I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 442: Golden Immortal Zhenxiao, enters the Void Tower again

Seeing that although Han Yi's face was slightly gloomy, he was not completely out of sorts, Qingyan Xuanxian took a high look at Han Yi.

She had previously told Han Yi about Xuanxian's authority and the corresponding Xuanxian status, cultivation resources and other information.

For a true immortal, once such status and resources are cancelled, it is tantamount to being robbed of a huge immortal fate, and it is extremely difficult to remain calm.

Seeing Han Yi looking at her, Qingyan Xuanxian explained:

"Originally, your information has been submitted to apply for Xuanxian's permissions and resources. Xianting has also agreed and issued permissions, resources, etc. a month ago."

"But half a month ago..."

Having said this, Qingyan Xuanxian paused, hesitated, and said:

"There was an incident in the dojo. Another Golden Immortal in the dojo had objections to this. He took back the resources you had distributed and assigned them to others. However, Jinming Jinxian fought hard to retain your Xuanxian authority. .”

"That's what happened."

Han Yi frowned.

Qingyan Xuanxian said it more euphemistically, but Han Yi could naturally tell that the so-called taking back his resources and assigning them to others should be the Jinxian who had different opinions from Jinming Jinxian, and the status of that Jinxian And the strength is definitely higher and stronger than Jinming Jinxian.

In short, a golden immortal took a fancy to the special resource of the Yuanjutsu Dojo, which was once in a hundred years, snatched it and gave it to another true immortal.

Understanding this, Han Yi felt quite helpless. He had just joined the dojo and unknowingly formed a relationship with a golden immortal and a true immortal. This was something he never expected.

"Senior sister, I have the right to know who the Golden Immortal and the True Immortal who obtained my resources are?" Han Yi said in a deep voice.

He is not seeking revenge. With his current strength, finding trouble with a Golden Immortal would be an act of seeking death.

He wanted to know who he was having trouble with, so that he would not be deceived if he met him in the future.

If one day he is promoted to Golden Immortal, then this cause and effect must also be settled.

Qingyan Xuanxian's eyes flickered and he did not hide it. This was Han Yi's cause and effect. As he said, he had the right to know.

"Zhenxiao Golden Immortal, Xuancheng True Immortal."

"However, junior brother, you should take it easy."

"Zhenxiao Golden Immortal is a disciple of the Original Art Immortal Lord. He is also a peak-level True Immortal. His strength ranks among the top ten in my Original Art Dojo."

"In addition, Zhenxiao Golden Immortal also has another identity. He is the grandson of Immortal Lord Yunli."

Speaking of this, Qingyan Xuanxian stopped and let Han Yi figure it out on his own.

Han Yi's pupils shrank slightly when he heard 'Zhen Xiao' and 'Yun Li'.

In Suizhu Immortal Court, there are a total of 130 Immortal Lords. These Immortal Lords can be divided into three echelons according to their strength and status. The first echelon is naturally the three greatest Immortal Lords with the strongest status and combat power, Yuan Sui, Yuan Shu, Yi Long, these three are the most peak immortal kings.

Immediately following is the second echelon, which includes thirteen senior Immortal Lords. Immortal Lord Yunli is located in this ranks.

After this, there are ordinary Immortal Lords, a total of one hundred and fourteen, including Danyang, Xingyu, Lingyue and other Immortal Lords, who are at this level.

This Zhenxiao Golden Immortal is both a disciple of Immortal Lord Yuan Shu and the grandson of Immortal Lord Yunli. This status is incredible. In Suizhu Immortal Court, except for Dao Ancestor, the Six Great Immortal Lords, and Immortal Lord Yuan Sui, Can walk almost sideways.

No wonder you can deprive yourself of resources with just one word.

Thinking of this, Han Yi calmed down instead. He couldn't help but calm down for a being with such strength and status that he looked up to.

"I understand, thank you, senior sister, for informing me."

Han Yi suddenly thought of something, his eyes flashed, and he asked:

"By the way, does Senior Sister know about the battle between Yuandao?"

Qingyan Xuanxian's dark eyes raised slightly and glanced at Han Yi with twinkling eyes.

"Junior brother actually knows about the dispute between Yuandao. Jinming Jinxian probably didn't mention the dispute between Yuandao and you, junior brother."

"That's all."

"If you still have Xuanxian resources, then I can't explain it. But now that your resources have been taken back, you are equivalent to an ordinary true immortal to the original art dojo, so there is no problem in explaining it."

Having said this, Qingyan Xuanxian's face straightened slightly, and a trace of desire appeared in his eyes.

"The so-called Yuandao is a very special world in the Immortal Court, the Yuandao Great World. In this great world, the Tao is manifested, and it is an excellent place for enlightenment."

"However, this world is quite special. The number of immortals who can enter it and the time available are limited."

