I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 707: Suizhu is pleased, the True Saint Pride

Moshu Mountain.

Han Yi was very excited after calculating that it would only take more than a hundred years to condense the Dao Fruit and advance to the second step of the Dao Realm.

In the ancient world, he relied on many low-level immortals and immortal kings and immortals to calculate that it would take about seven thousand years to complete the remaining 70/100 progress at that time, which was equivalent to one hundred years for one point of progress.

Now, under the pressure of crisis and urgency, he quickly changed his mind and spent ten years to travel nearly half of the Dao God Continent, "developing" three hundred and ninety Dao Realms, using the Wanming Book and the panel to let these Dao Realms provide proficiency.

Therefore, he raised his understanding of the Dao Sutra to the level of one point of progress in two years, which was equivalent to a full fifty-fold increase.

In terms of the amount of proficiency provided, the tens of millions of Wanming incarnations he had developed in the ancient world were equivalent to eight Dao Realms.

This is the huge gap between ordinary immortals and Dao Realms.

In fact, this is normal. You have to know that there are so many cultivators and immortals in the ancient world, and the Dao Realms that were finally born are only dozens of them.

This is the reason why Han Yi chose the Wanming incarnation, and he chose the best one. If he swallowed it whole, the difference in the ratio would be even greater.

He did not continue to go out to develop the Wanming incarnation of the Dao realm, but practiced in the Demon Witch Mountain.

He could wait for a hundred years.

However, only thirty years later, a message came to his practice palace. Han Yi's face changed, and he walked out of the palace and the Demon Witch Mountain protection formation.

Then he stood at the edge of the chaos and bowed to a figure at the top of the Demon Witch Mountain.

That figure was the third mountain master of the Sword Demon Witch Mountain, the Lord of Wangxi Mountain.


He fled towards the chaos, and half a minute later, he met the Tianzun Suizhu in the chaotic area outside the Demon Witch Mountain.

The previous message was from the Lord of Wangxi Mountain, and the content of the message was that the Tianzun Suizhu wanted to see Han Yi.

After all, the Demonic Witch Mountain is a Chaos-level power, and it is inconvenient for the Heavenly Lord Suizhu to enter the Demonic Witch Mountain, so he passed the message to the Lord of Wangxi Mountain and asked him to call Han Yi out on his behalf.

In the land of chaos and nothingness, Han Yi saw the Heavenly Lord Suizhu, and his face was quite excited.

"Greetings, Heavenly Lord."

This was the first time he had talked face to face with the Heavenly Lord Suizhu after more than 4,000 years. The last time he talked was when the Nine Realms were united, and the Heavenly Dao warned that Purgatory Island and the Void Demon Palace were eyeing the Suizhu Immortal Court. The Heavenly Lord Suizhu came from the chaos, carrying the majesty of the Heavenly Lord, so that the two major forces did not dare to act at will.

At that time, Han Yi was only in the Taiyi Realm, not even the Immortal Lord.

"Good, good, good."

"Han Yi, you actually promoted to the Dao Realm so quickly, you deserve the name of a genius."

"By the way, how did you join the Demonic Witch Mountain? What is the situation in the Immortal Court now?"

Although he arranged a back-up in the Immortal Court, there were three Dao Realms between them, and even as a Heavenly Lord, Suizhu could not sense the situation in the Immortal Court.

"When I left more than seventy years ago, everything was fine in the Immortal Court."

"For thousands of years, it was the two Taoist brothers Wanjie and Xuanzang who were in charge of the Immortal Court..."

Han Yi began to slowly talk about what happened to the Immortal Court and him over the years.

He talked about the affairs of the Immortal Court in great detail, but he only mentioned his own affairs in passing.

When talking about the Yuan Dao Realm crashing into the Kunlun Territory, Han Yi killing his way into it and seizing many treasures, Suizhu Tianzun was very excited.

When talking about restarting the expedition and taking action in the Yongzhi World, Suizhu Tianzun slowly exhaled, as if he had untied a knot in his heart.

When talking about Xuanzang Daozu returning from the chaos, falling seriously injured, and the elders of the Void Demon Palace going south, Suizhu Tianzun's face flashed with a fierce light.

When talking about Han Yi using the first step of the Dao Realm to forcefully kill the Dao Fruit-level strongman of the Void Demon Palace, Suizhu Tianzun's face was extremely relieved.


It took half an incense stick for Han Yi to finish talking about the Immortal Court and what he had experienced over the years.

When he saw the situation of Suizhu Tianzun in Daoshen Sect forty years ago, he guessed that the reason why Suizhu Tianzun had no news for thousands of years was that he could not take care of other things when connecting to the heart of the world, and he could not spare his mind to do other things.

Suizhu Tianzun was like this, and so were other Tianzuns, including Donghuang Taiyi, the Tianzuns of Purgatory Island and Xumo Palace, who did not know what happened in the Jigu Great World.

