I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 410: Burning without Desire, Purple Sun Ruler

The Crimson Thunder Prison is located at the junction of Suizhu Immortal Court and Lingxiao Immortal Court, covering an extremely large area.


This thunder field was caused by a life-and-death struggle between two immortals.

The name of Crimson is taken from the Crimson Immortal who finally died here. As for the name of the other Immortal, it has not been spread, and even ordinary immortals do not know it.


What Han Yi and others saw was that only the outermost area of ​​this dangerous place, even the outermost area, was extremely dangerous for half-immortals.

And in the deepest part of the Crimson Thunder Domain, there are even rumors that there are golden immortals and even immortal kings who have fallen into it.

"Here we are, Crimson Thunder Prison." Li Zhengyang's face was both excited and awe-inspiring.

Thirty-three years ago, five of their immortal envoys went on a mission near Anxi Immortal City. Something unexpected happened and they had to enter the Crimson Thunder Prison, where they discovered a disintegrating fairy world.

After some discussion, the five people decided to step into it. However, after passing through several life-and-death dangerous light cards, they encountered the most terrifying magic and retreated in a panic.

Thirty-three years have passed, and now we are here again. Although we are well prepared, due to the limitations of our realm, it is far from safe, and it can even be said to be quite dangerous.


Although they were hundreds of miles apart, the cultivators couldn't help but feel palpitations when they looked at the world of annihilating thunder.

The same is true for Han Yi.

To him, the scene in front of him could already be called the power of heaven and earth.

"Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord." Han Yi took a deep breath, feeling the shock in his heart.

Back then, he had witnessed the pursuit of two powerful Immortal Masters in the turbulent flow of the void. One was the Immortal Ziwei, one of the six emperors of Daluo Immortal Court, and the other was an Abyss Demon Clan.

At that time, he was in the turbulence and the time was short. He only had a fleeting superficial understanding of the power of the Immortal Lord. But at this moment, in front of the Crimson Thunder Prison, feeling the dark and terrifying area, his senses could get Stimulating, the most clear and direct.

"Let's go." A middle-aged monk standing at the front shouted softly and took the lead in rushing forward.

This middle-aged man's name is Jin Sheng, and he is a peak half-immortal. In addition, he is also an immortal-level formation mage, proficient in various formations. In terms of strength, he has been recognized by other half-immortals including Li Zhengyang. In addition to Han Yi, whose strength is unknown, is undoubtedly the strongest among the cultivators.

Jin Sheng took the lead, followed closely by the cultivators.

After stepping into the Crimson Thunder Prison, Han Yi's body tensed up instantly. This realm made his body instinctively tense up slightly, which was a sign of danger.

His expression remained unchanged, but with a gentle pat, a layer of gray-white light was blessed on the surface of his body.

Four sources of Taoism.

At the critical moment, working with all his strength, Han Yi is confident that he can block a casual blow from the true immortal with this Taoist skill.

At the same time, red fire suddenly lit up in his eyes.

Phaseless Fire Eyes.

With the help of the phaseless fire pupil after entering the immortal realm, Han Yike instantly discovered something was wrong and responded early.

Then, he followed the other cultivators and swept forward.

The sound of rumbling thunder is endless, and the surrounding arcs are scattered, flickering on and off, illuminating the dark space.

When everyone was three hundred miles deep, suddenly, a sharp and strange cry suddenly sounded.


Jin Sheng shouted in a deep voice: "It's a crimson thunder monster."

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of black shadows appeared in front of and on the sides of the crowd. These black shadows, under the arc light, reflected a headless body. The two-meter-tall figure was slightly crouched, with slender arms reaching straight to the ground. The feet, at first glance, look like a headless ape monster.

At this moment, these black figures are surrounded by deep red lightning. The lightning gathers and disperses, making these black figures weird and terrifying.

Crimson thunder monster.

These thunder monsters were born from the destructive thunder outside the Thunder Prison. They have different strengths and weaknesses and are considered the most common monsters in the Thunder Prison.

Crimson lightning is an immortal monster, because after these monsters are killed, they can disperse into lightning, and the lightning gradually condenses into thunder monsters in a cyclic manner, so it can be called immortal in a certain sense.

As soon as Jin Sheng's voice fell, the thunder monster appeared. Before anyone could take action, Jin Sheng waved his hand gently, and dozens of blue rays of light shot out from his sleeves, piercing all the surrounding thunder.

In the blink of an eye, all the blue light turned back and was collected by his sleeves, while all the surrounding thunder monsters had dissipated, and the lightning splashed, leaving no corpse or bones.

Jin Sheng's figure did not pause at all and continued to move forward. ,

Most of the dozen thunder monsters just now have transformed into gods, and only two have just entered the semi-immortal level. For the Golden Sage, they can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

Han Yi, who was sitting slightly behind, glanced at Jin Sheng's sleeves, thoughtfully.

