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Chapter 182 The power of law?

Seven days later, Old Taoist Chongxu came back, seemingly intact, but obviously lacking in energy.

The first time he came back, he spread his mental power to every corner of the Shinto Palace. After careful inspection, he found nothing.

But this made him breathe a sigh of relief. After confirming that everyone was safe and sound during his absence, Chongxu returned to the main hall dejectedly, sat quietly in front of the portrait of his ancestor, and fell into self-doubt.

At this moment, the Taoist boy's voice came from outside the door, "Elder brother, the master doesn't want anyone to disturb him now."


The door of the main hall was pushed open lightly and silently. Zhou Qingyuan's figure stepped inside and saw Old Dao Chongxu slumped on the ground. At this time, the other party had turned around and looked at him with a hint of astonishment on his expression.

Zhou Qingyuan came to see him now, could it be said...?

"I'm finally back, give me the cultivation method for the next level."

Chongxu's eyes suddenly widened, and he said in a daze: "Zhongsantian, you have also completed the cultivation?"


Facing Chongxu's shock, Zhou Qingyuan didn't care at all. In his opinion, the reason why the cultivation methods of people in this world are slow is because their physical bodies limit their spiritual development.

It seems that they specialize in spiritual power, but in fact, in the process of cultivating spiritual power, they are constantly using spiritual power to transform and strengthen their physical bodies in order to carry more divine thoughts.

As for Zhou Qingyuan, his body has gone through countless trials and tribulations, and there is no need to expend any effort to improve his body.

In fact, if the realms he had cultivated before were allowed to be cultivated by people here, it would also take them countless hours.

It's just that Zhou Qingyuan has taken those paths in advance. Now, by analogy, coupled with the huge knowledge base, the so-called cultivation is just a process of constantly transferring spiritual thoughts.

He will never slow down until his body reaches its limit.

However, the cultivation process of the sixth heaven has gradually made him feel some challenges. I am afraid that the next three heavens will take several weeks and months.

Because of this, we shouldn’t waste time, right?

Chongxu looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was reaching out to him for the Tao scroll. He finally came to his senses and subconsciously handed the Tao scroll to him.

Zhou Qingyuan took the scroll, turned around and left. But at this moment, Old Dao Chongxu's voice sounded behind him.

"Wait a minute. Qingyuan, cultivation requires relaxation and relaxation. Are you stretching yourself too tight?"

Despite his poor condition at the moment, Chongxu still tried to fulfill his duties as a teacher.

When Zhou Qingyuan heard these words of concern, he raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his head to look at Old Dao Chongxu seriously.

This person's aura is very weak at this time, and he no longer has that calm and calm feeling.

Combined with the fact that Old Dao Chongxu had been away for such a long time, it was obvious that something had happened.

"During the time when you disappeared, I was already resting." Zhou Qingyuan's tone was calm and he continued: "It's you, master, are you stretching yourself too tight?"

"Me?" Chongxu pointed at himself, feeling a little ridiculous about his apprentice's question.

No one has asked him this question for eight hundred years since his teacher and senior brothers went to the stars.

But at this moment, he suddenly came to his senses and murmured: "Yes. Am I stretching myself too tight?"

After saying this, Chongxu suddenly fell into deep thought and could not come back to his senses for a long time. Zhou Qingyuan did not rush, and immediately sat down and started reading the Taoist scroll.

For a moment, there was only silence between the master and the disciple in the hall.

After a full quarter of an hour, the breath of Old Dao Chongxu became more stable. He was awakened by Zhou Qingyuan.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan had finished reading the Taoist scroll and tried to enter the seventh heaven, and succeeded in one fell swoop.

The majestic mental power was like water, constantly flowing on his body, like flexible fish.

"Nian Kai. Seventh-level geniuses are qualified to learn the skills of comprehension, and you learned it so quickly?" There was a sense of stupidity in Chongxu's words, and he was indeed a little distracted now.

Not only because of Zhou Qingyuan, but also because of previous experiences.

"Isn't it recorded in the Dao scroll? It's just the use of mental power. It seems to me to be quite simple."

As if he wanted to prove that what he said was true, or maybe he just did it casually, as Zhou Qingyuan finished speaking, the mind armor on his body changed again, gradually becoming red gold.

He was trying to combine his domain with the mind armor, but he soon gave up on this combination.

After the pure power of thought is contaminated by the power of the domain, it loses part of its intensity, and the extra burning property is just a waste of time.

"Nian Kai is the most complete technique in the Seventh Heaven summarized by everyone in Yun Haitian. There is no room for improvement."

Seeing the eldest disciple's attempt, Old Daoist Chongxu showed a smile, and his attention was gradually diverted.

But the next moment, his smile stopped on his lips and he became distracted again.

In front of his eyes, Zhou Qingyuan's whole body was in black and white colors, gradually forming into yin and yang fish. Just this change, the mind armor actually had different properties, but its strength was not affected at all. Influence.


As soon as this idea came to Old Dao Chongxu's mind, the yin and yang fish that were flying rapidly across Zhou Qingyuan's body changed again, turning into legless dragons with red faces and snake bodies, swimming around Zhou Qingyuan with their eyes closed.

Instantly, the flow of time around Zhou Qingyuan seemed to slow down. He pinched his sword finger, and the divine sword with the color of chaos suddenly appeared, slashing heavily on the armor with great momentum!

The destructive energy of chaos just touched the armor on the surface of the body, and immediately became sluggish. This armor actually has a certain sluggish function?

Zhou Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought of something that appeared in his previous life but he still couldn't comprehend.

The power of law!

Could it be that this world can breed laws? Or is it just a part?

Zhou Qingyuan had many guesses in his mind, and he kept it in his heart. No matter what, he only needed to practice step by step, and all the secrets would eventually be naturally and completely presented to him.

‘Suddenly I was looking forward to it. ’

Zhou Qingyuan's mouth curled slightly, looking at the miniature candle dragon swimming on the surface of his body, and realized that he seemed to be quite talented in the way of time, which should be affected by this true appearance.

Chongxu stood aside and watched Zhou Qingyuan's continuous attempts. His eyes gradually brightened. He felt a pump of energy injected into his body, and his decadent spirit was swept away.

How could the master hold back the disciple who was so motivated?

Now it seems that Zhou Qingyuan may be able to enter the realm of the ninth heaven in less than a hundred years.

Although it is a bit shameful, the unhappiness and resistance he suffered before can perhaps be overcome in one fell swoop with the help of his disciple?

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