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Chapter 202: Survival rules in the real world

"Hell, you've got it!"

Teng Luo looked at the white light on Zhou Qingyuan's hand, and his voice became sharp again. His whole body couldn't hold back, and he even started to scream continuously.

"Does this still make sense? Now you have it?"

Teng Luo completely lost his composure, and his words were thrown out one after another like marbles:

"How did you do it? Have you ever been exposed to the law of force before?"

"Do you know how outrageous this is? I have never seen anyone in the tribe do what you do. You are not an illegitimate son of an ancient god who lives outside the country, right?

No, you were obviously born in my inner world. "

Facing the noisy Teng Luo, Zhou Qingyuan only said one word lightly and silenced him.

"Can't you, the ancient god clan, not do it? Didn't you say that by practicing the Star Refining Art, you will naturally be able to get closer to the law of force?"

Teng Luo: "."

Just when he was sorting out his thoughts and wanted to say something, Zhou Qingyuan's voice sounded again: "The law of force just now was so thick that it almost reached his mouth. If everyone has this opportunity, wouldn't it be better if everyone closed their eyes? Can everyone understand the law of force?"


"Why, couldn't you have done it back then?"

Teng Luo couldn't stand it anymore and quickly begged for mercy: "Okay, stop talking. It's my fault. I was too noisy. I'm sorry."

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile, "Let's be more serious. The power of the law shouldn't be over once you understand it, right? I guess with the different levels of understanding, there will be different levels?"

"No, the prevailing rules in the real world are different from here. After achieving the outdoor scene, as long as the other party is not a hundred times or a thousand times stronger than you, and as long as you don't take action, the other party will not be able to judge your strength."

Teng Luo's tone was faint, thinking of the crazy woman they provoked. Didn't that compatriot in the clan cause disaster because he didn't know her strength and was interested in the same planet as her?

“In the real world, before you master the law of time or achieve outdoor scenes, any creature can easily see through your heels, and killing you is as easy as dusting off dust.

But once you master the power of one of the two, the real world will be as safe for you as it was previously dangerous.

Because as long as you don't take action, no one can be sure of your strength, and everyone will take action. And once the action is seen, one's own strength will be exposed, and there will be no secrets left. "

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, "That's interesting. Everyone is like a hunter lying in wait in the forest. As long as you don't take action, you can retain the nobility of a hunter.

But as long as you fire, others can judge your general strength through your shot. "

Teng Luo echoed: "This is the first time I've heard your statement, but it's quite appropriate."

"However." Zhou Qingyuan's words rang out again, "If my strength increases faster than the frequency of my attacks, then others will also be confused by the information when they use my past strength to judge what level I will be in the future."

"Within a certain range of strength, I can always be a hunter."

The information revealed in Zhou Qingyuan's words made Teng Luo secretly stunned.

Is this kid already thinking about using this level of information to deceive people? Anyone who wants to provoke him will be in serious trouble if they can't kill him in one blow.

However, Zhou Qingyuan's words sounded again at this time, causing his thoughts to shift again, "I have been spending a lot of time recently. Maybe it's time to help you find a body. It's not a problem to stay in my body all the time, right? Is there any compatibility in this world? Material of your choice?”

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan take the initiative to mention this, Teng Luo felt warm in his heart, but still refused:

"I understand with good intentions, but my talent is not as good as yours. If I use materials from this world to create a new body, I'm afraid the foundation will be weaker, and I won't even be able to return to the inner realm in this life.

If possible, I still hope to wait until you return to the real world before you can find treasures and shape my body for me. "

"I don't mind if you can wait."

The two quickly finalized the matter. At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly looked into the distance, where there were black and white legal principles intertwined, and someone used his Chaos God Sword.

The face of Feng Sui, the ancestor of the Golden Crow clan, flashed through his mind. In order to repay her investment in the immortal world, he gave her a token containing this magical power, but he forgot about her for a while.

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan took a step forward and rushed to Feng Sui's location.

Feng Sui and the others stared blankly at the terrifying fluctuations that erupted in front of them, their thoughts stagnating.

"Although this is a token left by the Dao Lord, the other party at that time did not have the achievements it has now, right? How could it cause so much damage?"

After Fengsui and his party left the Shinto Palace, they decided to support each other, and the five of them still acted together.

After joining a small force, because the level was too low, they were unable to access information from big forces such as the Shinto Palace, and they didn't know what they missed.

As outsiders from a small force, they had to go on foreign missions every day. This time they encountered a big trouble that could not be solved. When Qianlu was at his wits end, Fengsui finally used this killer move.

She hadn't thought about keeping this token to find Zhou Qingyuan, who was now at the peak of the sky, but the speed of the opponent's attack was so fast that the five of them couldn't believe it. The awe of this person was far greater than that of the others, and they didn't even think about it. Dare to bother.

Moreover, as they have just entered the fourth heaven realm, it is almost impossible for them to meet the high-ranking Dao Lord.

There are countless people trying their best to show up in front of Zhou Qingyuan, even if they don't say anything and just let him take a look, and these people are all the actual powerful people in Yun Haitian now. Even they have tried their best. Where can Feng Sui and the others go? qualified?

But the next moment, not long after Feng Sui had activated the token, the handsome Taoist Fengshen had already stepped out ripples in the void. As he stepped forward, his figure turned into substance and appeared in front of the five people.

"Feng Sui?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the five people with dull expressions and took the initiative to ask.

"Ah yes! Lord Dao!"

"Greetings to Lord Dao!"

The other four people knelt on one knee and bowed together. The name they had been reluctant to call at the beginning was now blurted out subconsciously.

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at the other four people and ignored them. He just said gently to Feng Sui:

"Although I already gave you this back-up, now that I have established a firm foothold in this world, I should naturally give you more back.

What do you want? Why not tell me? "

Realizing that the only great opportunity in this life had arrived, Feng Sui swallowed subconsciously and said cautiously:

"Can I join the Shinto Academy built by Master Daojun?"

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