I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 381 A sword that transforms into a god, the danger of being a half-immortal

The eighth era, year 105897 of the Great Luo calendar.

Immortal world, Suigu Immortal City, Panjin Road, Dazhuang Mountains, Fenyan Sect.

The divine fire descended from the sky on the mountain gate of Fenyan Sect, and the terrifying power swept all around. The divine fire of destruction was everywhere within ten miles of the mountain gate.

According to the low-level disciples of the Burning Flame Sect who managed to escape ten miles away, the ones who destroyed the Burning Flame Sect were the monks who passed along the way.

Before the destruction, the words of Fen Leng, the leader of Fenyan Sect, and the extremely arrogant words of the monk all showed that this monk was a passing cultivator.

To cultivate oneself, to rob other people’s souls and cultivate one’s own immortality.

Moreover, according to the feedback from Yuanying monks from the other three Yuanying Sects in the Dazhuang Mountains, a half-immortal aura appeared in the sky above Fenyan Sect that day. Although it disappeared after just a few breaths, the power of the half-immortal still made the other three Zongru faced a formidable enemy and activated the formation to protect the sect.

With so many pieces of information put together, the truth about what happened in the Fenyan Sect that day was gathered together.

The half-immortal calamity cultivator passed by the Dazhuang Mountains and entered the Fenyan Sect. He wanted to pick up some spiritual stones and spiritual objects along the way, but he was resisted by the elders of the Fenyan Sect, the sect master's junior brother, and He Chunqiu in the late Yuanying period. The half-immortal pinched He Chunqiu to death. Later, anger arose in his heart and he expanded his attack directly, destroying the entire Fenyan Sect. Even Fen Leng, the leader of the Fenyan Sect, could not withstand a single breath, and was completely destroyed physically and mentally.

For the Half-Immortal Tribulation Cultivator, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the destruction of a sect, especially an ordinary Nascent Soul sect, was done casually.

But for the Fenyan Sect, this was a disaster from heaven, and the people were wiped out and the sect was destroyed. The other three sects, after being frightened, began to become more active.

But after that, in addition to the Xuandan Sect, the two Yuan Ying Sects, but for unknown reasons, not only ceased their activities, but also started to move the sects from the Dazhuang Mountains to other places.

In addition, the eight Jindan-level sects also sensed the tense atmosphere of the impending storm. In their desire to survive, they followed the example of the two Nascent Soul sects and moved to other places.

Within three to five years, there was only one Xuandan Sect left in the Dazhuang Mountains.

Moreover, the Supreme Elder of the Xuandan Sect and Taoist Xuanyi are cultivators of the Transformation of Gods. In other words, the Xuandan Sect is not the Yuanying Sect, but the main sect of the Transformation of the Soul.

After a few more years, the Dazhuang Mountain Range was renamed the Xuandan Mountain Range.

At this point, the rise of Xuan Dan Sect can no longer be stopped.

Of course, this is something.

When Han Yi used his magical power to change his form, he inspired the aura of the semi-immortal, and when he saw Fen Leng fleeing, he deliberately said two harsh words in the tone of Jie Xiu, and then, without any hesitation, activated one of the nine forms of divine fire, the divine fire to start a prairie fire. .

Divine Fire is a large-scale offensive magic. It is much weaker than the single-target attack magic such as Divine Light of Extinction and Divine Destruction, but it also has its advantages, that is, its coverage area is much larger. many.

In fact, it is a powerful weapon for destroying sects and destroying mountains.

After sacrificing the divine fire to start a prairie fire, Han Yi gently grabbed Fen Leng, whose body was destroyed in the divine fire and only the Nascent Soul remained.

Then, the soul-searching technique was activated instantly, imprinting a soul shadow, and then throwing Fen Leng's remnant soul into the soul realm to accumulate soul energy.

The soul shadow flickers, countless memories are purified by Han Yi, and useful information is clear to the heart.

The sect’s secret vault, the secret arts room, semi-immortal grade spiritual stones, twenty-seven spiritual treasures accumulated over thousands of years, countless spiritual objects, elixirs, formations, magic weapons, rare treasures, the whereabouts and contacts of Tuoba Hu Passwords and so on.

