I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 422 Yilong Dojo, goodbye Baiyu

"Beidou Immortal Palace, Dou Immortal Platform?"

Han Yi stood there, thinking in his heart.

This news was brought to Sui Zhuxian Mansion by a Daluo Immortal Court monk nine months ago. However, he could not wait for Han Yi, so he finally had to think of a way to send a message to Han Yi.

Han Yi was no stranger to this monk from the Great Luo Immortal Courtyard. He was Dong Chang who came to the Immortal World from the Beidou Realm.

There was a lot of content in the message, and it clearly explained the causes and consequences of Dou Xian, and the time of Dou Xian Terrace was a year later.

But now it has been nine months, and it is only three months before the time to finally go to Douxiandai.

"In that case, I'll go back after the matter is settled."

Han Yi made a decision in his heart. He has multiple identities. The three most typical ones are the Immortal Mansion monk of Suizhu Immortal Court, the Supreme Elder of Xuan Dan Sect, and the member of Beidou Immortal Palace.

Among them, although he rarely set foot in the Beidou Immortal Palace, he did have the status of being involved in the Immortal Palace. Moreover, when the Xuan Dan Sect moved to the Immortal Realm, the Beidou Immortal Palace also contributed, which can be regarded as a favor.

Furthermore, after all, he was born in the Beidou Realm, and the Beidou Immortal Palace can be regarded as one of his supporters.

It's natural to be invited to participate in the Dou Xiantai.

He temporarily put away this idea and flew to the high-level area. This time, he did not plan to go to Qingyang Pavilion or Zhengyang Pavilion, but went straight to the sixth area.

Immortal Square Palace is divided into ten major areas. The first five are classified as shops for low-level monks and half-immortal sects. The sixth area is more special and is provided for half-immortals to trade. The seventh area is for the immortal sect. Shop.

Han Yilai came to the sixth area to buy half-immortal swords. This area is relatively special. There are many more types of swords than the half-immortal shops in the fifth area, and the prices are higher than those in the seventh area. The Xianzong shop is much lower.

However, after he spent a day visiting the entire sixth area, he rejected his decision to buy a semi-immortal sword in this area.

Because although the stalls in this area are all opened by semi-immortal monks, they are a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are also some semi-immortal weapons. Even if his phaseless fire pupil is activated to the extreme, it is impossible to detect the authenticity, and there is a certain risk.

To put it simply, it is cheap but not guaranteed.

Therefore, one day later, Han Yi left the sixth area, crossed the seventh area, and entered the eighth area.

All shops in the seventh area of ​​Xianfang Palace must be at least qualified to be opened by Xianzong, while in the eighth area, only dojos can be opened.

The reason why Han Yi crossed the seventh area and went straight to the eighth area was because where he wanted to go was already clear.

Yilong Pavilion.

This Shang Pavilion belongs to Yilong Taoist Temple, and is the master of Shang Pavilion under the name of Immortal Lord Yilong.

And Immortal Lord Yilong ranks third among the Immortal Lord seats in Suizhu Immortal Mansion. Unlike other Taoist business pavilions, the reason why Yilong Pavilion is popular among half-immortals is because its reputation is better than other Taoist business pavilions. .

This is the news that Han Yi heard in the sixth area. Many half-immortals who cannot sell spiritual items or buy the spiritual items they want in the sixth area will go to Yilong Pavilion to trade and buy them. Although the price is more expensive, But compared to other business pavilions, there are still quite a few. More importantly, Yilong Pavilion has a good reputation and has never heard of any falsehoods or deceptions, which reassures Banxian.

Han Yi walked into Yilong Pavilion and found that the shopkeeper at the front desk was a true immortal. Although the aura of this true immortal was completely restrained, the true immortal survived the immortal tribulation and transformed his physical body into an immortal body. He had already reached extraordinary cultivation. Han Yi felt that He was no stranger, and he recognized him at a glance.

