I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 507 Huangyan’s layout, Dawei’s traces

In the Tianzhu Palace, Han Yi was extremely shocked when he heard the news about the Chaotic Demon Zone.

One hundred thousand years ago, turmoil broke out in the southern part of the Daluo Immortal Realm. During that battle, the ancient books left behind showed that it was an invasion by the Zhi clan. Several gods took action and killed the two Dao Ancestors of Da Luo, the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor and the Samsara Dao Ancestor.

In the end, more than thirty fairy realms in the southern part of the Daluo Immortal Realm were shattered into countless Broken Immortal Realms. Most of the Broken Immortal Realms, including the subordinate small worlds, were contaminated by the aura of the Heavenly Demon after the death of the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor. The laws were incomplete, and there were no true immortals anymore. Tribulation.

This part of the area is called the Chaos Demon Zone.

Due to the special characteristics of the Chaotic Demon Zone, it was exiled to the southeast of the Daluo Immortal Realm, which is not close to the mainland of the Daluo Immortal Realm. It is on the edge of the battlefield outside the territory. However, both the Immortal Realm and the Intellectual Realm are afraid of the things left behind after the death of the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor. There is an ominous atmosphere and I don’t want to enter it.


Over the years, as Han Yi's authority has increased and he has learned more about the major forces in the immortal world, the more he feels that the main reason for the destruction of Daluo in the battle a hundred thousand years ago was not just the Zhi clan, which triggered that battle The root cause is by no means simple and is heavily hidden.

And the news he just heard that shocked him was that three years ago, when he first stepped into the Tower of the Void, the mysterious priests of the Huangyan Taoist Court took action and used their supreme magic power to destroy the people in the void outside the territory. The Chaos Demon Zone moved to the south of the Daluo Immortal Realm and connected to the Qingxuan Immortal Realm.

Moreover, the ominous aura of the Heavenly Demon Dao Ancestor that was originally left behind in the Chaotic Demon Zone was directly erased by the mysterious Taoist priest in the process.

The more than thirty fairy realms that were originally broken, including their subordinate small worlds, after being reunited, are only about the area of ​​thirteen fairy realms. The connection between these thirteen fairy realms and Daluo Immortal Realm is only the Qingxuan Immortal. There is no Qingling or Yinglong Immortal Domain.

At this moment, when the Supreme Being looks down at the Daluo Immortal Realm, he will find that the Immortal Realm is no longer an irregular and circular continent, but a splicing of two irregular and circular continents, one large and one small. The splicing position of these two continents is impressive. It is Qingxuan Immortal Realm.

After reuniting in the Luanmo District, Huangyan Taoting did not move the Taoist center that was originally located in the middle of the Daluo Immortal Realm. Instead, it established a separate center in the Luanmo District and turned it into a dual center.

With the Chaos Demon Zone, Huang Yan Tao Ting has become the most extensive supreme force in the Daluo Immortal Realm.

"That is to say, the Yuheng Realm has been spliced ​​into the Daluo Immortal Realm."

"What a generous move."

"Could it be that the priest who took action was the Heavenly Lord?"

"With such supreme magic power, even if it is not the Heavenly Lord, it is definitely the existence of the peak Taoist Ancestor, so that it can easily erase the strange aura of the Heavenly Demon that has been left for 100,000 years, and forcibly piece together such a large area to bring it back to the Daluo Immortal World. .”


"What is the purpose of this Taoist priest that he spends so much time on it?"

"In addition, Jielian Immortal Lord went to find Qingxuan Immortal Lord before, and finally Qingxuan Immortal Lord cooperated with Huangyan Taoting. From now on, it should be to connect directly to the void and pave the way for the entrance of the Chaos Demon Zone."

"What a generous move."

Han Yi lamented twice in a row about the 'big deal' and became even more confused about the current situation in the immortal world.

However, what is certain is that Huangyan Taoist Court, or the mysterious Taoist priest standing behind this Taoist court, is playing a big game, whether it is building a tomb-crossing Taoist boat or expanding the central fairyland, Nanlian Qingxuan, reuniting Luanmo, are all steps in this game of chess.