With a flash of his body, Han Yi escaped into the main hall of Fenyan Sect and opened the secret vault using the special secret method in Yan Leng's memory.

Moreover, he simply used his divine power to sweep everything he saw into the cave within his body.

Then, using the magical power of the mind world, he entered the back mountain of the Burning Flame Sect, opened the second secret vault, searched it all again, continued to change locations, and searched again...

In less than a minute, Han Yi left with his spiritual power and headed straight for the teleportation array of Suigu Immortal City.

After paying a fee, Han Yi teleported to a fairy city named Taiqiu. This fairy city was also a medium-sized fairy city.

This time, he did not take the teleportation array again, but left Taiqiu Immortal City and flew east along a fixed direction. Three days later, he arrived at a huge lake.

This lake is so huge that it is like an inland sea, much wider than Suichen Lake in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard Suichen.

This lake is called Taiqiu Fairy Lake.

Rumor has it that in the Seventh Yuanhui, there is an immortal in Taiqiu Immortal Lake, named Taiqiu.

However, this Taiqiu Immortal Lord has disappeared since the beginning of the Eighth Yuanhui. Over the past 100,000 years, cultivators from the immortal world have come in droves, gathered inside and outside the Immortal Lake, trying to peek into the Immortal Lord's inheritance and explore the realm of the Immortal Lord and Immortal Spirits. , reach the sky in one step.

This is the world of casual cultivators.

Han Yi came here with only one purpose.


early morning.

Around Taiqiu Fairy Lake, among the endless mountains and forests, there is a thousand-foot fairy peak, with a simple thatched house on the top of the peak.

In front of the thatched house, facing the fairy lake, an old man sat cross-legged.

If the leader of the Burning Flame Sect, Yan Leng, was here, he would be able to recognize him at a glance. This old man is the Supreme Elder of the Burning Flame Sect, Tuoba Hu.

The rising sun is rising, and the purple air is coming from the east.

Tuoba Hu's whole body was emitting a faint purple light. Above his head, strands of purple light were condensed into a palm-sized purple Taiding.

This is a vision that can only be seen when people practice the Purple Flame Taiding Sutra, the supreme inheritance of the Burning Flame Sect, to an extremely high level.

a long time.

Tuoba Hu breathed out a deep breath of turbid air. The Taiding above his head returned to purple air, and wisps of it slowly fell down, permeating down along the top of his head and disappearing.


As soon as Tuoba Hu opened his eyes, he frowned and looked into the sea of ​​clouds at a figure walking slowly towards him. The figure's face was sinister, and it was obvious that he had bad intentions.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you here?"

Tuoba Hu stood up and narrowed his eyes slightly.

As soon as he turned his right hand, a purple alchemy cauldron appeared and was held in his palm. This was his middle-grade spiritual treasure, which was smelted at a great cost by combining his martial arts with the Purple Flame Tai cauldron.

This Yin Vulture young man has a deep murderous intention. Tuoba Hu has been wandering the immortal world for many years, looking for immortal caves, and has not gained much. However, he is experienced and a decisive person in killing, so naturally he will not sit still and wait for death.

The Yin Vulture young man was naturally Han Yi who had just destroyed the Fenyan Sect and came all the way.


He had thought about revealing his true form and destroying the Fenyan Sect, and then rushing to Taiqiu Immortal Lake to kill Tuoba Hu.

This way.

Being able to directly intimidate Xiao Xiao with the identity of Xuan Dan Sect also made other Nascent Soul Golden Dan Sects in the Dazhuang Mountains retreat in the face of difficulties.

But in the Burning Flame Sect, while his thoughts were circulating, he did not choose to do this.

Because if he directly kills people and destroys the sect as the Supreme Elder of Xuandan Sect, such behavior is tantamount to calamity.

In the world of immortal cultivation, although the strong are respected, under the rule of the Immortal Court, a basic superficial order still exists.

Immortal rules and fairy strips are constraints.

Otherwise, the entire fairy world would be in a state of disorder, which would be equally detrimental to the rule of the fairy court.

