I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 395 The ancient abyss of sin, the wall of the spiritual world

"That's right."

"The master of the true fairy world should have died not long ago, so the fairy world would be so perfect."

"There are definitely a lot of spiritual objects among them. Maybe there are some spiritual objects that will help me wait until I finish the path to immortality and become a semi-immortal."

Zhu Sui stared at Han Yi, his eyes sparkling.

It sounds like a coincidence.

He hurried to the Demon Suppressing Pavilion before because he wanted to invite several fellow Taoists from the same sect to go to the Sin Mark Ancient Abyss to explore a newly discovered fairy world. According to preliminary investigation, that fairy world should be Although there are dangers in the fairy world of a true immortal, for the transformed god, it is worth the risk.

And outside the Demon Suppression Pavilion, he met Han Yi who had just exchanged the spirit stones. He suddenly felt something in his heart. Han Yi was not bad in strength, and he instantly had an idea.

Of course, this trip is not limited to Han Yi. Zhu Sui plans to invite ten gods to go together. With the help of half-immortal weapons, they can enter the fairy world. As for the harvest in the fairy world, it naturally depends on the individual. ability.

Moreover, before setting off, the gods must also make an oath of heaven as a restraint. In the fairy world, they must not attack each other. This is one of the common methods for team exploration in the world of immortality.

In front of Zhu Sui, Han Yi put down his wine glass and was quite moved.

True Immortal Realm, as the name suggests, is the realm of true immortals. When a monk crosses the Immortal Realm from Half Immortal, the cave in the body evolves into the Immortal Realm under the laws of immortality. Generally speaking, it is referred to as the Immortal Realm, or Spirit world.

The cave sky has become a land that can be moved, and flowers, plants and animals can be moved there. For example, when Han Yi was in the Yuheng Realm, when the demon clan invaded and the battle of the East China Sea, he changed his shape into a demon clan and was swallowed into the cave sky by the sky-swallowing demon god. The Demon God Cave that we arrived at contained mountains, forests, rivers, and land that was hundreds of miles long and wide, just like this.

Now he knows that the mountains, forests, and rivers in the body of the Sky-Swallowing Demon God are all moved from the real world into the cave within the body, rather than the cave being condensed and evolved on its own.

But when the demon god takes another step forward, survives the immortal tribulation, and becomes a demon immortal, then the cave sky will undergo an essential transformation. The land in the cave sky will condense and expand on its own. As the immortal's cultivation level improves, it will continue to expand. The cave sky at this moment is the spiritual world, that is, the fairy world.

When you become an immortal, you will naturally no longer use the Qiankun Ring. Therefore, the fairy world is the treasure house of the immortal. In it, there are definitely not a few of the immortal's life savings, spiritual objects, spiritual treasures, spiritual stones, etc.

This is the reason why Han Yi's heart is moved.

Although he had exchanged ten Dark Moon Divine Bows and had spiritual stones, the temptation of an ownerless and intact fairy world was still not small.

As for Sin Scar Ancient Abyss, Han Yi also knew that he had studied the geography of the immortal world in Xuanzang Palace and was no stranger to this name.

This ancient abyss is located at the junction of the Qingxuan Immortal Territory and the Sugu Immortal Territory. Geographically, it is located in the north of the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Territory.

The Sin Scar Ancient Abyss is somewhat famous in the fairy world, because there is a mysterious force field at the bottom of this ancient abyss. Together with the void in the western part of the fairy world, things floating in the void will occasionally emerge from this ancient abyss and gush out. .

However, these connections are random and disordered.

Moreover, the western void is adjacent to the Lingxiao Immortal Courtyard, and further west is another immortal world, the immortal immortal world. In the void between the two immortal worlds, there are not many enemies in the intellectual world, unlike the southeast of Daluo where the war is the most intense. Void, so outside the Sin Mark Ancient Abyss, there are no powerful immortals stationed by the Immortal Court.

simply say.

This ancient abyss of sin marks is like a passage, drawing in unknown objects in the western void, so it also attracts many monks to explore.

