I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 461 Eternal Immortal Realm, the True Form of the Ancient Demon

In the world of Yuandao, the storm of Taoism is still raging. In a certain corner of this mysterious world, a high tower stands here. Outside the tower, a bloody aura flashes, resisting the destruction of Taoism, making the area around the tower a pure land. . 6̳̳

In front of the tower, within the bloody aura, Han Yi stared at the two ancient words on the plaque in front of the tower.


This is the Tower of Truth.

Han Yi looked at the Altar of Truth in his hand and entered the protective range of the tower. Although the light of the Altar of Truth was weakened, it was more purposeful and guided Han Yi towards the tower.

Naturally, Han Yi did not step into it rashly. He ignored the light emanating from the Altar of Truth and took it into the fairy world.

Then he withdrew his gaze, sat cross-legged, took out the fairy stone and began to restore his fairy power. Because his fairy power was only exhausted and not injured, so in just five years, 70% of his fairy power in the fairy world had been restored.

Then, he took out the diamond-shaped crystals obtained from the God's Tomb, which was the blood of the ancient gods. He originally wanted to sell these crystals to obtain fairy stones or other resources, but at this moment, he had another way to use them. That is to remove the will in the divine blood and absorb the divine power contained in the divine blood.

This method of replenishing divine power is faster than birthing divine power from his own divine orifice.

Of course, this method is a huge waste of the ancient god's blood. Only one thousandth of a drop of the ancient god's blood can be absorbed by him, and the rest must be discarded.

But now in the Yuandao world, the danger has not yet been exposed, so he will naturally not be stingy about it.

Five more years later, after spending all the ancient god's blood he obtained in the tomb of the gods, Han Yi's ancient god cultivation level finally recovered by 40%.

At this point, although his strength has not yet returned to its peak state, he already has the basic life-saving ability.

Ten years, to him now, is still not a short period of time, but to the Yuandao world, it is like an instant. The terrifying storm ten years ago is still going on, with no sign of stopping.

Han Yi still had lingering fears in his heart. If the Four Source Taoist skills were not strong enough, even if he transformed into the true form of the ancient god, he would never be able to withstand a single breath in that terrifying Taoist storm and would be torn apart.

He turned around and walked towards the tower, but after only taking two steps, he stopped again and turned to look at Dao Zefeng with a confused look on his face.

From the perspective of his "wandering" for several months, this Taoist storm should affect the entire Yuandao world. Han Yi initially thought that this was just an unexpected incident and had nothing to do with him. After all, he could Let the Tao Ancestors go out and pull out the Tao formation in the Yuandao world. How can He De, a true immortal, be able to trigger it?

But he suddenly thought of another problem just now. With the power of his four-source Taoism, it should be impossible to withstand such a powerful destructive storm.

When he was caught in the storm, he only had time to use the strongest protective technique. He didn't think much about it. He just felt lucky to be able to block it.

But looking back now, it seems too magical, even slightly miraculous.

Han Yi does not believe in miracles. He believes that everything has its own set of principles for how it operates.

The advanced Four-Source Taoist Technique could not be destroyed in the Taoist Storm. It should be that this Taoist Technique is related to this storm. In fact, this storm was caused by his Taoist Technique.

Thinking of this, Han Yiwu shook his head. This conjecture was so unbelievable that he couldn't believe it no matter what.

He calmed down, discarded the unrealistic delusion just now, then gathered his mind, turned around and continued walking towards the tower, his mind focused on this tower.

At the same time, he took out the altar of truth in the fairy world. The light on the altar of truth jumped and jumped, sending an urging message to Han Yi, asking Han Yi to enter the tower as soon as possible.

This altar has been completely refined by Han Yi. It is a special witch treasure that represents his identity. Its function is similar to the black token that Han Yi obtained from the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard.

"The Altar of Truth guided me here, and the word truth is written on the plaque on this tower."

"Then, there is no doubt that this tower should belong to the Truth Sect."

"It can be inferred that this Yuandao Realm does not belong to Suizhu Immortal Court as Qingyan Xuanxian said, but should be a mysterious realm where many major forces in the major immortal worlds can establish their bases here."

"No wonder, no wonder it is necessary to set up another Taoist formation in the Yuandao world, and Xuanhui Immortal Lord told us that we are safest within the Taoist formation and cannot step out of the Taoist formation."

"And in the end, it was Dao Ancestor who took action when the Dao Formation was pulled up. That means that the Immortal Spirit Giant Hand should have been cast by Dao Ancestor, but some immortals were still swept away. At least I am one of them. That is to say, Dao Ancestor could not do anything about it. , otherwise I would never let it go."