After suppressing his divergent thoughts, Han Yi left the Tianzhu Palace and fled south, passing through the Immortal Square Palace and heading towards the Yuan Shu Immortal Realm.

He has stayed in Suizhu Immortal Court for more than thirty years. According to the previous plan, every few decades, he would choose to return to Xuandan Sect and sit in charge of the sect for a period of time.

Only when the Xuan Dan Sect becomes stronger and at least a few true immortals are born will Han Yi be able to rest assured. By then, he will be able to practice in the Suizhu Immortal Courtyard for a long time.

After more than thirty years of practice, he is now in a state where, although he has just passed the senior level of the Mysterious Immortal, all his skills have reached the peak level of the Mysterious Immortal. His sword-controlling skills have even reached the fifth level, and he possesses the Golden Immortal. Combat strength.

The increase in speed allowed him to rush from Sui Zhu Immortal Court to Yuan Shu Immortal Domain in only a day and a half.

Before entering the Qingshu Mountains, he suddenly noticed something unusual. He stopped and looked outside the mountains at an ordinary cliff ten miles away. Then, he gently fired a sword energy and slashed towards the cliff.

The small cliff broke instantly as the sword energy passed by, and fell down, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

The vibration of the cliff also caused the mountain-guarding monks of the Xuandan Sect. One of the Yuanying monks escaped from the border of the Qingshu Mountains and prepared to rush to investigate. But the next moment, an immortal thought fell in his mind, and he was shocked. , with a respectful expression on his face, he returned to his original position.

After stopping the monk guarding the mountain, Han Yi stepped forward. When he approached the broken cliff, he waved gently, and a broken lens was picked up by him from the rubble. The fragment was only half the size of a palm and hovered in front of Han Yi. .

Han Yi's eyes flashed coldly, and a spiritual light popped up. The spiritual light fell on the lens, and the lens melted instantly. In an instant, he sensed a breath that was quickly escaping. This breath was hundreds of miles away.

The melted and broken lens in front of him is a medium for remote monitoring of fairy magic. If his strength had not improved, he might not have been able to detect it when he was still in the real fairyland.

As for the spiritual light that he just popped up, which can melt the medium's 'lens', it is the 'Chaotic Star' magic. This magic determines cause and effect and traces the root cause. It was created by a peak golden immortal and is collected in the original magic field. Among them, they are all top-notch among similar immortal arts.

Sure enough, in front of this magic that traced its origin, he immediately discovered that behind the lens medium was an immortal. The immortal was hundreds of miles away, using the lens as a medium to monitor the Qingshu Mountains, and when Han Yi melted After taking off his lens and catching a glimpse of his aura, he knew he had been discovered and wanted to escape from here quickly.

But how could Han Yi achieve what he wished for? His figure flashed, and every step he took seemed to be in a different time and space, a different world. This was the third level of mental world magic, supplemented by the second transformation of the nine-transformation magic. , the body technique performed by the Flame God's realms.

This fusion body technique, which he had verified in the Tower of the Void, had already reached the peak level of the Mysterious Immortal, and was just a hair away from the limit of the Mysterious Immortal.

The mysterious immortal in front who was secretly spying on the Xuan Dan Sect was just a true immortal, and his speed was far inferior to Han Yi.

Within three breaths, Han Yi arrived behind him.

The true immortal naturally knew that the danger was coming behind him. The opponent had broken his magic just now and was chasing him in an instant. In today's Dawei, only a few elders of the top immortal immortals possess such means.

At the critical moment, the true immortal knew that it would be difficult to escape with his methods, so he stopped, turned around and faced Han Yi directly, and said loudly:

"Fellow Taoist, wait a moment."

"I am a monk from the Daye Immortal Sect. I am just testing out my magic here, and I have absolutely no ill intentions."

