I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 449 Years of Jiazi, Yuguang Sword Code

The path to immortality is long and the nails are flicking. 6̳̳

In the original art dojo, in a certain fairy pavilion, a young man was sitting cross-legged in a nine-story pavilion. The aura of fairy spirits floating around him made his figure looming, and his Taoist charm was extraordinary.

There was a layer of vague fairy light dozens of meters outside the young man's body. Within the fairy light, the concentration of fairy energy was even higher.

Gathering Immortals Formation.

Below the Immortal Gathering Formation, immortal stones are embedded in the formation, emitting purple fluorescent light.

at some point.

The young man opened his eyes, and in his deep eyes, there seemed to be an eternal and huge body sitting cross-legged. This body exuded terrifying and majestic power. This kind of power was so majestic that it seemed to be able to crush the void.

The young man looked happy and said, "It's really feasible."

"It's still a little bit close, just a little bit close."

The young man is naturally Han Yi, and the huge body reflected in his eyes is the shadow of the ancient god.

At this moment, it had been sixty years since he had installed the Immortal Puppet in Xuan Dan Sect and returned to Suizhu Immortal Court.

One year, sixty years.

If you put it in an ordinary family, it can last half a lifetime or even a lifetime.

But in the immortal world, especially when measured by the true immortal dimension, it is only a matter of seconds.

However, for Han Yi, these years are the years when his knowledge and strength have advanced by leaps and bounds. They are the years when he has accumulated a lot of experience after setting foot in the fairyland during his more than three hundred years of cultivation.

In the first ten years, he squatted in the Xuanzang Palace and memorized all the ancient books, jade slips, jade dishes, strange books, etc. from the tenth to the twenty-ninth floor of the Xuanzang Palace.

It can be said that, below the level of Golden Immortal, his knowledge is much more knowledgeable than most of the Xuan Immortals.

Xuanxian is already qualified to understand the history of the Shattered Ancient World. Han Yi, in the realm of true immortal, has the authority of Xuanxian. All he needs is these ten years.

This was a decade in which his experience skyrocketed.

In the next thirty years, he relied on his past accumulation and the ten enlightenment elixirs he received from the Nine Rings True Immortal to continuously consolidate the foundation of the immortal path and improve his combat power.

His main sword-controlling magic has reached the middle level of first-level magic, with a progress of 54/100.

In addition to the magic of sword control, Han Yi also specially found a sword manual that matched his magic.

The Great Freedom Yuguang Sword Code.

Before that, Han Yi had learned nine sword techniques in the sword world. However, these nine sword techniques, including the Lihuo sword technique, which was the earliest sword technique he learned, were only sword techniques below the immortal level. It is no longer applicable to him now.

In order to enhance his sword-controlling immortal skills, Han Yi chose this sword canon that was in the same line as his immortal skills.

There are nine styles in this sword manual, but he has only learned the first two styles now.

In addition, the Sword World has also transformed, taking off the "virtual" and becoming the real Sword World.

In order to build a sword world, Han Yi purchased three immortal swords, plus the 'Tribulation Immortal Sword' given by True Immortal Xuancheng as compensation, for a total of four immortal swords.

With his true immortal realm, he can activate the Great Freedom Yuguang Sword Code and build a sword world, which can display second-level immortal skills and reach the powerful power of a senior true immortal.

In the next twenty years, he put aside the immortal way and devoted himself to the cultivation of ancient gods, constructing the world inside the divine orifice bit by bit. Finally today, a deep intuition emerged in his heart. He was only one step away from using the proficiency panel to step into the original world. territory.

He had an intuition that within ten years, he would be able to enter the original realm, that is, the sixth-level ancient god. However, the process of breaking through to the ancient gods was definitely unusual, so naturally he would not choose to break through in the original art dojo.

He decided to go to another realm to make a breakthrough. That realm was called the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

Unlike the Heavenly Candle Hall and the Void Mirror, the function of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Heaven is similar to the rented cave in Xiuxianfang City during the Yuheng Realm.

In the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations, there are countless large and small spaces. You only need to pay the corresponding Immortal Mansion Points or Immortal Marks to rent a random space of the corresponding level.

The Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations is a relatively special realm. The Heaven is not completely closed, but semi-open. It is connected to the Great Luo Immortal Realm and can attract immortal tribulations.

However, there are only two kinds of immortal tribulations, one is the immortal tribulation, and the other is the mysterious immortal tribulation. As for the golden immortal tribulation, it cannot be withstood.

Precisely because of its special nature, this world is the place most chosen by half-immortal monks and true immortal monks from the Immortal Mansion to overcome the Immortal Tribulation.

Because of this, the geniuses in this world have the name of Ten Thousand Calamities.

In the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard, the Eternal Tribulation Territory, the Sui Chen Domain, and the Ten Thousand Tribulation Heavens are the places where realm breakthroughs are made in the same vein and progress step by step.

Han Yi chose to break through the land of the original ancient god, which is the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

However, before that, he was ready to break into the Tower of Void again.