If nothing unexpected happens, the true immortal spirit world Zhu Sui mentioned should be a certain true immortal who fell in the western void. His fairy spirit world was sucked by the Sin Mark Ancient Abyss and appeared in the ancient abyss.

This information swirled in Han Yi's mind, and immediately he nodded:

"Okay, I also want to see the real immortal spirit world without a master."

When Zhu Sui saw Han Yi agree, his face lit up.

"Okay, time is urgent. We are preparing to leave tomorrow. Please prepare, Fellow Daoist Han."

Next, Zhu Sui introduced other aspects of this exploration of the true fairy world. For example, in addition to Han Yi, he also planned to invite eight familiar monks of the Transformation of Gods, four of whom were fellow Taoists of Zhu Sui's sect, and two were The last two monks from the Immortal Cultivation Family in Zhenmo Fairy City were casual cultivators that Zhu Sui knew and trusted.

In this way, a total of ten people went to the Ancient Abyss of Sin Scars.

In addition, what surprised Han Yi was that, according to Zhu Suizhi, he discovered that the monk in the true fairy world was not him, but someone else.

This person is closely related to Han Yi. He is Han Yi's fifth soul slave, Du Juan, more than a hundred years ago.

Today's Du Juan, within a hundred years, has broken through to the Nascent Soul stage thirty years ago, and has taken a step further not long ago, reaching the middle Nascent Soul stage, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

And this is due to his physique, the true body of Suzaku.

Talk about it.

Han Yi once suspected that monks with special physiques were most likely to be descendants of ancient gods if their roots were traced back.

For example, Du Juan's Suzaku true body, such as the Taiyin true body of the eldest lady of the Yu family of Great Qin when she was in Yuheng Realm, etc.

This was his guess after practicing the Divine Fire Combat Body and vaguely knowing the connection between the three systems.

Du Juan, who was only in the Nascent Soul realm, was able to discover a complete true fairy world because of his Suzaku true body constitution. With the special induction of this constitution, he found this hidden true fairy world. Spirit world.

This time the cultivators are going to the Ancient Abyss of Sin Scars. In addition to the ten god-transforming monks expected, Du Juan will also go because she needs to lead the way. However, after she leads the way, she will not enter the fairy world because she is in the dark. She sensed inexplicable dangers. This mysterious feeling has allowed her to seek good fortune and avoid misfortunes many times during her more than a hundred years of practice.

Above the attic, Zhu Sui paid the bill and left in a hurry. He also wanted to contact several monks in the plan.

After a while, Han Yi also left the attic and rented a cave nearby to take a short rest.

The next day.

According to the agreed time, he arrived at the teleportation array belonging to the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City. Outside a teleportation hall, he saw several monks waiting here. A few minutes later, other agreed-upon monks, They all gathered together.

Here, Han Yi met Du Juan again. At this moment, Du Juan had lost her youthful youth and gained a lot of mature charm.

"Du Juan has met fellow Taoist Han." Du Juan greeted Han Yi with a normal tone and no unusual emotions.

Han Yi returned the gift, nodded, and had an equally ordinary smile on his face.

Zhu Sui, who was on the side, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. More than a hundred years ago, Du Juan was Han Yi's soul slave. Although there is still a gap in realm now, the status can be regarded as equal. It is inevitable to change one of them. They may feel unbalanced, but judging from the greeting just now, Du Juan and Han Yi's mentality is still very stable.

Zhu Sui turned around and began to introduce everyone, most importantly Han Yi. Among these eleven people, Du Juan was Zhu Sui's disciple. Eight of the other nine transformed gods were monks in the Demon-Suppressing Fairy City. Everyone was more or less We all know each other, but Han Yi is an unfamiliar face.

However, Han Yi did not reveal his true identity, but only introduced his name. His attitude was gentle and not unruly at all, and no one was different.

Then, Zhu Sui led everyone into the teleportation array, and when he reappeared, he had arrived at Sinhen Immortal City.

This fairy city is only tens of thousands of miles away from the Sin Mark Ancient Abyss, and it is the closest fairy city to the ancient abyss.

