I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 431 Immortal space, self-explosion in the sword world

Han Yi looked at Dai Zhe, and the light in his eyes suddenly jumped.

Different from what he expected, something seemed wrong with Dai Zhe in front of him. His combat power was not as strong as Han Yi had expected.

As an immortal, the pressure on Han Yi should be much greater.

Thinking of this, Han Yi paused for a moment before reacting.


On the one hand, something is not right about Dai Zhe's strength. Another, more important, aspect is that his own strength has skyrocketed in the past ten years. Especially in the Enlightenment Meeting, the in-depth understanding of the laws of space not only made the Light Body Technique Breaking through to the Immortal Technique of the Mind Realm, even the Void Sword Realm is several times more powerful than before.

The magic of mind world is an escape technique. This magic, combined with his deep understanding of the laws of space, makes him the strongest at the moment, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of progress, which has improved his protective ability by several times. More than ten times, it can be said to be completely transformed.

Although the Zhentian Shuttle just now was only a semi-immortal weapon, under Dai Zhe's command, it had already reached immortal level combat power. Even peak semi-immortals like Jin Sheng would have difficulty evading it without the protection of the immortal weapon.

But Han Yi easily avoided it.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that someone like him could comprehend the existence of immortal arts in a semi-immortal realm.

Thinking of this, Han Yi's heart suddenly calmed down. He glanced at the surrounding space again. Red flames bloomed from his pupils. Under the phaseless fire pupils, dim starlight seemed like the truth of the space in the fairy world was revealed in front of him. His true face.

Not a formation.

Not even the fairy world.


Immortal space.

That's right, the dim starlight in this space is formed by the condensed soul energy. In the entire space, the power of law is single. It can even be said that the five elements are silent and only the soul can permeate it.

This is the inner space of a fairy-level Horcrux.

In this way, it makes sense.

With his current level of cultivation, even a true immortal would not be able to silently activate the formation and move him to other dimensions when he is extremely vigilant.

The fairy world is the core of true immortals, and it is even more impossible to pull enemies into it at will, unless you are confident that you have the strength to easily crush the opponent. But if you can crush it easily, it can be dealt with at will in the outside world, so why drag it in? Fairy world, therefore, in the battle between immortals, it is almost impossible to see a way to deal with it by drawing the enemy into your own fairy world.

Therefore, after observing the space here with divine magic, Han Yi came to the conclusion that this place is an immortal space.

This Dai Zhe, after using the formation to move himself to this place, had already sacrificed his immortal weapon to cover this place.

As for how to set up the formation in Xianfang Palace, and how to let himself step into it without anyone noticing, Han Yi has not yet figured this out.


He suddenly thought that when he was in the Nascent Soul realm, Yuan Hongqing could activate the fifth-level formation and pull himself into a killing situation in the Immortal Square Palace. For Dai Zhe, who had become an immortal, in the same area, There is a lot of room for manipulation in using formations to teleport him outside the Immortal Courtyard.

In just a few seconds, his thoughts were scattered. Han Yi calmed down, suppressed his thoughts of speculation, and said in a deep voice:

"You are not Dai Zhe."

What he said was not a question, but an affirmation.

Five miles away, Dai Zhe's face was still cold and he did not answer Han Yi's words. In his heart, although Han Yi made him a little interested, he was still not qualified enough to let him answer.

As Han Yi guessed, this is indeed the space of immortal weapons.

This immortal weapon was his contracted soul weapon, and it was also the key to his immortal soul escaping even after his physical body was destroyed.

Ignoring Han Yi's words, Dai Zhe tapped lightly, and behind him, a huge phantom of an immortal weapon appeared.

Han Yi activated his phaseless fire pupils and could see the shape of this fairy weapon at a glance. The phantom was clearly a huge ancient bowl.

The ancient bowl was made of copper, with mysterious runes painted on its surface. The runes shone with silver light, and every time they flickered, they were absorbing soul energy.

This is a soul-cultivating artifact.

However, this fairy weapon did not give Han Yi the powerful pressure to worship him. It should be a relatively ordinary fairy weapon, first or second level. Under normal circumstances, the fairy weapons that true immortals can possess are It is an immortal weapon of this level.


Under Han Yi's phaseless fire eyes, there is a deep connection between Dai Zhe's figure and the ancient copper bowl that appears behind him.

This connection is not the connection between the master of the immortal weapon and the immortal weapon, but a deeper connection, as if Dai Zhe is the spirit of the immortal weapon.

"Could it be that the immortal who has invaded Dai Zhe's body in front of me is this ancient alms bowl spirit?"

"Dai Zhe accidentally obtained the ancient bowl, and then his body was taken away by the spirit of the ancient bowl."

"Among them, the battle that took place in Dai Zhe's body ended with the victory of the weapon spirit, and he even survived the immortal tribulation, but the snatching of the body left hidden dangers, which caused problems in Dai Zhe's true immortal realm. It’s not complete.”

