I can add one every day

Chapter 172 Guixu World

"What are you doing?"

Just after breaking through, his breath was still unstable, black and white colors were flowing in Zhou Qingyuan's eyes, and he looked strangely at Mo Xijie, who was kneeling in front of him.

Mo Xijie felt the pressure-laden gaze above him, and his body trembled subconsciously. He could no longer suppress his temper, and his extravagant nature was finally exposed, and he cried: "Master Dao Lord! How do you practice? Can you teach me? I!"

"So that's what happened."

Zhou Qingyuan smiled and turned his palms to hold him up. Mo Xijie then felt a huge force lifting him up in a gentle and domineering way, and pressed him directly onto the seat opposite Zhou Qingyuan.


The teapot flew up on its own, and he poured a cup of tea for Mo Xijie, and the teacup flew to his mouth.

Mo Xijie subconsciously took it and took a sip. The warm tea calmed his mind slightly. The next moment, he realized something was wrong. As soon as the tea entered his stomach, it was like a line of fire rushing to the bottom. He felt that he had reached the limit and became loose.

This was clearly just a cup of spiritual tea. It could not have such an effect, so the reason must be. Mo Xijie opened his eyes and looked at the sitting Zhou Qingyuan, only to feel the precious light shining on him at this moment.

"What did your Daojun do to me?"

"It's nothing, it just changes the affinity of this world to you."

Mo Xijie: "." Just? Could this be just that?

Mo Xijie was about to say something, but the next moment, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly stretched out his hand to hold it in the air and raised it suddenly!

In the deserted valley, the white-haired old man, who closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly felt that he was bound by a powerful force of heaven and earth, and his perfect cultivation of the Vientiane Realm was completely imprisoned. His face changed drastically, and his mind was in a state of shock. He was forcibly pulled up by this force and jumped straight into the sky!

One by one, the strong men of the Vientiane Realm who were practicing seclusion in the uninhabited land were pulled up one by one by the man-made power of heaven and earth, and they were all pulled to the same place.

"Lord Daojun, what is this?"

Mo Xijie looked at Zhou Qingyuan's movements with confusion in his eyes. But soon, he felt a breath approaching here, at an extremely fast speed, far exceeding the strength of the Vientiane Realm they showed.

It didn't take long for Zhou Qingyuan, who had an insight into the world here, to easily pick out the reclusive people one after another. They lined up in front of him, as many as six of them.

The six people were all bound by the power of heaven and earth at this time. Only their eyes could move. They all stared at Zhou Qingyuan with wide eyes, wondering who he was.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't talk nonsense to them. With a flick of his finger, he was forced to bring out a little bit of their souls under the pull of the power of heaven and earth.

Um? !

The six of them were all shocked, keenly feeling the changes in their bodies. Due to Zhou Qingyuan's intentional actions, they quickly noticed the shortcomings of their bodies.

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan returned their souls, allowing them to experience that crucial feeling of spiritual and physical perfection.

After just one round trip, one person immediately became enlightened, and the aura on his body began to rise towards the Dharmakaya state.

Although the other five people did not know what happened, where this place was, and why Zhou Qingyuan was able to do this, they all realized that the opportunity had arrived!

Zhou Qingyuan used his newly acquired abilities to repeatedly lift the souls of the remaining five people to help them feel the concept of spiritual perfection. At the same time, he used the will of heaven and earth to influence them and help them become enlightened.

In the end, he had brought all six hermits to the Dharmakaya realm.

These people have been practicing hard all day long, and they are only the last glimmer of mystery away from the Dharmakaya state. At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan has food in his mouth, and they can't catch it.

"Can someone explain the situation to me?"

One of them walked out, bowed respectfully to Zhou Qingyuan who had done all this, and asked calmly.

"It's just an attempt."

Zhou Qingyuan retracted his finger and ended the enlightenment.

Helping others to become enlightened would also be of some help to himself. After this use, his understanding of the so-called energy of heaven and earth has gone further.

After stepping into the Realm Lord, he felt that he was getting stronger almost every moment.

As for these seven people.

"Now that you have entered the realm of Dharmakaya, is it time to go to the upper realm?"

In a world of white ruins, five figures were running away in a hurry, even though there was nothing behind them.


Invisible ripples appeared, and one of the men with thick eyebrows suddenly shouted: "It's coming!"

At the same time, the five people turned around together, and the five mental powers instantly merged into one place, suddenly colliding with invisible waves.

Without looking at the result, the five of them attacked together, turned around and ran away again. Behind them, where the five rays of fused spiritual power erupted, there should have been a huge movement, but at this moment, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any reaction.

There is something there.

But it cannot be observed.

The five people ran away desperately without looking back, and did not stop until a quarter of an hour later, hiding in a broken wall that could be seen everywhere.

"Kou Xiao, that ghost didn't catch up with him, did he?"

Hearing this, the thick-browed man named Kou Xiao touched the center of his eyebrows with a sword finger, causing invisible fluctuations to spread within a mile around him.

"Don't worry, no."


As he finished speaking, the other four people breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense bodies suddenly relaxed.

"When will this day end? What on earth is that invisible thing?!"

"Hey, if I had known this, I might as well have stayed in the Immortal Realm and become a free mountain king."


Everyone sighed, feeling frustrated.

At the beginning, the five of them entered the Dharmakaya realm one after another. After reaching the limit of the Immortal Realm, they all felt bored and dull in their long lives, and finally decided to open the back door of the four pillars.

As early as before, after the joint research of the five people, they found that in addition to the formation on the surface, there was also an additional teleportation formation hidden in this pillar, which could lead to another place, but they did not take the risk at that time.

It was not until the five people had no more thoughts in the Immortal Realm that they decided to go in and out together, and try to open the formation together to explore the new world.

Unexpectedly, they came to such a dilapidated ghost place.

Everything was gray and white everywhere, and no living creatures survived. They explored around and finally found the only intact white stone hall here.

There was nothing in the hall, except a book of law floating on a white stone pillar.

[Taishang Wuwei Ganyin Pian]

After the five people understood it, they were all surprised to find that this was a method that could enhance mental power, and the effect was remarkable.

As long as they continue to improve their spiritual power, according to the description in the code, one day they will be able to use their spirit to influence the material world, and the magical uses are endless.

In other words, they have discovered a method that can take them further after the Dharmakaya realm.

But the five people did not expect that after practicing this code, a nightmare would come.

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