I can add one every day

Chapter 227 Gene Bank, Tianwu

"Hello, Master. I am your own AI, numbered XI-2799. This is everything about me."

Opening the door, the lady with glasses opened her red lips and a voice that seemed to tickle people's hearts rang out. Between her hands, subtitles appeared on the transparent display screen, all about how to use AI.

Zhou Qingyuan quickly pulled down, and his mind remembered everything immediately.

"I know, from now on your name is 2799.

In addition, you should call me boss and change your voice to a capable one."

"Okay, boss."

The seductive meaning disappeared, replaced by a capable and pragmatic voice, which was very similar to the previous robot.

Listening to the familiar and unfamiliar name, Zhou Qingyuan's eyes were absent-minded for a moment.

He felt as if he had returned to his previous life and as if he had come to the future.

"Use my initial points to purchase a personal terminal, and also give me information about all the rights and obligations of second-class citizens."


Zhou Qingyuan quickly browsed the information provided by AI, leaned in the air, and looked at the scenery outside the window to sort out his thoughts.

Each citizen level has a corresponding living environment and purchasing privileges. As a second-class citizen, he can buy countless things.

At present, there are four factors that Zhou Qingyuan cares about most, [Universal Origin] [Law Factor] [Gene Bank] [Tianwu]

The Universal Origin can provide harmless energy to practitioners of any attributes, helping them save a lot of hard work.

Relying on the existence of the Universal Origin, as long as the realm can keep up and the resources can keep up, the theoretical improvement is almost unlimited.

It is almost equivalent to an extremely low-profile system.

But to say it is powerful, it is actually just like that. Because even if there is such a person who uses this universal origin to take a shortcut, the vision required for each major realm cannot be escaped, and sooner or later he will be stuck in a certain realm to make up for the lessons.

The Law Factor surprised Zhou Qingyuan a little. This is the power that he guessed before that the Tianshu Empire holds.

Grasping the laws of the mysterious law power and turning it into a substantial influencing factor, practitioners only need to understand and comprehend the power of these factors to gradually master the law power.

But Zhou Qingyuan noticed that the mall did not sell top-level laws like chaos, time, and space.

And many higher-level laws require citizens to reach the first or special level before they can be purchased. Second-class citizens can only buy some corners or have restrictions.

For example, Zhou Qingyuan is interested in the five elements law, but as a second-class citizen, he can only buy one at most.

Even so, it is still very remarkable. It is equivalent to the Tianshu Empire mastering the means of mass production of strong people who master the power of laws.

As for the gene bank and Tianwu, it is completely unfamiliar to Zhou Qingyuan.

"Exchange points for organs of rare races for transplantation to enhance your own talents in specific aspects?"

It's a bit anti-human, and the crystal coins and citizen level required are quite exaggerated. Only special citizens are eligible to exchange.

As for Tianwu, it is equivalent to the mecha in the previous life.

In the current era of promoting personal power, there are still mechas operated by one or more people. I think it will be unique.

At this moment, 2799's voice sounded:

"It is detected that your personal terminal has arrived. I will pick it up for you now."

Then, a black soft ball was handed to Zhou Qingyuan by 2799.

After rubbing it, it was very durable. Even if Zhou Qingyuan used two parts of strength, there was no change.

"You can change it into any form you want, such as a necklace, a bracelet, a ring, or even into your skin."



2799's finger glowed with blue light and gently touched the ball. The ball turned into a ring and embedded on Zhou Qingyuan's right middle finger.

With a light touch, the same transparent screen appeared in front of him.

At the top was a white energy slot, the top part had become blank, and black handwriting appeared.

[Countdown to the next task: six days, twenty-two hours, sixteen minutes, and forty-two seconds]

[Relegation points: 3000]

'Do I have to do a task every seven days? '

Zhou Qingyuan clicked on the branch and looked at the [Task List], which had five branches.

【Battle】【Collection】【Research】【Guard】【Emergency Task】

Zhou Qingyuan tapped 【Battle】, and two more branches immediately appeared below the list.

【External Development】【Support】

Click on any of them, and specific tasks will appear in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

Closing them casually, Zhou Qingyuan checked other options and browsed them one by one.

What surprised him was that compared with battle and collection, the latter three options gave much more citizen points and crystal coins.

Zhou Qingyuan was not a battle maniac, and he lost interest in the tasks in the battle list after just a few glances.

External development requires running around outside, exploring ownerless planets, and grabbing energy, and there are not many crystal coins and citizen points.


"It seems that I have to catch up with my studies again."

"2799, sign me up for Tianshu Primary School and enroll as soon as possible."

"Yes, this is within your second-class citizen rights, but if you want to transfer to the Higher School later, you need to upgrade your citizen rights to first-class rights, so please pay more attention."

"The application for admission has been sent, and the school will respond to you within 24 hours."

"Then, I'll also relax my muscles."

Zhou Qingyuan lightly tapped [Battle] [External Development].

[Development Mission: Suppress the Flame Poison Gland Dragon on the Fire Crystal Planet, kill the entire tribe, and remove the gland and crown. ]

[Mission Points: 400]

[Available Crystal Coins: 0.1]

[Accept the Mission] [Cancel the Mission]

"You're so stingy."

Zhou Qingyuan lightly tapped to accept the mission, and the terminal spontaneously sounded a synthetic voice.

"Detected number 250876250, second-class citizen Zhou Qingyuan has accepted the mission to suppress the Fire Crystal Planet.

As a second-class citizen, you can rent a W-class starship as a means of transportation. Please follow the instructions to the space station."

"Based on comprehensive judgment, the mission time is limited to 48 hours.

Time is precious, please set off immediately."

"2799, send the relevant information about admission to my terminal, I will go out first."

"Please let me lead the way for you."

2799 trotted a few steps, followed Zhou Qingyuan, and turned into a metallic arrow to actively point out the direction for Zhou Qingyuan.

Not far from the door is the transmission cabin. Pick up the personal terminal and swipe it on the window. The transmission cabin will automatically locate. Everything is faster and more convenient than imagined.

Zhou Qingyuan walked out of the transmission cabin and finally saw some figures.

Many men and women of different styles walked out of the transmission cabin station. Outside was a vast sea of ​​stars and starships docked in space.

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