I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 237 Fushimi Mountain

Jidao Lingyuan, teachers' dormitory building.

Bai Chen was surrounded by blood, immersed in cultivation.

But at this moment, as if he noticed something, Bai Chen opened his eyes and suddenly woke up from the state of meditation.

He turned his hand and took out a compass, and the needle on the compass turned violently for a while and finally pointed to the east.

And the length of the aura transmitted from the tip of the bronze pointer goes beyond the edge of the compass.

"Isn't it going to the Rhine Mountains, why is it in the east? There is still this distance..." Bai Chen's face became more and more solemn.

After a change in his expression, Bai Chen suddenly stood up, turned into a bloody flower and swept toward the dean's office.

In the principal's office, a woman in her thirties, wearing a black cheongsam, leaned against a large black and brown chair with her legs crossed. She seemed to be thinking about something. The pen in her hand turned unconsciously between her fingers.

This person is Luo Shenlai, the dean of the Jidao Spiritual Academy who came back from the retreat.

Seemingly aware of something, Luo Shenlai stopped turning the pen in his hand and looked towards the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

The next moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Bai Chen walked in.

"President Luo." Bai Chen bowed slightly.

"Mr. Bai?"

Luoshenlai was a little surprised. I just noticed that someone was coming, but I didn't expect it to be Bai Chen. This is really rare.

Bai Chen usually rarely shows up, and once he does, it must be something important.

Luo Shenlai sat up straight: "Is something wrong?"

Bai Chen nodded: "I'm here this time because I want to travel far, and I'm here to report."

Luo Shenlai didn't think about it: "This is no problem, but I don't know what's wrong?"

"My students may be in trouble, and I'm going to see for myself."

"Your student?" Luo Shenlai's expression moved slightly, "You mean Su Sheng?"

Although Luoshenlai was out of the customs not long ago, as the dean of the Spiritual Academy, he naturally had a good understanding of all the big and small things in the recent past, not to mention the major events such as the sword fight in the Sixteenth Academy.

Su Sheng is not only a student of Bai Chen,

Or the captain who led Ji Dao to win the championship in the Sixteenth Academy.

Now that they have graduated from the college entrance examination, the number of graduates who volunteer to fill in the pole is nearly double that of last year!

This is entirely the result of Su Sheng and others winning the sword fighting championship!

The current Su Sheng can be said to be one of the facades of Ji Dao, of course Luo Shenlai is very clear.

Hearing what happened to Su Sheng, Luo Shenlai also condensed:

"What happened to him?"

"The life-saving charm left to him before has been used up."

"Can you locate it?"

Bai Chen shook his head: "I only know that it is in the east, outside of Yunlan."

"Outside Yunlan?" Luo Shenlai thought for a moment and then nodded, "You just go, and if you need any help from the Spiritual Academy, feel free to speak up."

Bai Chen respectfully said, "Thank you, Dean."


Soon after, Han Shanyu also learned about Su Sheng's accident and asked Chen Yuanyang, who was still on his way back.

Chen Yuanyang was shocked when he heard the words, and told Su Sheng that he was going to stay in the burrow to experience.

"You said, you gave him a random teleportation talisman?"

"Yes, teacher."

Han Shanyu nodded: "You did a good job, you have no problem with this, you don't have to think about it."

"is teacher."

Chen Yuanyang hung up the phone and was silent for a long time...

Han Shanyu confirmed that Chen Yuanyang's random teleportation talisman had not been used, and informed Bai Chen of the matter, telling him not to be too hasty.

Bai Chen breathed a sigh of relief, stepped into the teleportation barrier of Dongsheng Mansion, and went straight to the east...

Northwest of Jackdaws.

On the border of Wumingfu, in the Fushimi Mountains where monsters are haunted.

A three-person team of demon hunters was fighting a three-meter-long E-rank high-level blue leopard in a wide area of ​​the mountain range.

The leader is a dark-skinned middle-aged man with the strongest strength, with a high-level E-rank. The other two are younger and weaker.

However, the three cooperated tacitly with each other and obviously cooperated frequently.

The two sides fought for a while, and the battle has entered a white-hot stage.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly withdrew from the battle circle.

"Aliang, Xiaohe, help me restrain it!"

"Understood, Cansuke brother!"

The other two immediately burst out with all their strength, slashing at the blue leopard wielding the Naginata.

The blue leopard saw the sudden outbreak of several humans and realized the crisis. Blue light surged from his body, and his strength and speed suddenly increased by 30 to 40%.

Ah Liang and Xiaohe Xiu were not as good as the blue leopard, and immediately felt exhausted, but the two still tried their best to be involved.

Cangsuke held the naginata sword and slowly rotated, and two wisps of spiritual flames suddenly appeared from the head and tail of the naginata sword.

"Get out of the way!" Cang Jie aimed at the blue leopard and shouted at the two of them.

A Liang and Xiaohe knew that Cang Jie had finished gaining momentum, and immediately retreated.

"Double Snake Strangulation!"

The Naginata spun at a high speed, and the two strangling snakes entangled with each other flew out towards the blue leopard at an extremely fast speed.

The blue leopard let out a low roar, and the blue light on his body filled up a little more, like a blue phantom running towards the rear.

But the strangling snake was faster and more agile, but in a moment it caught up with the blue leopard and wrapped around its neck.


Sensing that danger was approaching, the blue leopard roared mournfully!

The next moment, the two snakes shrank suddenly and locked the blue leopard's neck.

The blue leopard struggled and fluttered wildly on the ground, releasing a large amount of spiritual power to try to dash away from the strangling snake. It's just that the strangling snake is extremely condensed, and the blue leopard's unskilled spiritual shock can't cause the slightest damage to the strangling snake.

It didn't take long for the blue leopard's struggle to become weaker and weaker.

The three of Cang Jie followed him long ago, and Cang Jie saw the opportunity and stabbed the blue leopard in the head to end the battle ahead of schedule!

Ah Liang praised: "Brother Cangjie, your unique trick is still amazing! Even the high-ranking Canglan Leopard of E-rank can't stop it."

"After all, it's a two-star spiritual skill that has been practiced for so many years!" The middle-aged man Cansuke showed a hearty smile, "Go and deal with the corpse."


The three of them came to the corpse of the blue leopard to deal with it.

The most valuable things on the blue leopard are four fangs and a blue skin, all of which are valuable things, and can be exchanged for more than 30 spirits and rejuvenation pills.

While a few people were cleaning up, Cang Jie suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking back, there were actually two blue leopards rushing over from behind. Although the size is not as big as the one killed under the feet, it is not much different!

"No, there are two E-rank mid-rank blue leopards again, run!"

Cang Jie shouted loudly, and when Ah Liang and Xiao He turned around, they also saw two blue leopards rushing towards them.

But before he took two steps, he found that a blue light flashed in front of him, and a blue leopard with a body length of four meters also appeared. His eyes were fierce, as if there was a huge hatred, and he wanted to tear a few people to pieces on the spot!

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