I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 435: Immortal magic changes shape, overcoming tribulations over time

The calamity of the true immortal.

This calamity seems to exist deep in Han Yi's eyes, which means that his restraint on the immortal calamity has reached its limit.

But at this moment, when the immortal calamity was about to come, Han Yi's heart felt unprecedentedly calm.

Because, he is already confident that he has adjusted his state under the True Immortal to the extreme.

During the fifty years of seclusion, he was not purely healing his injuries. In fact, as early as thirty years ago, his injuries had been completely healed. He was even further healed than before the battle with Dai Zhe. .

In the next thirty years, he began to practice, and until today, his state could no longer be suppressed, and he felt that the immortal calamity was approaching, so he decided to leave seclusion.

Han Yi brought up the proficiency panel.

Fifty years, in the mortal world, can be called a vicissitudes of life. For Han Yi, it is not short. After all, he was only 271 years old before the retreat. He started his career of cultivating immortals at the age of 21. This retreat happened to be his One-fifth of the time of cultivating immortality.

Fifty years later, the light red font appeared before our eyes on the illusory panel.

[Name: Han Yi]

【Lifespan: 321/29999】

[Life type: 0 units]

[Realm: Semi-immortal]


Swordsmanship (magic)

Mind world (magic)

Shapeshifting (magic)

Nine-fold Soul Tower (Extreme Realm 100/100)

Nine Soul-Destroying Bell (Extreme Realm 100/100)

Four Sources of Taoism (?)

Divine Fire Battle Body (Seventh Realm 95/100)

Sword World (virtual)

The true form of the ghost car (god level 99/100)

Compared with fifty years ago, the information on the panel today has a completely new look.

The lifespan is infinitely close to 30,000 years.

Three immortal arts that finally took shape after many rounds of transformation.

Controlling the sword, thinking about the world, changing shape.

Among them, the Sword Controlling Immortal Technique and the Mind Realm Immortal Technique existed fifty years ago, while the Shape Changing Immortal Technique only evolved fifteen years ago.

This immortal technique is one of the Thirty-Six Immortal Techniques of Tiangang, the pre-immortal technique of fetal transformation.

Han Yi once learned in Xuanzang Palace that the complete version of the Thirty-Six Immortal Techniques of Tiangang can only be fully mastered by the Golden Immortal.

Before mastering the Tiangang Immortal Technique, the Golden Immortal needs to practice the pre-immortal techniques corresponding to the Tiangang Immortal Technique in advance. For example, there are as many as 27 pre-immortal techniques for fetal transformation and shape-changing, and shape-changing is one of them. And it is the most orthodox one.

Therefore, most true immortals and even mysterious immortals will practice one or two prerequisites of Tiangang Immortal Technique.

As for the Seventy-Two Immortal Techniques of Disha, which have a slightly lower threshold for practice, Xuan Xian can fully master them.

In addition, the Nine-layer Soul Tower and the Nine-layer Soul Bell have reached their extreme limits. Han Yi embarked on the path of immortality and chose the Nine-layer Soul Tower. This soul technique is also limited by his realm. He needs to wait until he breaks through to the extreme. Only a true immortal will jump up the ladder accordingly.

The Four Source Taoist techniques are still the same as before.

The divine fire fighting body has reached the seventh realm, which is the peak state of the immortal realm.

This is the change shown on his proficiency panel.

And in the cave inside Han Yi's body.

Below Yuanshen, at the bottom of the cave, the three wisps of purple fairy energy have disappeared. Instead, there is a circle of purple light behind Han Yi Yuanshen's head.

This is his second greatest achievement in these years of practice, second only to the Immortal Transformation Technique.

Refining immortal energy.

The refining process was extremely slow, but after decades of hard work, these three strands of immortal energy were finally completely refined.

In this way, to a certain extent, Han Yi can be regarded as a true immortal who has not survived the immortal tribulation, which is one of the reasons why he cannot suppress the immortal tribulation.

