I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 403 Tower of Void, God-Destroying Ancient Fist

When the aura fell into the identity token, the light jumped up from the token and directly enveloped Han Yi. Han Yi did not resist. He knew that this was to teleport him to a certain place. That place, with a high probability This is the place where immortal envoys are tested.

Before that, he had also learned that the place for the Immortal Envoy's assessment was different every time. Some were within the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, some left the Immortal Courtyard and went to the outside world, some were chasing Jie Cultivators, and investigating hidden secrets in the Wisdom Realm. There are forces such as the Gu clan, and there are also simple competitions, and so on.

Moreover, even if there are two Xuanxian in charge, the assessment is not absolutely safe, but there are certain risks. If you are too careless, you may even die.

The light dissipated, and Han Yi found that he had arrived in a dark space. He tensed up because the surroundings at this moment were exactly the same as when he was in the void outside the territory, so he instinctively became vigilant.

However, he soon discovered a huge tower a few miles away, standing in the dark void. This tower was so huge that it was comparable to the Tongda Tower he encountered in the third stage of the Immortal Society. The sacred mountain in the sky.

At this moment, he was standing several miles away from the bottom of the giant tower. The top of the tower was thrust into the void, and even he couldn't see clearly how high the tower was.

After Han Yi arrived in the fairy world, although he had seen many such magnificent and huge buildings, his face was still shocked when he was in front of the giant tower.

After being shocked, he looked puzzled, thinking to himself where was this place and what was this tower?

At this moment, a low exclamation suddenly came from not far behind him.

"Tower of the Void."

"This is the Void Mirror."

Han Yi's face was shocked. He already knew where this place was.

After these words were heard, he saw the other half-immortals around him with shocked expressions, because the place of assessment this time was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

"The Void Mirror, this is a ninth-level immortal weapon." Han Yi said with emotion.

At this moment, the dark void where everyone is located is the inside of the Void Mirror, and the Void Mirror is a ninth-level immortal weapon, only one step away from the Taoist weapon.

This immortal artifact is said to have existed in Suizhu Immortal Court since the Third Yuanhui, more than 700,000 years ago.

The Void Mirror has no owner, because it is an immortal artifact that has been built by several generations of immortals and countless immortal kings. Its body is located deep in the fairy court. It is said that even the immortal kings cannot detect it, and only the immortal kings know about it.

According to the records in Xuanzang Palace, the Void Mirror has only one function, which is to assist the immortals in their martial arts training. It can also be called a place for immortals to practice.

Within the Void Mirror, there is an extremely huge tower, which is the giant tower in the dark void that everyone sees at this moment. It is called the Tower of the Void.

According to records, the Tower of the Void is divided into countless spaces, and each space is a fighting field. Only true immortals have the authority and strength to step into it to practice.

To put it simply, this Tower of the Void is just like the original Xuandan Sect Dou Fa Peak, which is dedicated to training the immortals in fighting techniques, but the target is not the Sui Zhu Immortals, but others.

The lowest threshold among them requires a true immortal.

Thinking of this, Han Yi raised his eyebrows, because this group of people were only half-immortals, and logically speaking, they were not strong enough to enter the Tower of the Void.

Not only him, but all the monks who entered the Void Mirror at this moment had confused expressions on their faces.


Their doubts had only just begun when they saw eight true immortals appearing beside everyone, and then two mysterious immortals appeared here.

The Xuanxian who spoke in Zhengfa Immortal Palace before looked at the Tower of Void in the distance, turned around, and scanned the crowd. This time, his eyes did not stay on Han Yi.

"This place is the Void Mirror Immortal Artifact Space, and the tall tower not far away is the Tower of Void."

"You should have heard something."

"There is no doubt that the place where the Immortal Envoy will be tested today is the Tower of the Void."

"Of course, your assessment place is not a real immortal training place. It is just ten projection spaces drawn from the lowest training place. These projection spaces are restricted, and the enemies in them can only display half-immortal abilities at most. Levels of strength.”

"Each of you has ten opportunities. If you can pass the training in one of these ten times, it will be considered as passing the assessment and you will be awarded the position of Immortal Envoy."

Xuanxian's voice paused, and everyone was shocked.

This assessment method is quite satisfactory. In fact, it gives the cultivators ten opportunities to pass the level. The objects of the level are the spaces where the true immortals originally trained, but those spaces are made into projections and have strength restrictions. Senior half-immortals have certain may pass.

After the Xuanxian finished speaking, he left a moment for everyone to react, and then added another sentence.

