I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 401: Reversing Immortal Technique, Mysterious Immortal Spirit World

A year flies by in a blink of an eye for a high-level monk.

When Han Yi arrived at Zhengyang Pavilion, Li Zhengyang had been waiting in the pavilion for a long time.


What made Han Yi's heart skip a beat was that Li Zhengyang was not in a good state at the moment. With just one glance, Han Yi could tell that he was weak. When he sensed it again, his aura dropped to the level of half-immortal, only at the peak level of a god.

A year ago, when Han Yi met him, he was still at the peak of half-immortal.

What's even more strange is that Li Zhengyang didn't have any injuries except for his aura.

It's more like a... curse?

In an instant, Han Yi had subconsciously guessed about Li Zhengyang's state, and his state also gave Han Yi a bad premonition.

Seeing Han Yi walking into Zhengyang Pavilion, Li Zhengyang stood up. Although he looked weak, on the surface, there was no difference.

"Han Yi, you're here now. Let's go in and talk later."

Although Han Yi had a bad premonition, he did not act too eagerly and walked into the tea room with a calm face.

What surprised Han Yi was that as soon as he entered the tea room, Li Zhengyang stretched out his hand and took out two tiny jade bottles as big as a palm. The jade bottles were exquisite and transparent. Through the jade bottles, you could see the mysterious golden liquid inside, rippling. It glows slightly golden, not dazzling, but mysterious.

"These are two bottles of immortal liquid. Each bottle contains ten drops. There are twenty drops in total. Please check them first."

Han Yi's face was overjoyed. He did not shirk this time. He also attached great importance to this kind of divine liquid. After all, it was related to his breakthrough into the realm of immortality. If the divine liquid was wrong, it would be fatal to him. Therefore, he had no choice but to do it. Not treated with caution.

He picked up the jade bottle, poured out a drop of liquid from it, and wrapped it with his spiritual consciousness and floated it in front of his eyes. His divine consciousness sent him a burning sensation. After just one breath, it was already unbearable.

Han Yi was not surprised. The Immortal Divine Liquid was a spiritual object of the Supreme Sun, and even the semi-immortal consciousness could not bear it, not to mention that his own consciousness had not yet reached the semi-immortal level.

He stretched out his hand, a faint red light glowed in the palm of his hand, and caught the drop of divine liquid. This red light was naturally the divine power, and the divine power beat, constantly exploring this drop of divine liquid.

At the same time, Han Yi's eyes suddenly changed, as if a blazing divine fire was igniting, and he activated the phaseless fire pupil in an instant. Moreover, this time, he activated the phaseless fire pupil to the extreme.

Then, he brought this drop of divine liquid close to his eyes and observed it. Under the light of the phaseless fire pupils, the divine liquid seemed to be magnified countless times. He saw that energy that was more mysterious and thicker than spiritual energy was condensed into weak particles, composed of countless particles. this drop of liquid.

Li Zhengyang, who was opposite the tea table, was shocked when he saw Han Yi catching the immortal liquid, divine power surging in his hands, and divine light blooming in his eyes.

"The ancient god's practice method, no, this is light, not a physical evolution, but divine power, real divine power. This... this is a practitioner of the ancient god system, and judging from the state of this divine power, it should have reached the peak of the fifth level."


"No wonder, no wonder he wants the immortal liquid."

"He is trying to break through the half-step sixth level, which corresponds to the half-immortal of the immortal system."

"However, under normal circumstances, you should only need eight drops of immortal liquid to break through half a step to the sixth level. Why did Han Yi buy two bottles?"

"Moreover, the ancient god's power at the peak of the fifth level should not be able to kill the half-immortal. Han Yi should have a more powerful trump card."

"In addition, and more importantly, Han Yi is a dual-system practitioner, and the ancient god system is stronger than the immortal system."

"There is only one explanation for being able to practice to this level at the age of more than two hundred years. Han Yi has a special physique. Only in this way can he make rapid progress in the practice of the ancient god system."

Thinking of this, Li Zhengyang's eyes lit up slightly.

"There is still one person missing in the fairy world. It will be perfect when he breaks through."