"That's why, in Daluotian, Dai Zhe's seat will appear among the group of semi-immortals, not the ranks of true immortals."

"If that's the case, it all makes sense."

Thinking of this, Han Yi took a deep breath and his eyes brightened again.

When he transformed into a god, he already had a combat power that was close to that of a semi-immortal. This was confirmed in the original immortal envoy assessment in the Tower of the Void.

But now, he has been promoted to half-immortal, has completed his journey to immortality, and possesses several immortal arts. His strength is so strong that even he can't measure it.

Based on the current state of Dai Zhe in front of him, combined with Han Yi's inference, if he is really an incomplete true immortal, it seems that it is not impossible for him to draw his sword and fight.


With his current fighting power, even a complete true immortal is not without the power to fight.

Before the thought fell, a gray ray of light burst out from the tip of Dai Zhe's hand. Under the amplification of the ancient bowl, it turned into a soul energy storm, and the storm swept over.

See this.

As Han Yi waved his hand, nine half-immortal weapons appeared in front of him. Then, the nine-color sword energy leaped into the sky and spread rapidly due to the connection.

Virtual Sword Realm.

This time, Han Yi no longer suppressed the formation of the Void Sword Realm like the previous two times.

In an instant, the sword light was like a tide, colliding with the sweeping soul energy storm.

The virtual sword world is like a small world that explodes rapidly, carrying the power of space and the power of nine semi-immortal swords, colliding with the power of the ancient bowl of immortal weapon level.


The power that was like destroying the world exploded instantly, crushing through the layers of space and spreading outward at an extremely fast speed.

Gray light flickered on Han Yi's body, and his body retreated. In less than a hundredth of an instant, he had already retreated five miles away.

Four sources of Taoism, mind world immortality.

A defensive Taoist technique and an escape magic technique, the two were superimposed, allowing Han Yi to completely avoid the true immortal level explosion.

Just when he was about to continue retreating, he found that the space behind him was stagnant, and even the magic of the mind world could not break through, so he had no choice but to stop.

"The space in this fairy world is limited. With my power, I cannot break through this space in a short period of time." Han Yi understood clearly.

He turned to look forward, and with two fingers together, nine half-immortal weapons flew out from the crazy storm of immortal power and psychic energy, hovering in front of him.

When he saw the situation of these nine long swords clearly, Han Yi felt slightly relieved.

Although three of the swords have soul energy attached to them, they cannot invade the sword space.

For example, if a single half-immortal sword were to encounter this collision, it would definitely be destroyed instantly, but these nine half-immortal swords were different.

The Nine Swords of the Void Sword Realm seem to be scattered, but in fact, they are one. The Nine Swords of the One Body, coupled with the skills of the Sword Art and the Void Sword Realm, are more than a hundred times more powerful than the Nine Swords fighting alone.

This is the power of the virtual sword world.

Although the Void Sword Realm was pushed back at this moment, it does not mean that it is not powerful enough. On the contrary, this proves that the Void Sword Realm has a place even in the battle of true immortals.

The chaotic spiritual energy and immortal power were suppressed by the invisible force, and Dai Zhe's figure appeared ten miles away.

At this moment, Dai Zhe frowned, and his mood was no longer as relaxed as purely hunting Han Yi, but a little more solemn.

The finger he pointed just now was an Immortal Soul Technique. With the amplification of the contracted Immortal Artifact Wanhua Ancient Bowl, it was not weak even among ordinary true immortals.

For him, if the opponent is a true immortal, this move is suitable for testing, but Han Yi is only a half-immortal, so this move should be a devastating immortal technique for Han Yi.

Moreover, he has preset Han Yi's space magic to be used in advance. With the suppression of the fairy space and this magic of the fairy soul, Han Yi has no way to escape.

After being possessed by this Immortal Soul Technique, he could easily refine Han Yi into his own incarnation.

This layout is not complicated for him, but for the half-immortal, it is a huge crisis.

But the result was beyond his expectation.

Han Yi not only possesses space magic, but also his sword skills have surpassed the peak of half-immortal and reached the immortal level.

"Not only does he have space magic, he also has sword skills, which are enhanced to the level of true immortal combat power in a special form with the help of space laws."

"Han Yi, you are good."

Dai Zhe looked at Han Yi head-on for the first time and said softly.

His tone was not the cold and cold tone that Han Yi was familiar with, but revealed an instinctive condescension, like a high-level immortal facing a low-level monk.

This tone made Han Yi once again confirm that the other party was no longer Dai Zhe, but had been taken away.

However, at this moment, Han Yi was no longer as frightened as before when facing the true immortal. Although his heart was solemn, his fighting spirit also increased rapidly as the virtual sword world collided with the opponent just now.

This time, it was his turn not to respond to Dai Zhe's words.

As his thoughts turned, the soul power attached to the three semi-immortal swords in front of him was instantly shattered.

