I can add one every day

Chapter 144 I hope you can make me happy

In the endless darkness, a cyan phantom emerged, and the blue-eyed giant wolf with ice crystals on its feet appeared. Facing the siege of the four people, it showed a hint of human cunning.

The next moment, a clear yellow moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight illuminated everything, freezing all attacks in an instant.


The shrill sound of wolf howls resounded throughout the world, and a huge mouth rose from the ground, biting down the four people on the spot together with the full moon in the sky.

Obviously this attack was just a phantom, but all the strange phenomena caused by the bloodline technique disappeared.

Among the five people in the room, except for Kou Shou who was laughing wantonly, the other four people all had huge tears in their waists and abdomens. They fell to the ground bleeding and pressed their hands on their abdomens to try to support themselves.


By single-handedly defeating four of his peers, Kou Shou's spirit and will reached its peak, and his idea of ​​being arrogant to all the heroes in the world was forever cemented with the iron-like reality.


An invisible ripple shook the surrounding area, and the sense of oppression that everyone had felt before completely turned into reality. The powerful pressure was like a gravity field that completely crushed the bodies of the four people who had just managed to stand up.

Thick frost mist spread outside their bodies, and the power of blood inside was slowly and silently frozen.

No matter how many people resist, they cannot escape. This is the power of Ruyijing. Under Ruyijing, they are absolutely irresistible.

This is why there is an iron rule in the Immortality Realm that Ruyijing is not allowed to intervene in the battle of the Pulse Opening Realm, because even those who are at the ninth level of the Pulse Opening Realm have no chance of turning the tables.

"I didn't expect to fall here. Cough." Feng Cangyuan spat out a mouthful of frost-laced blood and cursed angrily: "It's really unfair to let this bastard get into a wishful state!"

"You should all have passes with you, right?"

Mo Yanshou coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the gap in his waist that was almost cut off kept making the sound of growing flesh. At the same time, his blood had begun to burn completely.

"Mo Yanshou. You."

Everyone was shocked when they saw Mo Yanshou standing up again, his body glowing with golden light.

"I'll buy you some time. You guys can use the power of the formation to escape for your lives."

Without saying a word, Fan Nianze and Wang Shuanglong immediately communicated with the power of the magic circle in their bodies and wanted to leave this place.

Only Feng Cangyuan looked at Mo Yanshou with a complicated expression, smiled bitterly and said:

"I didn't expect that you, a guy who always has a dead face, would actually choose to stay and break up your family? When did you become so great?"

"If I was asked to run away with my tail between my legs and betray the honor of the Shenlong family, I might as well die here."

Feng Cangyuan shook his head and continued: "You are also out of your mind. Kou Shou has already entered the Wishful Realm, how can he let us leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kou Shou also laughed and activated the power of the field. The powerful power of frost exploded, directly interrupting the power of the formation that was being activated.

"He's right. Are you thinking that Ruyijing is too simple? The power of the domain is far more powerful than you and I imagined!"

Amid the desperate expressions of Fan Nianze and Wang Shuanglong, Kou Shou walked towards the four people with a smile. He had never been as happy as he was today, and he was even reluctant to kill these four people immediately.

"If I hadn't felt that this space was rejecting me, I would have really wanted to talk to you more."

Kou Shou looked at the four people who were suppressed by the power of the domain and couldn't move, thinking about everything along the way, with a generous look on his face.

No matter the good, bad, humiliating or happy, everything is over. As he entered the Ruyi Realm, no matter how these four geniuses were at the beginning, they were destined to be left behind by him in the future and would never be seen again.

And just when the four of them were completely resigned to their fate, a variable that they had never considered before suddenly intervened in the battle.

"Which one of you is Feng Cangyuan?"

A cold voice sounded in the room, and the five people present looked at the man in black who suddenly appeared unexpectedly, with hesitant expressions on their faces.

Each of them has more or less set up some warning measures to prevent blind eighth-level people from rashly breaking into this place. But why wasn't there any warning?

This unusual scene gave the four of them a little confidence. Since this person can hide from their methods, he must be extraordinary.

But soon, their eyes dimmed again. How could Ruyijing be defeated by just one more person? Since this person came here from the eighth level demon realm, his strength must still be at the eighth level of opening the pulse.

Let alone the eighth level of opening the pulse, so what if it is the ninth level of opening the pulse? It's just one more corpse here.

"Okay, okay, I'm worried that the four of them didn't let me enjoy myself to the fullest. Is this another toy?"

Kou Shou looked at the four people who fell to the ground and could not get up again. He lost interest in them and turned his attention to Zhou Qingyuan with a teasing look on his face.

"Boy, you're out of luck."

The more Feng Cangyuan looked at Zhou Qingyuan, the more familiar he felt, and he suddenly realized that this was a talented disciple who had recently returned to the family. broken! How did he get here?

There was no time to think about why Zhou Qingyuan could come here. Feng Cangyuan thought more about how to get Zhou Qingyuan to escape from here.

Unless Feng Cangyuan sacrificed himself for others, in fact, they were all seriously injured, and they were inextricably linked to Kou Shou, so it was impossible for the other party to let them go.

In this case, if you contribute to the family at the end of your life, you can at least die with peace of mind.

"Zhou Qingyuan, run! He is Ruyijing!"

Without hesitation, Feng Cangyuan's source burned completely, and taking advantage of Kou Shou's previous opportunity to release the power of the domain, he burst out all his strength and used the last bloodline skill.

This should be the last thing he can do for his family. Even if he can survive, he is doomed to have no hope of reaching the state of Ruyi for life.

Feng Cangyuan looked at the burning firebird devouring Kou Shou's body, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

But the arc of this smile had not yet expanded, and it had already frozen at the corner of his mouth. A deep sense of powerlessness arose from his heart and filled his entire chest.

The thick frost fog rose again, and the flames transformed by the firebird did not make any sound and quietly extinguished. Whether Zhou Qingyuan wanted to escape or not, the powerful power of the domain had already acted on him.

Kou Shou's laughter rang again, and he enjoyed the fact that everyone fought desperately against him and was easily defeated by him.

Today, he is the most proud person in the world!

"So that's it, you are from the Sun Devouring Wolf Family?"

Although Kou Shou had already opened the power of the domain, Zhou Qingyuan's actions seemed to be completely unaffected. No, it was still affected.

[Racial Power: Blood Rage]

"Boom boom. Boom boom!"

Accompanied by the thunderous heartbeat, the frost mist in the air seemed to be shaken by something, rising and falling slightly, and the sound of steam rising from the field, accompanied by a strong murderous intent.

It's really boring along the way.

Is it like the artistic conception? I hope you can let me enjoy it.

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