After Li Zhengyang was shocked, he began to think. Opposite him, the red divine power in Han Yi's hand was rapidly depleted. In just three breaths, he could only quickly take out another jade bottle and put this drop of immortal liquid into it.

The Immortal Divine Liquid and even the Yang Spirit Liquid, as well as the utensils used to contain them, require medium-grade spiritual treasures or above. The jade box Han Yi took out was inside the Half-Immortal Sword Cultivating Universe Ring that he killed in the Sin Mark Ancient Abyss not long ago. The income is just suitable for temporary storage at this moment.

Next, he poured out a second drop of divine liquid and began to identify it.

In this way, it took half an hour for Han Yi to identify the two bottles of immortal liquid, and then poured all the liquid back into the jade bottle and put it into the Qiankun Ring.

At this point, Han Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He was originally worried when he saw Li Zhengyang in bad condition, thinking that something had happened, but he didn't expect that things would turn out so smoothly, which made him feel more surprised.

Even though he has been practicing for more than two hundred years, he still can't calm down when facing the immortal liquid.

After calming down a little, Han Yi did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he bowed his hands to Li Zhengyang and said, "Thank you, distinguished envoy."

Li Zhengyang waved his hand: "No need to thank me, this is part of the deal."

"However, I never thought that Fellow Daoist Han was a practitioner of the Ancient God System."

Han Yi nodded. He was not surprised that Li Zhengyang could see his ancient god realm. After all, the light emitted from his palms and eyes just now was divine power. It was unquestionable and could be seen clearly at a glance.

As for the ancient gods, among the low-level monks’ knowledge, only the ancient gods practiced the method. However, Li Zhengyang was already at the peak of the semi-immortal. Although his aura was reduced for some reason, his vision was still there. Naturally, it was obvious that Han Yi’s practice would not have future problems. The ancient god’s cultivation method is the most authentic ancient god system.

Although this system is not as orthodox as the immortal system, it is still an option. However, the resources required by the ancient god system are huge. In today's fiercely competitive world of immortality, it is difficult to make progress. Breakthroughs in every realm require huge resources. and long time support.

Compared with the Immortal Dao system, the efficiency of the ancient god system is too low and is no longer mainstream. If you are a fellow practitioner, you will definitely lag far behind the Immortal Dao system and can only play a certain supporting role in the early stage.

In Li Zhengyang's more than a thousand years of practice, he has only seen two monks who have practiced the ancient god system to the fifth level, and Han Yi is the third. As for the sixth level, which is the same level as the true immortal He has never seen the ancient gods. Even the records about the sixth-level ancient gods are extremely rare in Xuanzang Palace. The secrets contained in them are not something he can detect.

At this point, the transaction between the two parties was over. After Han Yi thanked him, he asked again: "By the way, what kind of injury did the envoy suffer?"

Li Zhengyang's eyes flashed: "This is not an injury."

"This is a periodic breath change caused by a restriction that falls into my soul."

Han Yi raised his eyebrows. He couldn't understand this sentence.

"Yuan Shen Restriction? Periodic Breath Changes?"

Li Zhengyang nodded, hesitated and said, "Actually, if you don't ask, I would like to tell you."

"More than twenty years ago, when I was exploring a fairy world that was slowly disintegrating, I was attacked by the aftermath of the fairy magic preset in that fairy world, leaving a restriction deep in the soul."

"After I returned to the Immortal Mansion, I sought a diagnosis from a true immortal, and then I found out that the immortal technique in the fairy world is called the Five Elements Immortal Technique of Traceability and Inversion."

"Fortunately, I was only affected at that time, and the restriction in the soul was only slight. If it were hit from the front, I would probably die on the spot."

"And even if it is only affected, under this restriction of the soul that even the true immortal is helpless, I will experience nine breath changes and reversals, once every three years, flowing between the Nascent Soul and the semi-immortal."

"But in five years, I will be able to completely get rid of this soul restriction and regain my strength."

Li Zhengyang's eyes flashed with deeply hidden complex emotions of fear and desire.

He looked at Han Yi and said in a deep voice: "The speed of the collapse of the fairy world is quite slow. Based on the last inspection, we suspect that it was left behind after the death of a certain fairy."

