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Chapter 130: Kaimai Realm Level 1

When Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes again, the front was already a desert.

[First-level Demon Realm - Yellow Sand Realm]

As soon as his figure appeared, a hoarse cry came from the ground. As the sand loosened, an unknown creature attacked Zhou Qingyuan from the ground.


The Soul Demon Knife appeared at Zhou Qingyuan's waist with its sheath. It came out of the sheath by itself and plunged straight into the ground among several crescent-like knife flowers, and stopped moving.

The next moment, a large piece of yellow sand was raised, and the sandworm with a magic knife on its head opened its mouth and rushed towards Zhou Qingyuan, and the smell of rotten fishy smell filled the nasal cavity.


Zhou Qingyuan turned his hand into a knife, and red lines climbed up his left hand, and a flash of fire passed by.

The sandworm's sprinting action stopped in mid-air, and the next second it turned into black ash and dissipated, leaving only a trace of blood lingering in the air.

As Zhou Qingyuan slightly extended his index finger, the blood was obediently drawn to the fingertips, lingering on it, gradually blending into the red lines and disappearing.

"I say, you can't even deal with a sandworm, are you a little useless now?"

The Soul-killing Demon Knife licked the back of Zhou Qingyuan's hand and conveyed a message.

After coming to this world, it seemed to have broken through the limitations of the original world and could be sublimated into a higher-level spiritual treasure.

"You want demon blood, and I want demon blood too"

Zhou Qingyuan patted the handle of the knife, feeling the vibrations from the ground around him again, and smiled.

"Then kill more, otherwise there will be more mouths to feed."

"Hehe. Hehe."

In the sand dunes, a man of the Jinwu clan with red lines on his body was fleeing in a panic.

He was in a very bad state at this time. A bowl-sized wound on his leg affected his speed, and the pursuers had already arrived.

"Hahaha! Run away when you encounter danger, are the people of the Jinwu family so unbearable?"

Three figures chased the fleeing Feng Di, one of them bent the bow again, and the arrow transformed by spiritual energy pierced Feng Di's other leg with a scream.


Feng Di groaned again and fell to the ground completely. He supported the ground with his hands unwillingly and looked at the three people fiercely.

"Your Moose Family actually cooperated with the Sun-Eating Wolf Family. Don't you take my Jinwu Family seriously?"

The disciples of the Moose Family looked at Feng Di, who was covered in blood, with a trace of reluctance and struggle in their eyes.

The long-term closed policy and the attitude of fighting only with the demons made them very uncomfortable with the human race killing each other.


A big foot stepped on Feng Di's bleeding wound mercilessly, crushing back and forth.

"What does it matter if I don't take your Jinwu Family seriously? I've been unhappy with you black-haired birds for a long time."

"Don't worry, your fellow tribesmen will come to accompany you one by one later."

The last thing Di Feng saw was a huge axe.

Such things are happening frequently in the nine demon domains at this time.


A gray-skinned golden toad, which is three meters tall, spit out its huge tongue and tried to roll Zhou Qingyuan into its mouth.

The next moment, the sharp blade was unsheathed, and the tongue, like a thick rope, broke. Zhou Qingyuan tapped his fingers lightly, and dozens of miniature Yushen swords fell from the sky, turning the demon king of the first-level demon domain into a hornet's nest.

However, the expression on Zhou Qingyuan's face was not very good.

He was somewhat dissatisfied with the power of Yushen now.

I don't know whether it was because of the loss of the ninety-nine golden patterns or the change of the rules of the world in this world, Yushen, as his most relied on and favorite magical power, has now completely lost its previous power.

That's all.

Stretching out his hand to absorb the demon blood, the blood patterns in Zhou Qingyuan's body finally accumulated enough energy and glowed with vitality.

Stimulated by this vitality that has been accumulated for a long time, the first complex and exquisite battle pattern began to emerge on the back of Zhou Qingyuan's left hand.

As this battle pattern was generated, the surging blood seemed to have found its home. A large amount of blood energy and spiritual energy of heaven and earth were absorbed by this small battle pattern and poured into it.

Zhou Qingyuan only felt that a certain part of his body was itchy. Under the infusion of blood and spiritual energy, he suddenly felt enlightened. The blood in his body flowed like a river, radiating great vitality and strength.

At this time, new words appeared on the panel.

[Opening Meridians - Not yet started] +

Without hesitation, Zhou Qingyuan clicked on the plus sign on the right.

What surprised him and was long-lost was that after adding points this time, the system had almost no reaction.

Except for the display of [Opening Meridians - Start] on the system panel, he did not get any improvement.

In other words, the improvement he got was obtained by hunting monsters by himself, and the system did not provide him with any help in this process.

Not only was he not discouraged, Zhou Qingyuan had a faint expectation in his heart.

He estimated that the system might accumulate all the benefits together and explode like before.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry at the moment, so there was nothing wrong with walking slowly.

Zhou Qingyuan had some vague ideas in his mind, and then he put his sword fingers together and raised them, and a golden flag-like pattern flew in front of him.

This was the pass he got after killing the demon king of a domain. Zhou Qingyuan felt a little strange and studied it in his hand for a while.

Soon he found that this pass was also one of the rule fragments of the power of the formation contained in the entire formation.

However, the function of this rule fragment was only to allow him to pass through the next area and reach the second-level demon domain, or leave this demon hunting ceremony in advance.

Zhou Qingyuan would naturally not leave now.

Looking at the golden mark representing part of the rules of the formation, his thoughts drifted deeper.

Why does the demon king here have the power of the formation?

Since this place is divided into nine regions, what will happen if he kills all the demon kings in the nine regions and collects all their formation fragments?

Zhou Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, afraid that by then, he could use these fragments of the power of the formation to gain partial control of the formation.

But who built this formation? What is hidden behind the Changsheng Realm?


Zhou Qingyuan collected the fragments of the formation representing the pass and was about to go to the next area.

He had a general understanding of this area, which was far from meeting his needs.

Since he had been promoted to the Kaimai Realm, it was time to leave.

But at this time, his consciousness and spiritual perception, which were suppressed by the power of the formation, sensed two pieces of information together.

One was the information detected by the consciousness: in the east, several breaths were coming together.

The other was the information brought by the spiritual perception: in the east, there was something related to him.

What could he have here that was related to him?

Should he go and take a look, or should he leave without any trouble?


Zhou Qingyuan stepped on the ground, and the Soul Demon Sword instantly grew several times larger and met him at his feet. The man and the sword flew towards the east.

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