The above is the essence of Han Yi's final cultivation in more than three hundred years of cultivation.

He stood up, turned his hand, and a green and black long sword appeared. The long sword was heavy, but there was no trace of sword intent.

This sword is naturally his matching sword, Qingping Sword.

Han Yi shook his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.

After fifty years of seclusion, the only thing he regretted was the Qingping Sword.

Twenty years ago, the Qingping Sword flew out of the Qiankun Ring just like before after merging the swords. It vibrated in the hall, and the sword energy exuded vast immortal power.

But what was different from before was that this kind of vibration only lasted for a moment, and the immortal power fell silent again before it left the main hall.

When Han Yi caught the Qingping Sword, he found that the aura of this long sword was completely suppressed, as if he had returned to the time when he first got it.

He tried to penetrate it with his spiritual consciousness, but found that his spiritual consciousness was comparable to that of the True Immortal Crossing Tribulation, but he could no longer enter the inner space of Qingping Sword.

After being promoted to the Immortal Sword, the spirituality of Qingping Sword is definitely better than that of ordinary Immortal Sword Spirits. There should be reasons for its resistance that Han Yi doesn't know.

Then he tried it a few more times, but it was still the same, so he followed the fairy sword's wishes and stopped forcing it.

Inside the main hall.

Han Yi saw that the Qingping Sword was still restrained, so he put it away first, and then gently waved his hand to take the long black sword placed in the center of the main hall.

This fairy sword was left by Dai Zhe and was acquired by Han Yi fifty years ago. There are two black writings branded on the sword.

Black Emperor.

This is the Black Emperor Sword.

During Han Yi's fifty years of seclusion, this fairy sword was also absorbing the spiritual energy of the Immortal Mansion and restoring itself. Today, it has restored 50% of its power.

For Han Yi, it was more than enough to deal with the Immortal Tribulation.

Han Yi put the Black Emperor Sword on his back, opened the main hall door, stepped through the bronze door, walked slowly, took out the golden token, and teleported away.

When he reappeared, he was already in the Suichen Domain.

Suichen Domain is a special area of ​​Suizhu Immortal Court. It is a vast area, including hundreds of thousands of undulating mountains. In the core area surrounded by these mountains, there is a ring-shaped sea lake called Suichen Lake. In the middle of the sea and lake, there is a celestial mountain named Suichen Mountain.

In the Suichen Domain, the reason why Suichen Mountain Lake is special is because on the top of the Suichen Mountain Peak, there is a strange object that implicates the entire Suichen Domain. This strange object makes the thunder light on the top of the Suichen Mountain thick all year round, and the thunder attribute law in the domain is strong. If an immortal tribulation is triggered here, the first level of thunder tribulation will be thicker and more powerful than in other places. The body of the true immortal transformed in the thunder tribulation can be contaminated with the aura of the strange object, and it will be more stable than other immortals. The foundation of immortality.

Of course, the powerful thunder also puts the half-immortals who are undergoing tribulation here in much greater danger than in other places.

For the half-immortal who has gone through the Immortal Tribulation, this is both a challenge and an immortal fate.

In the past history of Suizhu Immortal Mansion, only the powerful, talented, and talented half-immortal had the courage to choose Suichen Mountain to survive the immortal calamity.

There are two ways to choose to go through the Immortal Tribulation in Suichen Mountain. One is to declare the Immortal Mansion, set a time, and invite half-immortals to observe the tribulation. In this way, the Half-immortal can cultivate his energy and build up momentum. When the time comes, he will welcome the tribulation. Immortal tribulation, and when overcoming the tribulation, there will be immortals to protect you to prevent external tribulations from happening.

The second type is to come directly to overcome the tribulation. This kind of thing is simple. There is no invitation to observe the tribulation and no immortal protection.

However, there are very few people who use the second method, because the Immortal Tribulation is already difficult to overcome, and Suichen Mountain raises this difficulty up out of thin air. If you come rashly, it will naturally be more dangerous.

But Han Yi is not among them.