"Han Yi, your strength is not bad. If you can make a breakthrough with the immortal liquid, your combat power will definitely increase dramatically. I invite you to join us and explore the fairy world with us."

"what do you think?"

Han Yi narrowed his eyes and asked immediately after Li Zhengyang's words: "You? So, the envoy was not alone when he explored the fairy world last time?"

Li Zhengyang nodded: "Yes, more than twenty years ago, when we encountered that fairy world, it was me and the four immortal envoys who were on our way to perform the mission of Zhengfa Immortal Palace."

"During the investigation that year, except for me, the other four people were also affected by this magical wave attack, and they all need to go through a period of weakness."

"We have agreed to go and investigate again in thirteen years."

"However, the fairy world is too dangerous. We have agreed that each of us will bring two familiar half-fairies to explore together."

"And you are my second choice."

Li Zhengyang looked at Han Yi, his eyes bright and glowing with a strange light.

Han Yi didn't ask in detail who was the first one. It didn't matter. He thought for a moment and then said: "With such a fate, I am naturally willing to join."

When Li Zhengyang heard this, his face lit up: "Okay, with you joining me, I will be more confident this time."

"By the way, you don't need to worry about the assessment of the First-Rank Immortal Envoy. The assessment will be held in six years. According to past experience, the assessment time will last about half a year, which is completely timely."

When Han Yi heard this, he remembered this. He had signed up for the Immortal Envoy assessment a year ago. Since Li Zhengyang said so, he would try to pass the assessment once, and with the status of Immortal Envoy, he would naturally join the team exploring the fairy world. More convenient.

Talk about it.

This was the second time someone invited him to explore the fairy world. Not long ago, Zhu Suicai invited him to explore it once. However, the fairy world he encountered that time had been visited by the wizard of the immortal fairy world. Apart from the altar of truth, he gained very little. .

However, outside the fairy world, Han Yi got a lot of good things from several robbery cultivators.

Half-immortal monster corpse, blue sky sword, broken half-immortal sword weapon, etc.

Thinking of this, Han Yi suddenly felt something in his heart. He would go into seclusion and take the Immortal Divine Liquid in an attempt to break through the Immortal Realm. In this process, he would definitely need enough spiritual stones and spiritual objects.

As for spiritual stones, although the best spiritual stones are available, for him, the quality is already low. If there are half-immortal spiritual stones, they are naturally the best.

So, Han Yi turned his hands over, first taking out the half-immortal sword cut in half by the fragments of the Demon Halberd, and then taking out a dark palace shrunk to the size of a palm.

The half-immortal sword is a silver long sword, but the hilt and the sword body are divided into two parts from the middle. If they are put together, the two characters "Dunyou" can be clearly seen between the sword bodies.

The Palm Palace is dark black, with a weak demonic energy rising and falling occasionally. A low-level monk will be possessed by just one glance.

The Half-Immortal Sword Weapon was obtained by killing the Half-Immortal Sword Cultivator, while the Demon Qi Palace was the Half-Immortal Weapon ‘Zhen Guoxing Palace’ he obtained by killing Pang Cheng in the Heavenly Demon Dao Realm in the Luanmo District.

Strictly speaking, the Zhenguo Palace was not damaged, but the use of this semi-immortal weapon was restricted and difficult for non-demonic practitioners to control. With the fragments of the Demonic Halberd, Han Yi would naturally not be able to sacrifice this palace.

"Although this long sword is cracked and has no spiritual power, the original grade is a semi-immortal weapon with special materials."

"And this Demonic Palace is a real semi-immortal weapon. Although it is the most common among the semi-immortal weapons, it can also exert great power if it encounters a suitable semi-immortal weapon."

"I want to sell these two pieces to Zhengyang Pavilion in exchange for semi-immortal grade spiritual stones."

Han Yi looked at Li Zhengyang and said softly.

When Li Zhengyang took out these two semi-immortal weapons, Li Zhengyang's pupils shrank and a look of shock flashed across his face.

"Don't worry, your Majesty, this half-immortal sword was obtained by killing a half-immortal sword cultivator. That half-immortal was a calamity cultivator. If there is cause and effect, it is tied to me."

"By the way, that half-immortal is the other half-immortal I killed when I killed the demon clan half-immortal."

