I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 438 Heavenly Candle World Spirit, Qingping’s Resurrection

Han Yi was silent for a few breaths, then looked at the other true immortals around him. The other true immortals looked shocked and did not dare to respond.

What Han Yi didn't know was.

Elevating permissions is by no means as simple as it seems. The improvement of permissions does not only mean the permission to query information and purchase immortal items, but also represents status. It is equivalent to Han Yi having the status of a mysterious immortal once he is promoted to a true immortal.

What's more important is that the improvement of status also means the inclination of resources. In other words, once he has the authority of Xuanxian, he can enjoy the same resources as other Xuanxian.


Han Yi did not need to perform the Xuanxian-level responsibilities that other Xuanxian had to bear because his realm was not up to that of Xuanxian.

In other words, once promoted to Xuanxian, Han Yi can enjoy many benefits unilaterally.

With such a promise, even the Golden Immortal of the Yuanju Dojo needs to weigh and consider, and then apply for it step by step, and finally the Immortal Court will decide.

Therefore, as soon as Qingyan Xuanxian's words came out, they had no choice but to remain silent, because this was far beyond what they could promise.

Seeing no reaction from everyone, Han Yi had already made a decision in a flash of thought.

When he was in the Divine Transformation Realm, he was troubled by the lack of authority. If he could obtain the authority of the Mysterious Immortal as a True Immortal, it would be of great help to him, so he would not let this opportunity go in vain.

He looked at Qingyan Xuanxian and finally nodded.

"Thank you Fairy."

Qingyan Xuanxian smiled, and the sky suddenly lit up.

"Junior brother Han, there is no need to be so polite. Just call me senior sister from now on."

"First come with me to the Tianzhu Palace and register for the dojo."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyan Xuanxian turned around and did not teleport. Instead, he walked high in the air and stepped forward, showing his gracefulness in his lightness.

Han Yi left with him.

After they left, the real immortals at the scene looked at each other in disbelief, then dispersed silently, and went back to resume their lives. As a result, even the mysterious immortals behind them were absolutely speechless.

This is Han Yi's first time walking in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard. In the past, he used teleportation directly and could reach it in a matter of seconds.

Seeing Han Yi's doubts, Qingyan Xuanxian smiled and said:

"Junior Brother Han should be wondering why we don't teleport directly and get there in one step, but instead fly into the Immortal Court and waste time?"

Han Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded and said:

"In the past, I have always teleported to immortal mansions at fixed points, and I have never had this kind of experience."

Qingyan Xuanxian explained: "Junior brother Han doesn't know something."

"Low-level monks do not consume much spiritual energy when teleporting within the Immortal Court, but if they want to teleport the body of an immortal, a huge amount of energy is required."

"The Immortal Court stipulates that unless it is a wartime emergency or mission status, immortals above the True Immortal level cannot activate teleportation."

"Of course, in the normal fairy garden space, it is not a problem to teleport once or twice."

Qingyan Xuanxian's words made Han Yi suddenly realize.

When he was still a god, he saw immortals teleporting in the square in front of the Immortal Castle Palace. He thought this was normal, but he didn't expect that there were such regulations in the Immortal Court.

"Junior brother Han, let me take this time to tell you about the Xuanxian's authority and corresponding status after joining the original technique dojo."

"Corresponding status?" Han Yi asked doubtfully

Qingyan Xuanxian stopped and looked at Han Yi, his expression showing surprise for the first time.

"you do not know?"

Han Yi's face was even more confused.

Qingyan Xuanxian's expression was in disbelief: "Junior Brother Han, do you think that Xuanxian's authority is the Xuanxian's authority alone?"

Han Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded sincerely after realizing it.

Qingyan Xuanxian shook his head, his face returned to a smile, and explained:

"Junior Brother Han doesn't know that being able to obtain the authority of the Mysterious Immortal in the True Immortal Realm means that he can obtain the status, authority, and resources of the Mysterious Immortal in the Immortal Court, but he does not need to complete the obligations of the Mysterious Immortal, but still only needs to fulfill the duties of the True Immortal. Responsibilities.”

"This is a more special way of treating individuals. In the entire Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, only the three immortal monasteries of Yuan Sui, Yuan Shu, and Yi Long have such special authority. However, every hundred years, each of these three monasteries only has One spot.”

Han Yi raised his eyebrows.

According to Qingyan Xuanxian, that is to say, he not only has the authority of Xuanxian, but also has many benefits that all true immortals would envy.

As for the Yuan Sui, Yuan Shu and Yilong dojos, Han Yi naturally knew that the owners of these three dojos, the three immortal monarchs, were the most powerful immortal monarchs in Suizhu Immortal Court.

It is rumored that these three Immortal Lords are already at the peak of Immortal Lords, only half a step away from entering the realm of Immortal Lords, and they have the experience of fighting with Immortal Lords and retreating safely.