With his accumulation, fifty years ago, he was 99% sure of overcoming the tribulation. Now, fifty years later, he is so strong that he cannot even control it. It is no exaggeration to say that he is now , facing Dai Zhe again, there is no need to take such risks, he can be killed in reverse.

In Suichen Domain, Han Yi's figure quietly appeared, and then flew straight to Suichen Mountain.

As soon as he entered Suichen Lake and before he got close to the majestic immortal peak located in the center of the lake, Han Yi gradually released his restraints on himself. In the sky, thunder suddenly flashed, and the flash of thunder made Suichen Mountain... Fang, the thunder light that never dissipated trembled slightly, and then, the thunder light on the lower level began to disperse, and a huge power filled the air amidst the low roar.

"The aura of the Immortal Tribulation, is there anyone who can overcome it?"

"What's going on? Who caused the Immortal Tribulation? I haven't heard of anyone recently announcing that they will overcome the tribulation."

In the Suichen Domain, among the undulating mountains, especially the peaks of the mountains outside Suichen Lake, there are many monks practicing here on weekdays.

These monks generally possess the thunder attribute, ranging from Qi Practitioners to demi-immortals. Although the Suichen Domain is not a thunder domain, it is affected by the thunder produced by strange objects. At this time, understanding the thunder attribute spells can get twice the result with half the effort.

In this way, when Wu Demi-Immortal was about to cross the tribulation, this place attracted many thunder attribute monks to practice in seclusion.

At this moment, when the monks in the domain noticed the aura of the Immortal Tribulation, those Qi Practicing, Foundation Building and Golden Pill monks almost didn’t think about it. They held the token and teleported away instantly. The half-immortal transcended the tribulation. For low-level monks like them, , is an influence like a natural disaster. Even if it is far away, just a glance may lead to destruction due to disaster.

The remaining Nascent Soul, Transformation God, and Half Immortal looked overjoyed. The Half Immortal was located at Suichen Lake, the Transformation Soul was located on the edge of the mountains outside Suichen Lake, and the Yuanying monks were further away.

Being able to observe a semi-immortal going through a tribulation is a great opportunity for them.

For example, in the outside immortal sect, half-immortals who undergo tribulations often choose places isolated from the outside world, and are protected by the sect's true immortals and even mystical immortals to prevent external tribulations.

Even within the Immortal Court, many secret places are divided for half-immortals to overcome tribulations. Although these secret places can be isolated from prying eyes, they can only be regarded as ordinary areas and are not as magical as the Suichen Domain.

How to choose depends entirely on the individual half-immortal.

Therefore, it is quite rare to suddenly encounter a half-immortal who breaks into Suichen Mountain and causes an immortal catastrophe. It is like the half-immortal majestic saint who attracted countless monks to watch the catastrophe.

Han Yi ignored the reaction of the original monks in Suichen Domain.

He just walked directly towards Suichen Mountain. When he reached the foot of Suichen Mountain, he looked up at the sky. At this moment, the thunderclouds on the top of the mountain were already black and dense. What was originally just a low thunder had increased to a roaring roar, and black lightning was everywhere. It was rolling endlessly, like a scene of world destruction.

A heavy coercion fell from the sky and fell on Han Yi. A hundred meters away from Han Yi's feet, the water in Suichen Lake suddenly shook, as if being hit by an invisible force. It dispersed in all directions, and the water level dropped out of thin air. As much as ten meters.


The water surged up to a height of more than ten meters, and then crashed down. The waves expanded outward, and the entire Suichen Lake seemed to come alive.

"Hiss, the first thunder tribulation actually triggered such a powerful immortal tribulation."

"This kind of power is much faster than when Jiang Yue overcame the immortal tribulation here ten years ago."

"Who is this person?"

All the monks looked shocked.

There was a young half-immortal who was leaning closer. When he saw Han Yizhen's face clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Han Yi."

"It's actually Han Yi."

"A hundred years ago, he was still a god, and now he has grown to the point where he can face the catastrophe of immortality?"