The thoughts in his heart flickered continuously. Han Yi took a deep breath and suppressed all his thoughts temporarily, leaving only one thought:

"This place is dangerous, and self-rescue is the only feasible way."

Immediately, he held the altar of truth and walked towards the high tower. When his thoughts fell on the altar, he discovered his message.

[Truth seeker: Han Yi]

[Status: Bound, not authenticated]

[Truth value: 80]

The 'truth seeker' here is a title. All wizards who join the Truth Sect and are promoted to the realm of true witches are called truth seekers in the world of truth witches.

The "Bound, Inactive" in the status is the method by which Han Yi obtained the true sacrifice of the Altar of Truth with the Counter-Dao Yuan Crystal. He has bound himself to this Altar of Truth, but has never gone to the Truth. In the witchcraft world, the registered identity means that it has not been activated.

The truth value of '80' was obtained after he sacrificed the Reversed Dao Yuanjing in the Huangya Heaven Realm of Daluo Immortal Court and sacrificed everything he obtained from the immortals who were infected by the Reversed Dao aura. the truth value.

When they arrived in front of the tower, a message suddenly popped up from the altar. Han Yi raised his eyebrows when he saw it, because the message mentioned two options.

The first one is to obtain the name, function and other information of the wizard tower.

Second, open the wizard tower and enter it.

Both of these choices require the consumption of truth points. The first one requires twenty truth points, and the second one is less, only five points.

"Everything should be exchanged with equal value, especially knowledge. This is the equal exchange that wizards believe in."

Han Yi recalled the information about the wizards in the Immortal Immortal Realm that he had read in the Xuanzang Palace. Although he occasionally obtained the Altar of Truth and used it once in the Huangya Heaven Realm, this was the first time he had come into contact with anything other than the Altar of Truth. Outside, the first creation of the witchcraft world.

In the immortal world, there are many wizard sects, and the Truth Sect is just one of them. No matter which sect they are, all wizards like to build high towers, also called wizard towers. The high tower in front of them is naturally a wizard tower.

As soon as Han Yi had an idea, he directly chose the second one. After all, he didn't have much truth value, so naturally he didn't want to waste it casually. Moreover, of these two choices, even if he chose the first one, he must choose the second one. , otherwise he would be trapped here.

As soon as his thoughts reached the altar of truth, Han Yi found that his truth value had been deducted by five points, leaving only 75 points.

At the same time, the wizard tower in front of him opened with a creak. Inside the door was a bright passage. Liang Hanyi walked in holding a Qingping sword and wearing gray and black Taoism.

After a while, he walked to the center of the first floor of the tower and discovered that there was a huge teleportation array at this location.

However, what surprised Han Yi was that as he approached, the teleportation array did not indicate the truth value required to open it, which made him a little confused. If according to his understanding, the truth value is required to open the door, then opening the teleportation array should It’s also necessary.

He did not dare to let go of his immortal consciousness rashly, but walked around the teleportation array. Halfway there, he found a few lines of tiny fonts engraved on a certain location on the teleportation array.

After dozens of miles, Han Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and after seeing these lines clearly, his face looked a little strange.

"You bastards of the Truth Sect, I evacuated everything in this Tower of Truth."

"Haha, surprised or not, unexpected or not."

"However, according to my method, I will not leave you with only one dead end. The other end of this teleportation array is an ancient witchcraft and evil place. Whether you can survive or not depends on luck."

"Li Qiankun is here for a visit."

Naturally, these words were not spoken to Han Yi, but to the wizards of the Truth Sect who would step into this tower at some point in the future.

However, the changes in the Yuandao world, the Dao Ze storm and the Altar of Truth made Han Yi come here in advance and see these handwritings left behind.

It is not difficult to sort out the cause and effect. An existence named Li Qiankun sneaked into this high tower and moved away all the things that should have been left for the wizards of the Truth Sect. Finally, he left a few lines and a teleportation array, and left again. .

Moreover, Li Qiankun also said that the place where the teleportation array arrived was the ancient witch murderous place. From these four words, it means a dangerous area.

Of course, he deduced that this dangerous place should be in the same fairyland as the Truth Sect, that is, the Immortal Realm.

Han Yi's eyes flickered, but he didn't believe all these words. He walked around and found that there was a way to open the teleportation array in another location. To open this teleportation array, it was necessary to extract the energy pool of the tower. He was outside. The bloody energy seen resisting the Daoze storm is the manifestation of the external power of the energy pool.

