I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 292 Gold Creation

Hou Feng stepped forward and picked up two half-egg-sized spiritual cores from the ground, and he was overjoyed.

"Such a large core is at least equivalent to four or five Linglin Dan."

After putting the spiritual core into the space ring, Hou Feng turned around and walked back.

These two creations were basically defeated by Hou Feng alone. He directly took away the two spiritual cores. Chen Yuanyang had no objection, but showed admiration.

"Hou Feng, the deep-sea humpback whale is still so strong!"

Hou Feng laughed: "Where is your three-phase prison robbery weak? You're not blaming me for robbing me too quickly, right?"

"There's no such thing." Chen Yuanyang smiled and waved his hand.

Guo Ziliang said, "Did these two creatures speak just now?"

Hou Feng said: "Yes, it seems to be a conscious thing, not a dead thing."

At this moment, Fang Yu's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted loudly: "No, another creation like this has come!"

Guo Ziliang said with a smile: "Even if there is, let Hou Feng break them up again."

Fang Yu said solemnly: "I'm afraid not, this time the number is a bit large."

"How many, four or five?"

Fang Yu shook his head slightly and didn't say any more, because in the distance in front, a silver torrent suddenly appeared, and upon closer inspection, there were many human-shaped creations glowing with silver light.

These creatures are rapidly approaching here with swords, spears, swords and halberds, at least twenty!

Guo Ziliang was stunned for a while.


Hou Feng shouted loudly, took the lead and turned around and ran!

The crowd didn't stop, and they started to move as soon as they saw this large piece of creation.

The strength of the silver creation has been experienced by everyone before.

If Hou Feng hadn't used the second solution, it would have been more difficult to deal with a silver creation.

And now there are more than 20 people following behind!

Even if everyone had the strength to wipe them out, they would not dare to do so.

I killed two silver creatures before,

It has attracted so many. If you really want to confront these creatures that follow, who knows if other creatures will come.

Seeing that many creatures were following closely behind him, Su Sheng thought about it, and the field of acceleration opened to cover everyone in the field.

The group's travel speed doubled, but in a moment, a large piece of creation behind was thrown away.

Such anomaly, Hou Feng and the others quickly noticed it. When they looked at each other, they noticed the golden light in Su Sheng's eyes. After a little thought, they understood what was going on, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

Guo Ziliang sighed: "Is this the acceleration of time? It's really a useful ability..."

At this moment, there were suddenly several humanoid creations blocking the front.

It would be troublesome if it was entangled. When the creatures behind caught up, it would be a two-sided attack. Fortunately, there was a fork in the front, and everyone had to escape along the fork.

Hou Feng frowned and said to Fang Yu: "Fang Yu, find a way to bypass as soon as possible, lest they catch up again when we stop."

"I found it." Fang Yu whispered, "Turn right four hundred meters ahead..."

"Okay! Let's go!"

The group followed Fang Yu's guidance and kept turning and fleeing all the way. After a long time, finally no humanoid creatures caught up.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and rested in place.

Chen Yuanyang said: "These creations seem to be organized. Once there is a battle, other creations can also receive the news and come quickly."

Hou Feng nodded: "Yes, so many creatures are C-level masters. If they can't fly, I'm afraid they will peel off their skin!"

"But there are quite a few good things here." Hou Feng took out the creation core he just killed. "Not to mention the spiritual tool obtained in the palace, this creation core alone is equivalent to four or five Linglin Pills." If I can digest all the creations just now..."

Jiang Yuan excitedly said: "More than 200 Linglin Dans!"

Hou Feng smiled: "There are so many creations in just one corner of the underground palace. How many creatures are there in the entire underground palace? It's simply a huge amount of resources."

"Although it is very dangerous to encounter a large number of creations, but we have Su Sheng's time acceleration and Fang Yu's detection technique. We can move forward or retreat as we like. Even if we encounter a large number of creations, we can leave."

"As long as you take your time, the core of creation alone is enough for us to make a fortune, not to mention the treasures in many palaces!"

Guo Ziliang also looked excited when he heard the words: "Yes, with the stock of these creation cores here, it is not impossible to accumulate enough resources to break through the C-level!"


Somewhere in the underground palace.

A young man with broken hair pushed open a closed palace.

On the desk of the palace, there is a spiritual core, which is about four times larger than the two that Hou Feng obtained before.

"The third one."

The ring flashed in Su Jing's hand, and the spiritual core was put away.

Walking out of the palace, Su Jing seemed to notice something and glanced at the wall next to him.

Suddenly, several humanoid creations glowing with silver light appeared hundreds of meters away from the passage, and seemed to have noticed Su Jing rushing towards him.

Su Jing raised his right hand, and the cyan light on his fingertips continued to gather.

Waiting for the humanoid creation to rush closer and closer, the cyan flashing hole shoots out!

Feeling this strong power, the expressions of the two creatures changed, and they jointly cast a rock wall to try to resist this phantom flash.

However, the power of the azure phantom flash is terrifying, the azure light is dazzling, and it instantly shattered the rock wall that the two humanoid creations cast together, and then shot through between the seven humanoid creations and hit the wall hundreds of meters away!