"The Taoist ancestors stipulated that every 10,000 years, each dojo in the Immortal Court can send out three true immortals, two mysterious immortals, and one golden immortal to form a team. After a competition, they will be ranked according to different proportions, with the top ranking In his dojo, the six participants can stay in the great world of Yuandao for even more time."

"This is the battle between Yuandao."

"For true immortals, the basic condition for participation is that their life span is within five hundred. The next Yuandao Battle will be a hundred years later. Jinming Jinxian got this opportunity to lead the team. He originally chose the original There is another true immortal in the dojo, Du Sixuan, but Junior Brother Du died in the void outside the territory three years ago, and the spot was vacant, so he looked for someone else, and finally chose you, Junior Brother."

"But not long ago, Zhenxiao Golden Immortal returned from abroad, and Jinming Jinxian gave up this opportunity. Zhenxiao Golden Immortal, and his disciple, Xuancheng Zhenxian, also replaced you, junior brother."

Speaking of this, Qingyan Xuanxian looked at Han Yi and said seriously:

"Junior Brother Han, Jinming Jinxian tried his best to retain your Xuanxian authority, and he has tried his best. I hope you don't blame him."

"I don't dare." Han Yi said quickly.

After Qingyan Xuanxian's explanation, Han Yi understood the ins and outs of it.

In short, this is a completely unreasonable disaster for him. To be more precise, not only him, but also Jinming Jinxian has lost the qualifications for the Yuandao battle. If he can fight for retaining the authority of Xuanxian, not only will he not I have opinions about Jinming Jinxian, but I feel extremely grateful in my heart.

After all, Zhenxiao Jinxian is not only stronger, but also has an astonishing identity and background. Even Jinming Jinxian gave in, not to mention Han Yi.

"After Jinming Jinxian gave up his Yuandao qualifications, he was sent out by the Immortal Lord."

"Originally I didn't want to tell you about the Yuandao dispute, but since you know it, it's okay for me to tell you."

"That's the fact."

"In addition, if you want to quit the original arts dojo and switch to other dojos, it is also feasible, but I advise Junior Brother Han to think twice."

In Xianting, after joining the dojo, if you feel that it is not suitable for you, it is also allowed to switch to other dojos. However, if you switch, the things originally given by the dojo will naturally need to be returned. In other words, once Han Yi chooses to leave, he must try to stay. The Xuanxian authority that comes down will also be cancelled.

At this point, Han Yi hesitated for a moment and did not agree. In the long run, what he lacked was precisely this level of Xuanxian authority.

So, he shook his head: "I have joined the original technique. Compared with the cultivation resources, I value the authority of Xuanxian more. Since Jinming Jinxian fights for me, I can't live up to his expectations. Therefore, senior sister Please rest assured that I will not choose to switch to another dojo."

Upon hearing this, Xuanxian Qingyan looked satisfied, smiled and nodded.

"It's good that you think so."

"Speaking of which, I went to recruit you. Although the current situation is not what I want, you and I are also involved in the cause and effect."

"I don't know if you have chosen to convert to the Immortal Technique. Generally, the True Immortal Level Immortal Technique only requires a few hundred Immortal Marks. Even the Mysterious Immortal Immortal Technique does not exceed 2,000 Immortal Marks. I will lend you two thousand Immortal Marks in advance. , let you buy the immortal magic first."

"As for the future, there are still many ways to obtain cultivation resources for true immortals. You can choose on your own."

"Take out your True Immortal Token, and I will transfer it to you Immortal Mark."

When Han Yi heard this, his thoughts flickered, but he did not refuse and said gratefully:

"Thank you, senior sister."

"I have been staying in Xuanzang Palace this month and have chosen the immortal method. Your immortal method is indeed what I need."

"Sister, please rest assured. Once I have enough immortal marks, I will return them to you as soon as possible."

For the Immortal of Immortal Court, the Immortal Marks can be traded at any time. Han Yi naturally knew this, but he did not expect that Qingyan Xuanxian could lend him two thousand Immortal Marks in advance.

This was quite a favor to Han Yi.

After all, according to the exchange ratio, two thousand immortal marks are equivalent to two thousand immortal stones, which is enough to buy a decent first-level immortal weapon.


This immortal mark is just a 'borrow', which Han Yi can easily understand. If it is given directly, the causal connection between the two will be greater. The borrowing method is the most appropriate.

As for what Qingyan Xuanxian said, Han Yi certainly knew that there were three most common ways for Immortals to obtain resources in Immortal Court.

The first is to go to Tianzhu Palace and receive the True Immortal Quest. This is the most common way. For example, if Han Yinai is the second-grade Immortal Envoy of Zhengfa Immortal Palace, he can receive the corresponding tasks about Zhengfa Immortal Palace, such as following up with the Immortal. Make the assessment and protect the path for the participating half-immortals.

The second one is to go to the dojo you joined in another identity. If Han Yi chooses this option, he will need to go to the original magic fairyland, work in the real original magic dojo, work or participate in tasks, etc., to obtain immortal stones.