He continued walking into the tower, and after a circle, he returned to his original position, and then walked up the stairs. After half an hour, he returned to the first floor and stood in front of the teleportation array, slightly meditation.

In the past half hour, he checked the tower. This tower only has thirty-six floors. It is neither high nor short. The area of ​​each floor is not small. But except for the teleportation array on the first floor, the other towers have The first floor and other areas were just as Li Qiankun said, everything had been moved away by him and there was nothing left.

Standing in front of the teleportation array, Han Yi wrote down Li Qiankun's name, and then pressed a button on the teleportation array according to the instructions written on the other side of the teleportation array.

At first glance, the method of using this teleportation array does not look like a product of immortality or wizards, but a product of technology.

Especially after Han Yi pressed the button, a red light began to emerge from the button and spread along the inside of the teleportation array. Finally, the entire teleportation array was dyed red.

Then, the red light became stronger and even had the meaning of blood red. This was a sign that the teleportation array began to draw out the energy pool under the wizard tower and activate the teleportation array.

Just when the red light reached its peak, Han Yi suddenly looked back and saw that the gate of the wizard tower had been destroyed by the storm. The storm rushed in along the passage, destroying the wizard along the way. tower.

Only then did he remember that the teleportation array drained the energy pool of the wizard tower. If there was not enough energy to resist the storm outside, the storm would destroy the wizard tower.

Han Yi's body flashed and he was already on the teleportation array. He stared at the approaching storm. The gray-black light on his body had been activated first. If the teleportation array failed to open in the end, he would need to proceed to the next long process. The road to survival, and the next wizard tower, it is not known how long it will take, and more importantly, there is most likely no teleportation array in other wizard towers.

Just when Daoze Storm was only thirty meters away from the teleportation array, the blood-red light on the teleportation array reached its peak, wrapping Han Yi and his body disappeared in place.

The next moment, the storm raged, and the teleportation array broke apart inch by inch, turned into pieces, and was destroyed into nothingness in the storm.

No, not just the teleportation array, but the entire tower, including everything in the tower, was turned into nothingness in the Dao Ze storm.

In the Yuan Dao world, this Dao storm has been going on for ten years. As that short-lived idea awakened and then fell asleep, it took a full hundred years before it slowly calmed down.

Of course, Han Yi didn't know all this. He held his breath. Even though he was in the realm of a true immortal and had practiced for hundreds of years, he was extremely nervous, because he knew that this might be the only time he left the Yuandao world. way.

Whether it is the Immortal World or the ancient witch and evil land, as long as he returns to the ancient world, he will naturally find a way to return to the Daluo Immortal World and the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard.

The bloody light kept shining, and the transmission lasted for half an hour. During this half hour, Han Yi became more and more frightened.

It can be imagined that this kind of teleportation distance is quite far away, and the energy that can supply such teleportation is absolutely huge. The wizard tower has been established in the Yuandao world for countless years. Even the Daoze storm cannot destroy it, and a tower The additional teleportation array can actually connect the teleportation array to the energy pool, and can also extract all of it and turn it into teleportation energy. This is so incredible.

Han Yi had a new understanding of Li Qiankun's strength.

Moreover, thinking about it now, this Li Qiankun dared to leave his name and go against the Truth Sect. His strength was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary immortals. This person was terrifyingly an immortal or even a Taoist ancestor level powerhouse.

As the thought emerged, Han Yi found that the bloody light that enveloped him began to peel off. He condensed in his heart, and even took out the fragments of the Demon Halberd and the Qingping Sword, and put all his strength on guard to deal with dangers that may arise at any time.

After the bloody aura flickered and went out, the space in front of him changed, and Han Yi found that he had arrived in a valley.

In the deathly silence of the valley, Han Yi's expression changed drastically. He turned around suddenly and fled outside. He used the magic of the mind world to the extreme, and every place he landed was in the shifting and changing position of space.

After he disappeared, the middle of the valley began to vibrate. Then, the entire valley split directly from the middle. Under the cracked valley, a black pupil appeared. The pupil was chaotic and exuded a brutal and destructive aura. But only for a moment. He couldn't feel the breath, so he slowly closed it again.

On the other side, Han Yi, who had fled nearly a hundred miles in just one breath, felt the sudden palpitations in his heart slowly dissipate.

He stopped, looked behind him, and saw a continuous mountain range, but in his perception, this was not a mountain range at all. This was clearly the true form of an ancient demon lying horizontally.

The valley where he appeared just now was where the ancient demon's eyelids were. If he were to slow down a step and wake up the ancient demon, he would be in danger.

"Ancient witch? Ancient demon?" (End of this chapter)

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