I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 408: Dai Zhe ascends to immortality, the death weapon giant axe

To the Immortal Palace of Virtue.

Han Yi walked into it, reached the middle position, chose an unmanned spiritual pillar, and placed the golden identity token he received in exchange for becoming an immortal envoy.

Suddenly, the colorful spiritual light vibrated slightly, spread to a range of 100 meters, and instantly formed an inverted semi-circular light mask.

Within the mask, Han Yi skillfully clicked into the points column and saw more than 100,000 points. Under the points, there were many redeemable sub-columns, including fairy weapons, fairy castles, spiritual treasures, talismans, fairy boats, and formations. , elixirs, etc.

Han Yi clicked into the queue of spiritual treasures, but did not find the half-immortal artifact embryo he needed. He clicked into the queue of immortal artifacts again, and it was still the same.

After checking several similar columns, he found nothing, and he began to frown.

"Logically speaking, with my current status as an immortal envoy, there is no problem in exchanging half-immortal weapons, let alone semi-immortal weapon embryos."

Immediately, something moved inside him.

"Maybe I thought wrong."

"Ordinary monks will not exchange semi-immortal weapon embryos."

"Those with sufficient strength can directly exchange for semi-immortal weapons. Those with less strength will choose to exchange for top-quality spiritual stones."


"The semi-immortal weapon embryo is not included in the redeemable list of Zhide Immortal Palace."

Thinking of this, Han Yi exited the interface without hesitation, picked up the token, and walked out of Zhide Immortal Palace.

Since he couldn't exchange it directly at Zhide Immortal Palace, he also had other ways. The first way he thought of was to go directly to Li Zhengyang.

Li Zhengyang is a peak half-immortal and runs Zhengyang Pavilion. He is good at business and has extremely fast connections. He definitely has channels to buy the semi-immortal artifact embryos he needs.

If he fails to obtain the semi-immortal weapon embryo he needs through Li Zhengyang, he will consider looking for Qingyang Pavilion, which has been traded many times. If this fails, in the seventh area and above in the Xianfang Sect, in the attics of those Xianzong shops, Absolutely.

Outside Dexian Palace, Han Yi inspired the identity token and sent it to Xianfang Palace.

The place where he appeared was still the first area as before, and it was also the initial location transferred by the Immortal Mansion monks.

But when Han Yigang took off and flew towards the fifth area where Zhengyang Pavilion was located, less than three breaths later, he suddenly paused and suddenly raised his head and looked behind him.

Behind him, a few miles away, a figure suddenly appeared.

This is a middle-aged monk with a thin build and gloomy eyes.

The reason why Han Yi turned around was because he noticed a familiar aura appearing behind him. At this moment, when he saw the monk's face clearly, Han Yi's pupils shrank wildly and his whole body trembled.

A shudder spread throughout his body, and in the shudder, unspeakable fear suddenly emerged.

"Dai Zhe."

"It's Dai Zhe."

"Moreover, this aura, this aura, the immortal way, Dai Zhe became an immortal."

"He has actually survived the immortal tribulation and became a true immortal."

This was Han Yi's first thought. This thought was just a fact he noticed.

And the next thought was the source of his fear.

"He appeared behind me and must have wanted to kill me."

"Kill me with true immortal means."

"And I can't stop it."

The time between two thoughts appearing one after another was almost as short as less than a tenth of an instant.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Han Yi sank and fell from mid-air. Below him was the third area of ​​Xianfang Palace.

At the same time, he was ready to activate Siyuan Taoism, and then use the fragments of the Demon Halberd to perform the sword-controlling magic.

In an instant, mana, divine power, and demonic power were mobilized crazily.

This is his most powerful unconventional means at present.

When the death crisis comes, in order to survive, he is about to unleash a shocking blow with all his strength.

But what shocked him was.

A few miles away, Dai Zhe, who appeared at the original site of the teleportation in Xianfang Palace, just glanced at Han Yi. Then, he did not come towards the inside of Xianfang Palace, but turned around and headed outside Xianfang Palace. Escape.

With Han Yi not activating the phaseless fire pupil and having the vision of an ordinary god at his peak state, he could only see Dai Zhe's figure flickering twice and then disappearing.