However, his words did not have an effect on Han Yi. Han Yi used the Luanxing Immortal Technique to calculate and knew that this person came from the southwest, far away from the original art dojo. The person he said was the 'Daye Immortal Sect' It is a Mysterious Immortal-level Immortal Sect in the Yuan Shu Immortal Domain, and the clues obtained from the Immortal Technique are inconsistent.

Clearly lying.

Moreover, it is naturally impossible for Han Yi to believe the rhetoric of "experimenting immortal magic without any malicious intent".

His face turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, a sword energy flew out, spanning dozens of miles, and exploded the body of the true immortal. During the explosion, an immortal soul fled in horror. This was not because the sword energy was not enough. Strong, but he deliberately held back.

When the immortal soul escaped from the exploded body and was about to escape, he felt that the whole world suddenly changed and turned into a dark starry sky. In the depths of the distant and endless starry sky, several stars shone and swayed.


In the dark space, dozens of thick black chains suddenly appeared. The chains shuttled through the space, making a loud clattering sound, and rushed towards the true immortal. The true immortal looked horrified, and was about to escape, but found a terrifying force. The extreme power suddenly pressed down on him, making his immortal soul almost unable to bear it, and cracks appeared faintly.

After his meal, dozens of black chains finally wrapped around him, trapping his immortal soul.

The next moment, his whole body trembled, and the eyes of the immortal soul were dim and dull. Above the immortal soul, scenes of images flickered past, like memories printed in a book, turning at this moment.

outside world.

Han Yi's eyes suddenly dawned, and he finally knew where this true immortal came from.

He had just blasted the body of the true immortal, and in an instant he had pulled the soul of the immortal into a certain divine orifice world, and then simultaneously cast a divine spell.

Nine transformations of the Ancient Flame Moon God, the fourth transformation of the divine technique: Ten Thousand Locks of Sinking Soul Realm.

This is a magical form of magic.

In fact, this magical technique can work on all invisible creatures, but it has the greatest effect on the 'soul' form, whether it is an immortal soul, a divine soul, or a soul.

This magical technique is to open up the world of the divine orifice in the body into the soul world. In this soul world, countless chains of trapped souls are extended to refine the soul.

Among them, retrieving memory is just one of its functions.

From the memory just extracted, Han Yi learned that this true immortal came from the Dawei Immortal Sect, which was the main sect of the Jiuwei Immortal Sect that he destroyed in Suigu Immortal City.

More than a hundred years ago, Han Yi also encountered several immortals who were tracked by the Dawei Immortal Sect, and those immortals also held Situ Xian, the elder of the Suigu Immortal Sect hostage.

At that time, Han Yi easily killed Dawei Xuanxian and Zhenxian, and rescued Situ Xian.

Now it seems that the Great Immortal Sect is really stubborn and is spying on the Xuan Dan Sect.

Thinking of this, Han Yi's murderous intention rose slightly.

He did not act immediately, but turned around and returned to the Qingshu Mountains. Immortal thoughts penetrated into the sect. In an instant, the spirit of the immortals rolled and the immortal formation surged. This formation was laid out half a century ago, and it was a fourth-level formation. The pinnacle of the immortal formation is called the Shidu Xuanling Haoyu Immortal Formation.

This fourth-level peak immortal formation operates to the extreme and can resist the peak immortals.

The core of the Immortal Formation is not single, but is divided into two places. One is the Doufa Sacred Mountain where he used to sit, and the other is the Xuanhong Pavilion established by Yuan Hong.

Even if he is not here, with Yuan Hong in charge, this immortal formation can resist the peak Xuanxian for a period of time.

At this moment, stimulated by Han Yixian's thoughts, the fairy formation was operating at full capacity. In Xuanhong Pavilion, Yuan Hong also received Han Yi's thoughts. He was in the center with a solemn expression. His fairy power connected with the fairy formation and transformed this fairy formation. The formation was maximized.

At the edge of the Qingshu Mountains, Han Yi withdrew his immortal thoughts, turned around and fled towards the southwest.

