I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 492 The Taoist Ancestor of All Tribulations? Snatch food from tiger's mouth

This scene happened in the chaos, and no sound came from it, because in the chaos, there is no medium for sound transmission, unless it is an immortal king, the law is perfect, and he can 'hear' the echo of the chaos with a higher level of cultivation. .

Just after the divine ship escaped and Ziwei Immortal Lord chased him away, several more figures flashed past. One of them was Xuanhui Immortal Lord from Suizhu Immortal Court.

In addition, there is a sturdy middle-aged man, holding a red halberd, heading towards chaos.

This middle-aged man has red hair that is burning with fire, like a god from ancient times.

Han Yi's eyes trembled. From this appearance, he recognized that the other party was the Immortal from Lingxiao Immortal Court.

Zhu Rongxianzun.

Immortal Zhu Rong is an ancient immortal who has existed since ancient times. He is an ancient immortal who traveled to the Immortal Realm through the path of fire.

According to rumors, when Lingxiao Immortal Court was established, before Emperor Ye Tian left and disappeared, Immortal Zhu Rong challenged Emperor Ye Tian. No one watched that battle. However, after Lingxiao Immortal Court was established, Zhu Rong joined Ling Xiao and became The first of the four great immortals in Lingxiao Immortal Court.

And the crimson heavy halberd in his hand is a Taoist weapon that surpasses the ninth-level immortal weapon, the Zhurong halberd. Holding the Taoist weapon Zhurong halberd in his hand, the ancient immortal Zhurong already has the strength to fight against the Taoist ancestors.

After Ancient Immortal Zhu Rong, another immortal shadow appeared.

Seeing the appearance of this immortal shadow, Han Yi's inner shock was even stronger than when he saw Kunpeng Demon Lord before.

This immortal shadow is wearing the robe of the Nine Dragon Emperor and a crown on its head. Wherever it passes, it leaves traces of chaos, as if it were praised by thousands of immortals.

"Haotian Immortal Lord."

"Even this one was dispatched."

"It seems that this time the Immortal Realm is really planning to finish its work in one battle."

This emperor is surprisingly the head of the original six emperors of Daluo Immortal Court, Haotian Immortal Lord.

In the Daluo Immortal Realm, in terms of ranking of immortals, this one is even better than the Kunpeng Demon Lord, and can be called the strongest immortal in the Daluo Immortal Realm.

Although Haotian Immortal is only an Immortal, his combat power is already equal to that of Dao Ancestor. There were rumors that he had a big battle with other Dao Ancestors in the Immortal Realm. In the end, the other party had no choice but to retreat to Haotian Immortal.

Before Han Yi was shocked, he saw two powerful men from the Zhi clan who were a hundred meters tall, blocking Ancient Immortal Zhu Rong and Immortal Haotian.

The next moment.

Endless light emerged, Han Yi's eyes hurt, and he shed two lines of blood and tears.


"They are the two wise gods."

Although it was difficult for Han Yi to open his eyes, this thought had already appeared in his heart.

In the world of wisdom, the ruler of the Nine Directions Heaven is God, which is equivalent to the existence of Taoist Ancestor.

Han Yi raised his head and tried his best to open his eyes. Outside the gap, in the silent image, a red fire figure flew back to the direction of the boundary wall. But the next moment, this figure rushed into the chaos with a more decisive attitude. The heavy halberd in his hand became extremely huge, standing across the chaos. The heavy halberd struck down, splitting the chaos.

But what shocked Han Yi was that in the next moment, the extremely huge Taoist weapon, Zhu Rongji, which could be called a heavenly world, was directly shattered by a streak of silver-white light.

Behind the broken Zhu Rong halberd, the silver-white light hit the fiery red figure. With only the remaining strength, it severely injured the ancient immortal Zhu Rong. His body also flashed past like a meteor, and it was unknown where he was bombarded.

In a short period of time that even Han Yi could not believe, the first immortal of Lingxiao Immortal Court, holding a Taoist weapon, Zhu Rong, the ancient immortal who had survived since ancient times, fell into chaos, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

The next moment.

Han Yi felt a palpitation in his heart, because the silver-white light that hit Ancient Immortal Zhu Rong suddenly shot out a burst of light and fell towards the Immortal Castle of the Underworld Snake.

The strange thing is that this broken light is not very fast when reflected by the gray-white light on the boundary wall, and even seems slow. However, all the immortals on the Immortal Castle of the Underworld Snake have an idea, that is, this silver-white light The light will surely fall on the Immortal Castle.

At this moment, a black figure escaped from the core of the Immortal Castle and unfolded into a giant snake entrenched in chaos. This was the body of the Immortal Monarch of the Underworld Snake, the Underworld Snake.

But the broken light was so sharp that it easily cut off the tail of the underworld snake, and then fell on the fairy castle.

The underworld snake cut off its tail, and the black-gold blood spread out into chaos, while the broken light that fell on the fairy castle penetrated through and disappeared in an instant.


