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Chapter 158 A breakthrough on the battlefield?

[Bloodline Skill: Silver Moon Dance]

Kou Zhongshi responded to the giant wolf's true form outside his body. Amid the long wolf howls, the scenery in front of Zhou Qingyuan changed. He was already standing in a blue pond.

A bright full moon hung high in the sky, reflected in the pond. Before he could take a closer look, the full moon suddenly split into countless crescent moons, swallowing him up.

"Do all of you Sun Devouring Wolf Family like the moon so much?" Zhou Qingyuan's voice was calm with a hint of joy. He felt that his true form was becoming more and more agitated in the successive battles. In this image attack, there was a faint sign of merging with him.

"Speaking of which, my bloodline skill is also related to the moon." Facing this strong man whose strength was roughly equal to the perfect state of Ruyi, Zhou Qingyuan finally stopped holding back.

Amid the moonlight, he stretched out a finger and pointed it at everything in front of him.

[Bloodline Skill: Sun-Moon Division]

So white and black reappeared, with the position marked by Zhou Qingyuan's finger as the division, strong light submerged everything, darkness swallowed everything. So the deep pool became extremely bright, but the reflected full moon was swallowed by darkness and lost its luster.

God's punishment, it came at this moment!

There is no escape!

It seems that there is an absolute power lying here, bound to break all chaos, and standing in the forbidden line is Kou Zhongshi.

Everything was firmly separated, the image disappeared, Kou Zhongshi stood there in a daze, his expression confused.

What happened just now?

His proud bloodline skill was cracked?

By such a stranger who had hardly seen him in the past, a hairy boy who didn't know where he came from! Easily cracked?

"Zhongshi, Zhongshi!" The concerned roar sounded from Kou Zhongshi's ears, but he felt as if he was separated by a water film and couldn't hear clearly.

Who is talking? The elder?

He turned his head in a daze, but his body changed with this action. An extremely thin blood line suddenly appeared from the top of his head and continued to extend downwards. His whole body began to split and collapse uncontrollably. Including his spirit.

Am I going to die?

Die at the hands of such an unknown person?

How can the family prosper without me?

Kou Zhongshi's memories were like a revolving lantern.

He started to fight in the immortal world from the Kaimai realm, and it took him sixty years to advance from the first level of Kaimai to the ninth level of Kaimai. It took him nearly a hundred years to comprehend the meaning of Hunyuan Ruyi. In a cross-level battle forced to face the Ruyi realm, he comprehended the power of the domain, stepped into the Ruyi realm, and killed his enemies.

How can I die here?

I want to become a person in the Wanxiang realm! How can I die here!

Kou Zhongshi howled in his heart, and his scattered spirit was forcibly gathered under the strong desire to survive. The sound of blood buds growing resounded throughout the square. The body that was split into two halves kept trying to stick together under the action of the flesh buds, and kept breaking apart under the invisible boundary.

The blue-eyed giant wolf appeared again beside Kou Zhongshi, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up. He took a step forward and jumped out, turning from real to virtual, and jumped into Kou Zhongshi's body!

The whole audience was in an uproar!

"The true form actively merged! The origin! He is going to comprehend the power of the origin!"

The spectators were all shocked, and Kou Zhongqiu laughed excitedly, and his laughter was extremely rampant.

He jumped down, and his body urged the power of the origin, turning into a giant wolf that covered the sky, and wanted to swallow the entire stone platform.

Faced with this situation, he broke the rules without hesitation! As long as Kou Zhongshi can retreat and give him some time, he will definitely be able to step into the realm of all things!

He is going to welcome the second person in the realm of all things who is about to be born in his family! The only two ten thousand things in this world!

But at this moment, the sound of dragon roar and divine bird cry resounded here. The four-clawed green dragon and the three-legged divine bird blocked him in mid-air, forcibly cut him off, and pushed him back to the high platform.


A dull sound exploded in mid-air, which was the sound of the collision of the domains at the level of the Wanxiang Realm.

"I knew you were going to break the rules. You Sun Devouring Wolf Clan really have no integrity."

Feng Risheng and Mo Qiuzhen were suspended in mid-air, looking coldly at Kou Zhongqiu who was forced to retreat.

At the same time, the battle below had also ended.

The cold long knife appeared behind Kou Zhongshi, pierced his forehead, and continued to go down, cutting open his entire abdominal cavity.

The true form of the Sun Devouring Wolf, which had turned into a phantom again, was forcibly touched by Zhou Qingyuan and pulled out.

The Soul Demon Knife activated itself and continued to cut Kou Zhongshi's body, completely destroying all the muscles.

Cutting open the blood vessels, swallowing the blood, the golden fire and purple thunder bless together, turning into a black blade that is domineering and sharp, cutting everything.

Blood drips, the setting sun is red.

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes flashed with the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers, and the scarlet pupils of the true form of the candle dragon revealed a ferocious and domineering look, and one claw smashed the giant wolf phantom into dust and mist.

The origin that was previously dispersed by the power of the sun and the moon, now finally gathered together, was immediately completely destroyed by Zhou Qingyuan.

The opportunity of all things dissipated, Kou Zhongshi's breath began to fall infinitely, and the whole person exuded a gray breath.

Before he could even spit out a word, Kou Zhongshi's eyes widened, his bloodstained eyeballs bulged out ferociously, staring at Zhou Qingyuan.

"I will kill this boy! Whoever stops me will die!" Kou Zhongqiu's irrational voice exploded in the sky, like thunder, "Fan Konghuang, Wang Chenlu, join me!"

"What are you still thinking about! That kid is about to enter the realm of all things, can't you see it!"

If not, how could Kou Zhongshi, who was about to break through and whose aura reached its peak, be killed by this person?

Fan Konghuang and Wang Chenlu, who realized it later, came to their senses and both revealed their true bodies. They were about to join the battle in the next second. The situation on the field deteriorated visibly.

Three Wanxiang Realm against two Wanxiang Realm. Although Mo Qiuzhen and Feng Risheng were not afraid and there was no danger, it did not mean that they could protect the remaining Zhou Qingyuan!

Damn! It turned out to be like this? Zhou Qingyuan should not have been allowed to take action!

Regret overwhelmed Feng Risheng's heart. How happy he was when Zhou Qingyuan killed three people in a row before, how terrified he was at this moment.

"I was wrong a little, but it's true."

The young man's leisurely voice sounded, and his attention was focused on what was in front of him, without paying any attention to the terrifying murderous intent above his head.

In his sight, on the panel, the pleasant silver plus sign slowly lit up.

After killing three people in the Ruyi Realm in succession, each of them at a higher level, Zhou Qingyuan's true self was already in a highly active state. At this moment, under the stimulation of the might of the five Wanxiang Realm, it reached its peak.

If it were someone else, at most they would have made some progress. This fleeting inspiration was like a meteor in the sky, and they couldn't catch it.

But just because others couldn't catch it didn't mean Zhou Qingyuan couldn't.

Facing the silver plus sign, Zhou Qingyuan curled his lips slightly and clicked it gently.

The future of everyone in the Changsheng Realm will be changed because of this plus point.

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