I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1432: Alternative power

Painful voices echoed all around.

Lin Hong put his hands in his pockets and watched quietly.

At the same time, when the monk died, he also witnessed his resurrection and turned out to be a little monk again.

three times.

The monk was resurrected three times before he finally died.

Lin Hong couldn't help but said, "It's really a good ability."

After he finished speaking, he put away the Eastern Emperor Bell and the light inside, walked in and burned the only remaining body fragments of the monk to pieces before turning and leaving.

"Your body is very weak now, I suggest you find a place to rest."

The demons couldn't help saying at this moment.

"Take a rest? No, go and see the dead girl first." Lin Hong said with a wry smile.

He returned to the cave, and everyone was here.

"Husband, how are you, are you injured?"

Fu Jiaojiao hurriedly greeted her, her eyes still flushed, as if she had just cried.

Lin Hong snorted in his heart, and asked quickly: "Is something wrong with the dead girl?"

"I don't like that title..."

A familiar voice came from inside the cave.

"Are you okay?" Lin Hong quickly walked into the cave and found that the dead girl was smiling gently, sitting on a bed made of stone.

"I'm fine... Fu Jiaojiao gave me a precious pill."

The dead woman replied.

Ove couldn't help saying, "Now, the relationship between the two of them will be very good."

"It's fine if everything is fine, that monk has been killed by me."

Lin Hong breathed a long sigh of relief, and at this point, the crisis was all resolved.

"I decided to return to the City of the Dead first, how about you?" Lin Hong asked instead.


Ofe nodded directly.

Gu Zhu said: "It all depends on the master."

"It's too dangerous here. If you have to find a way by yourself, it's better to go back, at least it's safer there."

Fu Jiaojiao expressed her opinion.

In this way, everyone almost unanimously agreed to go back, and after a short while, they sat on the flying saucer and drove back.

Lin Hong whispered: "I hope the Lord of the Undead has gone back."

Otherwise, they can only stay temporarily in the city near the city of the dead, and try not to be discovered.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Relying on the flying saucer, they reached the city near the city of the dead in just a few hours.

When everyone was walking on the street, Lin Hong had already put away the flying saucer and entered the city to find out the news first.

"This man, I heard that the Lord of the Dead is in the City of the Dead?"

Lin Hong asked a passerby.

"Yeah, did you know?" The passerby cast a very contemptuous look.

"Ah, it's okay."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he thanked him again, feeling helpless in his heart.

Good guy, it seemed that he couldn't go back at all. He rubbed his aching shoulder and decided to live in this city first.

Fu Jiaojiao said, "Husband, have we been to this city before?"


Lin Hong nodded gently.

This city is Wei Wan's city, and it is more convenient if you have an acquaintance.

Randomly find an inn to stay.

The old order has been restored here, everything is only organized, and the undead living here are very rich.

"Husband, do you want to go and reincarnate?" Fu Jiaojiao stretched out in the room, and then asked aloud.

"Ask why this, of course not."

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

Fu Jiaojiao replied: "I heard that if a man and a woman reincarnate at the same time, they are likely to become lovers in the next life."

"How do I feel...it's easier to become a baby boy?"

Lin Hong rubbed his nose and laughed dumbfounded at his own conjecture, then he became a brother and sister.

"It makes sense." Fu Jiaoji lowered her head slightly.

"By the way, your relationship with the dead girl seems to be getting better?"

Lin Hong turned to ask.

Fu Jiaojiao nodded: "Well, I don't know why, I have a very strong intimacy towards her."

"So that's it..."

Suddenly, Lin Hong turned to lie on the bed and cooperated with the system to calculate the resurrection method.

"I have left a small part of the system's performance to the observation of Fu Jiaojiao and others, so the calculation will be much slower." The demons couldn't help but say.

"Yes, I know."

Lin Hong nodded lightly, and then sighed for a long time.

In fact, although only a small part of the performance is used for others, it is a big hole in the calculation, and the slowness is not a little bit.

Early the next morning.

The city lord Wei Wan didn't know how he heard the news, so he came personally: "It's been a long time!"

"Come in..."

Lin Hong smiled awkwardly and said to Wei Wan who was still outside the door.

"What's the matter with the city lord coming this time?" Lin Hong looked outside and found that the person who came was himself.

"I heard that little brother will live in my city these days?"

Wei Wan didn't say it directly, but asked tentatively.

Lin Hong nodded: "That's right... City Lord, just tell me if you have something to do, Hugh wants to be like this."

"In fact, this is the case. Now there are almost no high-level people in the city. They need to be excessive, but there is no suitable manpower. Those friends of yours... can you lend me a few days?

Wei Wan was embarrassed.

"Well... you have to ask them, and they just need to agree." Lin Hong shrugged.

"That's great, thank you little brother!"

Wei Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and then left after saying something.

When the door was closed, Lin Hong said in surprise: "Can't find anyone who uses it for such a big city?"

"Maybe his requirements are higher."

Fu Jiaojiao said nonchalantly.

"Yes, I guess he fell in love with Off." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

What people say is that he was once the master of a city, and his management knowledge is very high.

"I plan to have a child."

Fu Jiaojiao turned to say, begging filled her eyebrows, and raised her hand to grab his arm.

Lin Hong nodded: "Okay, then you can buy one."

"This... I don't have any money, so it costs tens of millions to say a child."

Fu Jiaojiao pouted.

Once upon a time, she didn't worry about food and clothing, and she had a lot of money, but now she can't get tens of millions.

Lin Hong gave out a storage bag.

"A lot of money, husband, I can't use so much." Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help but said after taking a look.

"You can spend the extra."

Lin Hong chuckled and rubbed her head.

For a moment, Fu Jiaojiao smiled and nodded, then turned and left: "Go buy wine~"

"You Nizi."

Lin Hong twitched the corners of his mouth, but didn't stop it. After shaking his head, he closed his eyes and raised Erlang's legs, thinking about the way to resurrect in his heart.

This is really a painful thing.

Because, I can't think of it at all, it can completely suffocate people with bad mentality.

That night.

The inner demon said helplessly: "The most important thing now is the power of Lord Yan, this thing seems to be irreplaceable."

"There must be..."

Lin Hong pursed his lips. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Even if there is, you have to know what is special about Yan Wangye's power in order to find a power that can be replaced, otherwise it would be a waste of time to calculate like this," the heart demon couldn't help saying.

"Then...Fu Jiaojiao?"

After Lin Hong rubbed his chin, he tried to speak.

The heart demon heard: "The power in the body of the person who has been sealed can't be detected."

"What do you do then? Don't you get to a dead end again?"

Lin Hong had a headache, and even more helpless.

"Did you forget that there is another person? We know." said the inner demon.

"You mean... Po Meng?"

After Lin Hong thought about it a little, he said the name.

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