Even the Fenyan Sect, before Han Yi showed up, planned to have Tuoba Hu pretend to be a robbery cultivator, pass by the Xuandan Sect, and find a way to destroy it, instead of rushing into the Xuandan Sect's mountain gate in a grand manner, destroying the mountain and destroying the sect.

At this moment, in the Taiqiu Immortal Lake, Han Yiyi formed a Yinjiu youth and came to kill Tuoba Hu.

When Tuoba Hu held the Purple Flame Cauldron in his palm and his whole body glowed with purple aura, Han Yi cast a cold gaze over him.

Han Yi was speechless, but the murderous intent in his eyes made Tuobahu feel cold all over. It could not have been more conspicuous.

"not good."

As soon as this thought came up, a blue-black sword energy was reflected in his eyes. After dozens of miles, the sword energy came to him in an unreasonable instant.

Tuoba Hu only had time to lift the Ziyan Taiding in front of him.


The sound was like the sound of brocade being cracked, and the sword light was faster than the sound. Before the cauldron was broken, it had already penetrated Tuoba Hu's head from the center of his eyebrows.


In front of a high-grade spiritual treasure, the head of an immortal monk, even if he has reached the realm of spiritual transformation, is vulnerable to a blow and explodes instantly.

The soul-killing secret technique attached to Qingping's sword even destroyed his soul into smithereens.

For Han Yi, in the Dark Moon Heavenly Palace, he killed hundreds of eighth-level Dark Moon warriors who were equivalent to the Immortal God Transformation stage.

At this moment, killing Tuoba Hu, who had just entered the stage of becoming a god, with one sword was an understatement.

Han Yi grabbed the Ziyan Taiding that was broken into two pieces with a gentle grab. Although this spiritual treasure was split into two by the Qingping Sword, the material was special. If you sell it, it would be worth something. The best spiritual stone.

After grabbing Tuoba Hu's Qiankun Ring, his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the cave that began to collapse near the corpse. After sweeping away the useful things, Han Yi turned around and left without hesitation.

After a monk is promoted to the stage of becoming a god, the cave in his body begins to possess a trace of the attributes of the cave. After his death, the cave will appear near his body through the space barrier. However, this cave without the monk is too fragile. , will quickly collapse and turn into nothingness.

At this moment, if there are other god-transforming monks who use their spiritual consciousness to penetrate into the cave in the body of the fallen monk, they can move the things in the cave out.

If an immortal falls, the fairy world will also appear, but the rate of collapse will be much slower and it will last longer. In fact, once the immortal king of the Taiyi realm falls, without external destructive force, it is already a basic law. The perfect fairy world can always be attached to the main space and exist forever.

Throughout the ages, there have been many such fairy worlds under the main space of the fairy world. This is one of the reasons why the cultivators in the fairy court are keen to travel to the fairy world and explore the fate of immortality.

Once you are lucky enough to get a fairy world that can last for a long time, the endless resources in it will be gathered into one. From then on, the fairy road will be a broad road.


In this Taiqiu Immortal Lake, there is a rumor that the immortal world of Taiqiu Immortal is hidden here. This is why many casual cultivators come here to try their luck.

Of course, over the years, this place gradually evolved into a place where casual cultivators gathered or where monks traveled.

Han Yi is not interested in these.

He came here just to kill people, nothing more.

Speaking of which, from the time Han Yi approached this immortal peak, to handing out a sword, and then turning around and leaving, it only took three breaths.

Its killing efficiency is so high that it is terrifying.

After Han Yi left Taiqiu Immortal Lake, he planned to return directly to Taiqiu Immortal City, but when he was halfway away, he felt a sudden fear in his heart and stopped instantly.


Extremely dangerous.

The source of this danger is illusory, but for the monks, it serves as a warning.

With a flick of his finger, a spiritual light appeared in front of him. Under the calculation of Yi Yao's secret technique, the heaven in front was in chaos. This situation only proved that the monk in front of him had a much higher level than him, so he let him Servants can't be counted.

"A half-immortal calamity cultivator?"

"No, it shouldn't be possible."

"Is it...Dai Zhe?"

"This is impossible. I returned to the immortal world from the turbulent space and only appeared in the Beidou Immortal Palace and Xuandan Sect. There is absolutely no way he knows where I am."