This spiritual power fluctuation is already a D-level high-level!

After two seconds, the blue light dissipated.

Of the seven-headed humanoid creatures that came, two died on the spot, two were seriously injured, and three were slightly injured, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

Su Jing pulled out the long knife around his waist, jumped up with a flick of his figure, crashed into the remaining five humanoid creations, and slashed out with two knives, and hacked to death a severely injured creature nearby.

The rest of the creatures waved their weapons to besiege Su Jing together. Two of the humanoid creatures, using daggers and short knives respectively, were extremely fast, flanking the cold light from both sides and slashing at Su Jing.

"Keng", "Keng" two crisp sounds.

The expressions of the two changed at the same time.

Su Jing grabbed the short knife of the nearby person with his left hand and pulled it. The other party couldn't resist such force at all, and his body lost his balance and was pulled over uncontrollably.

After the creature reacted, it was too late to let go of the short knife to stabilize its figure. Su Jing leaned into the body and stabbed the long knife into his abdomen. With a swipe, the long knife was drawn out from the neck from bottom to top.

The other creature using the dagger wanted to retreat, but Su Jing showed a faster speed, turned around and rushed up, grabbed its head and smashed it against the wall behind!


The creature's body trembled and then went limp, Su Jing retracted his hand and slashed its head crosswise.

The last two creatures that remained were horrified, as if they wanted to run away.

Su Jing took a few steps and easily caught up with the two of them. He raised his knife and dropped, and there were two more remains of creation on the ground.

In ten minutes, all seven silver creations were solved.

Su Jing silently packed up the things left by these creations. The seven-headed silver creation not only contributed seven spiritual cores, but also exploded two silver orbs with two-star spiritual skills sealed.

Putting away the last spiritual core, Su Jing did not move on, but walked to the surrounding wall.

Su Jing stared at the wall, suddenly raised the long knife and stabbed it out!

The aura on the long knife was agitated, obviously it was a full blow.

At this moment, a layer of silver brilliance appeared on the wall and suddenly jumped to the side!

Su Jing turned around and looked at the silver brilliance.

The silver brilliance quickly solidified and turned into a woman with long silver hair.

The woman looks young, but her figure is quite proud.

"It's dangerous and dangerous, Jingdian, you're really welcome!" The woman patted her chest, seeming to be frightened.

Seeing this person, Su Jing's eyes became dignified.

"Why are you following me, Fresnel?"

"Who followed you, I just happened to pass by!" Fresnel covered his mouth and smiled, and then asked curiously, "By the way, what are you doing with these compressed spiritual power cores, this is something for human beings, our virtual spirits Wouldn't it be faster to devour souls and use soul fluids?"

Su Jing didn't answer, but suddenly slashed at him with a knife!

The green sword light flashed and slashed at Fresnel.

However, there seems to be an invisible power in Fresnel, Su Jing's blow passed directly from her, but she was unscathed.

Fresnel smiled and said, "Why are you so angry?"

Seeing the colorful colors in Su Jing's eyes, Fresnel quickly waved his hand: "Don't, don't, I won't ask!"

Su Jing heard the words coldly: "Don't follow me..."

At this moment, Fresnel seemed to notice something, and when his expression moved, a layer of invisible power immediately spread to Su Jing.

I saw a ferocious rock gun that was more than six meters long shot suddenly and hit Su Jing's back.

What's weird is that after the rock spear hit Su Jing's back, it twisted strangely and directly crossed Su Jing and hit the wall.


With a loud bang, the rock gun hit the wall of the incomparably solid underground palace, and a large hole with a foot depth was blasted out.

Su Jing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned to look. A burly man with golden light and bare upper body stood a hundred meters away, and behind the burly man, there were more than ten silver creations.

"Is it the gold level this time?" Su Jing looked at the burly man.

The previous creations outside the underground palace, with rough skills and low realm, were all made of rocks, and they should be failures that did not enter the stream.

After entering the underground palace, the many humanoid creations that radiate silver light they have encountered so far are more refined, sturdy, and much stronger.

And this golden light-flowing creation in front of him could even destroy the walls of the underground palace with a single blow, which is obviously much stronger than those silver creations.

"The spiritual core in his body should be bigger, right? Maybe there is a stronger spiritual skill gem..."

Su Jing was thinking about it, Fresnel ran over a few steps and smiled proudly: "I'm not grateful that I rescued you? This blow is real, I'm afraid you will be seriously injured, right?"

Su Jing ignored her, the colorful lights in her eyes lit up, and the second solution had already begun.

Fresnel was shocked when he saw this, and quickly reminded: "Hey, you don't want to hit so many! You can see clearly, that big man is shining with golden light, he is obviously much stronger! Why don't we run? "

A little blue light lit up in Su Jing's eyes, and his left hand stuck out, and in an instant, dozens of cyan light balls condensed at his fingertips.

"Infinite Flash!"

Dozens of green flashes shot out at the burly man!

"This stuffy gourd..."

Seeing this, Fresnel covered his face speechlessly.

But when she moved her hand away from her face, there was a little excited smile in her eyes.

"That's right, let's play with him~"

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