In this period of time, whether it was an immortal stone, an immortal sword, or an immortal gathering formation, he had all exchanged it for immortal marks.

But now, his immortal marks are almost exhausted. To rent the immortal marks from the Heaven of Tribulations, he needs to earn them from the Tower of Void.

Talk about it.

Han Yi has always felt that in addition to being a place for ordinary immortals to practice immortal warfare, the Tower of the Void also has an important and obvious role.

That is an immortal with great talent, terrifying combat power, and terrifying level improvement. He can use the Tower of the Void as a link to earn a large number of immortal marks. He can use the immortal marks as a source of material to continuously enhance his own strength. With his powerful combat power, Climb to the higher level of the Void Tower and earn Immortal Marks.

In this way, a good cycle is formed.

However, there is a premise here, that is, the immortal's cultivation speed is extremely fast to form a good cycle. Otherwise, if the speed is slow, once he is trapped on a certain floor, the immortal marks earned by the Tower of Void will no longer satisfy his needs. Cultivation will require additional practice resources to support it, and this cycle will be broken.

Han Yi felt that he was just on the edge of such a heaven-defying monk. Although it seemed that he could rely on the Tower of Void to practice at present, this period happened to be his promotion period. When he stabilized, he could not be 100% sure that he There is no need to earn immortal marks through other channels.

Think of this.

Han Yi took a deep breath, swallowed all the rich immortal energy in the Immortal Gathering Array, then stood up, put away the Immortal Gathering Array, stepped out of the Immortal Pavilion, held the black token, and teleported away.

When he reappeared, he was already inside the Void Mirror. In front of him was the Tower of Void that remained unchanged forever.

Han Yi took a step forward. Familiar data suddenly appeared from the token. As soon as he thought about it, he was on the 102nd floor in the next moment.

A streak of evil energy rushed towards his face. This evil energy crushed through the billowing void, as if it carried the power of the entire world. A century ago, Han Yi would have been difficult to contend with, but now, he is no longer what he used to be.

Han Yi raised his hand gently, and the Qingping Sword fell into his hand. He thrust out the sword, and a bright sword light emitted from the blade. The sword light differentiated, and in a ten thousandth of an instant, it was transformed. It becomes a sea of ​​swords all over the sky.

The sea of ​​swords gently turned, and the evil spirit that was so strong that it seemed like a world was destroyed. Then, when it was pushed forward, a roar was about to break through the sea of ​​swords, but as soon as it came out, the sound stopped abruptly. , the sadistic aura that just jumped up instantly melted away.

This is the sword canon practiced by Han Yi.

The Great Freedom Sword Sutra.

The first formula.

Cover the sea.

The sword light is like the sea, destroying the world.

Han Yi sheathed his sword and looked calmly. In the tumbling sea of ​​swords, he could clearly see the enemy on this level. It was an extremely evil demon. This was an ominous monster that changed his bloodline and fell from a monk to a demon.


Under Fu Hai's sword, no matter whether it was evil or ominous, they were all crushed to pieces, and even the powder was gone.

As soon as the thought occurred, he disappeared in place. After he disappeared, the whole world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button and came to a standstill. Then, as if an invisible hand gently wiped it, the whole world came to a halt again. Restore to original condition.

the other side.

Han Yi stepped into the 103rd floor of space and began to face new enemies.

Layer after layer.

On the 121st floor, he used the second form of the Great Freedom Sword Code, Breaking Dawn.

All evil is destroyed, one sword breaks the dawn.

On the 141st level, Han Yi used the sword world.

Four swords cross the sky, and one world is the only one.

On the 151st floor, Han Yi met a headless four-armed monk. The headless monk had four arms holding a heavy axe, a heavy halberd, a heavy sword, a heavy knife, and four immortal weapons. He pressed against the void.

Han Yi's face was extremely serious.

Peak level true immortal.

After the solemnity, there is the fighting spirit that is compressed to the extreme and breaks out in an instant.

In this battle, he went all out, using the three immortal arts, the second sword style, and the four sword realms, but he was still killed on the spot after just three breaths.

At the moment before death, his consciousness was pulled out, and the scenes of the battle just now turned into bizarre and bizarre scenes, which were imprinted in his mind.

After returning to consciousness, Han Yi trembled in his heart and had a deeper respect for the Tower of Void.

He did not continue to step into the Tower of Void, nor did he turn around and leave. Instead, he sat cross-legged in the Void Mirror, on the edge of the Tower of Void, quietly comprehending and deducing every detail of this battle.

But no matter how he deduced it, he could not glimpse the chance of victory.

One month later.

He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, held the token and teleported away. When he reappeared, he had arrived at the original art dojo.

Then, he did not return to the Immortal Pavilion, but fled to the west.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak where the Ten Thousand Tribulations Heaven was located.

The Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak is not very high. It can only be considered ordinary in Suizhu Immortal Courtyard. On the Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak, there is a high platform. This high platform is the entrance to the world of Ten Thousand Tribulations Heaven. Its name is, Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak. tower.

