I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 414 Taiyuanzhizhi, Devouring the Heavenly God


The overwhelming anger merged into the giant axe.

Within tens of thousands of divine orifices, divine power washed out like huge waves of a river and turned into surging divine fire.

boom! !

The divine fire exploded like a storm.

Han Yi screamed sharply, swung the giant ax up, and then threw it out in an instant. The giant ax tore through the space like a bolt of lightning, dazzling and bright, and went up against the dim beam of light falling from the dome.

same moment.

Divine consciousness surged out crazily, mana and divine power were consumed rapidly, falling among the fragments of the Demon Halberd in front of him, and silver-white light rose from the fragments of the Demon Halberd.


The fragment trembled slightly and disappeared instantly. After Han Yi passed his thoughts, he could no longer see the fragment of the Demon Halberd.

The magic of sword control.

First he exploded with a giant ax blow, and then he exploded with the magic of sword control. With his current level of cultivation, his mana and divine power were almost at their lowest.

His face turned extremely pale.

But at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the dome of the hall above his head, and on the god on the throne in the center of the picture.

Because the malice Han Yi felt just now came from the god in the dome screen, and he could vaguely see Lu Li's standing figure above the broken position on the dome.

There's something wrong with the dome, there's also something wrong with the painted walls.

Therefore, after the Taiyuan Divine Sword helped him break free from the imprisonment of the soul, he did not hesitate and launched the two most powerful moves at the moment.

The giant ax of the god of fire, the magic of sword control.

When time slowed down a hundred times, when Han Yigang broke free from the restraints and the divine fire first ignited.

The dome of the hall was originally just a gray-white portrait of the god on the wall, but suddenly he opened his eyes. The interior was pitch black, cold and evil, and turned slightly. To Han Yi, it seemed that Han Yi had touched some deeper restriction.

When the pair of dark evil eyes turned around and fell on Han Yi, a more evil will came across the air and entered Han Yi's body, but the Taiyuan Divine Sword in the cave in his body only shook slightly. , this evil will once again disintegrated into nothingness.

The fallen will disappeared again. The black eyes of the god on the throne in the dome wall trembled slightly, as if there was a will to revive on the god on the wall across endless distances.

But in the next moment.

A piece of silver-white metal was already pressed against the painting wall, and its landing point happened to be the face of the god.

Then, it pressed into the painting wall inch by inch, and then the whole thing was submerged into it, and then completely penetrated.

The will that descended across endless distances seemed to be offended. The believers kneeling on the ground in the mural began to ooze bright red blood, as if they were sacrificing themselves and praying for the arrival of distant gods.

But less than one hundredth of an instant later.

A giant ax burning with fire struck the wall of the cave dome after the metal piece, and the entire dome exploded into countless fragments.

The blood seeping out of the painting wall was burned directly by the divine fire.

the whole process.

From the moment Han Yi broke free of his willpower to his keen awareness that the gods in the mural were strange and the crisis of death was coming, he sacrificed the divine fire giant ax and the magic of sword control without any reservation.

Then the god of the mural turns his eyes and lowers his will. If the Taiyuan is shattered again, the distant will will come. The fragments of the demon halberd penetrate the god of the mural, and the giant ax of divine fire breaks the dome.

The time that passed for these few things was not even a moment.

With Han Yi's current cultivation level, there are really a lot of things he can do in one moment. But just now, he only had time to blast out two blows and was unable to do anything else. If it weren't for the help of the Taiyuan Divine Sword, he might not be able to do anything else at this moment. Be confused again.

Seeing that the dome was broken, Han Yi was not completely relieved.

I saw the broken dome, and fourteen figures fell down one after another. These figures were clearly the other monks who came to explore this time, but at this moment, they all had their eyes closed, and their aura was erratic.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Han Yi couldn't help but look stern. If it hadn't been for the help of Taiyuan Divine Sword just now, he would be one of these people now.

At this moment, with his divine power exhausted, his body could no longer maintain the divine fire fighting body and quickly retracted. After retracting to his normal size, he suddenly had an idea.

In the body, located in the Demon Sea Acupoint near the Zhongfu Divine Aperture, the half-red and half-black demon pill instantly shattered and turned into rich demon blood, which surged outward and merged into his bloodline.

In an instant, his body began to expand again, continuing to expand to a height of six meters.

As the body expanded, the shoulder blades on the back of the body began to tear. Bones broke through the flesh and grew out, turning into two bone spurs. On top of the bone spurs, flesh and blood spread and quickly turned into two huge black wings.

