I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy

Chapter 717: Grain Cave Heaven, Dao Monument Conjecture

On the other side.

Han Yi carried the Chongxuan Dao Tablet and escaped from the gray ruins space, returning to the normal chaotic nothingness. Then, he fled to the location of the Emperor Xuan Continent shown on the star map.

If he looked at this Dao Tablet, his actions would be greatly affected. Therefore, he still considered finding a way to refine it, at least to the point where it could be collected into the Shenqiao world so that his actions would not be affected, and then he would do other things.

Of course, after refining it, he would come to the Ash Ruins again. It was only the outermost area that allowed him to obtain this extraordinary Dao Tablet. In the depths of the ruins, there might be other gains.

Since he had encountered this opportunity, he did not intend to let it go easily.

In addition, since Suizhu Tianzun did not fall in the Chaotic Ancient Immortal Mausoleum, he must have returned to the Immortal Court long ago, so he was not in a hurry to return to Suizhu Immortal Court.

The Emperor Xuan Continent is not close to the Ash Ruins where it was born. Han Yi carried the Chongxuan Dao Tablet, which greatly affected his speed. It was only equivalent to the first step of the ordinary Dao Realm. It took him seven days to see the Emperor Xuan Continent.

This is also a vast continent, with no edge at a glance. On the surface, it is not much different from the Dao God Continent in the Central Dao Domain.

Han Yi carried the Dao Tablet and landed. He did not stay near the edge of the chaos, but went deep into the continent and flew for three days before choosing a dense ancient forest as a foothold. At a certain location in this ancient forest, he opened a cave at random, then took out the remaining Dao swords and laid the Void Sword Realm.

Then, he hid the Void Sword Realm. If he did not step into the nearby area of ​​100 miles, the Void Sword Realm would not be triggered.

In the cave, Han Yi placed the six-zhang-high Chongxuan Dao Tablet upright on the ground, and the Dao Tablet sank more than one zhang into the ground.

Immediately, Han Yi once again carefully looked at the Dao Monument. The Dao Monument was dark black and overall natural. The characters carved on the front were either incomplete or blurred. Only the name of the Dao Monument, "Zhongxuan Dao Monument", was clear at the top.

The Dao Thought probed out and fell into the Dao Monument, but there was no reaction at all. The inside of the Dao Monument was empty.

But this was the biggest anomaly. If the inside of the Dao Monument was really empty, the weight of the Dao Monument would not be something that even he would need to use all his strength to pull up, and he could not put it into the world of divine orifices.

Han Yi was not impatient, but sat down cross-legged and began to increase the power of the Dao Thought. In the end, he even probed 90% of the power of the Dao Thought into the Dao Monument.

Time passed, and ten years had passed.

During this period of time, Han Yi explored the space in the Dao Monument over and over again, but there was still no reaction.

In the cave, he stopped and thought for a moment, then began to change to other methods, pressing his palm on the Dao Monument, and the Dao Power and Divine Power poured into it.

This time, only three years later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes.

Because just now, when his divine power was exploring the internal space of the Dao Monument, it finally had a new change.

In the small space inside the Dao Monument, there was a tiny particle, which was activated under the induction of divine power.

Han Yi was not worried about spending too much time. What he was worried about was that this Dao Monument would not respond no matter how hard he tried. Then he had no choice but to find a way to hide the Dao Monument in a certain place in the Emperor Xuan Continent and take it away when he became stronger in the future.

But at this moment, there was a change, which gave him hope.

This tiny particle was absolutely invisible to the naked eye, and even Dao Mind was difficult to detect. It was scanned by Han Yi with divine power over and over again, and appeared after many stimulations.

Han Yi gathered Dao Mind, gathered all the divine power scattered inside the Dao Monument to this particle, wrapped it with divine power, and began to increase the activation strength.

Three years later.

Han Yi's face was shocked, because just now, his divine power finally broke through this tiny particle, and he saw a shocking scene.

This particle actually contained a cave world. This cave world was originally closed, but his divine power forcibly drilled a hole.

His Tao thought, along with this hole, poured into the cave world of the particle, and what he saw was a small earth with a round sky and a square earth.

Above the earth, smoke rose everywhere.

This was a world in chaos, similar to the ancient feudal system in Han Yi's previous life before he crossed over.

The whole world was not big, and it took half an hour to walk through it during the Qi training period.