However, after Zhenxiao Jinxian intervened, Han Yi would naturally not go to the original technique dojo.

The third type is the Tower of Void.

That's right, it's the Tower of the Void.

In Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, the Tower of the Void is a special place. It is located in the fairy weapon space of the Void Mirror. A long time ago, the Void Mirror was a ninth-order peak fairy weapon. Nowadays, it may be Has been promoted to Taoist weapon.

This mysterious immortal weapon has gathered the power of many immortals and countless immortal kings from Suizhu Immortal Courtyard over countless thousands of years, and is an important weapon in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard.

Its function is quite specific, that is, it is the place where immortal warfare is practiced.

Because the countless spaces in the Tower of the Void are cut out one by one, space-time images between reality and illusion, so the immortals who enter it will not actually die after being killed.

However, the Tower of the Void has its own rules. Every battle requires the payment of corresponding immortal marks before it can be opened.

If you win the battle and kill the enemy, you can get more immortal marks and successfully reach a higher level.

If it fails, it will be trapped in this layer. The next time it is opened, more immortal marks will be required.

Speaking of which, the rules of the Tower of the Void are similar to the rules of the underground arena in the mortal world. You need to pay a fee to participate in the arena. If you win the arena, you can win money, advance to the next round, and meet more powerful opponents.

In addition, in the Tower of the Void, there is also a Void Immortal List. Immortals at each level will be listed. For example, in the True Immortal Realm, there will be a Void True Immortal List, which records the top 100 true immortals who have passed through the most layers of void. , on top of the True Immortal List, there are also the Mysterious Immortal List and the Golden Immortal List.

Once on the list, it means becoming famous both inside and outside the Immortal Court.

It is precisely because of the special nature of the Tower of the Void that most of the immortals in Suizhu Immortal Court are keen on breaking through the levels in the Tower of the Void. They can not only improve their immortal fighting ability, earn immortal marks, but also become famous, and achieve multiple things with one stone.

Of course, these three methods are ways to obtain immortal cultivation resources in the Immortal Court. If you are outside the Immortal Court and the Dojo, it depends on personal opportunities.

For example, Li Zhengyang found the mysterious place that was suspected to be Xiaojie Tian. He invited Jiuhuan True Immortal and Han Yi to go there and get training resources, which were additional resources.


Han Yi's inner thoughts flashed, and he handed the black token to Qingyan Xuanxian. Qingyan Xuanxian also took out her token and tapped it gently. The light flowed on the token. Han Yi understood clearly in his heart that at this moment, his token There are already two thousand more immortal marks.

"If there is nothing else important, I will go and learn the chosen immortal method first."

"Junior brother, you also need to remember that in the realm of true immortals, the immortal body and soul controlled by immortal methods are extremely important and cannot be chosen at will."

Han Yi bowed and thanked: "Thank you, senior sister, for your guidance."

Han Yi took the token, said goodbye to Qingyan Xuanxian, and flew away towards Xuanzang Palace along the original road.

After he left, Qingyan Xuanxian frowned deeply and murmured in a low voice:

"Golden Immortal Maya is so strong this time, all because of the True Immortal Xuancheng."

"The identity of Xuancheng True Immortal is by no means simple."

Half an hour later, Han Yi returned to Xuanzang Palace. He climbed to the 29th floor. In the Immortal Magic area, he found the Great Freedom Yuguang Xuan Sutra (True Immortal Chapter) and put the token into the Immortal Jade. In the groove below the grid, a message about deducting immortal marks suddenly popped up.

After Han Yi confirmed it, he took out the token with only 800 immortal marks left and the immortal jade that had removed the barrier of immortal power.

Then, he walked down the Xuanzang Palace and returned to the original art dojo. There were no other accidents along the way.

Inside the Immortal Pavilion.

Han Yi took out the fairy jade and channeled it into a fairy power. In an instant, a fairy light emerged from the fairy jade and transformed into mysterious runes in front of him. Just taking a look at the runes, Han Yi's mind echoed. There was a majestic voice.

"The avenue is endless, how can we be so free?"

"The four directions of heaven and earth are called Yu!"

"Mysteries are endless, it's Xuan!"

In the Immortal Pavilion, runes circulated, and with this majestic sound, the runes gradually fell into Han Yi's body and disappeared.

Half a year later, all the runes had disappeared, and with a click, the fairy jade shattered.

Two years later, a mysterious aura suddenly rose from Han Yi's body. Although he was sitting cross-legged on a futon, he seemed to be in another space.

Another half year later.

Han Yi in the Immortal Pavilion opened his eyes with a happy face. After gathering his breath, he walked out of the Immortal Pavilion, holding the token in his hand, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in place.

The next moment, when he reappeared, he was in a dark place like a void. In front of him, a huge and unparalleled tower stood in this space. The top of the tower was inserted into the depths of the void, with the true immortal The power cannot be seen clearly.

Void mirror.

Tower of Void.

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