First there is Ancient Yuan, and then there is Immortal City.

After coming out of the Immortal City, Zhu Sui threw out a fifth-level spirit boat. Everyone got on it and headed towards the ancient abyss. In just half an hour, they arrived near the ancient abyss. The spirit boat landed and everyone continued to fly forward.

After burning incense, we finally arrived at the ancient abyss.

Hovering over the outside of Guyuan, Han Yi looked down. Even though he was well-informed, he still couldn't help showing a look of shock on his face.

Looking from the outside terrain, there is a bottomless abyss in front and below. The cross-section of this abyss is so vast that Han Yi cannot see the edge of the other side at a glance.

The further you go down, the smaller the cross-sectional area becomes. The roads on the four walls of the ancient abyss spiral downwards in circles, leading to the depths of the bottom.

Roughly speaking, it is like an irregular conical space with threads.

On the 'threaded' mountain wall road, traces of fairy spirits and scratches of spiritual treasures are everywhere. There are low-level monks searching for spiritual objects on the mountain wall road closest to the surface.

This is the ancient abyss of sin.

The name "sin marks" has a long history, and Han Yi has not found the origin of this name.

"Okay, now that we have arrived at the Ancient Abyss of Sin Scars, we, as agreed before, will first make an oath of heaven and then go down to the Ancient Abyss. Do you have any opinions?"

All the monks had no objections, so they discovered the Heavenly Oath according to the previously agreed content.

Monks in the immortal world attach great importance to their oaths to heaven. If they violate the oath of heaven, they will be spurned by heaven and be plagued by misfortune. Not only will their cultivation be difficult to make progress, but they will also be doomed to perish. Moreover, they will also bring disaster to the descendants of their tribe. Therefore, even if they are powerful spiritual beings, Even if you get it, you won’t be able to enjoy it.

Only the most vicious cultivators will ignore the oath of heaven and only look at the present, not the long term.

After making the oath of heaven, the gods, led by Du Juan, fell down and landed on the mountain wall of Sinhen Ancient Abyss. They clung to the mountain wall and flew down.

"The middle of the Ancient Sin Abyss is called the inner space. In the inner space close to the surface, mysterious cracks often appear, leading to the western void. Therefore, it is safest to go down the surrounding mountain walls."

Zhu Sui saw Han Yi observing Gu Yuan with a shocked expression before, and he knew that Han Yi should be arriving here for the first time, so he opened his mouth to introduce Han Yi.

As for the others, they have been here at least three times and can be considered familiar.

Han Yi followed the others and was not flying very fast. He was about a hundred meters away from the ground below. He looked at both sides and saw that even the spiraling mountain wall at its narrowest point was at least more than eighty miles wide. This The mountain wall road is too huge.

Of course, this kind of terrain is absolutely shocking in the mortal world, but it is still relatively common in the fairy world. Therefore, Han Yi read the introduction about the Sin Scar Ancient Abyss in Xuanzang Palace, and the evaluation of it was only slightly famous. .

Along the way down, Han Yi also saw many broken palaces, and broken mountains piled up on the mountain road. These should be things that fell from the caves of fallen monks and immortals or the fairy world after it was broken.

After flying down for three hours, not knowing how deep it fell, Dujuan changed direction and fled to the side, toward the edge of the road. Then, she left the ancient abyss mountain wall and stepped into the dark inner space, and this , is the real Gu Yuan.

Ninety-nine percent of the things swept here from the void in the west are suspended in the space within the ancient abyss, and only a very small part will be scattered to the surrounding mountain walls and roads.

After stepping into the inner space and burning a stick of incense, Du Juan stopped, and a light blue flame appeared on his body. The flame opened and shrank, like breathing, and seemed to be sensing something.

Han Yi's eyes flashed when he saw Guangyan.

This kind of blue flame is emitted when the ancient god's cultivation technique activates the divine body. However, the flame of this real body is too weak. It is the power of the bloodline. It is more likely to be born and inherited from the bloodline. The ancient god's cultivation technique is inspired from the divine orifice after cultivation, and is essentially different.