There were no monks guarding the Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak, but after Han Yi landed next to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Platform, he bowed towards the back of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Platform. At that position, a figure sat cross-legged on the edge of the Immortal Peak, with his back to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Platform. tower.

When he was a half-immortal, when he learned about the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations in the Xuanzang Palace, he learned about this mysterious shadow on the Peak of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

The origin of this shadow is too ancient and mysterious. As long as the Myriad Calamity Heaven has existed, this shadow has existed. Moreover, no matter where you look from, you can only see the shadow, but not its true face.

The truth about this shadow recorded in the Xuanzang Palace is all speculation by the monks. Some people speculate that this shadow is the guardian immortal of the Ten Thousand Calamities Heaven. His realm is at least that of a golden immortal, and he may be an immortal king or even an immortal king; It is said that this is the spiritual body of the World Spirit of Ten Thousand Calamities Heaven; others say that this is a Taoist body made by the Taoist ancestor who refined his shadow.

There are different opinions, but one thing is that for countless thousands of years, every monk and immortal who has entered the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations will salute this shadow.

At this moment, Han Yi was no exception.

After bowing, he stepped onto the Platform of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Then, the surrounding space changed, and when he reappeared, he was already in a vast space.

Within the space, he was on a celestial mountain with a height of 10,000 feet. Outside the celestial mountain, the celestial energy was misty and elusive.

Looking around, there are vast mountains and forests. Within the mountains and forests, animals roar and birds sing, creating a primitive scene.

This is not Han Yi's choice. Every half-immortal or true immortal who enters the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations will deduct the points or immortal marks required for ten years, and then randomly enter a space that matches his realm.

Ten years later, unless they are going through the Immortal Tribulation, the Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations will automatically transfer the monks out.

This is the rule of Wan Jie Tian.

Han Yi took out the Immortal Gathering Array, laid it out, placed the Immortal Stones, then sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to practice.

The focus of his practice is on the first divine aperture.

Ten years ago, the number of divine orifices in his body had reached one yuan, which was 129,600. This was the limit of the Immortal Realm.

In the next ten years, the direction of his practice is to transform a certain divine orifice from illusion into reality. This kind of reality is naturally not as good as the real world, but it has already entered the realm of the cave. For the divine person in the body , is the real world.

This kind of cave world is called the original world, which refers to the original world.

At this point, thousands of divine orifices began to turn virtual into reality, and the body of the ancient god stepped from immortality to the original. This original is the beginning of the original world.

However, although he had intuition before, he was sure that he could break through the original realm within ten years.

But after twenty years of practicing the ancient god system, the progress displayed on the panel has always been 99/100.

This made him a little confused, and he could only blame it on the fact that it was too difficult to break through by relying only on the proficiency panel without relying on the ruins of the ancient gods.

In the vast space, the aura on his body began to rise as time went on. Outside the Immortal Peak, the birds and beasts felt the increasingly powerful pressure and began to escape.

Three years later.

Han Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was filled with joy. In front of him, the proficiency panel, the realm of the divine fire fighting body, had stagnated for more than a hundred years, and finally jumped forward a point after being slightly blurred.

[Sacred Fire Battle Body (Seventh Realm 100/100)].

This indicates that his seventh realm has reached the critical point of breakthrough.

Han Yi calmed down, calmed down again, and his mind sank into the first divine orifice.

The first divine orifice, the Zhongfu divine orifice, in the center, is a divine man wearing a mysterious robe, sitting cross-legged on a flame lotus platform.

There are twelve levels on the lotus platform, one level and one realm.

The man of God had his eyes closed, and his appearance was the same as Han Yi's, but he looked older than Han Yi, a middle-aged version of Han Yi.

Because Han Yi's immortal cultivation has reached the true immortal realm, and his understanding of the laws is far ahead of the immortal realm, the power of the laws required to build the original realm cannot be easier for him.

At this moment, around the god sitting on the lotus platform, laws are surging. The thin earth, fire, water and wind, as the laws condense, begin to emerge continuously, and in front of the god, a real world begins to be constructed.

But every time, it collapsed after taking shape, and every attempt gave Han Yi a deeper understanding of the original world.

Time is long and the years are endless.

At a certain moment, in front of the God-man, the law surged and suddenly condensed into a grain of sand. Although this grain of sand was tiny, it never collapsed again, but stabilized.

The man of God opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with light and divine power. The grain of sand in front of him quickly spread and expanded until it reached a square of soil.

Immediately afterwards.

On this side of the soil, a bud began to break out of the soil and grew into a grass.

On the young leaves of this grass, a drop of water began to condense and fell to the soil.

Just after this grain of sand, a blade of grass, and a drop of water appeared.

Outside the divine aperture, sitting cross-legged on the bank of the Immortal Peak, Han Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the shadow of the ancient god deep in his eyes also opened his eyes.

All of a sudden.

In the Ten Thousand Calamities Heaven, the situation changes suddenly. (End of chapter)

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