I can add one every day

Chapter 169 If that’s the case, let’s play with you

On the scroll, on the left is a picture of the people celebrating, on the right is a picture of young people mourning for their concubines. In the center, a group of people are worshiping around the statue of Zhou Qingyuan. It looks a bit evil, but more of them are warriors standing blankly. , all looked up to the zenith.

Above it, a pair of cold eyes looked down at Wan Sheng quietly, but when Zhou Qingyuan looked over, he clearly felt that these eyes were looking at him. He looked dazed for a moment, countless guesses came to his mind, and he figured out some things.

Is this the will of heaven in this world? What he felt just now was that he was about to merge with this world?

So now there is another question. Does this so-called will of heaven and earth currently have its own thoughts?

Does it want to devour itself, or does it want to merge with it and make it more complete?

The feeling just now made Zhou Qingyuan feel that he had not lost his mind, but his self had been erased, and divinity had completely replaced humanity. Although he was alive, he had lost all emotions.

No. What's the difference between this and death? Who wants to follow the inexplicable way of heaven?

Zhou Qingyuan's face was gloomy, and he thought of the scene where he was recognized by this world during his previous breakthroughs.

With the help of his natal magical power, whether it is the three realms, the six realms, the nine realms, or the Ruyi realm and the Wanxiang realm, every time he breaks through, he will become closer to this world. This is what he can easily do. One of the foundations of invincibility at the same level.

No other martial artist would be able to combine with heaven and earth like him.

Could it be that this magical power has been cultivated incorrectly?

No! The natal magical power recognized by the system is unique to him, and only he can understand it. How can it harm him?

Then why hasn't this happened before in the Sun Chaser World? Because the Sun-Chasing World is a man-made dead world, there is no such thing as the will of heaven and earth?

In this way, even if he ascends to a new big world, will he have to pay more attention to this aspect in the future?

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan couldn't tell what his mood was, but he felt much calmer.

The unknown is the most frightening thing. After figuring out the key, he has actually found a way to save his life.

Right now, he is only initially connected to this side of the world. As long as he directly leaves this side of the world before the situation develops to the most serious point, the predicament will be solved.

Just leave like this? Zhou Qingyuan leaned on the back of his chair and entered a state of breathing again.

Suddenly, he felt that the consciousness and spiritual consciousness of this body were about to leave the body again. Speaking of which, it seemed that he had felt this way before? It's just that he has not entered the Dharma Body Realm, and the energy base of the Heavenly Human Realm is too low to notice his own changes.

[Supernatural Power: Heavenly Principle]

Before his soul left the body, Zhou Qingyuan took the initiative to use his natal magical power. With some awareness and precautions, this time he saw a chaotic existence entangled on the dome.

Zhou Qingyuan saw that the thin lines extending infinitely from the ground to the sky were arranged in an orderly manner, like lines of order, reaching directly to the sky.

At the same time, he also noticed that there was such a thread on his body, and it was hundreds of times thicker than other thin threads.

When he saw this thread, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly realized that he could cut it off.

So, do this? Cut off this line and directly sever contact with Fang Tiandao?

If Zhou Qingyuan does this, there is a high probability that his journey to the country will come to an end. If he does not leave here, he will probably end up with the same result as Mo Xije, and will never be able to get any improvement.


Zhou Qingyuan didn't do anything drastic, he just took the initiative to withdraw his wandering soul and opened his eyes.

Wouldn't it be a pity to cut it off like this?

With a smile on his lips, everything suddenly felt alive and interesting.

When fighting against the sky, the rest are endless.

The worst result is that he is merged with the Heavenly Dao. He has already felt that this Heavenly Dao may not be strong enough and does not have its own will.

In other words, the other party does not want to devour itself, but wants to replace it and become the master of this world. The price is that Zhou Qingyuan will lose most of his emotions and become the agent of heaven.

But he believed that this state of sleeping nature was by no means constant. Even if he failed and was forced to join the Tao, he would definitely be able to wake up for a period of time every hundred years.

The reason why this side of the world wants to join forces with him is simply to improve its own boundaries, which is the sublimation instinct delineated in its rules and procedures.

Once Zhou Qingyuan unites with it, I am afraid that this world will break through the original shackles, and all blood warriors will be able to obtain certain blessings. The shackles of the Vientiane Realm that they have been unable to break through in their lifetime will also be liberated, and the Dharma Body Realm will no longer be a warrior in this world. the end point.

"I didn't expect that I would be quite useful."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the eyes on the scroll, the corners of his mouth curled up, feeling a different kind of fun.

‘In that case, let’s play with you. ’

The next day, Zhou Qingyuan's figure appeared in Tingchao Pavilion again. To his surprise, Mo Xijie was also here.

The other party seems to have never left.

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan, his eyes showed concern and nervousness, and he hurriedly asked: "Is your problem solved? What happened?"

He couldn't help but feel nervous. Zhou Qingyuan had also entered the Dharmakaya realm like him, but the other party's talent was obviously better than his.

If Zhou Qingyuan noticed something was wrong, did it mean that this kind of wrongness might also happen to him, but he just didn't notice it?

On the one hand, it is concern, on the other hand, it is self-interest. After a day of random thoughts and explorations, Mo Xijie's mood at the moment is not much easier than Zhou Qingyuan's before.

"It's almost solved."

Zhou Qingyuan took a sip of spiritual tea and relaxedly slumped down on the stone chair, resting his head on his head. The scene was just like yesterday, as if nothing happened.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at Mo Xijie, who looked a little nervous, and suddenly realized what he was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry. Although my situation is related to entering the Dharmakaya realm, it will not have any impact on you."

"You seem to be in a good mood?"

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan with a bright smile on his face, Mo Xijie became even more confused and couldn't help but say:

"What does it mean that it has something to do with the Dharmakaya realm but it won't have any impact on me? What you say makes me even more uneasy!"

"Shh, you'll figure it out soon enough."

Zhou Qingyuan held out a finger to stop Mo Xijie's agitation, opened the system panel, and looked at the information on it.

【Dharmakaya Realm-Getting Started】+

Looking at the silver plus sign, Zhou Qingyuan's smile became even bigger and he nodded it freely.

This battle between heaven and earth has completely kicked off as his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds.

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