The blue light flashed past just now. Although the time was short, Han Yi had already activated the phaseless fire pupils since he stepped into the Thunder Prison, so he could naturally see clearly.

They were clearly dozens of blue flying knives. The flying knives were short and thin, about the size of a finger, and they were extremely fast. At first glance, they looked like streaks of blue light.

The power of these flying knives is similar to that of Han Yi's sword control at the extreme level. It is so extraordinary to show this hand casually. No wonder Jin Sheng can be recognized by the immortal envoys and become the person in charge of this trip.

Han Yi restrained his thoughts, used Divine Fire Escape, and easily kept up.

In this way, the cultivators fled outside the Crimson Thunder Prison, and it took a full day to reach their destination.

During this day, every other hour, the cultivators would stop, and a semi-immortal named Zhuang Zhang would sacrifice a disc-shaped semi-immortal weapon, use a special secret method to determine the direction, and then Go deeper.

Along the way, they encountered the crimson thunder monster the most. In addition, they also encountered several giant beasts as big as mountains. These giant beasts were stronger and possessed the power of true immortals, but they did not Without wisdom, he is naturally lethargic. After being encountered by other cultivators, he restrains his breath, does not dare to wake up, and quickly escapes.

The journey was quite smooth and there was not much danger.

In fact, this is mainly because they are still on the periphery of the Thunder Prison at the moment, far out of reach of the depths. In this way, they will not encounter immortal-level dangers.

After arriving at the destination, the cultivators did not relax, but their faces became more solemn, because the real danger as expected had just begun.

"This is the entrance to the fairy world, and its interior is already on the way to collapse." Li Zhengyang stood in front of Han Yi and said in a low voice.

Han Yi looked around and found that a strange hill appeared three hundred meters in front of the cultivators. The reason why it was strange was because the hill seemed to be cut from the middle with a knife, and only half of it existed. In addition, Half of it was directly erased.

He immediately realized that it was not cut off, but the other half of the hill, which should be in the fairy world.


Jin Sheng led the cultivators down the hill, and then walked towards the other half that could not be seen. When they reached the edge and within a hundred meters, Han Yi could see a layer of light as light as gauze. Standing on a flat hillside.

The wall of the spiritual world.

Han Yi had seen this kind of barrier once in Sinshen Ancient Abyss, so he was naturally no stranger to it.

It's just that the aura of the spiritual wall in front of you has to be more obscure and can only be seen within a hundred meters.

"This is the entrance to the fairy world we discovered."

"Before entering, everyone must be aware of the dangers involved."

"Please be extremely careful and exit as soon as possible if you encounter force majeure."

Jin Sheng instructed, and then, seeing that the cultivators had no objections, he took a deep breath and stepped inside, followed closely by the cultivators one after another.

This time, the wall of the spirit world does not need to be pried open with the semi-immortal weapon Spirit-Breaking Sky Shuttle like last time, but it is in an open state.

When Han Yi got closer, he only felt a resistance reacting on his body, but this resistance was not strong. He just squeezed forward a little, and he squeezed through the space, passed through the spiritual wall of about two meters, and entered this fairyland. Inside the spirit world.

"It seems that the fairy world has collapsed to a great extent. Even the wall of the spiritual world is so fragile." This thought flashed across Han Yi's mind.


He just jumped out of his thoughts and observed the fairy world displayed in front of him.

What caught my eyes was a scene of dilapidation and disintegration.

This is a fairy world that is about to die, and will also perish at the final moment of death.

And the time of its final demise is not far away.


He was in a wasteland.

High in the sky, there were fragments of spiritual light floating down. Beyond the spiritual light, lightning flashed, and everything was completely black.

Under the aura, there is a huge fairy city. The size of the fairy city is comparable to the large fairy city in the fairy world.


However, 80% of this only fairy city has collapsed and fallen into the deep place without a trace.

In the center of the fairy city, a high tower stands. At this moment, the high tower has been broken, and the upper half has disappeared. Only the base, which is about a thousand meters away, still exists, but it is also tilted at a certain angle.

As the fairy world approaches death, this originally magnificent fairy city will completely collapse, even the tower that originally towered into the sky will do the same.

"We have detected that the fairy city is located in the center of the fairy world. It is the only building in the fairy world. Apart from that, there is the wilderness and mountains on the outside."

"And that high tower in the fairy city most likely contains the fairy treasure or inheritance of the master of the fairy world."

"When we first broke into the fairy city, 30% of the buildings still existed. After entering the fairy city, we encountered three crises. The last time was the terrifying magic that made us fail."

"This time, we have initially discussed ways to resolve these three crises, but after this, there may be more dangers. I hope you will go all out."

Jin Sheng said, and then led the cultivators across the wasteland and entered the fairy city.

After approaching the fairy city, Han Yi glanced at the city gate, but did not see the city gate plaque. After crossing the city gate, his body sank suddenly. His expression did not change, but his heart was awe-inspiring.