When this true immortal saw Han Yi, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. This hint of surprise flashed past, but it already showed that he recognized Han Yi.

Although they knew each other, he did not show his identity due to the difference in strength. Instead, he greeted him with a gentle face and a smile just like the shopkeeper in the ordinary half-immortal shop outside.

Han Yi's heart skipped a beat. Facing the True Immortal, he behaved respectfully. He first clasped his fists and saluted, but before he could speak, the True Immortal who came forward spoke first and called Han Yi's name.

"Little friend Han Yi."

Han Yi was stunned, but immediately realized that the other party knew him. Most likely, it was because of his performance in the projection space of the Void Tower last time.

After that, many demi-immortals came to invite themselves to join the dojo. The true immortal in front of him was the treasurer of Yilong Pavilion, so he must belong to the Yilong dojo. Knowing him, it was reasonable.

"Senior, did you recognize me because of the Tower of Void incident?" Han Yi asked.

The True Immortal Treasurer nodded.

"Your performance in the Tower of Void is amazing."

"If it weren't for the fact that Yilong Dojo has never invited a half-immortal monk to join the dojo, otherwise, I would have sent someone to invite you to join Yilong Dojo."

Speaking of this, a strange emotion flashed across his eyes. Han Yi naturally couldn't catch this strange emotion.

In fact, Han Yi's performance in the Tower of Void was amazing on the one hand, and the reason why his name was remembered by many immortals and some true immortals was because of the Ancient God Ruins.

The Immortal Envoy assessment that Han Yi participated in was originally just the most ordinary Immortal Envoy assessment, and the participants were all half-immortal monks. However, after the assessment, Yue Xuanxian handed over the boundary stone spar from the Ancient God Site to Han Yi. Xuanxian Jingyi reported this matter to an immortal king who was in charge of the Nine Palaces of the Immortal Mansion.

This matter is not a big deal at the level of immortals. At most, it is the obsession of the Nine-month Immortal Envoy, but it has also brought Han Yi's name into the eyes of some immortals.

"I am Peng Gui of Yilong Dojo, little friend Han Yi. Please come in first to discuss in detail."

Zhenxian Treasurer led Han Yi to the other side of the pavilion. Although it was not a quiet room, he sat down to show that he valued Han Yi.

"Little friend Han Yi, are you going to Yilong Pavilion to buy immortal treasures?" asked the true immortal Peng Gui.

Han Yi nodded:

"This junior is here because he wants to sell a few semi-immortal weapons that are no longer needed and buy eight more semi-immortal swords with different attributes."

Then, Han Yi first took out the semi-immortal swords in the Qiankun Ring that he did not use and placed them on the table. Then, he explained in detail the need to purchase the semi-immortal swords.

After hearing this, Zhenxian Peng Gui nodded, his face as usual. For him, no matter how many half-immortal swords there were, they would not shock him. However, he secretly guessed that the reason why Han Yi bought so many half-immortal swords was to form a sword formation. .

When it was his turn to do his job, he first straightened his face, appraised the several semi-immortal weapons that Han Yi took out, and then started to quote.

After a while, the price was agreed upon, and with a gentle touch, the power of law was between the two of them, and a long sword appeared on the table, and the aura of the long sword seemed to really exist here.

"Mosen Sword."

"This is a semi-immortal weapon with wood attributes. It is classified as low-grade. It has the characteristics of meditation and divine protection. It can be regarded as a semi-immortal weapon that is relatively balanced in all aspects."

"The key thing is that its price is not high, only three hundred and a half immortal grade spiritual stones."

A dark green long sword was suspended in front of Han Yi. If it weren't for the power of the law that Immortal Peng Gui waved just now, Han Yi would have thought that the sword in front of him was a real semi-immortal weapon.

"Okay, that's it."

