I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 711: Incarnation to ward off disaster, the Taoist sutra is complete

In the chaotic void, a war that spreads across endless territories is going on vigorously.

The two sides in this battle are one of the top forces in the Chaos Ancient Dao Realm, the Immortal Tomb composed of Dao Destroyers, and in this fight, even the owner of the Immortal Tomb is awakening and waking up from his slumber.

On the other side are the cultivators from the ancient world who have just left the Central Dao Realm and entered the Chaos Ancient Dao Realm.

Among them, there are ten Heavenly Lords and more than a dozen Taoist realms. Among these ten Heavenly Lords, Great Heavenly Lord Hongjun did not escape in the face of the crisis. Instead, he stood up and blocked the Lord of the Immortal Tomb who was about to revive. The Taoist exterminators from Xianling were surrounded and surrounded by a gap, allowing the remaining Tianzun Dao realms to escape.

Of course, although they broke through the encirclement, they did not escape the disaster. After the Dao Destroyers near the gap reacted, they quickly chased after them.

Dao slayers at the Tianzun level are targeting Tianzun, while Dao slayers at the Dao realm only pursue Tao realms.

After a few breaths of escaping, Han Yi began to understand that Suizhu Tianzun did not immediately take Han Yi into his body after noticing the abnormality in the Tao boat.

Because, in such a vast battlefield, both Tianzun and Dao realm have their own calamities. Once Han Yi is taken into the body, such as Suizhu Tianzun suffering a Tao injury, it may spread to the body, and the harm to Tianzun that is not serious will fall on it. Han Yi's case might make him fall instantly.

Therefore, running away separately is the best strategy.


Han Yi, who fled to a certain chaotic void, faced the Dao Destroyer chasing after him. He knew that the distance was too close. If he didn't turn around, he would be attacked from both sides and would be even more dangerous.

So, he stopped decisively, turned around and swung his axe.

In such a vast battlefield where countless Heavenly Lords exist, he would never dare to use the Yueguang Divine Spear. If the breath of this divine ancient artifact is detected, those Dao-Destroying Heavenly Lords would not mind grabbing an ancient artifact first. Besides, it couldn't be easier to kill Han Yi casually during this period.

Therefore, his weapon that can exert the strongest power and does not arouse the covetousness of Tianzun-level beings is Tao Si.

The light of the ax vibrated, and the Six Styles of Swallowing the Void turned into a torrent of darkness, crashing into the Dao realms of several Dao Destroyers rushing behind them. The aura of destruction on these Dao realms was quite strong.

However, the aura of destruction that has evolved to the extreme is not comprehensive in improving combat power, because this kind of destruction is the same for other beings, and it is also the same for the Tao Destroyer himself.

A Dao Destroyer whose aura was comparable to that of the Dao Fruit Realm, waved his hand, and a little bit of dark starlight emerged, colliding with the Devouring Divine Light, and then annihilating each other.

The other Dao Destroyer, whose aura was weaker than him, and who only had about the first step of cultivation at the peak Dao realm, actually took advantage of the Dao Fruit level Dao Destroyer being blocked, jumped over him, and rushed towards Han Yi, with a handle in his hand. The gray sword exuded a terrifying aura.

When the broadsword struck, flames surged out and spread in the chaos, instantly forming a flaming sword energy tens of thousands of times the length of the blade.

The sword energy suddenly fell, Han Yi raised the Taoist Sacrifice Divine Ax, and blasted the ax upward. The six-style thunderbolt appeared, and the thunder light surged into the flaming sword light. The terrifying explosion instantly made Chaos become violent. stand up.


Han Yi did not retreat but advanced. The golden light on his body flashed and disappeared from the spot. He cast it without leaving a trace and landed behind the Dao Destroyer with a knife. The Dao Destroyer's waist was instantly dislocated. His ferocious and chaotic expression froze in an instant, and then The whole body exploded directly.

The gray long knife was directly knocked away. Han Yi was not greedy to take it. On this battlefield, every moment was precious. Coveting weapons and trying to suppress it took time, but in exchange for more Fatal crisis.

Not worth it.

He directly swept out, and the first five of the six Taoist styles rushed out crazily, Devouring the Void, Breaking the Tribulation, Appearing the Spirit, Thunderbolt, and Taoist God. In this chaotic battlefield, the divine power vibrated, chasing down one after another. Those who destroy Tao will be blasted to pieces.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong. There were endless Dao Destroyers in all directions. After killing one, he would run away a certain distance and meet another. If this continued, once he encountered a heretic-level Dao Destroyer, he would have no choice but to do so. There is no other way to use the yueguang divine spear, and once the divine spear is used, it will definitely attract a more powerful slayer.