"Furthermore, if anyone among you can break through the ten projection spaces, you will have the opportunity to step into the real Tower of Void and face the true immortal enemy."

"Go ahead. The aura that fell into your identity token before has the authority to project the space of the Void Tower. As long as you get close to the Void Tower, you can enter it and start to break through the levels."

After saying this, the Xuanxian turned around and said to the eight true immortals beside him:

"In this assessment, you can step into the Tower of the Void on your own without your protection."

As soon as the Xuanxian's voice fell, the eight true immortals all looked happy.

"Thank you, the Nine-month Immortal Envoy."

Then, he turned to another middle-aged Xuanxian who was always silent: "Thank you so much, Immortal Jingyi."

Then they all turned around and headed towards the Tower of the Void several miles away. They even stepped into the Tower of the Void one step ahead of many other semi-immortals to practice on their own.

Following them, more than two hundred half-immortals and peak gods who participated in the assessment turned into light as they approached the Tower of the Void and were sucked into it.

However, from the perspective of Yue Yue Xuanxian and Jingyi Xuanxian not far away, those true immortals went to the top of the Void Tower, and the spiritual light transformed by the assessment monks was sucked into the bottom of the Void Tower. Below it, there were The thin piece of projection space was temporarily pulled out from the real Tower of Void.

The two Xuanxian glanced at each other, then withdrew their gaze, sitting in the void, waiting for the results of the assessment.

the other side.

When Han Yi approached the Tower of Void with the other half-immortals, the identity token glowed with aura, pulling him into a new space.

At the moment when space is stable.


A sharp sound pierced the space, triggering a sonic boom and suddenly rang in my ears.

Han Yi subconsciously patted his body, and the Four Source Taoist Technique was about to take shape in an instant, turning into a gray-white body-protecting aura on his body.

But the sound that broke through the air was so fast that even the aura only spread halfway before they collided fiercely.


Han Yi's body was directly blown away by this blow, crossing a distance of ten miles, breaking a hill, and causing smoke and dust to fill the sky.

"not dead?"

A hoarse and slightly dull voice resounded in this space.

Ten miles away, the smoke and dust cleared, and a figure slowly rose from the broken hill. It was Han Yi.

Han Yi's face was half-squinted at this moment, and he was looking at a huge figure suspended in the air ten miles away.

"Monster clan?"

"No, not the demon clan."

"I saw this form in Xuanzang Palace."

"They are aliens from the fairy world, with four eyes and golden wings."

At this moment, ten miles away, the figure that suddenly took action when Han Yi just appeared, blasting Han Yi away in an almost sneak attack, was about four meters tall. Although it had a human body, it had a long figure on its back. It has six golden wings and four eyes on its face.

Four eyes and golden wings. Those with these appearance characteristics are obviously the long-extinct alien race of the fairy world, the four-eyed golden wings.

The six wings on its body indicate that it is at the sixth level. In terms of strength, it is at the same level as a true immortal.

Seeing Han Yi fly up again as if nothing had happened, the four-eyed golden-winged alien roared angrily, flapped its golden wings lightly, and then arrived in front of Han Yi and punched out.

"Human race, die."

The air in front of the golden fist exploded, and the pure power turned into a torrent, directly drowning Han Yi.

However, what was submerged was just an afterimage of Han Yi left in place.

He appeared in a blink of an eye dozens of miles away. He only used his spiritual power to avoid the blow.

"I see, this is the limitation of the projection space."

Han Yi was not in a hurry to fight back, but observed the status of the Four-Eyed Golden Wings. If this alien was in normal condition, it should be able to exert its true immortal fighting power. However, at this moment, its movements were obviously uncoordinated, and its mind seemed to be affected. The influence is far from its heyday.

As for the fighting style of the Four-Eyed Golden Wings, Han Yi only had a brief understanding of it. This alien race followed the path of body refining. Although he was not an ancient god, his physical strength was among the top among all races in the immortal world.

The first punch that knocked him away would have been impossible for an ordinary half-immortal to withstand. Fortunately, he had activated half of the Four Sources of Taoism, and the ancient god system had entered the realm of immortality not long ago. The miraculous transformation also made his physical body comparable to that of an ordinary half-immortal at the peak of his powers. He could withstand this blow effortlessly.

But if it were other gods or even half-immortals who participated in the assessment, most of them would not be able to survive this punch.


Han Yi exhaled slightly, and he suddenly felt a little lucky. If he had received the first punch seven years ago, he would have been injured even if he didn't die.

It seems that he still underestimated the Immortal Envoy assessment. No wonder it took Li Zhengyang several times to pass.