At the same time, his head also changed. A black horn protruded from the center of his eyebrows and thrust straight into the sky. It was terrifying. On the horn, there were detailed and tiny strange runes carved on it. The runes were not fixed. It is not changing, but is constantly squirming.

And his palms began to become thicker, with dark red nails and cold light, which seemed to be able to crush even spiritual treasures.

A pair of eyes also turned blood red, with a strange demon-like aura swirling around them.


The true form of the ghost car.

That's right.

His mana and divine power are almost exhausted, but his demon elixir still has some power left. However, even if he transforms into a demon body, he can only reach the peak of Nascent Soul, which is less than a god, let alone a semi-immortal.

But under the current circumstances, that was all he could do.

With a slight flash of black wings behind him, he was already below the fallen cultivators. He gently waved his hand and collected the cultivators into the Qiankun Ring.

Then, after collecting the fallen black giant ax and the fragments of the demon halberd, he flew away to one side.

Although flying is prohibited in this fairy world, he has wings. Even if he is prohibited from flying, he can still glide down to the bottom and escape quickly.


Before he could escape from the tower, he noticed something and suddenly raised his head to look high into the sky.

I saw that at the original position of the dome, the fragments of the painting that had been smashed by the giant ax were floating strangely, and were being squeezed into the middle, as if they were condensing into something.

Han Yi stopped and his expression changed drastically.

"Oops, we must not let this thing condense."

"But my mana and divine power are exhausted, and my demon power can only maintain the peak Nascent Soul combat power, which is far from enough to destroy it."

Suddenly, Han Yi noticed something again, and with a gentle wave of his hand, he released all fourteen monks in the Qiankun Ring.

He just noticed that the originally erratic aura in the Qiankun Ring began to wake up.

Sure enough, when he released all fourteen monks, eight peak half-immortals had recovered from the confusion of their souls. These eight monks were the strongest, and the remaining six also woke up one after another.

The half-immortal who woke up first looked at Han Yi, who had wings and was full of demonic aura. He couldn't help but look shocked. However, they were not low-level monks, they were all half-immortals. Naturally, they would not attack rashly, but they could identify them in an instant. Han Yi’s identity.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what are you doing?" Jin Sheng's pupils narrowed.

Han Yi interrupted his words, pointed at the fragments of murals condensed in mid-air, his face darkened, and he conveyed the message with the fastest spiritual consciousness.

"Everyone, this tower is weird. The problem lies in the mural on the dome. I broke the mural before and saved everyone standing outside the dome."

"But the mural is weird. At this moment, I am trying to regroup. I am unable to take action. Please take action quickly to destroy it."

"Otherwise, it will be impossible for us to get out of this fairy world."

The divine consciousness transmitted the sound, and in less than an instant, the faces of all the cultivators changed drastically, and at the same time, they all took action in an instant.

The first one to take action was Jin Sheng. He suddenly raised his hands, and dozens of flying knives appeared on the top of the tower. They escaped again and turned into light, intertwined and circled, and continued to bombard the shaking and condensed painting wall. on broken pieces.

But the surface of the gravel exploded, but the inside was intact. The exploded pieces flew back again, trying to regroup.

Jin Sheng's expression changed and he shouted: "Everyone, take action together."

In fact, without his words, almost before he pulled up the flying knives scattered around and blasted them towards the strange fragments of murals in the air, the other half-immortals had already come up with the means to suppress the situation.

Moreover, there were actually five immortal weapons in the attack. Some were hot, some were cold, some were strong, or some were invisible. Attacks surged upward.

In an instant.

In mid-air, the broken mural that had condensed into one piece but had not yet formed a whole piece exploded.

more than.

Even the space where these fragments were located was directly torn apart, revealing the dark realm, and some fragments even fell directly into it.

High in the sky, there was suddenly a low, sharp and strange sound. This sound seemed to have turned into substance and fell on everyone. Everyone noticed something was wrong, and they all found that there was a strange black mark on their arms.

Even Han Yi, who transformed into a demon body, could not escape this strange mark.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Xiao exclaimed, and he tried to erase the mark on his arm with Wuyu Jue Ran Dajing Zhuang, but it had no effect at all.

Right now.

There was a shaking sound under everyone's feet.

I saw that the originally tilted tower continued to tilt to the right as it continued to vibrate.

And the broken beams in the sky began to become more numerous and denser.

When all the cultivators see this situation, they all know what is going on. The speed of collapse of this fairy world is accelerating.

"Don't worry about it for now. This fairy world is going to be broken. Leave quickly." Jin Sheng looked around, then retracted the flying knife and jumped down.