Seeing Han Yi's straightforwardness, True Immortal Peng Gui nodded, waved his hand again, and replaced it with a semi-immortal weapon with another attribute. Just now, Han Yi's needs were informed of the attributes of the eight long swords, so he naturally knew how to choose the corresponding one. The attributes of the semi-immortal weapon can be introduced.

Half an hour later.

Han Yi finally settled on eight long swords. After using the spiritual stones he had previously sold as half-immortal weapons as deductions, he added another 3,110 and a half immortal-grade spiritual stones, finally completing the deal.

At this point, in addition to the thirteen immortal-grade spiritual stones, there are still one thousand one hundred semi-immortal-grade spiritual stones left in Han Yi's Qiankun Ring.

in addition.

He obtained eight low-grade semi-immortal weapons.

Fire Flame Sword, Mo Sen Sword, Jin Yun Sword, Ancient Willow Sword, Instant Thunder Sword, Xiao Hai Sword, Chen Xing Sword, and Wan Yan Sword.

In addition to the Great Killing Sword he had previously obtained, there were nine semi-immortal weapons in total, and their attributes exactly corresponded to the Nine Sword Techniques practiced by Han Yi, including the Lihuo Sword Technique.

Next, as long as these nine long swords are sacrificed and refined, the virtual sword world can be formed.


There are only three months until the Dou Immortal Platform under the Beidou Immortal Palace. For the half-immortal monks, this period of time is just a brief retreat. Han Yi is worried that once he concentrates on refining the semi-immortal weapon, he will miss the duel. Xiantai, so he did not wait until the time was near before setting off. Instead, he purchased eight half-immortal swords, said goodbye to Immortal Peng Gui, and then left the Immortal Palace Palace and teleported towards Daluo Immortal Palace.

After he left.

Inside Yilong Pavilion.

Immortal Peng Gui looked away and murmured:

"You can enter the Tower of the Void directly in the realm of becoming gods. Now that you have been promoted to half-immortal, wouldn't it mean that half-immortal is invincible? If you give him some time, he may have the strength to compete with true immortals."

"He is truly a genius of immortality."

"It's just that I hope he won't really listen to Yue Xuanxian's words and go to that ancient god ruins. That is a dead end. Over the years, no one has ever relied on the ancient god ruins to advance to the sixth level of ancient god."

the other side.

Han Yi returned to Jiuchuan Square, entered the teleportation hall, and waited for two full hours before the cross-domain teleportation array to Ziwei Immortal City was opened.

When he arrived at Ziwei Fairy City, he contacted Dong Chang in the same way he did after returning from the battlefield outside the territory last time.

When we meet again.

Dong Chang was even more shocked than last time, with disbelief in his eyes.

"Han, fellow Daoist Han, have you made a breakthrough again?"

Han Yi smiled:

"Lucky, lucky, I just broke through to half-immortal not long ago."

He noticed the word "you" in Dong Chang's voice and recalled that the last time they met, he escaped from the Void Battlefield. At that time, he had just entered the early stage of becoming a god, and Dong Chang also looked horrified.

"This, how is this possible?"

Dong Chang retorted subconsciously, but immediately realized that his words would be misunderstood, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I didn't doubt that Fellow Daoist Han's semi-immortal realm was fake."

"It's just this, it's incredible."

"How long has it been, less than a hundred years? Fellow Daoist Han, this is..."

At this point, Dong Chang also found that he was a little incoherent. With his cultivation level, he would not have been so unbearable, but the fact that Han Yi broke through to the semi-immortal had such a strong impact on him in an instant that he had a feeling. An illusion of doubting life.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

Dong Chang raised his hands and said respectfully: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Han, you have become a semi-immortal. The path to immortality is just one step away, and it is just around the corner."

