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Chapter 254 Extradition, Return Home

Zhou Qingyuan has been very busy recently.

After establishing a new special family, he has to contact all kinds of people every day, which makes him very annoyed.

But those people know that he has just destroyed the Damon family, and each one is more slippery than the other.

He can't make trouble for those who smile.

Although he has announced that he will be in seclusion and will not see anyone, the group of Tianqing Party members under him are really timid and useless. Even if he directly delegates power, these people dare not act arbitrarily, for fear that they will be killed by Zhou Qingyuan if they make a mistake.

And the people they are facing are all powerful figures in the special family. In the past, they may still think that they can be compared with these people.

But after experiencing the power struggle of the Damon family, they have deeply realized their powerlessness.

Now, they can no longer treat these people with a normal heart.

The result is that Zhou Qingyuan is very annoyed.

Fortunately, today, the talents he needs have arrived.

As a foreign special citizen, he has a certain share of extradition.

As for how much this share of extradition is. Zhou Qingyuan has recently felt more and more that the power of the Tianshu Empire is constantly being transferred to him.

At present, nothing he wants to do has been stopped, even if some things clearly violate the laws of the Tianshu Empire.

Faced with this phenomenon, Zhou Qingyuan did not feel complacent, but became more vigilant.

If you want to take, you must first give.

The existence on the high tower is very likely to be a strong man at the cosmic level or even above the cosmic level.

What did such a strong man see in him that he was so tolerant?

It's just that his strength is insufficient, and it's useless to think too much. The only right way is to become stronger quickly.

Zhou Qingyuan needs some helpers to help him integrate resources and help him solve unnecessary troubles.

The Eastern Bridge of the Tianshu Empire, where foreign personnel enter and exit, although it is not the place with the largest flow of personnel, is the most noble and private.

Zhou Qingyuan's figure appeared in this place, causing quite a stir.

Now his words and deeds easily affect the nerves of many people in power, fearing that some blind junior will bump into him and bring disaster to the family.

For some reason, the forces on the high tower have maintained a tacit attitude towards Zhou Qingyuan's various behaviors, and I don't know what's special about this person.

But no matter what, this fact frightened them.

They were not as strong as them in force, nor were they as powerful as them. How could they play?

They could only hide carefully.

The huge starship landed, and Zhou Qingyuan took the initiative to greet them. The people who were quietly observing were also very curious. Who was worthy of this killer star to greet them personally?

But when the starship opened, a group of "bugs" with very weak breath appeared.

"Master Daojun! It's been a long time since we last met, and you look even more graceful!"

"Greetings, Master Daojun!"

A group of management talents and killer stars who were brought by Zhou Qingyuan from Yunhaitian and even the Changsheng Realm and Xiuxian Realm were brought here by Zhou Qingyuan from the Tianhe System.

When they saw Zhou Qingyuan just now, they were so excited that they trembled all over.

Zhou Qingyuan nodded and personally welcomed these people.

Then, a large amount of universal energy and law factors were infused, and these people were forcibly instilled from the low-level realm level to the satellite level by Zhou Qingyuan in the shortest time.

In fact, those with good qualifications have already glimpsed the planetary level in this process.

With the support of the technology of the Tianshu Empire, as long as the realm understanding can keep up, resources and energy are not a problem at all.

With the help of these people, Zhou Qingyuan was finally able to relax and devote himself to studying the universe level.

With the arrival of this group of people, the good days of those high-level families are completely over.

Regardless of the level of these people, they are extremely tough in doing things. With them standing in front, even the people of the Tianqing Party can hardly see Zhou Qingyuan.

Because Lord Daojun has said that no matter what happens, they can take responsibility for them.

And they choose to believe Lord Daojun's words unconditionally.

In fact, although many of them are geniuses in their own realm, what are they in this vast starry sky?

Without Zhou Qingyuan's help, they will hardly be able to see a glimpse of the satellite level in their lifetime.

Moreover, Zhou Qingyuan's rise is too fast, beyond everyone's imagination.

The wider the world these people see, the more excited they are, and they don't realize their own insignificance at all.

Why? Because Lord Daojun will undoubtedly reach the pinnacle of everything.

And they are also very likely to ascend with him and climb to a higher realm.

"Is this the Tianshu Empire? It looks much more decent than Tiandou."

"Heh, power will always corrupt people's minds in the end. What does the superficial prosperity mean? Who knows what filth is hidden inside?"

Zhou Tiandou listened to the comments of his subordinates behind him and did not speak.

He felt a little strange.

He was obviously "born" in the Tiandou Empire, so why did he feel homesick when he came here?

A kind of excitement, suffocation, and uncontrollable homesickness appeared in his chest, which softened the high fighting spirit he had honed in the arena and almost disappeared.

The heart that wanted to kill the original body as soon as he came here has now subsided.

Zhou Tiandou did not realize that it was the secondary personality rooted in his deep body that was causing trouble.

In melancholy, he raised his head high, and his eyes followed the layers of buildings one after another, and finally looked at the tower hidden in the dome.

"There is a familiar and disgusting aura there that is stronger than Tiandou's."

Is the Tiandou Empire just a vassal of the Tianshu Empire?

"Hey, Jie Xie, go to that tower and try it out."


Although the king named Jie Xie was reluctant, he did not dare to disobey Zhou Tiandou's order.

He left the crowd and quickly hid himself, and then sent out his treasured lower-level star-level flesh and blood puppet.

As a result, as soon as the flesh and blood puppet was launched, it was surrounded by a sea of ​​machines that detected illegal behavior before it could get close to the tower, and was easily wiped out under the suppression law.

Jie Xie gave up the puppet distressedly and returned to Zhou Tiandou, but only saw the other party's cold expression.

"I asked you to go to the tower, and you sent me away with a puppet?"

The thick arm of the law-born grabbed Jie Xie's neck unceremoniously, and the Dao rhyme on it rose and disappeared, and the law was constantly generated and collapsed.

But the result was that Jie Xie's face became more and more ugly, gradually turning into crimson purple.

Obviously, he was no match for Zhou Tiandou in the use of the power of the law.


The sound of flesh and blood exploding sounded, and Jie Xie's body was left with only a headless corpse, and all the life factors were destroyed under the attack of the law.

At the same time, the flesh and blood puppet that Jie Xie kept in the safe house for resurrection was easily destroyed by a sword intent that appeared out of thin air in the space, and there was no chance of a comeback.

One of the twelve kings who followed Zhou Tiandou died here so easily.

The others felt sympathetic, but they just bowed their heads respectfully.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The robots who noticed the violation of the criminal information rushed forward again, and Zhou Tiandou was no longer there.

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