The other monks followed suit and jumped down without hesitation.

Although this place is forbidden to fly, the height of a thousand meters is completely bearable with their physical constitution.

Han Yi, who could originally glide with the help of his wings, would naturally not escape first. Besides, there were still many levels ahead that required the help of other monks to overcome, and he couldn't handle them alone.

After arriving at the bottom of the tower, Han Yi folded his wings, retracted his horn, and the demon blood flowed back, condensing into the half-red and half-black ghost car demon pill in the demon sea cave.

Next, the cultivators had stern expressions on their faces and returned the same way. This time, their speed was no longer restrained and was directly used to the extreme.

Although Han Yi's mana and divine power were almost exhausted, his physical body was extremely strong. He hurried forward directly with his physical body. With every step he took, the terrifying force pushed him forward, and he ran away like an arrow from a string.

And simply by rushing forward with his strong body, his speed could actually catch up with other cultivators.

This shocked all the cultivators, and they couldn't help but look at him sideways.

The journey was smooth, passing through many spacious courtyards, then to the animal courtyard, then to the medicine field, and then to the strange street. Lu Li offered up the Purple Sun Heavenly Ruler, and the cultivators crossed over. When they arrived at the Buddha Square, Li Xiao offered up the Wu Desire Jue Burning Sutra Pillar. Golden light enveloped the cultivators and they continued to live peacefully.

When they reached the edge of the fairy world, the cultivators looked back and saw that the tall tower in the distance was completely invisible. It fell into the deep place, and the strange area around it also gradually fell.

This fairy world is not far away from complete destruction.

"Let's go, let's talk before we leave."

Jin Sheng turned around and led everyone into the wall of the spiritual world, passed through the increasingly thin spiritual wall, and returned to the Crimson Thunder Prison.

On the way out of the Thunder Prison, there were no major accidents. It was even smoother than the first time. We only encountered a few crimson thunder monsters.

After leaving the Thunder Prison, a half-immortal named Lou Qiguang released a half-immortal weapon called the Immortal Boat, carrying everyone to the Anxi Immortal City.

By this time.

In the fairy boat space, everyone had time to check the marks on their arms.

Han Yi looked at it and saw that the mark was nothing special. At first glance, it looked like a black rune as thick as a finger.

But with a thought, he drew out the remaining weak divine power from the divine orifice, turned it into divine fire seedlings, gathered on the mark, and burned the mark, but it had no effect at all.

At the same time, Han Yi scanned the mark with his spiritual consciousness, but he was also unable to detect the mark.

"This mark does not seem to be acting on the physical body, but is in two different time and spaces with the physical body."

"But it's really weird to be able to see it with the naked eye."

Next to Han Yi, Li Zhengyang frowned and tried his best to think about what this mark was.

The same is true for other half-immortals. Among these fifteen people, there are twelve peak half-immortals. Their eldest has lived for more than seven thousand years and has seen too many things.

But even the dozen or so high-level monks who had lived for so long couldn't tell what kind of weird thing this mark was.

"Two possibilities."

"One is the master of the fairy world. He was originally weird. The most likely possibility is that he is the evil fairy. After his death, the fairy world also mutated."

"The other one is that the fairy world was originally normal. After the leader of the fairy world was killed, the entire fairy world was invaded by a powerful evil immortal, causing the entire fairy world to become Weird.”

Seeing the strange mark on his arm, he was helpless. Jin Sheng sat down and analyzed.

"I prefer the second possibility."

"And if it is the second type, then the weird patterns on the murals are most likely the carrier of the evil immortal. This carrier did not originally exist in the fairy world. It was only imprinted on the dome of the hall after the invasion of the evil immortal. And we Stepping onto the tower happened to touch the Evil Immortal Carrier and awaken the weak Evil Immortal will left in the carrier."

"After Fellow Daoist Han shattered the dome, the evil immortal's will was shattered and he tried to reunite in order to attract the real evil immortal."

"At that time, Fellow Daoist Han was right. If we were too late to reunite the murals, the real evil immortal would most likely arrive with the help of a carrier, and then we would have no choice but to die."

"After gathering everyone's strength and smashing the painting wall as the carrier, the evil immortal will not be able to come in a short time without the carrier."

"The above is my speculation."

After saying that, Jin Sheng paused and immediately showed a puzzled look.

"When I first stepped onto the top and was confused, the god on the mural throne that I heard was the God Devouring Heaven."

"Why does this evil immortal named Heaven Devourer call himself a true god?" (End of Chapter)

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