In his heart, he subconsciously recalled that when they first met in the Xuandan Mountains of Yuheng Realm, Han Yicai had just entered Yuanying, and he was already in the middle stage of Yuanying, and was only one step away from the late stage of Yuanying. Moreover, in terms of identities, the two There is a huge gap between people. He is not only a monk in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stars Sea, but also a preliminary member of the Beidou Immortal Palace, while Han Yi is just an unknown monk from the ordinary Nascent Soul Sect.

The memories of the past are in sight...

But now...

He sighed softly in his heart and corrected his position.

Han Yi was not surprised. His cultivation level had indeed improved too fast. In the Suizhu Immortal Mansion, the monks he came into contact with now were all half-immortals or true immortals, so naturally they would not have such strong emotions.

But in front of the monks in the Beidou Immortal Palace, his realm cannot be described as a sudden advance. Such a comparison before and after will naturally give people a stronger shock.

This is especially true for Dong Chang. In his memory, when he met Han Yi, he realized that Han Yi had improved to a great level.

The last time was from Nascent Soul to Transformation God, but this time it was even more outrageous, directly from Transformation Soul to Demi-Immortal.

Could it be that the next time we meet, the other person will directly survive the immortal tribulation and become a true immortal?

This thought flashed past, and Dong Chang found that his heart was calm because he had become numb to Han Yi's abnormality.

Han Yi did not change his attitude because he was promoted to half-immortal. Instead, as always, he cupped his hands towards Dong Chang and said:

"Fellow Daoist Dong, I also want to congratulate you on your promotion to God Transformation. I believe that you will be able to become a semi-immortal soon, and the path to immortality can be expected."

That's right, when we last met, Dong Chang was already in the late stage of Nascent Soul. After nearly a hundred years, he has been promoted to the stage of becoming a god. Although he is only in the early stage of becoming a god, his foundation is extremely solid. If he does not fall halfway, the semi-immortal realm should be stopped. Can't stop him.

Han Yi's words were very helpful to Dong Chang. After all, these words were spoken by a semi-immortal, which made him suddenly feel more motivated.

Next, Han Yi went straight to the point.

"Fellow Daoist Dong, you mentioned the general information about Douxian Terrace in the subpoena. Do you have more detailed information?"

When it came to business, Dong Chang put away his other thoughts, straightened his face, nodded, and said solemnly:

"This time the Immortal Arena is divided into three rounds, true immortal, half-immortal, and transformed god. Each round can send nine people, who will take turns to play. The loser will be eliminated, and the winner will stay, until all nine people on one side lose. The winner in the end will win the big game, and winning two of the three big games will be considered the final victory."

"Among them, in the God Transformation Arena, Fellow Taoist Bai Yu has returned. He is at the pinnacle of God Transformation, and he has been inherited by Jade Jing Taiyi. He has extraordinary strength. If nothing happens, he has a high probability of winning."

"However, the overall strength of the monks in the Semi-immortal Field, True Immortal Field, and Gouchen Immortal Palace is much stronger than ours."

"By the way, the previous information didn't mention that the monks from the Gouchen Realm and the monks from the Xingluo Realm jointly built the Immortal Palace, and its name was the Gouchen Immortal Palace."

"So, to be honest, the Immortal Palace side does not have a good chance of winning this time."

There was no hint of depression in Dong Chang's solemn expression, but what he said also showed that for Beidou Immortal Palace, this battle for Douxian Terrace was not optimistic.


The listener is interested.

Han Yi's heart moved. He was promoted to a half-immortal, and he was also an immortal ancient god. Although he could not absolutely say that a half-immortal was invincible, at least at this stage, he had not encountered a worthy half-immortal opponent.

If he ends up playing, wouldn't it be possible for a half-immortal to win the big game? In this way, with two out of three games, Beidou can win?

However, there is still plenty of time, so it would be better for him to wait until he has a thorough understanding of the situation before taking the initiative.

Hearing Bai Yuya's name again made Han Yi's mind turn to this, and his expression changed.

"Fellow Taoist Bai Jade has reached the peak of divine transformation. I'm very happy and congratulated."