The Immortal Fortress of the Underworld Snake collapsed on the spot. The explosion in the core area spread to all parts of the Immortal Fortress, and all the immortals fled outside.

Han Yi is no exception.

After seeing the broken light cutting off the tail of the underworld snake, he had already added a layer of gray-black body protection light to his body. This was the Xuanwu version of the four-source Taoist technique. Then, the fragments of the demon halberd wrapped around his body, All kinds of fairy castle fragments flying were blocked one by one.

At this moment, he had no time to think about what to do next, no time to think about what to do now that he was in chaos, he could only survive the explosion of the Fairy Castle first.

Moreover, this huge fairy castle is made of special materials. The worst ones are comparable to first-order immortal weapons. There is an eighth-order fairy weapon at the core. The fragments it produces are so lethal that even Han Yi Youtian Demon Halberd The fragments, the sword-controlling immortal technique broke through to the fourth level, and the four-source Taoist magic were broken by dozens of fragments, and the body-protecting Taoist magic was broken. The immortal body was stained with blood, and one of them even scratched the center of the eyebrow, leaving a bloody trace. Dangerous.

But Han Yi was still glad in his heart, because he finally escaped.

But he is in chaos. At this moment, he can only use the protection of the boundary wall to see the blurry scene in the direction of the boundary wall. If he looks towards the chaos, his line of sight is restricted to within three meters. Three meters away, there is chaos, no matter it is Neither the silver fire pupils nor the immortal consciousness can break through the suppression of chaos.

But no matter what, Han Yi and the immortals on the Immortal Castle of the Underworld Snake are considered lucky. They have not left the protection range of the boundary wall. They can see the gray-white 'halo' emitted by the boundary wall, so the surviving immortals around them , one after another fled towards the boundary wall.

Among them, Han Yi was naturally included.

But at this moment, Han Yi suddenly noticed a familiar aura that enveloped him. He had definitely encountered this aura before, but it didn't leave a deep impression on him, so he temporarily During the time, there was no sound anywhere.

The next moment, he felt his vision changing rapidly, like a wall in chaos, magnifying rapidly in front of him. Then, he directly penetrated the thick wall, and in a flash, he found himself In a void.

This emptiness made him feel inexplicably at ease.

While he felt relieved, the shock on his face had reached the extreme.

"The void outside the territory, within the boundary wall."

"That breath sent me back to the ancient world."

Han Yi turned his head and looked, and sure enough, behind him, there was a 'wall' blocking his sight. This wall emitted a faint gray-white light, and the edge could not be seen. It was the boundary wall.

At that moment, he had crossed the distance of several days of flying from the Immortal Castle, and even passed through the boundary wall.

This distance, at his own speed, would take at least several years or even ten years to reach.

Han Yi stood in nothingness, trying his best to recall the past.

Suddenly, his eyes trembled, and he remembered a scene. He had only experienced that scene briefly, and it did not leave a deep impression on him. But when he compared it with the aura that enveloped him just now, he felt more and more that the two were the same. As one body.

"The Heaven of Ten Thousand Tribulations."

"It's the breath of Ten Thousand Calamities Heaven."

"No, to be more precise, it's the aura of the Taoist figure sitting cross-legged on the Ten Thousand Tribulations Peak, with his back to the immortals."

"The aura of that shadow is too weak, but it comes from the same source as the aura that sent me out of chaos and back into the boundary wall just now."

"Yes, it is definitely that shadow, or rather, the existence represented by that shadow."

The image of the 'Suizhu Dao Ancestor' flashed through Han Yi's mind, and he shook his head slightly. That shadow in the sky of all tribulations could never be the Dao Ancestor. Otherwise, no one would have left a record for countless thousands of years.

"The weakest shadow that can send me back, and not follow the Immortal Castle, but step into the chaos alone, should be the Immortal Lord."

"Even, it's Dao Ancestor."

"Such a Taoist ancestor can be called the Taoist ancestor of all tribulations."

Han Yi took a deep breath, and his heart was shaking. He was more inclined to think that the other party was Tao Ancestor. He was the second Tao Ancestor hidden in Suizhu Immortal Court besides Sui Zhu Tao Ancestor.

As the oldest fairy court, Suizhu Immortal Courtyard has an extremely profound foundation. It is absolutely impossible for there to be only one Taoist ancestor.

After the thought fell, Han Yi was preparing to escape to the north. With his own strength, he could not step into the chaos. It was unrealistic to stay in place and wait for other immortal castles. In this situation, the best way was to leave on his own and wait for the return to the immortal castle. Court, and then report the matter to the Immortal Court.

But right now.

There was a sudden loud explosion at the boundary wall behind him, as if something had hit the boundary wall.

As Han Yi turned around, he quickly activated the Four Sources Taoist Technique and fled back, but after only half a breath, he stopped.

In front of him, on the gray-white boundary wall, a sharp object pierced the boundary wall and popped up.