Han Yi did not measure the difference between the two in terms of speed, but was completely immersed in Dai Zhe's glance at the previous moment.

Those eyes were so indifferent and aloof, as if they were used to seeing the life and death of all living beings and had spanned endless years.

Just this glance, but there seemed to be a strange magic power reaching his soul, making him feel cold all over.

"This look, this look..."

"No, something's wrong."

In the past time, Han Yi and Dai Zhe looked at each other three times. The first time was the first time the two met. In the Wanzhan Hall in the Immortal Castle in the void outside the territory, Han Yi exchanged the mechanical god seed. Before leaving, the other party He cast a look with undisguised murderous intent.

The second time, after the Dark Moon Heavenly Tower was destroyed, the opponent found Han Yi in the void and wanted to sneak up on him and kill Han Yi. Unexpectedly, Han Yi was alert and then used his mental power to escape to half the place. The place where the immortal monks are.

The third time was outside Taiqiu Immortal Lake. When Han Yigang left the Immortal Lake, he was chased by Dai Zhi who had just escaped from the turbulent flow of space and was lurking in front.

During these three times, Dai Zhe's eyes were different each time, but the emotions in them were roughly the same.

That is killing intent, naked and undisguised killing intent.

But the look that Dai Zhe looked at just now did not show murderous intent, but was indifferent and arrogant, as if there was a different soul in that body.

Thinking of this, while feeling lucky, a gust of cold air flowed from the soles of his feet along his back to the sky, making his soul tremble.

Then, he didn't dare to delve deeper, but took a deep breath, turned around and speeded up, heading towards Zhengyang Pavilion.

But even if he tried his best to suppress it, Han Yi couldn't stop thoughts from surging in his mind during the flight that lasted only ten breaths.

No matter what happened to Dai Zhe, Han Yi didn't want to happen to him before he became an immortal.

Before that, one of his purposes for leaving seclusion this time was to find Dai Zhe and settle this period of grudges.

But he didn't expect that before he came to the door, he met the other party directly in the Immortal Square Palace. Moreover, the other party not only survived the immortal tribulation, but also his strange eyes and reaction made Han Yi frightened.

Standing in front of Zhengyang Pavilion, he suppressed all distracting thoughts and stepped into the pavilion.

After the encounter just now, he needed the semi-immortal weapon embryo even more, because it could greatly enhance his strength.

After entering Zhengyang Pavilion, Han Yi did not summon him himself, but followed the usual method and waited for the shopkeeper to call Li Zhengyang.

A moment later, Li Zhengyang stepped into the pavilion and saw Han Yi, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you are finally willing to come out of seclusion."

When Han Yi heard this, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but think of the five half-immortals who surrounded his immortal mansion in the sea of ​​clouds when he came out of seclusion. From this sentence, he guessed that Li Zhengyang had also been to his immortal mansion, but when he saw him in retreat, he He didn't squat all the time, but waited for a while and then left.

In this case, the other party should have come to invite Han Yi to join a certain dojo.

"Fellow Daoist Li was also waiting outside my Immortal Mansion?"

After all, they had a good relationship, so Han Yi followed his intention and asked.

Li Zhengyang smiled and nodded: "That's right."

"Seven years ago, I also went near your Immortal Mansion and wanted to invite you to join Danyang Dojo."

"Fellow Taoist Han is out of seclusion today. This invitation is also valid. I wonder if Friend Han is willing?"

"As long as you join the elixir dojo, any conditions can be negotiated."

"Immortal weapons, elixirs, and immortal stones. Fellow Daoist Han will also bring them if necessary."

Han Yi's face changed: "Danyang Immortal Lord."

"That's right, Danyang Dojo is the most suitable for Fellow Daoist Li."

After Han Yi joined the Suizhu Immortal Mansion, he naturally got to know the senior officials of the Immortal Mansion.

In the Suizhu Immortal Mansion, under the Tao Ancestor, there are four great Immortal Lords and seventy-six Immortal Lords.

Danyang Immortal Lord is one of them. His dojo is in the west of Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, relatively close to the Ancient Owl Immortal Domain of Immortal Courtyard.