Han Yi suddenly paused. He remembered the situation when the Dark Moon Sky Tower exploded and encountered Dai Zhe in the void. The half-immortal Dai Zhe seemed to have a way to lock his position and never followed him.

The ghost lingers.

Han Yi took a deep breath to calm down.

Then, thoughts flickered, thinking about how to deal with a semi-immortal.

The magical power of the mind world, the magical power of disguise, sword control, ancient god system, and four-source Taoism.

In just one breath, he came to the conclusion that although his body and attack powers were strong, there was still a clear gap between him and a half-immortal.

If you really meet a half-immortal, you may have no choice but to use the Four Sources Taoist Technique to turn yourself into a turtle shell. Even a half-immortal cannot break this method in a short period of time.

But in this case, he would end up being a human being.

And even if Han Yi's four-source Taoism cannot be broken for the time being, if he is caught, the half-immortal will have countless ways to wear out his magic and divine power, and then kill him or let him die from other monks. hand.


Definitely can't be caught.

Han Yi turned around and ran back. He had no purpose for the time being, but he knew that he could no longer stay where he was, nor could he move forward.

As a half-immortal calamity cultivator, he should not be able to detect his location. If the danger is still there, it is most likely that Dai Zhe has been stung.

When Han Yi turned around and fled, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged in mid-air ten miles away from him. Within a few miles around him, soul energy surged and formed a realm of his own.

This middle-aged man is obviously Dai Zhe, and this soul energy realm is his semi-immortal realm. When he survives the immortal tribulation, this realm will transform into the immortal realm. If he continues to become stronger, he will reach the Taiyi realm. , this domain will expand to a terrifying level. To a certain extent, the core dojo of Taiyi Realm has a direct relationship with its Immortal Domain.

"Cough, cough..."

The half-immortal Dai Zhe coughed heavily and coughed up a mouthful of black gas. As soon as the black gas left his body, it dispersed and turned into nothingness. This was the injury to his soul.

When Han Yi turned around and ran away, Dai Zhe stood up suddenly, his face gloomy.

Dai Zhe was luckier than the others. He returned to the immortal world from the void alive.

But he was much more unlucky than Han Yi, because his return was extremely unsatisfactory.

When the fairy castle exploded and he flew up, he was directly hit by a fragment of the fairy weapon. Although he desperately used his soul skills to block the fragment, he was seriously injured.

Next, he escaped into the void under Soul Escape, thus escaping the disaster, but like most of the half-immortal monks from Immortal Castle Fifty-Seven, he was exiled in the void.

Later, he mistakenly entered the battlefield between the Evil Beast Clan and the Immortal Castle monks. Although he escaped with his life, he was hit by a bomb, which further injured him. This blow directly pushed him into the turbulence of space.

In the turbulence of space, Dai Zhe suddenly woke up. He planted ancient witchcraft on the monk named Han Yi. He could sense Han Yi's life and death status and general direction.

In his induction, Han Yi's position was actually extremely far away. This induction immediately surprised him. Han Yi was not dead, and he was far away from the void. Is it possible that this guy has returned to the fairy world?

Even if he did not return to the fairy world, where Han Yi could survive, he would have no problem surviving after he passed there.

Therefore, he next used Han Yi as a guide, dragged his seriously injured body, avoided the danger in the turbulent space, and followed the direction he sensed.

A minute ago, in the turbulent flow of space, he suddenly realized that he was extremely close to Han Yi. He tried his best to open up the space and got out. When he reappeared, he found that he was already in the fairy world, and he was overjoyed.

Moreover, when he sensed it, Han Yi actually came towards him.

Joy upon joy.

Although he was seriously injured, it was easy to crush a cultivator in the early stage of spiritual transformation to death. However, he had chased Han Yi once before. Han Yi's body skills were not bad. He was seriously injured and needed to be careful to prevent him from escaping, so Dai Zhe would On the way Han Yi goes, spread out the territory and wait for Han Yi to enter the urn.

But what he didn't expect was that this kid was so vigilant. When he was about ten miles away from him, he turned around and ran away.

Damn it!

Dai Zhe spit out another mouthful of black collapsed soul energy, swayed, and chased after him.

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