This sharp thing glowed with black light. Han Yi was no stranger to it. It was the mechanical god ship from before.

The main reason why he stopped at this moment was that within his sight, the light red words were flowing down like a waterfall.

[Fate Seed found, cannot be absorbed]

[Fate Seed found, cannot be absorbed]

The refresh speed of these light red words was much faster than in the scarlet dimension.

"Destiny Seed."

"There are a large number, even a massive number of life types in this mechanical godship."

"However, it shows that it cannot be absorbed. It should be because the distance is too far."

Han Yi has also encountered the content of the prompt.

When the distance is too far, even if there is a life species, the panel will not prompt. For example, when Demon Lord Kunpeng appeared before, Han Yi was too far away from the divine ship, and the panel did not prompt.

And if the distance is even closer, it will prompt that there is a 'life seed', but it cannot be absorbed, as shown at this moment.

And if you get closer, when the prompt 'can be absorbed' is displayed, Han Yi can absorb the life seed from a distance. For example, in the previous two scarlet dimensions, he did not go down to the lowest level where the intelligent seed was, but at the outermost level. level, he completed the absorption of life seeds, and then fled away, leaving the strong men of the scarlet ghost witch clan helpless.

At this moment, the huge divine ship embedded in the boundary wall made no sound, as if there were no intelligent people or other subordinate races in it.

Han Yi's mind was spinning wildly. There were two choices before him at this moment. One was to quickly turn around and run away, and the other was to take a risk, seize the food from the tiger's mouth, and get closer quickly. With his current true immortal cultivation, in fact, , you can absorb life seeds from a distance without getting too close.

In less than a tenth of an instant, Han Yi's figure rushed forward.

There was an extremely huge opportunity ahead of him, and he would really not be willing to give it a try.

While making the save, he used the shape-shifting magic to its extreme, minimizing his own presence.

However, due to the limitations of his realm, even if he has the second level of the Shapeshifting Immortal Technique, as long as he reaches the level of a senior Mystic Immortal, he can easily see through his disguise.

Therefore, he did not fully expect this magic to have much effect, but he just had the mentality that it would be of some use.

At the same time, the Four Sources of Taoism, the fragments of the Heavenly Demon Halberd, and even the thirteen swords that make up the Immortal World were all taken out.

This time he took a risk, and the risks involved were unpredictable. Han Yi had already made the worst plan of exploding many immortal swords at the critical moment.

Ten breaths.

Ten breaths of time.

He increased his speed to the extreme with the second-level Immortal Technique of Mind Realm, plus the second transformation of the Nine Transformations of the Ancient Flame Moon God, the Flame God's Realm Movement.

This speed has already crossed a huge realm, comparable to that of a senior Xuanxian.

In these ten breaths, an exaggerated distance had been covered, and the light red font sloping down on Han Yi's panel finally changed.

[Discovered life seeds, can be absorbed]

Han Yi's heart moved and he quickly thought of 'absorb'.

Then, his body quickly became blurred, condensing into a dim spiritual light. The spiritual light was suspended in the void, and even a senior Xuanxian could not detect it without careful inspection.

The fifth transformation of the Ancient Flame Moon God is the Lingxu transformation.

Within the boundary wall, the virtual spirit was not visible, but the mechanical god ship embedded in the boundary wall was vibrating crazily.

An incredible voice, but one that revealed infinite joy, came from the divine ship.

The strange thing is that Han Yi can actually understand this sentence that was passed into nothingness.

"Great Realm Lord."

"It's the breath of the Great Realm Lord."

Han Yi, who had condensed into a bit of ethereal spirit, was extremely nervous. When the voice just came out, he had already released the ethereal transformation, revealed his true form, and fled north.

Behind him, as the voice fell, the divine ship broke free from the boundary wall.

But at this moment, in the void, another figure appeared and walked towards the divine ship.

This figure is not tall, but rather short and thin. If you get closer, you can see that this figure is an old man with a short stature.

The old man had his hands clasped behind his back, and his appearance was unremarkable, but his eyes were so bright that they radiated light that illuminated the void.

"It's too late."

"There is only a dilapidated divine ship left, and there are two injured wise saints in the divine ship, one from the Six Desire Heaven and the other from the Great Wisdom Heaven."

"It's so careless, but it's worth taking action."

As soon as he finished speaking, the short and thin old man straightened up, and at this moment, the void seemed to become shorter.

The old man did not use an immortal or Taoist weapon, but punched it out.

The power of this punch tore through the void, interrupted the divine ship, and blasted it into the boundary wall.

The old man scanned the north and saw a figure in his eyes. He raised his brows, but did not make any move. Instead, he followed the shattered divine ship and chased it into the boundary wall.

On the north side of the battlefield, Han Yi was thrown away by the aftermath of the fist wind. It took dozens of breaths before he regained his balance.

His expression became even more horrified.

"Hongwu Immortal Lord."

"Hongwu Immortal Lord of Suizhu Immortal Courtyard." (End of this chapter)

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