I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 514 Ancient God Tai Zhen, the Power of Heavenly Lord

As Han Yi walked to the flat ground in the center of the land of divine enlightenment in the true form of the ancient god Qianzhang, the land of divine enlightenment underwent new changes.

Those bright and dazzling divine patterns began to peel off from the palace stone platform and gathered high in the sky, forming a sea of ​​divine light.

As the divine patterns gathered together, a pressure as thick as an immortal calamity suddenly pressed on Han Yi's heart, making his expression serious.

"No, this divine tribulation is different from ordinary divine tribulations."

"Could it be that the changes in the rules have also changed the divine calamity here?"

Han Yi felt solemn in his heart, not sure what caused the current situation, because at this moment, in the sky high in the sky, it was no longer the divine tribulation descending from heaven, but the divinely inspired place that spontaneously activated and condensed into a divine tribulation.

In this situation, he is also a little confused, but it does not prevent him from knowing that the divine tribulation has been generated, and as long as he survives these divine tribulations, he will step into the Taizhen Realm Ancient God.

Facing the brewing divine catastrophe, Han Yi gave a light drink, took out the remaining eight fairy swords to form the sword world, took out the fragments of the demon halberd, hung it above his head, and summoned the divine spear Yueguang behind him as the final weapon. rely.

"It's a pity that the Qingping Sword is still being fused, so there is no way to accompany me through the tribulation."

Han Yi flashed this idea and focused all his attention on the divine calamity that was about to take shape above his head.

At this moment, divine power began to emerge in the sea of ​​divine light composed of divine patterns, and Han Yi finally realized that this divine power was a divine tribulation, which was completely different from any heavenly tribulation, immortal tribulation, or original tribulation he had experienced in the past.

At this moment, the calamity that exudes a heavy and substantive divine power does not contain the aura of destruction, but contains powerful vitality.

Han Yi suddenly felt enlightened.

Although this is not a real divine catastrophe from the ancient times, its essence should be similar. The divine patterns sense the changes in the rules of heaven and earth, and when no divine catastrophe comes, they reunite and act as a divine catastrophe.

As for the original divine tribulation he had survived before, it was a divine tribulation under the rules of mutation. The aura of destruction accounted for 90% of that divine tribulation, so no wonder it was called a death tribulation.

With this understanding, he put away the fragments of the fairy sword and the demon halberd, and inserted the divine spear into a stone platform below. Then, he slowly flew up in the true form of the ancient god, facing the divine light above his head. Plunge into the ocean.

In an instant, the divine power exploded, knocking him down directly and hitting the stone platform below. Han Yi spit out a mouthful of divine blood, but his eyes became even brighter.


"The real divine calamity is a calamity of destruction and rebirth, not a pure calamity of destruction."

Han Yi flew up again and rushed towards the sea of ​​divine light high in the sky.

As he fell again and again, the ancient god's true body was torn open one after another, but these torn openings were quickly healed by the powerful vitality contained in the divine power.

The aura on his body is also getting stronger.

However, the many divine patterns that formed the ocean of divine light above the head were gradually extinguished. Once the divine patterns that remained here were consumed, they would disappear.

And when Han Yi was going through the tribulation.

The turmoil of the divine patterns and the surge of divine power were heard far away, and countless ferocious beasts tens of millions of miles around, like sharks that smelled blood, swarmed towards him.

But these ferocious beasts are instinctively afraid of the divinely inspired land, and they only dare to wander outside the mountains, not daring to cross them.

Inside the mountain range, in the land of divine enlightenment, a figure fell onto the platform, and the sea of ​​divine light composed of divine patterns in the sky finally disappeared after a slight pause.

As the sea of ​​divine light dissipated, other divine patterns that still existed on the stone platforms of the palaces around the Land of Divine Enlightenment were gradually extinguished.

Finally, this holy land where countless ancient gods emerged from the extremely ancient and ancient times fell silent once again.

On the central platform, Han Yi sat cross-legged. On top of the Qianzhang Ancient God's true form, a faint golden halo was emitted. The halo gradually became thicker and spread outwards, finally wrapping him up and turning him into a small golden world that seemed to be substantial.

Outside the land of divine enlightenment, those squatting ferocious beasts sensed the disappearance of divine power and began to move, climbing along the mountains to escape. However, just as they crossed the mountains and wanted to enter the land of divine enlightenment, they suddenly noticed I felt an inexplicable divine power, which was everywhere, frightening these ferocious beasts. They turned around and ran away, not daring to stay any longer.

Some ferocious beasts were unwilling to leave and wandered around the outskirts of the divinely inspired land. However, as time passed, they gradually lost their patience and roared away.

Three years later.

In the land of divine enlightenment, the golden world has been condensed to the extreme, gradually manifesting a huge golden blurred figure.

Three more years later.

The golden light was completely absorbed into Han Yi's body, and the ancient god's true body showed an extremely bright and immortal golden color.

Han Yi opened his eyes, stood up, and bowed to everyone around him.