If Han Yi were here, he would recognize that this half-immortal was the half-immortal monk who participated in the immortal envoy assessment with him, and his name was Zhang Meng.

At the beginning, Han Yi passed through ten projection worlds and ranked first, while Zhang Meng passed through four projection worlds and ranked second. However, almost no one remembers that he was second because Han Yi was too outstanding in that assessment. It even alarmed many dojos and came to win over him, which made Zhang Meng seem too ordinary. However, Zhang Meng's mentality has always been very good and he has no negative emotions such as jealousy.

After Zhang Meng became the Immortal Envoy, he also paid attention to and inquired about Han Yi, but he found that after the Immortal Envoy assessment, although Han Yi became a half-immortal soon, there was almost no news after that, which caused a stir. Discussion, and it has been silent since then.

The information about Han Yi in Zhengfa Immortal Palace did not indicate which dojo he joined and became a peripheral half-immortal.

At this time, Zhang Meng thought that Han Yi's power was just a flash in the pan. In the million-year history of Immortal Court, such amazing monks were not uncommon. They were as stunning as true immortals, but they were stopped by the calamity of becoming immortals. Since then, The wasted time, even worse, breeds inner demons, forcing him to overcome the tribulation, but in the end, he was reduced to ashes in the immortal tribulation.


Seeing Han Yi suddenly again, and Han Yi's wanton attitude, Zhang Meng suddenly realized that the other party was not silent, but dormant.

It has been dormant for hundreds of years, but it can become immortal in one day.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meng held his breath subconsciously, because he knew that next, he was about to witness the birth of a powerful true immortal.

This true immortal, in the realm of divine transformation, can break through the projection of the Tower of Void, step into the real Tower of Void, and face the immortal directly.

When he becomes a true immortal, how terrifying will his fighting power be?

Just when Zhang Meng looked shocked, something changed again in Suichen Mountain Lake.


As Han Yi arrived at the foot of Suichen Mountain, the thundercloud above his head sensed something, and began to expand outwards, and then expanded, until it covered most of Suichen Lake, and then stopped.

The terrifying thunderclouds forced the half-immortals who were originally on Suichen Lake to have their expressions change greatly, and they retreated to the surrounding mountains.


"Who can survive such a thunder tribulation?"

"It's so scary. Who is this half-immortal?"

Zhang Meng, who had retreated dozens of miles, looked shocked, but his eyes were fixed on Han Yi under the thunder clouds, not wanting to miss this shocking catastrophe.

Under thunderclouds.

Han Yi looked up at the sky.

"The calamity of becoming an immortal is divided into three levels."

"The first level, thunder tribulation, ninety-nine and eighty-one immortal tribulation thunders, thirteen law thunders."

"Well, then come on."

With a thought, Han Yi let go of all the restraints that had suppressed him to the extreme.

With this release, the aura on his body even broke through the limit of half-immortal in an instant and stepped into the realm of true immortal.

Although it is only for a moment, the immortal tribulation has its spirit. Within the immortal tribulation, such beings who become immortal before they have passed through the tribulation are naturally not allowed.

The reason why the thundercloud spread just now was because the Immortal Tribulation sensed an extremely weak True Immortal breath on Han Yi.

All of a sudden.

Thunder filled the sky, roaring from the top of Suichen Mountain, and struck Han Yi like a world-destroying light.

Because the thunder was too fierce, the half-immortals who continued to retreat were worried about being involved in the immortal calamity. When they saw the thunder striking Han Yi, but Han Yi did not resist, they were all ready to scream, but the next moment, the thunderbolt struck. Next, there are changes again.

I saw thick lightning, being torn apart by one hand.

Han Yi, who tore apart the lightning, had no injuries at all although the lightning was flying around his body.

He raised his head and looked up, his eyes long, and said his first words after appearing, his voice was low, lingering around the mountains and lakes.

"That's it?"

"Not enough, far from enough." (End of chapter)

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