This Immortal Lord's core identity is that of an alchemist. Within the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, his ability to refine high-level elixirs ranks among the top three.

Most of Danyang Immortal Lord's subordinates were immortal-level alchemists. Han Yi only felt that it was reasonable for Li Zhengyang to belong to Danyang Dojo.

However, he had no idea about joining the dojo for the time being, so he said:

"Fellow Daoist Li, I am not considering joining a certain dojo for the time being."

"I will not consider this matter until I reach the peak of Half-Immortal, or after I have passed through the Immortal Tribulation."

Han Yi would definitely be cautious in choosing a dojo, so even if he had a good relationship with Li Zhengyang, he did not promise to give priority to Danyang Immortal Lord, but only mentioned that he would consider joining the dojo when he was strong enough.

Li Zhengyang was originally going to mention Han Yi's identity as an alchemist and explain why Danyang Dojo was the most suitable for alchemists, but after hearing these two words from Han Yi, he had to give up.

In addition, he thought about it, Han Yi relied on strength to break through ten extremely difficult projection spaces, and even entered the Tower of the Void with a non-immortal level of strength to face a true immortal. His strength was extraordinary. The alchemist can be compared to him. Even if he passed the examination of the immortal-level alchemist at the peak of half-immortal level, he would be absolutely inferior in terms of fighting skills.

Thinking of this, Li Zhengyang never mentioned the invitation to the dojo again.

Han Yi also gently dismissed the matter and returned to the main topic of his visit.

"I came here mainly to purchase a semi-immortal artifact embryo from Zhengyang Pavilion."

"I wonder if there is Zhengyang Pavilion?"

Li Zhengyang frowned slightly: "Half-immortal weapon embryo?"

"What kind of semi-immortal weapon embryo does Brother Daoist Han want to buy?"

Han Yi's eyes lit up: "What I want to buy is an axe-shaped semi-immortal artifact."

When Li Zhengyang heard this, he did not answer directly, but asked: "Before coming to Zhengyang Pavilion, fellow Daoist Han should go to Dexian Palace and check the exchange list of fairy weapons."

Han Yi nodded and said, "Yes, I went to Zhide Immortal Palace first, but I couldn't find the axe-shaped semi-immortal artifact embryo."

"That's why I came to see Fellow Daoist Li."

Li Zhengyang nodded: "I guess so."

"The semi-immortal artifact embryo is not included in the exchange list of Zhide Immortal Palace, because under normal circumstances, the monks in the Immortal Palace will not exchange such spiritual objects, and there is no point in putting them on it."

"Furthermore, the Immortal Artifact Hall of the Immortal Square Palace is responsible for the spiritual treasures and semi-immortal weapons. The semi-immortal weapon embryos that Fellow Daoist Han needs are unfinished products. The weapon refiners in the Artifact Hall who can refine the semi-immortal weapon embryos are all immortals. Level weapon refiners, they won’t just refine semi-immortal weapon embryos.”

"So, in Zhide Immortal Palace, Fellow Daoist Han cannot exchange for the semi-immortal weapon embryo he wants."

Having said this, Li Zhengyang paused and continued: "And there is nothing that Fellow Daoist Han needs in Zhengyang Pavilion."

"However, there should be an immortal shop at the gate of the Immortal Square Palace. There are too many uncertainties with such an artifact."

"If you want to buy a semi-immortal weapon embryo, I have the most direct way."

"I know a half-immortal deacon from the Qi Palace. He is a good friend of mine. Going directly to the Qi Palace to buy it should be the most trouble-free and simplest way."

Opposite Li Zhengyang, Han Yi's eyes lit up after hearing the last sentence.

"Very good."

"Then I would like to ask fellow Daoist Li to introduce him to you. I, Han Yi, will definitely keep this favor in mind."

The smile on Li Zhengyang's face became even bigger: "No need to be polite, I will contact that friend and go directly to the Qi Palace."

Li Zhengyang was naturally happy that Han Yineng came to him. After all, being able to establish a relationship with a monk with unlimited potential and strength was also an investment.


Li Zhengyang walked to the cabinet and used his identity token to summon the outside world.