His divine calamity was bestowed upon him by this divinely inspired place. It could even be said that it was accomplished with the assistance of many ancient gods who practiced here before time immemorial.

The divine patterns under the stone platforms of the surrounding palaces are the divine power unconsciously emitted by many ancient gods during their practice. Over time, unique divine patterns were formed. Millions of years have passed and the divine patterns have declined. However, after Han Yi arrived, When the advanced aura is stimulated, the divine patterns are sensed and naturally condense to form a sea of ​​divine light with vast divine power to help Han Yi survive this calamity.

Han Yi glanced at a message on the panel and felt happy.

[The Divine Code of Destiny of All Realms (Taizhen Realm 2/100)].

After many years, he finally stepped into the Taizhen realm from the original realm. This increased his strength greatly. Although it has not been tested, if he holds an ancient artifact and relies solely on the Taizhen ancient god's cultivation, he can fight with many gods. With his skills, Han Yi has the confidence to fight against ordinary golden immortals.

Then, he pulled out the yueguang divine spear inserted beside him, put it into the world of divine aperture, and then looked up at the sky.

Just now when he was crossing the tribulation, the illusory palace high in the sky never appeared again.

Then, he did not fly directly out of the land of divine enlightenment, but climbed along the mountains. When he reached the top of the mountains, he looked down and found that there was no vicious beast at all. When his thoughts changed, he knew that six years had passed. , presumably those violent ferocious beasts should have left long ago.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

At the beginning, he still thought about ferocious beasts hunting him after he overcame the tribulation, but later after entering the land of divine enlightenment and understanding the specialness of the divine enlightenment land, Han Yi no longer had such worries. He was worried about crossing the tribulation. After the tribulation, the ferocious beasts on the periphery were watching, but six years had passed since they simply stabilized Tai Zhen's cultivation and refined the floating divine power, and the ferocious beasts on the periphery had long since disappeared.

In this way, it is convenient for him to leave.

Han Yi turned around and took a look at the Land of Enlightenment, and secretly decided that he would definitely visit it again when he crosses the Xuji Realm.

Although the many divine patterns in this divinely inspired land have been reduced, there are still many left. All of them should be enough for him to survive the Xuji Realm.


When he consumes all the divine patterns, this divinely inspired place will no longer be special, and the mysterious divine power will disappear. The ferocious beasts on the periphery will no longer be afraid and can go straight into it.

By then, Han Yi will not be as lucky as this time and will need to deal with attacks from many ferocious beasts after overcoming the tribulation.

However, Han Yi is not worried. By the time he reaches the peak of the Taizhen Realm, his immortal cultivation should have already passed the Golden Immortal Tribulation. By then, his combat effectiveness should have reached the Golden Immortal Peak, or even surpassed the Immortal Lord level. It shouldn't be too difficult to deal with the ferocious beasts near this divine place.

Converging his thoughts, Han Yi crossed the mountains, hid his figure, and fled toward the giant river along the way he came in before. Then he followed the giant river, mountains, forests, and wilderness back to the place where he first landed in the evil world.

The return journey was much smoother than the entry. With God's help, we didn't encounter any ferocious beasts to stop us.

Standing on the edge of the void, Han Yi still had lingering fears about this trip. If it were any other immortal, even the Golden Immortal, he might not be able to escape unscathed.

No wonder monks are extinct in the Three Realms of Jueyin. It is indeed because this place is not suitable for monks to practice. Let alone practice, it is difficult to survive.

He turned around and stepped into the void, rushing back the way he came.

But just half a month later, he stopped. In front of him, there were various visions, including colorful lotus flowers and golden bamboos, which seemed like a fairyland on earth.

But Han Yi just glanced at it, then his expression changed drastically, and he turned around and ran away.

He had seen immortal-level battles in the chaos, and the momentum was already too terrifying to describe, but the danger in the vision ahead gave him a feeling that was even worse.

Dao Ancestor, the one who caused the vision in front is definitely a Tao Ancestor-level powerhouse. It is impossible for Dao Ancestor to cause visions in the void at will. The most likely possibility is that there is a danger that he does not understand, such as another Dao Ancestor, or Void Ancestor. One of the few big scary creatures in the world.

After Han Yi escaped, the visionary fairyland shattered like a bubble, and a human figure inside fled with blood, and instantly escaped into the evil world.

If Han Yi were here, he would definitely recognize that this figure had a relationship with him. It was Li Qiankun who brought him to Penglai Immortal World.

Behind Li Qiankun, a black-robed immortal stepped into the void and walked slowly towards the edge of the evil realm. He hesitated for a moment and then quickly stepped into it.

"Li Qiankun, no wonder you can become the Taoist Ancestor without triggering the Taoist Ancestor's vision. It turns out that you became the Taoist in the Evil Realm."

If there are other long-famous Taoist ancestors here, they will definitely recognize that this black-robed immortal is the Tianzun from the Kunlun Immortal World, and his Taoist name is Chonglou.