And Han Yi was probably the first cultivator who crossed the three Dao Realms from Jigu and came to Daoshen Continent. If it were not for the help of the Sword Demon Wushan, he would not have been able to come here so easily.

You know, the Chaos Ancient Dao Realm alone can stop most Dao Fruit Realm and Outer Dao Realm. The danger there is everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be beaten to death by the passing Chaos and Disorder Strongman, which can be said to be a completely vain death.

The changes in Suizhu Tianzun's expression were extremely rich. Although he was a Tianzun, he could be calm and composed even though his heart was in turmoil. However, in front of Han Yi, he still showed his truest side, which was his trust in Han Yi.

After Han Yi finished speaking, Suizhu Tianzun spent a few breaths to calm down before slowly saying:

"You did a good job."

"I was right about you."

"Next, we will return to the ancient times. Are you going to go back or stay here?"

Suizhu Tianzun did not take Han Yi away directly, but asked about his wishes. Han Yi's future was limitless. Maybe the next time they met, the other party might already be a Tianzun.

The arrival of the Chaos Disaster was also accompanied by the rise of the heaven-defying cultivators. He fully understood this in Han Yi.

Han Yi did not hesitate, but nodded and said, "Of course, I will follow Tianzun and return to the Heavenly Court."

In fact.

This choice was not difficult for Han Yi.

Before this, he had already prepared himself mentally. If Suizhu was replaced and returned to Jigu, he would definitely follow.

Otherwise, if he stayed in Mowu Mountain, it would take a long time to return to Jigu, because he would have to go there by himself and could no longer rely on the power of Mowu Mountain.

To cross the three Dao domains, the power required was at least the outer Dao realm, and ordinary Daoguo realm was not safe.

As for the 390 Dao realm incarnations he developed in Daoshen Continent, he also had a plan.

No one stipulated that these incarnations must be on Daoshen Continent, so Han Yi planned to pull all these Dao realm beings into the Shenqiao world, carry them with him, and truly "raise" them so that they could provide "proficiency".

Anyway, the Dao realms he chose were not the Dao-seeking monks of normal sects. They were either full of evil, or murderous, possessed by demons, and even if they were squeezed by machines, they did not need to feel guilty at all, but were acting on behalf of heaven.

Of course.

Dao Realm itself has a ‘volume’. For ordinary Dao Realm, no matter where it is placed, the number of other Dao Realm beings cannot be too many. Once the number exceeds the limit and the load is too heavy, the Dao Realm will be ‘crushed’.

In the world of immortal cultivation, the general rule is that one Dao Realm can carry ten Dao Realm beings of the same cultivation level and only be slightly affected.

But Han Yi is different. He is a fellow cultivator, and because of the God Refining Heavenly Pond on the Zushen Star, he has converted the blood of the ancient gods into the innate chaos gods.

In addition to the perfect practice of the proficiency panel, he has calculated that he can carry about a thousand Dao Realm beings. If there are more than a thousand Dao Realm beings, the divine world in his body will be crushed, and he will also be affected.

Seeing that Han Yi is not greedy for the title of the Lord of the Demon Witch Mountain, Suizhu Tianzun is even more relieved.

"Okay, we have agreed that we will leave Daoshen Mountain and return to Jigu in ten years. I will pick you up then."

"During these ten years, you should go back and prepare first, and deal with the affairs of the mountain master in Mowu Mountain. If you want to come back to the Central Dao Domain after this return, you will probably have to wait until the second stage of Daozang Ripples, which is 100,000 years later."

Han Yi originally wanted to ask if he could be given some time. He had already sent messages to many Dao Realm incarnations scattered across Daoshen Continent through the Wanming Book. If they traveled at full speed, it would take about a month for them to get here.

And the words of Suizhu Tianzun dispelled his last concerns.

He turned his mind and guessed that these Tianzun came here from Jigu, and in addition to deducing the method of crossing Daozang, they should also have other gains.

The ten years they agreed on were probably the time for these Tianzun to digest what they had gained.

Suizhu Tianzun gave a few more instructions, and after leaving a way to send a message, he returned to Daoshen Mountain. He still had things to do in Daoshen Mountain. He rushed to see Han Yi because he was concerned about the situation in the Immortal Court and wanted to ask about it as soon as possible.

Han Yi quickly returned to Mowu Mountain, sorted things out a little, left a message, and left again, escaping into the chaos.

For him, Mowu Mountain was just a post station for him to rest and practice temporarily. Although he was the master of the mountain, he did not have a strong sense of belonging, and he did not establish a real Taoist temple and power.

His belonging was the ancient world.

He escaped into the chaos and found a big city on the edge of the Daoshen Continent and fell into it.

In the next month, Dao Realm incarnations came from other places one after another, quietly stepped into the city without alarming anyone, and then found Han Yi and were taken into the world of the gods.