The original technique dojo is the dojo where Qingyan Xuanxian is located, and it is also the dojo that Han Yi is about to join, ranking second. Han Yi has also dealt with the Yilong dojo, when he formed the nine half-immortal swords of the virtual sword world. , it was purchased at the Yilong Pavilion in the Immortal Palace, and the Yilong Pavilion was the merchant pavilion of the Yilong Dojo. As for the Yuansui Dojo, it was the largest Immortal Lord-level dojo in the Immortal Courtyard.


Han Yi raised his head, followed Qingyan Xuanxian's line of sight, and saw a huge palace, hanging between heaven and earth, with no support, but like a majestic building that would never be shaken.

Countless immortals flew between heaven and earth, landed in front of the palace, and walked slowly into it.

"Tianzhu Palace is the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, where affairs of immortals below the Golden Immortal are handled."

"Its function is similar to the functions of many palaces such as the Immortal Affairs Palace, the Immortal Art Palace, and the Immortal Castle Palace among the nine palaces in the Immortal Mansion combined."

"Let's go in first and leave the name of the immortal and register the ownership of the dojo, and then we will take you to the original technique dojo."

"In addition, Junior Brother Han, I need to explain to you that the original art dojo I am talking about is just a seat of the real original art dojo in the Immortal Courtyard, that is, the Taoist seat."

"Because strictly speaking, the Immortal Court is the Taoist dojo. The real dojos of all Immortal Lords and Immortal Lords are outside the Immortal Courtyard, and the only ones inside the Immortal Courtyard are Taoist seats."

"However, verbally speaking, we generally don't call it a Taoist seat, but still call it a Taoist temple."

Han Yi nodded seriously. Without Qingyan Xuanxian's explanation, he wouldn't know this yet.


His cognition is still at the semi-immortal level of the Immortal Mansion and has not yet entered the true immortal level.

Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, the oldest celestial court in Da Luo, had just unveiled a corner to him at this moment.

Han Yi followed Qingyan Xuanxian and landed on the square in front of Tianzhu Palace.

Although this square is not as vast as the square in front of the Fairy Castle Palace, it is still quite large, with a length and width of tens of kilometers. After all, it is used as a place to stay, and it does not need to be too broad.

After falling down, Qingyan Xuanxian walked in front, followed by Han Yi.

Along the way, there was an endless stream of immortals, including Xuanxian and Jinxian. Basically all the Xuanxians they met knew Qingyan. They nodded in greeting and glanced at Han Yi behind her, with a look in his eyes. .

Han Yi bowed slightly and remained silent all the way.

When approaching the Tianzhu Hall, Han Yi looked forward, but found that with his own eyesight, he could not clearly see the situation inside the hall. When he stepped through the Tianzhu Hall, he suddenly realized, because when he crossed, not only did he He noticed a stream of fairy energy sweeping over his body, and also sensed the fluctuations of the laws of space.

Folding space?

At this moment, Han Yi's thoughts flashed through his mind.

When the thought came to him, he looked up and looked forward, and his face suddenly changed. He had seen many magnificent scenes, but he was still shocked at this moment.

In the Tianzhu Palace, it is indeed not an ordinary inner space of the Immortal Palace, but a world, or in other words, a realm heaven, which is like the realm of the thirty-three realms of Daluo Immortal Court.

And this realm that exists in the form of a palace is called Tianzhu realm.

In front of Han Yi, there were countless huge palaces, layered on top of each other, hanging high in the sky. Countless immortals appeared from the void on both sides of him and flew straight to the palace in front.

Seeing Han Yi's shocked expression, Qingyan Xuanxian explained:

"Junior brother Han probably doesn't know that Tianzhu Palace is a small world."

"Xiao Jie Tian?" Han Yi was confused again.

He only knows Jie Tian, ​​but Qingyan Xuanxian put the word "small" before Jie Tian, ​​which must be different.

"I once went to Daluo Immortal Court and entered the Changsheng Realm, Yuanmu Realm and Huangya Realm. Is the place where we are now the same as the Daluo Thirty-Three Heavens Realm?"

Qingyan Xuanxian shook his head slightly.

"The thirty-three realms of Daluo Immortal Courtyard are the thirty-three great realm heavens. Such realm heavens are also found in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, where the six immortals are seated."

"In addition, the Immortal Lord Taoist seats are all in the Suizhu space, not in the world. This is because the structures of the two Immortal Courts are different, and it has nothing to do with their strength."

"As for the Tianzhu Palace, it is only a small realm. Although the laws are complete, the origin of the world is naturally far behind that of the great realm."

"The answers to these questions will be available when Junior Brother Han has the Xuanxian authority and goes to the Xuanzang Palace on the 20th to 30th floors."

Han Yi nodded and kept it in mind for the time being.

Qingyan Xuanxian took Han Yi and flew straight towards a certain palace. When they arrived in front of the palace, Han Yi raised his head and glanced at the plaque above.

Ten Thousand Immortals Palace.

"All true immortals must first leave their immortal names in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace. The immortal names can detect the immortal's life and death, just like the soul lamps and soul beads of low-level monks."

"As long as you are in the ancient world and do not enter the chaos, the Immortal Name can detect life and death. However, the soul beads and soul lamps, at the moment they break through the Immortal, can no longer carry the Immortal's mark and automatically break into pieces. What's more, they sense The scope is limited and is no longer suitable for immortals.”