In a flash of lightning, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Then, his whole body changed, and he used invisible Taoist magic to transform into a Tao Destroyer that he had killed before.

at the same time.

His thoughts surged, and he released 300 of the more than 370 Dao realms who were originally included in the world of Shenqiao to serve as proficiency 'mining machines'.

These Dao realms were collected by him on the Dao Shen Continent and used to improve his proficiency. They themselves were not righteous monks, they were all evil and indiscriminate murderers.

Letting them out at this moment would naturally share his pressure, so that he would have a greater chance of escaping.

Although the faces of those who were released from the Dao realm changed greatly after receiving Han Yi's order, they did not complain at all against Han Yi. Under the constraints of Wan Mingshu, even if Han Yi asked them to commit suicide on the spot, they had to do it obediently. Do.

The three hundred Taoists did not disperse in a chaotic manner, but dispersed in a balanced manner according to Han Yi's instructions, with Han Yi as the center, and fled to all directions.

Han Yi can establish contact with every incarnation of the Tao Realm. Therefore, these three hundred people are equivalent to his eyes. In his heart, he has an extra 'star map'.

Whenever a Dao Realm person in any direction encounters a strong person from the Outer Dao Realm, Han Yi quickly adjusts his direction and moves away from this direction. The other Dao Realm incarnations that are scattered will move to keep a relative distance with him as the center of the circle.

When the Dao Realm lost too much in a certain direction, Han Yi gradually released the remaining more than 70 Dao Realm incarnations from the Shenqiao world to fill the missing positions.

After two hours, his Wanming incarnations encountered fewer and fewer Dao Destroyers.

After another three hours, his Wanming incarnations finally stopped decreasing.

Han Yi did not stop, but ordered the Wanming incarnations to continue to expand the range, and then after reaching a certain extent, they kept pace with him. In this way, he flew for another three months, away from the ancient immortal mausoleum, and entered the territory that did not belong to the Dao Destroyers, and then he stopped.

At this moment, there were less than a hundred Dao Realm Wanming incarnations in the periphery.

In this battle, his Wanming incarnations lost nearly 300, and this astonishing loss shocked him.

If it weren't for these Wanming incarnations, he might have encountered most of the dangers. Human power is sometimes limited, and he doesn't think he is invincible in this chaotic land.

After stopping, Han Yi's heart was hard to calm down. He thought of Suizhu Tianzun and sighed deeply. He could only pray that Suizhu Tianzun could survive this disaster safely.

He took Wanming's incarnation to a place not far from him, and then began to carefully explore this area.

Previously, he roughly explored with Wanming's incarnation and found that this area was another kind of existence in the disordered six ways, the territory of the unruly.

Strictly speaking, there is no concept of territory. There is no larger force in this area, but it is in the middle of two forces. Most of the people in this area are unruly.

Unruly people are the weakest existence in the disordered six ways.

According to Han Yi's understanding, in the chaotic ancient Dao domain, there is no force established by unruly people among the eight major forces. It can be imagined that compared with other disordered people, unruly people are weak.

And most of the unruly people are called "evil gods" in the major worlds of Dao domain, or more importantly, "chaotic evil gods".

Han Yi had encountered several Chaos Evil Gods in the Daluo Immortal Realm, and the Emperor Meteoric Lake was also occupied by Chaos Evil Gods for a period of time.

He was not unfamiliar with Chaos Evil Gods.

The reason why he fled to this area was that he valued its characteristics of not having a large force. Those Dao Destroyers should not be able to occupy this area.

At this moment, the aura on Han Yi's body was no longer that of a Dao Destroyer, but had become Chaos Evil God, that is, a Daoless One, which was not much different from other Chaos Evil Gods in this area.

He hid on a floating sacred mountain in this area for ten years. During these ten years, six Dao Realms guarding the periphery fell, all of which fell in the process of preventing people from accidentally entering the sacred mountain where Han Yi was.

Ten years later, he left the hiding place and began to set up a trap to capture the Chaos Evil Gods in this area.

Han Yi thought clearly. With his current cultivation of the first step of the Dao Realm, the difficulty of crossing several Dao Realms was quite huge. If he encountered the existence of the outer Dao Realm, he would have no choice but to escape.

Therefore, he decided to wait until he reached the Dao Fruit Realm before setting off on the return journey.

Originally, with more than 300 Dao Realm incarnations, he calculated that it would only take a hundred years to completely condense the Dao Fruit, but when he encountered the Immortal Mausoleum, in order to save his life, he treated the Dao Realm incarnations as disposable "consumables" in exchange for safety. Now, there are only dozens of incarnations left, and his cultivation will definitely stagnate again.

