his eyes severely damaged.

An ancient title flashed through Han Yi's mind.


Five-color divine flames, divine bird and phoenix.

Before he finished his thoughts, the bluestone pavement began to vibrate. Han Yi tried his best to open his bloody eyes and subconsciously looked to the left. His bright red pupils shrank suddenly.

A giant beast whose only four giant legs could be seen below the clouds, but whose body could not be seen clearly above the clouds, walked hundreds of miles away in the same direction as the majestic mysterious mountain.

This giant beast unintentionally set off a hurricane when it moved around, making Han Yidu feel a strong crisis even though it was hundreds of miles away.

Ancient demon.

This is definitely a real ancient demon.

According to rumors, before ancient times, there was an era when the nine realms were undivided. The nine realms were unified into one, called the Ancient Immortal Realm. That era was called Taikoo, and it was an era when ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient immortals were active.


He turned his head to see the other side, and a strong light suddenly erupted in his shocked eyes.

The other side, hundreds of miles away.

A giant standing tall on the ground, wearing a mysterious animal skin, also walked towards the end of the bluestone road. The skin of its body was filled with light, as if it had endless power, which was transmitted in all directions and could even collapse time and space.

The breath of this giant made Han Yi's body surge with divine power and divine fire. With just one glance, he seemed to have endless insights.

Ancient God.

A living ancient god. (End of chapter)

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