The carriage drove smoothly.

Suddenly, with a ‘plop’, the horse pulling the cart fell and its leg broke.

"Oh, this...this..."

The coachman fell to the ground, a little surprised.

Lin Hong and Yudie in the carriage collided with each other, and they were both uncomfortable and left the carriage one after another.

"Benefactor, I'm really sorry, the horse is injured." The coachman couldn't help but said.

After all, this carriage is already Lin Hong's. It is unfortunate that this happened.

"How far is it from the destination?"

Lin Hong hesitated a little and asked.

The coachman replied: "If you walk, it will take half a day."

"Don't waste time, go ahead."

Lin Hong glanced back, and the ghost knew when the dead girl would catch up.

Must act as soon as possible!

The three quickly walked on the road.

Yudie's home is in another city, a little far away from the city where it was just now.

But fortunately, with their speed, it can be said in half a day.

But there is one more embarrassing thing.

Yudie is very weak and can't hurry up quickly.

After Lin Hong hesitated for a moment, he hugged her in his arms before continuing on his way.

The coachman followed closely behind, with a look of surprise on his face.

However, he didn't say much about it and kept silent.

After half a day.

When I arrived in the city where Yudie's home was, the crowd was crowded, and there were noisy noises everywhere.

"It's so lively." Lin Hong couldn't help saying.

It's been a long time, I haven't seen such a lively city.

"It's all the master's contribution. The funny thing is that now they want to kill the master and destroy the Yu family."

The coachman gritted his teeth and said, filled with righteous indignation.

This is the standard way to kill the donkey!

Lin Hong nodded, expressing that he understood: "Take me to your house, hurry up."

"Um... can you put me down?"

Yudie asked timidly at this moment, her face flushed.

I didn’t expect to be carried back all the way...

"Not yet." Lin Hong clearly refused.

"PLZ follow me."

The coachman said, he began to lead the way, and soon he reached an empty street.

It is not that there are no people, but soldiers are surrounded and prohibited from passing.

Several soldiers in front form a wall of people.

One of them said: "This is... the daughter of the Yu Family? We haven't caught you, so we dare to come back by ourselves?"

"Come on, catch her, and kill the others, there are many rewards!"

The other soldier said, and rushed over first.



But I saw a shot of stones shot out of Lin Hong's hands.

Every shot hits accurately, it will take the life of a soldier, and there is no missing shot.


"No, it's a master, let's withdraw quickly!"

The soldiers found something was wrong, but it was too late.

After a while, the ground was full of corpses, gradually disappearing into ashes.

"Benefactor, you are so amazing." The coachman couldn't help saying, silently putting away his weapon.

I originally wanted to help, but I didn't even expect to have a chance to shoot.

"Let's go."

Lin Hong walked onto the deserted street, holding Yudie's waist by his hand.

The coachman followed.

Gradually, after walking through a street, there were more people.

They were obviously fighters or soldiers, and they were surrounding a mansion.

"When do you say that energy consumption will win?"

"Immediately, I heard that they had no food yesterday, and they will soon jump over the wall."

Someone talked about it.

It turned out that it was the Yu family. They surrounded it and let it slowly run out of ammunition and food.

Yudie's eyes are red: "Father..."

"Don't cry, am I just here to help you?"

Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed her head.

Finally, the situation here was discovered by the soldiers.

"Who are you and how did you get in?!"

"Where are the soldiers garrisoned outside?! What are they for?"

"Please don't get me wrong, those soldiers are still very conscientious, but I killed them all." Lin Hong smiled lightly on his face.

"What? You are so bold!"

"kill him!"

People talked a lot.

However, more people still looked at Yudie.

This is the young lady of the Yu Family, as long as you catch her, you are afraid that the owner of the Yu Family will not surrender?

Lin Hong rubbed his chin: "I am indeed very courageous. Since you are so smart, I will give you a chance."

"what chance?"

Some people don't understand what tricks he is playing.

"From now on, you will have one minute to evacuate. If you are still there, you will be killed by me after a while." Lin Hong's face was filled with a smile, as if to say something very good.

"What? Hahaha, who gave you the confidence?"

"Resolutely don't go!"

People looked at each other and laughed.

In their opinion, Lin Hong is just being self-defeating and telling lies.

"There are thirty seconds left."

Lin Hong counted on himself, letting them say nothing.

"Three...two, one."

Lin Hong finished counting.

He looked at all the people who hadn't left, and said with a smile: "I will give you a gift called Soul Feipao San."

"Come on, grab the jade butterfly!"

Hundreds of people present all rushed.

Most of them are well-known masters in the city. This scene can be described as spectacular.

Yujia at this time.

"What? She's back?!"

The head of the Yu Family was in disbelief, looking at the person who passed the order, the brow filled with puzzlement.

Didn’t you say that no matter what happens, you can’t come back?

There is only one dead end back!

He gritted his teeth: "Quickly, take all the remaining soldiers and servants in the house, and go out with me!"


The messenger went down hurriedly.

Soon, they were all ready to go, even the Patriarch of the Yu Family was already wearing battle armor.

This will be a decisive battle.

If it wins, Yujia will continue to exist.

If you lose...

There is no jade family in the world.

Originally, this day would come a long time later, but now because of Yudie, it has to be advanced.

"Follow me to fight!" The Patriarch roared and led the people out of the Yu Family.

"Yeah, I finally came out. I have been waiting for a long time."

Outside the Yujia, there were corpses that were slowly disappearing. A person was sneering at only a dozen experts who reported to the group to keep warm, and looked over.

This shocked the Yu Family Patriarch: "Who are you?!"

Could it be your own enemy?

It should be, but how did they kill each other?


A familiar voice suddenly came.

"Daughter!" The Yu Family Patriarch looked over, his eyes were almost red, and that was his daughter.

"Master Patriarch... That is the benefactor we met, who is here to help us."

The coachman hurried over and said with his hands.

For a time, the Yu Family Patriarch was very excited: "That's it!"

With this master, the Yu Family will definitely be able to keep it!

"Please, please let us go, we will go now!"

The remaining a dozen people kowtow to Lin Hong and kneel down again, which can be described as humble to the extreme.

"I gave you a chance before."

Lin Hongman didn't care.

One of them resisted the urge to scold his mother: "As long as you let me go, I can give you what you want, or even serve you as a cow and a horse. It's not impossible."

"Being a cow and a horse? Sorry, you are not worthy."

With a smile on Lin Hong's face, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com walked over slowly, killing the man with a pebble.

This kind of ungrateful, unscrupulous person is the most annoying.

He turned to take out a sword: "Don't waste time, goodbye."

Sword light flashed.

The remaining people are directly divided into two.

"Ok... so awesome..."

The head of the Yu family was shocked to the point of not knowing why, as if he was in a dream.

"The crisis has been resolved, and I don't need my help for the rest of the matter, right?" Lin Hong buttoned his ears.

"No need, thank you very much!"

The Yu Family Patriarch said quickly.

The next step is to counterattack, one by one, to wipe out those forces.

Their main force has died here, and it will be very easy to deal with.

The Yu Family Patriarch was about to set off in person, so he looked at Yudie: "Daughter, take good care of this benefactor. I will come back before dark.

After he finished speaking, he set out with the soldiers present.

The city was in chaos again.


Yudie said solemnly to Lin Hong, blushing, obviously very happy.

Soon, everyone entered the Yu's house.

The desolation visible to the eye.

"A lot of things have been snatched away, so it looks a little empty." Yudie said.

However, she was not sad.

After all, the battle has been won, and it is only a matter of time before it can get back what originally belonged to the Yu Family.


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