Therefore, he has to replenish the "consumables" in this chaotic ancient Dao domain.

Moreover, he is even more rude to the Daoless, especially the Chaos Evil God. The reason why these evil gods are "evil" is that they violate the Heavenly Dao of the Great World and often do things that tempt people who practice Taoism. It is not an exaggeration to say that their death is not a pity.

In the Chaos Ancient Dao Domain, in a chaotic area where Daoless people gather, on a floating sacred mountain, a Chaos Evil God is enjoying a "delicacy".

The delicacy was a thousand souls that had just been obtained from a small world in a distant place. These thousand souls were all boys and girls, and were contributed by a force in that small world in exchange for his power to descend.

He only gave a small wisp of chaotic power, which made the leader of that force extremely enthusiastic and offered a thousand souls.

Just as he was enjoying the souls, suddenly, the surrounding space suddenly darkened, as if in chaos, and another layer of nothingness was covered.

The Chaos Evil God was shocked and wanted to escape, but there was already a powerful force pressing on him, making him unable to resist.

He recognized this power, which was a higher level of chaos power.

He was about to beg for mercy, but a figure had flashed above his head, pressed down with one hand, and the soul power surged into his head.

In just three breaths, the arm was retracted. There was no struggle in the eyes of this Chaos Evil God. Instead, he stood up and said respectfully: "Greetings, Soul Master."

The person who made the move was naturally Han Yi. For the sake of safety, every time he captured a Chaos Evil God, he would use the Void Sword Realm to act as a magic circle to isolate the inside and outside, so as to prevent the breath from leaking out.

Moreover, he only captured Chaos Evil Gods at the first step of the Dao Realm, not at the Dao Fruit level, and every time he captured a Chaos Evil God at the Dao Realm level, he would change his position, being extremely cautious.

Although this approach would be a little slower, it was more stable, safer, and less accidental.

Time flew by. In just thirty years, Han Yi captured 730 Dao Realms.

And his footprints followed this chaotic area and gradually moved towards the Dao Domain of the Beginning Demon.

Of course, it was only thirty years, and he was not just rushing, so the distance he crossed was really a drop in the bucket compared to the entire Chaos Ancient Dao Realm.

Thirty years later.

Han Yi found a place and spread a hundred Chaos Evil Gods around as spies. Then, he began to hide in a suspended land fragment and began to practice.

There were more than seven hundred Dao Realm-level Wanming incarnations practicing with him.

With the outer Wanming incarnations acting as a defense line, Han Yi was not worried about evil gods breaking in, and he didn't know.

With the practice, the progress this time was faster than when he was in the Dao God Continent, about twice as fast as before. In other words, it only took a hundred years to condense the Dao Fruit, but at the current speed, it only takes fifty years.

Fifty years later.

In the chaotic void, in the fragmented land, Han Yi opened his eyes. On the proficiency panel in front of him, the progress of the Dao Sutra had been advanced to 100/100.

【Mi Luo Xuan Zhen Dao Jing (100/100)】。

This Dao Jing does not show the realm of the first step of the Dao Jing, because it is Han Yi's creation method. Each realm is the final realm. Only after completing this realm can you enter the next new realm.

Han Yi took a deep breath, and the Dao power around him vibrated, and the Dao rhyme permeated. The fragments under his feet shattered silently, and then he was standing in the chaos.

In these years, he was cautious and treading on thin ice. He was countless times more cautious than when he was in the ancient world, fearing that he would encounter an enemy above the outer Dao realm, and everything was based on stability.

At this moment, he couldn't help but get nervous, because if he could successfully break through to the Dao Fruit Realm, his strength would be improved again. According to his calculations, his combat power might even have the hope of stepping into the outer Dao level.

If he faced the outer Dao again, even if he was defeated, the possibility of escaping would increase a lot.

At that time, he crossed the chaotic Dao domain and returned to the ancient world, which was no longer out of reach.

As his thoughts trembled, Han Yi began to condense the last step of the Dao Fruit.

Above his head, a 33-story tower appeared instantly. This tower was the entity of the Miro Xuanzhen Dao Fruit, and could be called the Miro Xuanzhen Dao Tower.

At this moment, 30 floors of this 33-story tower had solidified, and only the last three floors were still in an illusory state.

The next moment, he connected his mind to the panel and poured out all the insights that were progressed to 100/100 on the panel. Endless insights were born and poured into the Dao Fruit.

In an instant, in this chaos, the Dao tide surged. (End of this chapter)

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