The body sank just now, not because of gravity, but because of the powerful restrictions in this fairy city.

These prohibitions apply throughout the city.

For example, no flying.

Before that, although Li Zhengyang had informed the fairy world of the situation, Han Yi was still trembling in his heart and did not dare to relax when faced with it.

After passing the city gate, he looked forward. There was a spacious avenue in front of him, but at the end of the avenue, it had been sunk and was impassable.

Jin Sheng led the cultivators to turn to the left, and then made a skillful detour until they arrived at a semi-broken square before stopping.

With curious eyes, Han Yi looked at a stone sculpture in the square. That sculpture was a Buddha with his hands clasped, sitting cross-legged in the square.

With just one glance, he suddenly felt the urge to walk into the square, sit down, follow the Buddha, and preach here.

When this obsession first arose, his soul tower was shaken, and a soul knife appeared, killing Nian Nian.

"An evil square, an evil Buddha sculpture."

"If I step into it rashly, it will be difficult for me to break free."

Han Yi was shocked.

The reason why he was able to break free just now was because he knew the weirdness of this square in advance, and formed a thought to control his sight. He preset that a moment later, the soul-cutting knife would kill this thought, and then he broke free.

At first.

Five people, Jin Sheng and Li Zhengyang, broke into this place. At first, they were indeed tricked into sitting down and chanting sutras in the square because of their ignorance.

What allowed them to break away from this strange square and the Buddha statue was another half-immortal named Wu Hou. Wu Hou was a soul cultivator. After realizing the danger and evil nature, he broke away at the cost of destroying the half-immortal soul weapon. The square was bewitched and a glimmer of clarity was restored, before leading the cultivators through.

When they were escaping from this fairy world, Wu Hou even exploded his half-immortal soul weapon and left with the cultivators. Otherwise, they would have to change their path, and the dangers of other paths were no simpler than this one.

But this time, they still took this route because they already had a way to pass.

At this moment, the cultivators looked at a certain middle-aged monk.

This monk is named Li Xiao, and behind him is Wu Hou, one of the original five.

"Fellow Daoist Li, it's your turn." Wu Hou said in a deep voice.

Li Xiao nodded. He also knew that it was his turn to take action. It had been discussed before, so he did not shirk because he had prepared a countermeasure here.

I saw him taking out a palm-sized sutra building, and then chanting mysterious and inaudible incantations. The sutra building hung in the air, suddenly enlarged, and spread to ten meters. The golden light fell and enveloped the cultivators.

"The Desireless Burning Sutra Tower can only last for three breaths, so hurry up."

Li Xiao shouted softly, and then ran as fast as the square. The square of several thousand meters was already familiar to him in less than a breath.

Around him, other monks followed closely, not daring to stay within ten meters.

After crossing the square, Li Xiao recited the incantation again, and saw the sutra pillar retracting its golden light, shrinking rapidly, and being taken into the body of the middle-aged monk.

"Continue." Jin Sheng said, continuing to lead the cultivators forward.

Han Yi, on the other hand, firmly remembered the scene just now.

Before that, although he had heard Li Zhengyang talk about the dangers they encountered here, he had not seen it with his own eyes and his feelings were not profound.

And this first level is so weird and dangerous.

The Desireless Burning Great Sutra Pillar is an immortal weapon, so that it can suppress people's evil thoughts and avoid being deceived.

No wonder Li Zhengyang and others need to find ten more people to explore together. The most direct reason is that this place is too dangerous and they cannot get through with just the five of them, so they need to invite other monks to explore together.


Soon they came to the second place where the cultivators stopped. This time, it was not a square, but a street with ordinary shops on both sides.

The streets were deserted.

The one who took action this time was Lu Nan from the Qi Palace.

Lu Nan took out a long purple ruler, threw it with all his strength, and threw it into the air. The purple ruler expanded rapidly, and finally pressed down directly, pressing on the street and turning into a bridge.


Lu Nan shouted, and the cultivators quickly stepped onto the purple ruler, crossed the street, and reached the other side.

On the way, Han Yi looked down. Although there was still the ground below the purple ruler, he felt that there seemed to be something under the ground, looking at him faintly, which made his hair stand on end.

Although this street seems to be solid, if it is not suppressed by the immortal weapon Purple Spirit Heavenly Ruler, once you step on it, you will fall into another space. That space is dark and strange, can dissolve the body, and is extremely terrifying.

As for how Li Zhengyang and others knew that this place was strange and how they escaped from the dark space, they did not say, but they must have paid a heavy price.

The practitioners continued to move forward, and after burning incense, they stopped again.

This time, everyone’s eyes were more solemn.

Because there was an immortal technique in front of them. It was the same immortal technique that forced the first five immortal envoys to flee.

Now when they face it again, although they have made preparations, they are not completely sure.

Tracing the source and inverting the Five Elements Immortal Technique.

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