"And this demon palace was obtained after I met and killed a demon and half-immortal a few years earlier. The demon had a grudge against me, and the cause and effect have been cleared up."

Just like a year ago, Han Yi showed the cause and effect again, dispelling Li Zhengyang's worries.

Li Zhengyang's eyes moved from the two semi-immortal weapons to Han Yi with complicated eyes.

"Han Yi, you are giving me more and more surprises."

"Please wait a moment, these two semi-immortal weapons need to be appraised."

After saying this, Li Zhengyang put away the broken sword and the shrunken Demon Palace, and walked into the depths of Zhengyang Pavilion. After half an hour, he walked out again and put the two semi-immortal weapons back. on the desktop.

It can be seen that the restriction of the soul has no impact on his identification of these two semi-immortal weapons.

"The classification of semi-immortal weapons is different from magic weapons and spiritual treasures. It is generally divided into three levels, low-grade, high-grade, and top-grade. There is no middle-grade."

"If the price of a semi-immortal weapon is settled in terms of half-immortal spiritual stones, the price of a low-grade artifact will range from a hundred to a thousand semi-immortal spiritual stones, a high-grade semi-immortal artifact will range from a thousand to ten thousand stones, and a top-grade artifact will range from a thousand to ten thousand stones. The number is more than 10,000 pieces, with no upper limit.”

Li Zhengyang first mentioned the grades and prices of the semi-immortal weapons, and then pointed to the semi-immortal weapons on the table.

"This semi-immortal sword is called Dunyou Sword. If it is intact, it should be a low-grade semi-immortal weapon."

"The person who cut it is most likely an immortal weapon..."

Having said this, Li Zhengyang glanced at Han Yi and saw that Han Yi's expression remained normal, so he continued.

"The cutting surface is very smooth, so if you don't pursue the external appearance, this sword divided into two can be used as an embryo of a semi-immortal weapon. It takes a certain amount of time to re-refine the spirituality, upgrade it to the peak spiritual treasure, and even re- It is possible to reach the semi-immortal level."

"Another use is to use it to refine weapons and refine new semi-immortal weapons. The difficulty can be reduced a lot."

"In view of this, if this Escape Sword is not broken, its price should be around two hundred and thirty half-immortal grade spiritual stones. But now it is broken into two halves, and the two halves combined are only worth seventy and a half. Immortal grade spiritual stone.”

Seeing that Han Yi did not refute, Li Zhengyang pointed to the Zhenguo Palace again.

"As for this one, although it is also a low-grade semi-immortal weapon, it is in perfect condition. Moreover, it has the effect of luring the soul of the devil. It is a special semi-immortal weapon with more than one function. It is higher than the price of the Escape Sword. , worth three hundred and twenty semi-immortal grade spiritual stones."

"In other words, these two semi-immortal weapons have a total of 390 semi-immortal grade spiritual stones."

"Han Yi, what do you think?"

Han Yi nodded, with joy on his face. Before this, he had never had many semi-immortal grade spiritual stones.

Previously, the Immortal Society of Immortals received ten half-immortal grade spiritual stones as a reward. Not long ago, he killed Pang Cheng, a half-immortal sword cultivator. He also got some half-immortal grade spiritual stones from their Qiankun Ring and Demon Palace, but they were far away. Not as good as this time.

"I sell."

"According to the envoy's estimate."

Li Zhengyang did not hesitate when he saw Han Yi, and there was a smile on his face. He was the master of Zhengyang Pavilion, and he could make a small profit from this business.

Friendship is friendship, business is business, he understands this clearly.

After a while.

When Han Yi left Zhengyang Pavilion, the Qiankun Ring was missing the Demon Suppressing Palace and the broken half-immortal sword, but it had 390 half-immortal grade spiritual stones.

Returning to the palace, he took out all the semi-immortal grade spiritual stones and two bottles of immortal divine liquid and placed them beside him.

Then, he took a deep breath, picked up a bottle of immortal divine liquid, poured it all out, wrapped it with divine power, and sent it into the first divine orifice in the body, the Zhongfu divine orifice.

All of a sudden.

A terrifying power erupted in his divine aperture.

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