"Once you have branded your immortal name, we will go to the Shengxian Palace and place your belongings into the original art dojo."

"From now on, you will have a dual identity, that is, the true immortal of the original art dojo, and the true immortal of Suizhu Immortal Court."

Qingyan Xuanxian took Han Yi to the door of Wanxian Palace, stopped, and signaled Han Yi to enter on his own.

"The name of the Immortal is left in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace. Only I can enter in person. Junior Brother Han, please come."

Han Yi nodded and stepped into it.

At first glance, he only saw that the hall was empty, not even a futon for use.

At the second glance, he saw dense runes on the three walls in front of him and on the left and right sides. These runes were extremely small. He tried to see clearly, but unexpectedly, countless fairy lights suddenly appeared along with the fine runes. .

In an instant, all the runes on the wall floated and turned into names. Each name was associated with a mysterious aura.

Han Yi understood clearly in his heart and wrote his name in the void with his right index finger. The next moment, he only saw the name floating and turning into a mysterious rune. The moment the rune took shape, he suddenly felt that he had a magical connection with the rune. .

The next moment, all the runes wandering in the Immortal Palace, including the runes of the name Han Yi had just carved in the void, fell back onto the wall and turned into ordinary runes, without any fluctuations, just like the scene just now. It's an illusion.

But Han Yi naturally didn't think that scene was really an illusion. He could also sense that there was a connection between himself and a certain extremely small rune on the wall.

He walked out of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace and followed Qingyan Xuanxian to the second Immortal Palace.

Ascension Hall.

There are no immortals on duty in the Shengxian Palace. This is a place similar to the Ten Thousand Battles Immortal Palace and the Zhide Immortal Palace. It also has separate areas. These areas are several miles apart. In the middle of each area, there is a Shengxian Platform. .

This time, Qingyan Xuanxian did not explain it in person, but passed the information to Han Yi in the form of immortal consciousness, allowing Han Yi to instantly understand how to operate.

He arrived at a platform to ascend to immortality and placed the golden immortal palace token on it. Then, the token disappeared, and a shadow appeared in front of Han Yi.

The phantom looked like a Taoist priest. When the phantom appeared, the strong power of the fairy spirit instantly enveloped the Immortal Platform.

With the information given by Qingyan Xuanxian in advance, Han Yi was not surprised. This phantom was the palace spirit of Tianzhu Palace, or to put it more understandably, he was the Jietian of Tianzhu Jietian. spirit.

Although he was a world spirit with thousands of different spirits, Han Yi did not dare to look down upon him and said respectfully to the old man Xuying:

"Please confirm with Tianzhu that I have entered the realm of True Immortal ten years ago. This time I entered the palace to register for the Taoist temple."

"The one I registered is the original art dojo."

Tianzhu World Spirit nodded and said: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for becoming a true immortal."

He took back the golden token handed over by Han Yi. This token was the token No. 826 of the Immortal Mansion. He became a true immortal. The Immortal Mansion token naturally needed to be taken back, but the True Immortal Token was brand new.

Tianzhu Jieling's hand reached out and took out a black token from the void. One side of the token was engraved with the word "Han Yi" and the other side was engraved with the word "Sui Zhu".

"Okay, I've registered. Does Han Xiaoyou have other things that need to be handled together?"

Han Yi didn't expect it to be so fast. He took the black token and said respectfully: "Register your identity first. There is nothing else to do. Thank you Tianzhu."

Han Yi walked down the Immortal Ascension Platform, and the Heavenly Candle World Spirit behind him disappeared.

Not far away, Qingyan Xuanxian saw Han Yi dissipate the power of the fairy spirit and walk down the Immortal Immortal Platform, so he flew over and took him to leave the Immortal Immortal Palace again, flew out of the Tianzhu Palace, and arrived in the normal space.

Then, he took Han Yi and flew towards a certain realm. This time the flight took a longer time, and it took a full quarter of an hour before he arrived.

Moreover, this time, Qingyan Xuanxian deliberately studied Han Yi's cultivation, and the speed was not slow, until he reached the level of a senior true immortal, but Han Yi could always keep up without any hurry.

This made Qingyan Xuanxian admire Han Yi quite a lot. It was quite terrifying to be able to have such speed immediately after becoming a true immortal for the first time.

"Here we are, the place ahead is where the original technique dojo is located."

"Fellow Daoist Han, I will take you to see Jinming Jinxian first."


Qingyan noticed something was wrong, stopped, turned around and looked at Han Yi behind him, and saw Han Yi stopped where he was, with excitement in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Han?"

Han Yi raised his head and suppressed the excitement in his eyes, because at that moment, he sensed that the Qingping Sword in the Qiankun Ring had revived.

"Sorry, something just occurred to me."

"Senior Sister, please take me to see Jinming Jinxian."

Qingyan Xuanxian's eyes flashed with light, he glanced at Han Yi, and continued to fly forward.

In front of the two people, there is a series of palaces and palaces, located on the immortal veins.

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