And at the moment when his Tao thought poured in, the two armies that were originally fighting on the earth began to panic, because in the sky, there was a sudden storm and thunder.

In an instant, people and horses fell, and both sides threw away their armor and fled back to their respective camps.

Han Yi retracted his thoughts because he was worried that if he continued to think, the entire cave world would collapse.

But after retracting his thoughts, he discovered another phenomenon.

That is, spiritual energy began to flow into this tiny cave world on the surface of the particle. If this world is given hundreds of years, powerful warriors will begin to transform into immortals, and the first batch of Qi training cultivators will appear.

Han Yi was curious. He observed the source of the spiritual energy, but found that the spiritual energy in this monument space seemed to grow out of thin air, and the source could not be found.

Now, he was even more confused. Even in the world of immortal cultivation, energy could not come from nothing. Of course, he knew that his strength was not enough, so he could not see the source of the spiritual energy.

And as this spiritual energy "came out of nothing", Han Yi found that new particles began to emerge near this particle. This time, there were eight particles.

He tried to wrap the particles with divine power again and activate them. This time, it did not take three years, but only one year. He completely activated a particle, and Tao thoughts poured into it through an opening.

It was also a cave world, but this cave world was still in the initial stage of wilderness. He saw savages hunting animals in the mountains and forests. This was an era of eating raw materials and drinking blood.

Han Yi withdrew his Taoist thoughts and continued to use his divine power to activate other particles. As each particle was activated, he saw caves one after another, including feudal wars, barbaric eras, dead worlds, and martial arts eras.

The levels of these caves are not high, and the most powerful warriors among them are only equivalent to those who have just entered the Qi training period.

As these particles are refined, spiritual energy pours out from the space near these particles. This spiritual energy becomes more and more dense.

Not far away from these particles, there are more particles emerging.

However, Han Yi did not continue to activate other particles, so at this moment, his Dao thoughts in the space of this stele had somehow obtained the 'authority' to refine this stele.

That's right.

It's authority. This kind of authority is hard to explain, but he just knows it.

He also knew that he only had this authority after activating nine particles and establishing contact with these Cave Heaven particles.

The authority was extremely low, but it was enough for Han Yi to establish an initial connection with the monument. This connection was far from refining, but it was enough to be able to put it into the body.

In the cave.

Han Yi looked at the Dao Monument with some surprise in his eyes. The particles in this Dao Monument turned out to be cave worlds. Although the space in the Dao Monument was not large, the particles were even smaller. If the entire space was filled with such particles, , simply countless.

If you look at it from a macro perspective, isn't this stele equivalent to a Tao realm, and the particles are the worlds within the Tao realm.

Even, if you are bolder.

Is this monument a realm of chaos? ?

Thinking of this, Han Yi was startled by his own thoughts.

He shook his head and began to deny this astonishing idea. If it was a realm of chaos, then who had such power to refine a realm of chaos into a Taoist monument and place it on the periphery of the ruins.

If this ruins is really the Ashes ruins, and this monument is related to the strong men of Ashes Mountain, Ashes Mountain will not be destroyed in the battle with the First Demon Palace.

There is a lot of hidden meaning in this.

Han Yi did not think divergently. He checked again and found that more spiritual energy began to emerge near the nine activated particles, that is, the nine cave worlds.

Moreover, as these spiritual energies emerged, other particles gradually appeared. Although these particles appeared more slowly, after using divine power to explore them, it was found that they were more difficult to activate.

He thought about it. This time, it took him a full twenty years to activate the tenth particle. He discovered that the cave world in this particle was larger in area. It was the world of the first particle discovered in the first place. ten times.

Although the world is still poor in spiritual energy, with a sweep of Taoist thoughts, it is captured that this world was once a world of cultivating immortals. Although many ruins show that the highest state is only Nascent Soul, it is already much more advanced than the previous world of granular caves. .

Han Yi withdraws from the world, and Dao Nian returns to himself.

He now roughly inferred that the nine particles he activated should belong to the lowest level of cave heaven in this monument space.

In addition to this, there are more advanced ones, such as the tenth particle. Even if we continue to explore, more advanced worlds will appear.

These worlds have all been cut off from spiritual energy and have entered the Age of Ending Dharma. Once activated, the spiritual energy will return and re-enter the age of practice.

Han Yi was unsure of the truth about this monument, so he did not dare to continue activating it and chose to quit.