The true immortal in the divine world has not fallen, and it should not have aroused the vigilance of the Dawei Immortal Sect. Before the other party found out, Han Yi decided to take the initiative to directly destroy the Dawei Immortal Sect and choke off this cause and effect. Break.

From the memory of the immortal soul of this true immortal, Han Yi also knew the situation of Dawei Immortal Sect. This immortal sect was within the scope of Lingxiao Immortal Courtyard. Back then, the sect's peak Golden Immortal failed to cross the tribulation and fell. On the spot, the enemy sect took action and prepared Dawei was destroyed, but Dawei had a plan in advance and dispersed in advance, splitting into many immortal sects and fleeing to various parts of the immortal world.

The Jiuwei Immortal Sect in Suigu Immortal City was a branch of the Dawei Immortal Sect that escaped.

Although the Dawei Immortal Sect has been rebuilt, less than 30% of the hundreds of branches have returned. There are no golden immortals in the sect, only seven peak profound immortals.

It was precisely when Han Yi saw this that he decided to take the lead in attacking, finishing his work in one battle and settling the cause and effect.

Two days later.

Han Yi crossed Lin'an Immortal Domain and entered Lingxiao Immortal Court. The Immortal Domain he was in was called Yuhu Immortal Domain. There was a huge lake named Yuhu in the center of the Immortal Domain.

According to ancient rumors, before the immortal world was broken, the Jade Lake was transformed into a broken treasure that transcended Taoism.

After flying away for another stick of incense, Han Yi finally reached the other side of the vast Jade Lake and stepped into the scope of the Xuanwa Immortal Sect.

That's right.

The way Dawei Immortal Sect was rebuilt was not to create something directly from scratch, but to use a shell to rebuild it. The shell it borrowed was the Xuanwa Immortal Sect. This Immortal Sect was originally just a relatively ordinary Xuanxian-level Immortal Sect. The two members of the sect After the Xuanxian was secretly replaced, he became the shell of the Dawei Immortal Sect.

Moreover, the Xuanwa Immortal Sect publicly announced that the sect's great elder is expected to break through from an ordinary Xuan Immortal to a senior Xuan Immortal, and the sect is preparing to close the mountain for a thousand years.

In the past thousand years, the Dawei Immortal Sect has also been preparing for a pinnacle profound immortal in the sect. That pinnacle profound immortal is the immortal in the immortal sect who has the best hope of breaking through to the Golden Immortal within a thousand years.

If a golden immortal emerges from the sect within a thousand years, he will definitely be able to secretly recall more branches. In the future, it is not impossible to recreate the grand occasion of Dawei.

Han Yi looked at the Xuanwa Immortal Sect on the other side of the Yuhu Lake with its closed mountain gate. In a flash, he had transformed into a true immortal whose immortal soul was imprisoned in his divine world.

His aura is no different from that of a true immortal. Even a mysterious immortal can hide it from the sky, making it difficult to see the difference.

This is the Immortal Technique of Changing Shape, and it has reached the second high level. In front of the Golden Immortal, there is naturally nothing to hide from, but under the Golden Immortal, Han Yi is confident that it will be difficult to be discovered.

When Han Yi approached the mountain gate, a fairy thought fell on him.

"Junior Brother Fu Ling, you were sent to Daluo Immortal Court before, and now you are returning to the sect. Did you find anything?"

The monk who transformed into Han Yi's Taoist name was Fu Ling. In the Dawei Immortal Sect, he was just one of the thousands of true immortals. A hundred years ago, several immortals from the Dawei Immortal Sect went to Daluo Immortal Court and died there. They were stored in The immortal name within the sect was shattered, so the Dawei Immortal Sect sent True Immortal Fuling to investigate.

Fuling Zhenxian is good at tracking and spying. He tracked down Luotian Xianting, which was split from Daluo, and found traces in Suigu Immortal City. He then followed the trace to Yuanju Dojo and has been spying on it ever since.

Han Yi nodded.

"Senior Brother Gu Yun, I have found out the truth behind the death of Uncle Su Luan and others, and I have come here to report it to the sect master."

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