Ten breaths later, the light blue flames on Du Juan's body retracted from her body, then she adjusted her angle slightly and flew forward, while the gods followed quietly.

In this way, after another half an hour, everyone stopped.

Once here, there is no need for Du Juan to guide him, because in front of everyone, there is a dark and thin wall of light. The wall of light is not big, only about one hundred square meters. The surroundings of the wall of light seem to extend into a deeper space and are invisible.

"Wall of the spiritual world."

"It is indeed the wall of the spiritual world."

"With such stability, this fairy world should still have a long way to go before it is shattered."

"Very good."

The cultivators were surprised, and their eyes shone with light.

They are all well-informed cultivators. The dark wall of light in front of them has a special name, called the wall of the spiritual world. It is the place where the fairy world overlaps with the real world after it manifests.

An old old god monk flew forward, took out a set of ritual instruments, and adjusted his magic power to draw out spiritual light to fall on the dark wall of light in front. The spiritual light bounced back and fell back to the ritual instrument. He lowered his head to explore for a while, and then raised his head. , said to everyone:

"Judging from the psychic reaction of the spirit wall, it is indeed a true fairy world."

When all the cultivators heard this, they were all overjoyed. All the previous information was consistent with what Zhu Sui said, proving that there was nothing abnormal and everything went smoothly.

Zhu Sui looked at the cultivators and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, now that it's confirmed, I will sacrifice the Spirit-Breaking Sky Shuttle and use the power of fellow Taoists to prop up the wall of the spiritual world."

"As for Du Juan, we will stay behind to guard the magic circle. We will enter and explore it. According to the previous agreement, one-tenth of the spiritual objects obtained will be given to Du Juan. You may have any objections."

Regarding this point, it was originally agreed when Zhu Sui came to the door before. Everyone had already made an oath of heaven before, and they were all here. Naturally, they would not return without success, and they all agreed to come down.

The real fairy world was discovered by Du Juan, and it was Du Juan who led them when they came. It can be said that this fairy fate was donated by Du Juan. It is reasonable to give one tenth of what they get.

After Zhu Sui said these two sentences, he took out a palm-sized silver shuttle from the Qiankun Ring. Then, with a slight throw, the silver shuttle expanded rapidly and became more than two meters long.

Semi-immortal weapon, the spirit-breaking Tianshuo.

This semi-immortal weapon was borrowed by Zhu Sui from the Demon-Suppressing Immortal Sect, specifically for this exploration of the true fairy world. With this semi-immortal weapon, he had the confidence to confirm that everyone could enter the fairy world with their combined efforts. boundary.

Zhu Sui's face tightened, and he summoned his magic power to drop the Soul-breaking Skyshuttle suspended in the dark void. The Soul-breaking Skyshuttle absorbed the magic power, shook slightly, and disappeared from the place. When it reappeared, it was already pressed against the wall of the spiritual world.


However, the wall of the spiritual world only shook slightly and did not have much reaction.

Seeing this, Zhu Sui shouted: "Everyone, sacrifice!"

The other nine god-transformation monks, including Han Yi, no longer hesitated, mobilized their magic power, fell into the semi-immortal weapon Soul-Breaking Sky Shuttle, and was absorbed by it. Then, this semi-immortal weapon specially designed to break through the space of the Ten Thousand Spirits Formation, A silver light suddenly lit up, the light was sharp and slowly penetrated into the dark spiritual wall.


With a chirp, the Broken Spirit Skyshuttle shuttled past, tearing open a gap more than one meter wide.

"Let's go!" Zhu Sui took the lead and rushed into it.

The cultivators looked happy and followed closely.

Han Yi half-squinted his eyes, observing the opening of the gap, and landed at the back of the crowd. He took his time and shot a gray light on himself, and when the gap was about to close, he escaped into it as the last person.

Immediately, the gap closed and the Lingbi returned to normal.

The dark void returned to deathly silence again.

Outside the wall of the spiritual world, Du Juan with a calm face sat cross-legged in the void, waiting here. (End of chapter)

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