I can add one every day

Chapter 231: On the tower, further study

Although Zhou Qingyuan rejected Fu Huaguang's kindness, the other party still admired him very much and invited Zhou Qingyuan to be his apprentice and help in his laboratory.

In addition, Professor Yenard also invited him to participate in Tianwu activities from time to time. No matter which one, there is a credit bonus.

After spending some procedures to sell some credits, Zhou Qingyuan paid off his student loan and had 20 credits left, which was much more than the reward for other hard tasks.

This also shows the tendency of the Tianshu Empire.

Technology is the primary productive force.

However, the circle Zhou Qingyuan has been exposed to is just like this, and it is still unknown what the higher-level ecosystem is like.

On the high tower of the Tianshu Empire, inside the layers of guarded void space, extremely fine unit filaments are connected together to form thick strips, connecting nine cubes soaked in universal energy type V.

Just today, this tower ushered in a new challenger.

Richard Taylor, the leader of the Liberal Party who everyone is convinced of.

Just yesterday, this person transplanted the tail of the giant star bird Moze, and with its affinity with this universe, he forced his body to match the rules of the real world and stepped into the universe level.

The universe level is the top combat power even in the Tianshu Empire. The other party also received a mysterious invitation letter, and the inviter was the mastermind of the Tianshu Empire, the goddess of wisdom NAGA.

This made Taylor feel shocked and moved.

He had a premonition that the real side of this world might be opened to him.

But when he passed through the corridor that was specially cleared and passed through the layers of temporarily lifted protection, he finally saw only nine connected cubes.

And he was invited to become the tenth.

"Don't joke, let me become an existence like you who is not even a human being?"

Taylor's expression was full of irony and disappointment. He didn't expect that the existence that ruled the empire and controlled the smart terminal was just nine black box cubes?

Are these nine things people or AI? He couldn't even tell this.

Taylor instinctively wanted to leave, keeping a positive posture and took a step back, and his body began to accelerate.

But at this moment, the power of multiple perfect laws instantly enveloped this world, and the space was cut into origins. No matter how Taylor moved, he could only stay in place.

The laws of space, time, destruction, gravity, and other laws filled this world, and under some kind of addition, Taylor was completely suppressed mercilessly.

At that moment, Taylor sensed a power far beyond his.

It was not just because the power of the nine people was added together. Even if any one of them had a realm that was higher than Taylor's current level, higher than him who had just entered the universe level!

How could this be possible!

These nine people were so powerful, how could they stay here so willingly?

What was attracting them?

Taylor raised his head with all his strength and looked at the nine-sided black box approaching him.

"Richard Taylor, the world in your eyes is too small for us."

"Join us and become a collective. We will share our great thoughts with you. You will explore the immortal road with us and eventually become the new master of the next era."

"You have traces of many different beasts on your body. You have chosen to change your genes and give up your human body. What is the difference between you and us?"

Nine illusory figures appeared in front of Taylor, some were mighty, some were elegant, and some were strange. The difference was that the aura they exuded was above the cosmic level!

At this time, the black cube opened, revealing the brain wrapped in solution.

Countless electric needles were inserted into the nine brains, connecting their thoughts together.

"Clang clang clang."

A sharp silver knife fell in front of Taylor.

"Cut off your brain and put your spirituality in it. We will share the omnipotent power with you."

Taylor was silent. He realized that these nine people were not unable to move freely, but voluntarily chose this efficient way to connect the thoughts of the nine people together.

It was equivalent to the nine greatest figures of the Tianshu Empire, connecting their talents together through special means to explore the avenue together.

To be honest, Taylor instinctively resisted.

He did not want his thoughts to coexist with others, nor did he think that he could keep his original thoughts after doing so.

It was obvious that he had no choice.

With the sound of blood and flesh peeling off, Taylor cut off his brain and placed it in the tenth cube that was ready to be opened, and transferred his whole body's spirituality into it.

The cleaning robot appeared spontaneously and cleaned up the mess on the ground. There was no change in the whole room except for an extra connected cube.

[Taylor, how do you feel? ]

It was like a voice from the bottom of his heart, as if he was talking to himself.

[I] Taylor was about to answer, countless thoughts had already spontaneously emerged, and a lot of knowledge filled his brain. Originally, he only mastered the two top avenues of time and space when he stepped into the universe level. The next moment, his comprehension of other laws and powers continued to rise, and in a blink of an eye, he had mastered dozens of Fal's ways.

After entering the cosmic level, he was confused about the future, but now it was like the clouds were cleared and the sun came out. Countless thoughts and ideas emerged spontaneously, and he easily found the way to the future.

[It's amazing, isn't it? ]

[We are with you. ]

[The minds of ten geniuses are combined, and our chances of seeing the immortal road have taken another step forward. ]

[But what is immortality, and how to break through immortality? ]

[This era can survive for another 3,600 years, and we don't have much time. ]

[To cultivate more geniuses, I have gained insights from new ideas. ]

[The Richard family deserves more resources. ]

In the countless thoughts of self-talk, Taylor felt that he understood everything.

"Congratulations on completing the entrance examination. You did it in three months. I am proud of you."

At the graduation ceremony of the elementary college, Zhou Qingyuan smiled and hugged the two professors.

On the personal terminal, an email about all the information of Tianshu Higher College has sounded.

"You should continue to study Tianwu, and you will definitely become an excellent Tianwu person."

"No, you are a natural genetic scholar. Believe me, the strength of your own body is far better than relying on external things like Tianwu."

Even at the graduation ceremony, the two professors still could not abandon the views of their respective camps, and tried their best to let Zhou Qingyuan take the path they expected.

For Zhou Qingyuan, all this is just the beginning.

In three months, he has already added all the power of the laws he has mastered to the perfect state, but only the laws of chaos, space and force have been born with the law imprint, and other lower laws obviously do not have such powerful power.

But even so, he still cannot master the method of entering the star level.

‘Higher education institution, is the secret I want there? ’

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