Then, the sword light rose again, and the Virtual Sword Realm expanded again. This time, he only maintained it within a hundred meters. After turning the area within a hundred meters into his control area, he could no longer expand.

Han Yi frowned. It was this fairy space that restricted the continued expansion of his virtual sword world.

After a second thought, he already knew that this was Dai Zhe's fairy weapon after all. The fairy weapon was under his control, and it was not impossible to suppress his own Void Sword Realm.

However, being able to open up the Virtual Sword Realm a hundred meters away in the Immortal Weapon Space has proven that this trick can even compete with Immortal Weapons.

Thinking of this, Han Yi looked at Dai Zhe, his eyes filled with fire.

In an instant, he had exploded with overwhelming power.

Just now, he has analyzed the pros and cons of both sides in this battle. He is in the opponent's fairy space. The longer he delays, the more disadvantageous it will be to him.

If you want to win, you must fight quickly and kill the opponent with the power of thunder.

It's 'kill', not 'defeat'.

If the opponent is alerted, leaves the Immortal Weapon Space, and uses the Immortal Weapon to suppress him, Han Yi will be trapped here, and he will be in an absolutely passive situation.


After a round of collisions and many inferences and guesses, Han Yi had made a decision, and his determination was unprecedented.

In fact, the outcome of this battle was directly compressed into just a few breaths.

When thoughts fall.

His body has grown to a height of nine meters, the Vulcan battle body has blossomed, and the Vulcan giant ax fell into his hand.

The fragments of the Demonic Halberd were stuck behind him.

The nine-handled half-immortal weapon did not spread, but retracted in the opposite direction, falling behind Han Yi, only three meters away from his body.


Mana surged out like a river.

In a flash, he had completely disappeared from the spot. His speed was dozens of times faster than before, and he appeared in front of Dai Zhe in an instant.

The giant divine fire ax suddenly split open the dim space and landed on Dai Zhe's head.

But seeing Dai Zhe's indifferent expression, his face moved slightly. Han Yi's speed at this moment was already on par with him, which was unimaginable among half-immortals.

But for him, the giant ax attack was not as good as the nine-handed semi-immortal sword just now. He didn't need to avoid it. He just slapped it lightly, filled with immortal power, and knocked away Han Yi's giant axe. .

His physical body has been baptized by the Immortal Tribulation, and has transformed into the body of an immortal. Just like the soul is extinguished, the physical body cannot be destroyed by external forces, but it will never decay.

Although Han Yi's ax moved his face slightly, it was not to the point of shaking his body.


Just as he casually slapped Han Yi's giant ax away, the nine semi-immortal swords that fell behind Han Yi instantly merged into one, and a terrifying sword power suddenly surged.

This is the sword power that compresses the virtual sword world to the extreme and gathers the power of one world.

call out!

The nine-colored sword light flashed, and the nine swords that temporarily merged into one escaped to the left, bypassing Han Yi, and stabbed Dai Zhe.

Dai Zhe did not dare to use his body to catch it this time.

As he waved his hand, a black giant sword was floating in front of him. Immortal power filled the giant sword. This was also an immortal weapon, and it was also a kendo sword weapon.

The giant sword passed by, directly knocking the nine swords that merged into one into flight.

Just at this time.

Han Yi, who had just been knocked off the giant ax in his hand, let out a loud shout and fired out the Ancient Divine Fist, rolling divine flames towards Dai Zhe.

Dai Zhe just patted away countless fist shadows, and the magical power contained in them even patted Han Yi's body several miles away.

Dai Zhe's cold face showed no emotion at all. In his eyes, Han Yi's random attacks were completely useless.

But on the other side.

Han Yi, who was photographed several miles away, had a stern expression on his face and let out a low drink.


As soon as the voice fell, Dai Zhe, who had a cold face, suddenly turned around.

Behind him, he saw that the nine swords that had just been blown away did not fall randomly, but at some point, they reached the shadow of the ancient copper bowl not far behind him and surrounded the shadow.

This is certainly not a coincidence.

This was Han Yi's intention. After he struck with the giant Vulcan ax, he then launched the virtual sword world that merged into one.

Although he didn't know that Dai Zhe would use the fairy sword, he knew that after the collision just now, Dai Zhe would definitely find a way to deal with the unified virtual sword world.

He had already preset that whether Dai Zhe used his physical body to fight hard, or sacrificed other immortal weapons, or avoided it, in Han Yi's mind, the purpose of the nine swords that merged into one was to get close to the phantom of the ancient copper bowl. .

After that, he wildly fired countless divine fists in order to cover up the disintegration of the Nine Swords and let Dai Zhe focus on himself instead of the Nine Swords.

This is his first level of purpose.


Just when Dai Zhe noticed the sword intention behind him, turned around suddenly, and his pupils dilated, Han Yi, who was photographed several miles away, immediately detonated the virtual sword world without hesitation.

That's right.

Not a simple attack, but a direct explosion. (End of chapter)

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