"In the last Immortal Fair, he was able to reach the half-step level of god transformation. Now he has reached the peak of god transformation. He has a high probability of sweeping nine games and winning one."

Dong Chang glanced at Han Yi with a strange look, and then stood up.

"Fellow Daoist Han, come with me. You are a monk of the Immortal Palace. I will go and exchange for the Immortal Palace token for you first."

"After the token is exchanged, I will take you to see fellow Taoist Baiyu and many Beidou monks."

Han Yi nodded. The token on his body was the one issued when he was first transferred to Da Luo Immortal Realm and assigned to the Immortal Castle. It was regarded as the Immortal Castle identity token, not the monk token of Da Luo Immortal Court. .

The last time I saw Bai Yuya was at the Immortal Society, more than a hundred years ago, and I could only lament that time has passed and the immortal way is ruthless.

Dong Chang took Han Yi and teleported from Ziwei Immortal City to the outskirts of Daluo Immortal Courtyard.

In an immortal palace, after being verified by a true immortal, Han Yi got a temporary token that could enter and exit the immortal palace. Then he followed Dong Chang and teleported to Doumu Heaven on the 33rd day of Daluo.

Doumu Tian is owned by Doumu Yuan Palace. Strictly speaking, Doumu Tian can be regarded as the dojo of Immortal Doumu.

In Doumu Tianzhong, Dong Chang took Han Yi to the core of Doumu Tian and applied for the identity token. Of course, during this period, there were multiple layers of verification and checks, but Dong Chang had already done so a few months ago. I prepared the corresponding information for Han Yi and did not stop him along the way, so the process went smoothly.

Afterwards, the two returned to Doumu Tianzhong, where the Beidou Immortal Palace is located.

Here, Han Yi saw many familiar monks, including half-immortals, transformed gods, and Nascent Souls.

Bai Yuya, Liu Shentong, Pang Yue, Tianwu Taoist, Diling Taoist, etc.

The cultivators almost didn't recognize Han Yilai. After all, it was impossible for them to connect a semi-immortal monk with the Nascent Soul monk from the Immortal Assembly.

After reacting, all the cultivators were shocked.

Bai Yuya's eyes were bright.

"According to Fellow Daoist Han's past performance, if he is promoted to half-immortal now, wouldn't he be able to sweep away half-immortals?"

"This half-immortal round is settled."

Han Yi smiled but did not respond.

Others only thought that Bai Yuya's words were a joke, but Dong Chang, who was beside Han Yi, realized that Bai Yuya's words were by no means aimless or a joke, they were true.

In Ziwei Immortal City, because Han Yi was suddenly promoted to half-immortal, which exceeded the original recorded information of Dong Chang and Beidou Immortal Palace, he did not immediately think of Han Yi's past horrific achievements.

Only now did I remember that Han Yi was not just promoted to half-immortal. Dong Chang had a better relationship with Bai Yuya. Bai Yuya once told him about the relationship between Bai Yulou and Han Yi, including Han Yi's past.

Connecting these at this moment, Dong Chang's eyes widened and he looked at Han Yi, but then he thought of something and calmed down again.

It is not uncommon for low-level monks to fight across the ranks, but when it comes to becoming gods and semi-immortals, it is not easy.

What's more, Han Yi said that not long after he broke through to half-immortal, he really met the peak half-immortal. It was shocking enough to be able to compete with him.

Dong Chang had doubts about whether he could sweep through, and felt that this was unlikely.

Dong Chang's idea flashed.

And Bai Yuya spoke again. This time he put away his gentle smile and looked very solemn:

"In addition, one month later, we will first select internally and select the nine strongest monks in each of the three realms to participate in the Immortal Fighting Platform."

"Fellow Daoist Han, for the sake of the Immortal Palace, this time, Bai asks you to do your best."

As soon as these words fell.

Everyone in the hall was shocked. (End of chapter)

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