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Chapter 48 The bright moon rises in the sky

In the wilderness, Zhou Qingyuan slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the internal energy nebula transformed from the innate energy in his body was full and condensed, slowly rotating, and the ordinary internal energy turned into stars, shining honestly in the corners.

Zhou Qingyuan stood up, and his body suddenly sank, almost falling down.

The place where his feet stood was now dented by him. Looking at this phenomenon, Zhou Qingyuan fell into deep thought.

In the past, the ultimate state could only increase strength by 30%. This time, the increase was so great? Even the power could not be controlled for a while?

Gathering the golden internal energy in his body, Zhou Qingyuan took another step, and this time he did not lose his strength.

The system transformation was originally perfect. If it had not been for the sudden increase, he would not have expected that the golden internal energy nebula would be so strong, and this would not have happened.

At this time, Lu Qiuxing and the other two saw Zhou Qingyuan standing up from afar. The internal energy storm that had made them tremble just now had disappeared, and they guessed that Zhou Qingyuan had finished his work.

They came to Zhou Qingyuan with joy on their faces, and Lu Qiuxing knelt down on the spot to congratulate him. He was the oldest among the three, so he didn't have so many mental burdens.

"Congratulations to you, sir, on your further advancement in your magical skills."

"Congratulations, sir."

Xu Tie and Zhan Yuanchun only reacted then, and subconsciously followed Lu Qiuxing to kneel on one knee and congratulate Zhou Qingyuan with a fist.

"Okay, it's just a casual gain, get up."

As soon as the voice fell, three unclear internal energies lifted them up in the surprised eyes of the three brothers.

Since entering the state of breaking the orifice, the internal energy has also undergone many magical changes, such as penetrating the body, deforming and applying pressure.

Afterwards, Zhou Qingyuan rushed all the way to Lujiang City in Yangzhou without any accidents.

This is one of the most prosperous cities with a large population, and therefore the blood ghosts are very rampant.

According to the information provided by the Jinyiwei in advance, the sixth-level blood ghosts began to appear frequently here, and their strength was comparable to that of the Qi Refining Realm.

It has been nearly four months since the blood ghosts came. The population in various places has dropped sharply. People are in panic under the closure of the city. Everyone is desperately improving their strength under the effect of the Xiantian Pill, hoping that they can survive when they encounter the blood ghosts.

When the four people arrived in the city, they were ready to report to the Wulou as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, Tao Ting, the governor of Lujiang City, heard about this and rushed over as soon as possible.

"Zhou Qingyuan, it's really you."

Zhou Qingyuan turned his head and saw Tao Ting. He recalled and remembered who he was.

Speaking of which, this Lujiang City still has a little fate with him. He got the method of Qi Condensation from the Haijiang Gang here.

It was also in this place that he participated in the small martial arts examination, and Tao Ting, the governor of the city, gave him another choice and asked him whether he wanted to go to Yongcheng, Jingzhou to become a Jinyiwei.

Who would have thought that after only four months, Zhou Qingyuan had already achieved a breakthrough in the three realms of true qi, breaking through the blockade of the nobles on the broken orifice realm, and now he is the first warrior under the golden body realm.

No one thought, and no one could know that at least Tao Ting was a little disappointed after knowing that the three brothers were all in the condensed qi realm.

As a city with a large population, Lujiang City has a frequency of blood ghosts coming far more than other states and counties. Why did they send four condensed qi realms this time?

Yes, in Tao Ting's cognition, Zhou Qingyuan is still the condensed qi realm warrior.

What he didn't expect was that some people in this world can't be guessed by common sense at all.

Tao Ting casually exchanged a few words, lacked interest, and just said that he would not disturb their official business, and then left.

Lu Qiuxing looked at Tao Ting who was leaving, narrowed his eyes, and guessed what he was thinking.

He turned his head to look at his master, and saw that there was no expression on his face. He just quietly took the three of them to the martial arts building to report, and he didn't say anything.

"Sir, what do you need us to do next? Please tell me."

"Have you three eaten the Xiantian Pill?"

"Yes, sir."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded without saying anything. Since the three of them had already eaten, it didn't matter if they continued to eat.

After that, he didn't say anything else and led the three brothers who were a little confused to a tall building.

The three brothers' eyesight was not as good as Zhou Qingyuan's, but they could still see the situation within a radius of 20 miles.

Even now, there are still warriors fighting with blood ghosts everywhere. Looking around, there is a sense of killing everywhere.

In contrast, there are civilians huddled in the corner and shivering, without even the courage to look at the blood ghost.

The three brothers followed Zhou Qingyuan for a while, not knowing what he was going to do, why he didn't go to hunt the blood ghost but watched here.

But after this period of time, they have understood that Lord Zhou has his own intentions in doing things. The three of them just stood quietly behind Zhou Qingyuan and waited silently.


The sound of slowly drawing a sword sounded, Zhou Qingyuan took a deep breath, and threw the sword in his hand into the air under the puzzled eyes of the three brothers.

So, all the people outside Lujiang City saw the second bright moon that suddenly rose in the sky.

Before they could see what this shining thing was, countless moonlight had fallen from the sky, falling like rain.


Countless raindrops fell from the sky, and the warriors who were fighting with the blood ghosts had not yet reacted, and a sword energy falling from the sky had easily killed the blood ghosts in front of them, leaving only a dark blood crystal on the spot.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked up at the second bright moon above their heads in surprise. The sound of the sword light bombardment in their ears made them tremble.

What happened? What is this second bright moon? The light spot that just fell. Is it the sword light?

Before they could think about it, all the blood crystals floated up and flew to a high platform. The scene was grand.

The warriors who were close looked up at the place where the blood crystals floated up, and there were four shadows standing there.

They had a guess in their hearts that they didn't dare to believe - was the sword light just now a man-made phenomenon?


The three brothers looked at Zhou Qingyuan who caught the second bright moon in the sky and put it back into the scabbard, and their voices trembled.

As a witness to this scene like divine power, although they had constantly raised Zhou Qingyuan's image in their hearts, the three found that they still underestimated this master.

The power displayed by Zhou Qingyuan was no longer powerful, but made them feel incomprehensible and frightened.

"Your power is too weak, you can't help me, hurry up and become stronger."

Zhou Qingyuan grabbed thousands of blood crystals out of thin air and presented them to the three brothers, signaling them to exchange them for Xiantian Pills.

The three brothers wanted to kneel down again.

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