His thoughts fell on the Dao Monument, and he began to try to bring the Dao Monument into the divine world.

This time, instead of having no reaction, he felt a resistance. Han Yi increased his efforts to move his mind. When he was close to full strength, he finally saw the Taoist monument slightly blurred, and then disappeared in place.

In order to carry the Chongxuan Dao Monument, Han Yi placed it in his first divine orifice world, which is the Zhongfu divine orifice world.

As he advanced to the Creation Realm and the Infinite Realm, the Zhongfu Divine Aperture World has developed to the size of a small world. Moreover, it is not a normal small world, but is comparable to the divine power world at the bottom of the Yuhu Lake in the ancient world. Such a vast little world.

Using it to carry the Taoist monument is the greatest limit that Han Yi can achieve.

The Zhongfu Divine Aperture World is, to a certain extent, stronger than his Tao Realm. If the Tao Monument is abnormal, this Divine Aperture World can suppress it.

Standing up in the cave world, Han Yi thought and realized that a full forty-three years had passed since he came here.

For a Taoist monk, the time span can easily be ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years, and he has gradually become accustomed to it.

He swayed and arrived outside the cave, but he did not take action immediately, but frowned.

Because he noticed that the invisible pressure on his body was not as great as usual. This pressure came from the eighty-six Tao realm incarnations he accommodated, as well as the Chongxuan Tao stele that had just been admitted to the Zhongfu Divine Aperture World.

If it were just the incarnation of the Dao Realm, although it would have an impact on him, he could still overcome it and minimize the impact. But with the addition of the Chongxuan Dao Monument, he clearly felt that it was starting to affect his own state.

This won't work, the hidden danger is too great. If he faces the Dao Fruit Realm, he can still deal with it. If he faces the outsiders, once his movements are slow, they will be infinitely magnified in the battle, and he will definitely be in danger.

He thought about it, and then he released all the Dao Realm incarnations from the Shenqiao world.

In an instant, countless strange Dao rules collided in this space. This is because most of these Dao Realm incarnations are chaotic and disordered, among which the majority are Daoless, Dao-reverse, and Dao-sacrificing. These disordered people appearing in normal space will definitely trigger Dao rule reactions.

This is still under the suppression of the Void Sword Realm. If the Void Sword Realm is abolished, the Dao Realm of the powerful forces nearby may be able to sense the changes and rush here to "destroy the demons".

Afterwards, under Han Yi's arrangement, these disordered people and some Dao seekers all escaped into the six figures. These six figures were developed and transformed by Han Yi in the Dao God Continent more than two hundred years ago. They are his first batch of Dao Realm incarnations.

Although these Dao Realm incarnations have murderous auras, they are genuine Dao seekers at their root.

This is Han Yi's plan.

He separated the Dao Realm incarnations to reduce his own pressure.

After he finished exploring the Ash Ruins, he planned to buy a powerful Dao Boat with the same speed as the Outer Dao Realm on this Emperor Xuan Continent, and then drive the Dao Boat with Dao Crystals, so that the Dao Boat can carry his incarnations and himself through the vast chaos and return to the Fuheng Dao Domain.

The six Dao Realm first-step incarnations bowed respectfully to Han Yi, then fled down and returned to the cave opened up by Han Yi's previous refining of the Dao Monument.

Han Yi put away the Void Sword Realm, identified the direction, shook his body, and went straight to the outside of Emperor Xuan Continent. His direction was opposite to when he first entered this continent. He was going to go to the Ash Ruins again.

What relieved him was that his speed was not affected by carrying the Dao Monument.

Ten days later, he saw the gray ruins in front of him again. After changing his appearance and aura with invisible Taoist magic, he went directly into it. The place he went into this time was different from the last time.

He still had to be on guard against being recognized. If Emperor Xuanzong came to the Hedao Realm or Tianzun, he would be trapped.

He would try to avoid the troubles that could be reduced.

Even if he broke through to the Daoguo Realm, Han Yi was still cautious.

This time, he was a thin young man with a sinister face, with an aura of "no strangers allowed", which made ordinary Dao realms afraid.

This aura that was not easy to mess with could help him reduce some troubles.

This time, after crossing the border of the ruins, what came into view was a sacred mountain towering into the clouds.

At this moment, he was standing at the foot of the mountain. (End of this chapter)

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