Talk about it.

The token of the monks of the Immortal Mansion originally had the communication function, but when Han Yi was in the Immortal Court, he usually retreated in the palace. In order not to be disturbed, he simply turned off the communication function.

After leaving seclusion, as a matter of habit, when he looked for Li Zhengyang, he always went directly to Zhengyang Pavilion.

After a few breaths, Li Zhengyang came back, and the two of them walked out of Zhengyang Pavilion and teleported to Xianyi Palace.

Within the Palace of Immortal Art, there is the Hall of Hundred Arts, among which the Alchemy Hall and the Instrument Hall are ranked high.

Li Zhengyang took Han Yi straight to the Qi Palace. In the Qi Palace, he met his friend. After being introduced, Han Yi also knew that this half-immortal monk's name was Lu Nan.

Moreover, it was obvious that Li Zhengyang had already mentioned Han Yi's identity and deeds to Lu Nan during the previous summons. Therefore, in the Qi Palace, Lu Nan did not look down on Han Yi just because Han Yi's aura was only at the peak of transformation. It puts him on equal footing.

"I heard from Fellow Daoist Li that Fellow Daoist Han is looking for an axe-shaped semi-immortal artifact?"

Seeing Han Yi nod in confirmation, Lu Nan continued:

"I just did some calculations and found that there are a total of three axe-shaped semi-immortal artifact embryos in the palace treasury."

"It should be able to meet the needs of Fellow Daoist Han."

Han Yi's face lit up when he heard this.

"You are all immortal envoys of Zhengfa. You can follow me to the palace treasury and choose one."

After Lu Nan said these words, he took Han Yi and Li Zhengyang towards the depths of the Palace of Instruments. After a while, he turned into a side room with a pattern of a giant ax printed on the door.

After entering the side room, there are dozens of axe-shaped semi-immortal weapons and spiritual treasures hanging on the wall of the side room. However, these semi-immortal weapons and spiritual treasures are covered by spiritual energy covers. The spiritual energy covers are implicated in the artifact palace. Even Lu Nan is. The deacon of the vessel hall is not allowed to open it without permission.

In the side room, at a certain location, there were three low-lying weapons without aura covers.

With just one glance, Han Yi could see clearly what they looked like. They were three axe-shaped semi-immortal artifacts, one gold, one silver and one copper.

"To be honest, semi-immortal weapon embryos are relatively rare. Most of them are because the weapon refiner left halfway through refining, or something happened to him or herself, causing the refining to be put on hold. It is not that they are specifically trying to refine such semi-immortal weapons. The embryo."

"These three items are not originally exchangeable, but since you were introduced by fellow Daoist Li, this transaction can still be done."

"This deal is worth 80,000 Immortal Palace points. Fellow Daoist Han, what do you think?"

Han Yi withdrew his eyes from the three soulless half-immortal artifacts, suppressed his excitement, and looked at Lu Nan.

"No problem, thank you Fellow Daoist Lu."

Lu Nan nodded: "Then, fellow Taoist Han, please choose one."

Han Yizheng turned his head and looked at the three semi-immortal weapon embryos. He stretched out his hand. Divine power surged from the divine orifice and slowly appeared on his palm. He stretched out his hand to pick up the first axe-shaped semi-immortal weapon embryo.

Right now.

He suddenly sensed something and turned to look at a black ax leaning against the corner of the wall dozens of meters away.

Because in his induction, his divine power at the moment was faintly attracted to the black axe. If he hadn't had strong control, the divine power would have spread over it.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, is that black ax a half-immortal weapon embryo?"

Lu Nan raised his eyebrows. He didn't know why Han Yi had this question, but he still waved his hand and summoned the ax with a flick of his consciousness.

Looking at the black ax with no spirituality in his hand, he suddenly thought of something and said suddenly:

"I understand. This ax is a semi-immortal weapon. It was brought from outside by a deacon."

"However, it is not a embryo, but a dead weapon."

Han Yi's heart moved.

He knew what Lu Nan meant. The so-called dead weapon was the weapon spirit and semi-immortal weapon space that had been destroyed, leaving only an empty shell of the device.

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