Back then, Li Qiankun was digging for the secret of ancient destruction in the Kunlun Immortal Realm. After he was discovered, Chonglou Tianzun chased him, but he escaped. Today, he is blocked here again. This time, Li Qiankun is fighting while fighting. Escape, retreat into the evil realm.

Before entering the evil realm, Chonglou Tianzun glanced at the void in the distance. In his eyes, a little guy who only had the Mysterious Immortal Realm escaped into the void and gradually moved away. However, on that little guy, there was a slight trace of his There is a familiar scent, the scent left by that person millions of years ago.

"Qingping sword?"

Immediately, he shook his head slightly.

"Only Qingping Sword is left."

As soon as the thought fell, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly rose in the center of the fierce world. When this aura erupted, Chonglou Tianzun's face became solemn, and black light danced in his eyes.

boom! !

The breath surges wildly, and everything is destroyed...

Han Yi, who fled into the void, turned around and looked at the evil world far away behind him. He noticed the ferocious aura rolling in the evil world, and his expression changed further.

Then, run away with all your might.

The changes in the Evil Realm also caused turmoil in the other eight Immortal Realms. Even the two masters of the Dark Realm and the Underworld cast their eyes, not to mention the other Heavenly Lords and Dao Ancestor-level experts in the Six Realms of Yang.

But these had nothing to do with Han Yi. All his thoughts were focused on escaping. A month later, he had reached deeper into the void. This distance was considered safe. Then, he identified the direction and headed towards the ancient times. Go south.

I don’t know if I went deep into the void and stayed away from the Nine Realms. There were no surprises next. Even when I reached the void outside Penglai, I didn’t encounter anyone being chased by Black Yama.

A year later, Han Yi finally saw the huge outline of the Daluo Immortal World. After setting foot in the Immortal World, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

This trip back and forth to the Evil Realm was not considered to be a long one. Including the journey, it was less than ten years.

But if we count the time since he left Suizhu, it would have been longer. After all, he had practiced under the Yuhu Lake for eighteen years. Taken together, it was close to half a century.

In half a century, Han Yi's immortal cultivation level has not made much breakthrough, but his ancient god system is no longer what it used to be. He has jumped directly from the original realm to the Taizhen realm.

This change pushed his strength even further.

After returning to Suizhu Immortal Court, Han Yi went straight to the original art field, but this time the original art immortal king was not in the original art field.

Then, he went to the practice residence of Taoist Jin Ming, but also found no one.

Then, he went to the Tianzhu Palace again. In the Jinxian Pavilion, when he saw Puming Jinxian, Han Yi asked about the follow-up of the mission that Taoist Jin Ming had accepted before, and told him what he had done in the Crimson Thunder Prison. Discover it and inform Puming Jinxian.

Puming Jinxian was not surprised, because as early as ten years ago, the Jinxian from Lin'an Dojo went to Xianting to report what Han Yi had discovered.

He explained: "Little friend Han must have just returned to Immortal Court."

Han Yi nodded.

Puming Jinxian continued: "No wonder you don't know."

"Ten years ago, someone from Lin'an Dojo came to report that Immortal Court sent a second Immortal Lord to the Crimson Thunder Prison. It was the Evil Immortal who severely damaged Xie Mountain."

"However, the battle that surrounded the evil immortals was too brutal. Of the more than thirty golden immortals who went there, eight of them died."

"But fellow Taoist Han, don't worry. As far as I know, fellow Taoist Jin Ming was only injured and was in retreat at the original technique dojo for healing. He did not die."

After Pu Mingjinxian explained, Han Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. The original art dojo he was talking about was not the dojo seats in the Immortal Courtyard, but the dojo in the original art immortal domain, not counting the Qingshu Mountains where Xuandan Sect is located. Far.

After thanking him, Han Yi returned directly to the Yuanshu Immortal Pavilion. Although he had been promoted to the Taizhen Realm and was a little more stable, it would still take longer to digest the gains from that divine tribulation, at least to refine the crystallization of divine power. Improve the progress of Tai Zhen Realm and practice more divine magic.

When your strength reaches the bottleneck, you can buy a fourth-level fairy sword, enter the Tower of the Void again, obtain more fairy marks, and form a good cycle.

This is Han Yi's next plan.

But when he arrived at the Immortal Pavilion, he just sat down and checked his Golden Immortal Token, but he frowned because among the many pieces of information in the token, one piece of information was received twenty years ago.

At that time, he was in Yuhu and not in the Immortal Court, so he naturally couldn't accept it. Only now, when he returned to the Immortal Court, did this message finally arrive.

The message came from Jiuhuan Pavilion, and was sent by the half-immortal treasurer of Jiuhuan Pavilion. The message stated that Jiuhuan True Immortal was in trouble and begged Han Yi to rescue him.

"Twenty years ago."

"I hope it's not too late."

Han Yi stood up again, left the Nine-story Immortal Pavilion, and headed to the Immortal Square Palace. (End of chapter)

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