If you don't have crushing strength, you will need a certain amount of luck to meet the 'right' assessment target in order to pass.

Immediately, Han Yi's expression changed.

"It just so happens that I stepped into the realm of immortality and my physical body transformed. It has not been tested yet."

"These four-eyed golden wings can be my test subjects."

Han Yi took a gentle step forward, and the divine fire ignited, making him look like a god of fire. Immediately, his figure disappeared from the place, and a few miles away, the four-eyed golden wings whose second punch did not work The alien race also rushed towards Han Yi again.

The two figures collided violently, the space trembled, and then roared and exploded, spreading in all directions, the land shook, and the mountains and forests were destroyed.

Peng! !

In less than two moments of contact, the two figures were blown away separately, but in an instant, they flickered and disappeared again, and collided with each other again.

The earth-shattering sound became louder and louder, filling the entire space.

After ten breaths.

Han Yi no longer fought alone with his body, but concentrated the divine fire in his hands, and then punched out.

This time, the divine power was like a tide, carrying endless destruction compressed to the extreme, crushing past, directly killing the roaring four-eyed golden-winged alien race.

The Nine Forms of Divine Fire: Ancient Divine Fist.

Taking one punch from the ancient god means annihilation for thousands of miles.

This magical technique was used by Han Yi when he was in the realm of life and death, in the outer void, to break through the turbulent space and return to the fairy world. Now when he used it on foreigners, it was equally powerful, and the amount of divine power used was less than 10%.

After this punch, his body turned into spiritual light and disappeared in place. Before disappearing, he glanced at this projection space and got a full view of it. This was an ancient and vast mountain forest world. In an extremely remote place, a The towering fairy peaks are hidden in the clouds and mist.

Then, the aura blocked his sight, and he disappeared into this projection space.

The moment he disappeared, he learned from his experience and shot a Four Source Tao Technique on his body in advance.

The key points of this projection space quickly flashed in my mind.

In this projection space, the enemy is the four-eyed golden-winged alien race. Although this alien race is not in the right state and has incomplete sanity, it is extremely fast and possesses the power of an immortal ancient god. It is extremely difficult for such a semi-immortal to escape its first punch. , even if you escape, you will be seriously injured or even dying.

"I wonder how other half-immortals would respond?"

This doubt finally appeared in Han Yi's mind, and then he reached the second projection space.

This time, there was no sudden attack.

In front of him was a wall of black mist blocking the way forward. Other than that, there was no other abnormality.

"Black mist?"

Han Yi suddenly thought of something and his pupils shrank.

When Han Yi was fighting against the Four-Eyed Golden Wings in the first projection world, more than two hundred figures reappeared outside the Void Tower. These people were clearly the assessment monks who had just been pulled into the projection space.


At this moment, the faces of these examination monks were not good-looking, because they had already failed in the first projection space, and most of them failed instantly.

"It turned out to be the four-eyed golden-winged alien race. This alien race has been extinct for a long time. When they wanted to surrender to the wisdom world, they were uprooted by the fairy world."

There was a knowledgeable half-immortal monk with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

"This first projection space is so terrifying, wouldn't the following ones be even more difficult?" Some other monks asked with ugly faces.

"Go on, there are still nine opportunities. I don't believe that I can't pass even one."

Most of the monks regained their confidence and approached the Tower of the Void again. Their bodies were wrapped in spiritual light and pulled into the projection space under the Tower of the Void.

Among these monks, there was a thin, middle-aged monk who was also eliminated in the first projection space. It was Duan Ji who had greeted Han Yi before.

When Duan Ji approached the Void Tower again, his eyelids suddenly raised. He suddenly realized that Han Yi was not seen among these monks just now.

"Did Han Yi pass the first projection world?"

"Or is he still fighting with that alien race?"

"No, there may be a time difference issue. Han Yi may be eliminated first, and then quickly approach the Tower of Void and start to enter the second projection space."

Duan Ji shook his head slightly, abandoned his distracting thoughts, transformed into aura, and disappeared.

Han Yi, who had passed through the first projection space, looked at the wall in the second projection space. His pupils shrank and his expression changed slightly, because not long ago, he saw a similar 'wall'. That was the black mist he saw in the fairy world of Sinscar Ancient Abyss.

That black mist is not mist in essence, but is composed of some extremely tiny and weird life form. It is the product of the research of the wizards of the immortal fairy world.

"In other words, the assessment of this second projection space only requires passing through this black fog?"

Han Yi was confused. (End of chapter)

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