Although he had asked these Dao Realms to be cautious, the Dao Realms that returned were not the 390 he had developed at the beginning, but only 375, with 15 of them falling.

Han Yi was not surprised. These Dao Realm incarnations were the targets of everyone's killing in the Dao God Continent. Even if they were low-key, once they were recognized, the probability of being killed was much higher than that of other Dao Realms.

And he didn't want to develop other Dao Realms anymore, but quietly waited here for the call of Suizhu Tianzun.

But he didn't want to cause trouble, but someone didn't do as he wished.

Three years later.

A figure fell from the sky and landed in this big city.

Although this city is big, the strongest person in the sect is Daoguo Realm, and there is only one. Facing the newcomer, this Daoguo Realm cultivator was the first to notice and wanted to stop him, but he only heard a huge roar that almost shattered his Dao Soul.

"Get lost!!"

The Daoguo Realm strongman in the city fell down like a kite with a broken string at a faster speed. Although he did not fall, he was only injured, but he was terrified and dared not come out again.

This movement also instantly alarmed Han Yi, who had not entered a deep state of cultivation.

He walked out of the cultivation cave and looked up to the sky. When he saw the person landing clearly, his brows frowned and his face changed slightly.

Because he was not unfamiliar with the Taoist robe on this person.

Han Yi had seen this kind of Taoist robe on Wanchao Daozu. Although the style was not exactly the same, the similarity was about 70%.

Especially the pattern on the chest of the Taoist robe, it was exactly the same as the three Taoist female cultivators of the True Saint Palace who Han Yi killed near the Eternal Dao Mark, or the Taoist robe on Wanchao Daozu.

Is the person coming from the Taoist realm of the True Saint Palace?

Is the other party coming for him?

How did he find him?

Han Yi's thoughts just turned.

As if he had noticed Han Yi's gaze, the person who had landed turned sideways and looked at Han Yi. Then, a sneer appeared on his face and his murderous intent suddenly rose.

"Found you."

Immediately, the person who landed pulled out the Dao sword from his waist and swung the sword down.

brush! !

The silver sword light, like the silver Milky Way, fell from the sky, as if it was going to split the world into two. As soon as the sharp sword intent appeared, the city was aware of something abnormal. Many people who had just walked out looked up. Taoist monks feel cold all over their bodies.

boom! !

Countless buildings below were turned into powder under this sword, and everything they touched was destroyed. Among them, countless low-level monks, mansions, streets, etc. were all destroyed.

High in the sky, the man holding the sword raised his head slightly and looked forward, because in an instant, a figure of Youdao stood at the same height as him.

"As expected of being able to kill Senior Brother Wan Chao, his strength is quite good."

This figure is Han Yi, who used the traceless Taoist technique to avoid the sword.

Han Yi stretched out his hand, pinched the silver light on his cuffs, rubbed it, and then wiped it away.

This silver light was a ray of the silver sword light just now. Although Han Yi used it without leaving a trace, he was hit by just a hair's breadth, which was quite thrilling.

Immediately, he looked at the cave below and saw the silver sword light gradually dissipating, revealing a valley that spread for hundreds of miles. The valley was about a mile wide and several miles deep.

And this valley, a breath ago, was still a prosperous place.

Han Yi's face turned cold and stern.

He raised his head and looked at the man holding the silver sword, and for the first time he saw the whole person clearly. He was a young man of about thirty years old, with a look of arrogance between his brows.

The silver sword in his hand was a soft body, swaying slightly and emitting silver light, which was dazzling but extremely dangerous.

This sword is not simple.

Han Yi stared deeply at the other party and said slowly: "True Holy Palace?"

"Really stubborn."

The realm of the young man in front of him is not a heretic, but only a realm of Tao and Fruit, and the other party calls Wan Chao Tao Ancestor his senior brother. In terms of realm and seniority, he should be below Wan Chao Tao Ancestor.

But the danger that the other party brought to him was much higher than that of Wan Chao Dao Ancestor. It was not at the same level at all. Facing the other party, Han Yi even felt as if he was facing a powerful outsider.

He knew that the other party, like him, was also a talented person who could fight beyond the ranks.

Han Yi was wary in his heart. He never underestimated other realms.

As for how this young man came from the Fuheng Dao Domain to the Central Dao Domain, it is not difficult to speculate that the three thousand Heavenly Lords involved in the Dao Shen Sect's Jiexin deduction need to be replaced, which means that other Heavenly Lords came from the Nine Avenues Domain.

This should also be the reason why this young man can appear in Dao Shen Continent, because several deities from Zhensheng Palace are also here.


However, there is one thing that Han Yi has never figured out. How did Wan Chao Daozu and the young man in front of him, who also came from Zhensheng Palace, find him?

If this problem is not solved, he will feel uneasy. (End of chapter)

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