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Chapter 110: Magical Battle

"This demon is actually so proficient in Taoism?"

"That's when I realized why I couldn't see through his realm?"

"Let's take action together on this evil sect!"

The six god-transforming demon cultivators quickly reached a consensus through their spiritual consciousness, and dispersed their positions to surround Zhou Qingyuan again, with a surge of spiritual energy.

"I quit."

Xun Jianyi of the Tianjian Sect uttered such a sentence coldly, and he was already thousands of miles away, sitting in the clouds.

The other three people hesitated for a moment, and then chose to sit back and watch.

In Wanzhi Peak, the overwhelming white murderous intention appeared again, but this time, the six god-transformation monks truly showed their magical powers.

"Old ghost, help me buy time."

"He alone is not enough, we will fight for you."

Amidst the murderous intent in the sky, Soul Eater Sect Fang Huo's spiritual light surged around his body, and the next moment he was attacking Zhou Qingyuan.

[Supernatural Power: Separate the Soul and Seize the Soul]


The sound of tinnitus rang in his ears, Zhou Qingyuan's vision began to change, and Yuanying felt a faint feeling of losing control.

But at this moment, Wu Dan Jinlong, who was sitting in the center, his eyes lit up and he let out a majestic roar.

The magical technique that would have had a huge impact on the monk's body and soul was suppressed in an instant, and the impact was minimized.

‘No, I can’t control him. ’

‘It’s okay, I’ll make up for your shortfall! ’

Jin Changping moved his fingers, and the spiritual power between heaven and earth turned into a thread and fell from the sky, hanging directly on Zhou Qingyuan's head.

Countless spiritual filaments are based on the sky and the earth, and this thread is the main thread that binds Zhou Qingyuan's body and soul.

[Supernatural Power: Puppetry]

Zhou Qingyuan felt the power of entanglement on his body, white light flashed all over his body, and he smiled sarcastically at Jin Changping.

Feeling the powerful counterattack coming from the silk thread, Jin Chang's face turned red, and he and Zhou Qingyuan were locked in a spiritual struggle.

Sensing the rapid loss of spiritual energy in his body, he hurriedly communicated with his spiritual consciousness:

‘Chen Yu, if you move any slower, my magical power will be broken. ’

‘Don’t argue, I know. ’

[Supernatural Power: Joy of Desire]

Lustful sounds rang in Zhou Qingyuan's ears, and his senses seemed to have been artificially amplified countless times. Countless soft arms clung to his neck, back, chest, thighs, and fingers rubbed, trying to arouse his desire.

However, Zhou Qingyuan's internal martial arts and Nascent Soul were well prepared, and he could resist the mere desire in the blink of an eye, which only fueled Zhou Qingyuan's interest.

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's increasingly wild smile and feeling the increasingly intense murderous intent in the world, the six monks were all shaken.

‘Can’t the three major confusing powers affect him at all? Is this the benefit of exercising?

The high degree of integration of body and soul minimizes the impact of our magical powers on him? ’

'Now is not the time to discuss this! I can't hold it any longer! ’

‘Old ghost Liyuan, you must use your magical powers! ’

The huge white-bone giant standing in front of the three transformed gods was chopped into pieces by the giant blade. The bone-white earth cracked, the surging blood river was split into two, and the bloody sky above them once again revealed its brilliance.

Feeling the terrifying murderous intention coming, the phantom of the Hidden Evil Sect frowned slightly, and the spiritual energy had turned into a blessing, pushing everyone to change their shapes, and awkwardly avoided the sky-reaching slash.

At the same time, his figure had disappeared.

[Supernatural Power: Divine Shadow]

‘You create opportunities for me, I will take action, leave the chance, take action! ’


The golden natal elixir fire was overwhelming, burning the blood river at the top of the sky, purifying the pale earth on the ground, and all the Nascent Soul monks turned into nothingness under the magical power and natal fire.

‘Old ghost Liyuan, we can’t let this devil’s magical power continue any longer, stop him! ’

‘I don’t trust you. ’

‘If you don’t take action, you and I will have to answer here today, how can we talk about whether we can rest assured or not? ’

Tu Xianhua felt the speed of the consumption of spiritual energy in his body. Seeing that his White Bone Taoist power was about to be completely dissolved, there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

The thing about my own magical power is that it has an endless supply. When encountering such a powerful magical power, it is too powerful to be restrained.

‘Everyone, if you continue to rely on me, when my magical power is broken, the next situation will only become more passive. ’


A gray bell appeared in Tu Xianhua's hand and shook it slightly.

There was a strange sound inside Tu Xianhua's body, and his figure began to grow and change rapidly.

In just one breath, he had transformed into a white-bone monster with towering bone spurs. The cold bone spurs glowed dark purple under the infusion of spiritual energy, making him look very extraordinary.

‘Hey, Tu Xianhua is going to work hard, let me show you some sincerity. ’

Jin Changping unfolded his red robe, and countless miniature figures descended, turning into lifelike simulation monks. Each of them had the aura of the late Nascent Soul. There were ninety-nine people in total.

As soon as they appeared, the ninety-nine monks mobilized their spiritual power and used all their thunder techniques.

For a moment, the place where Zhou Qingyuan was seemed to have turned into a execution ground, with countless thunder disasters inflicting upon him.

Chen Yu, the great monk of Hehuan, took out a huge pink fan and blew it gently. The pink spiritual energy tornado enveloped Zhou Qingyuan, and the woman's charming voice sounded again.


Under many influences, the power of the God-Conquering Divine Power has not diminished, but more spiritual energy has been accumulated in the competition with the six god-transforming monks.

With the continuous supply of spiritual energy in Zhou Qingyuan's body, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been completely violent. Wanzhi Peak has turned into a water-sucking valve, madly absorbing all the spiritual energy from the outside world, and most of it is controlled by Yushen.


Tu Xianhua resisted a divine power of Yushen, and most of the bone spurs on his body were broken, and a crack appeared on his life magic weapon, the white bone bell.

"Liyuan, if you don't make a move, I will turn around and leave, and you can resist this terrifying magic by yourselves!"

Tu Xianhua, who shared most of the pressure on the front, saw that Liyuan was still hesitating and roared.

Jin Changping, Chen Yufanghuo and the other three were useless in front of this demon, and Meiying could only look for opportunities from the side, and he almost relied on himself to resist the front.

Obviously, he couldn't hold on. All of them underestimated this demon.

When the spirit and power are completely combined, the realm reached and the effect caused are far beyond their imagination.

'Forget it, I'll trust you once. ’

In the blood river, Li Yuan sighed softly, his expression solemn.

The surging blood river began to erupt, and Li Yuan's consciousness began to riot, locking all the white murderous intent in this world together with Zhou Qingyuan.

[Magic Power: Return to Oneness]


The flames controlled by the Devil Flame Art were the first to be affected, and began to shrink back, all returning to Zhou Qingyuan's body, unable to be activated again.

The white murderous intent that firmly locked the six great monks in the field seemed to be blown by the strong wind and suddenly shrank.

Feeling the pressure on his body suddenly reduced, Tu Xianhua felt a little more confident in his heart.

Jin Changping laughed even more wildly:

"After procrastinating for so long, you finally made a move!

Demon, you can't use magic spells, let's see how you do now!"

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