"What? A bad guy is bringing someone over to fight?"

On the other side, the new queen looked at the general red ant below, with fine sweat on his forehead.

She was still young at this time: "What should I do, I will definitely be killed by then!"

"Don't be afraid, I will lead the red ant army to intercept them outside, and I won't step into this place."

General Red Ant said decisively.

"Then I can rest assured, thank you." The queen of new insects breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, is my sister really dead?"


General Red Ant slowly got up, turned and left, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

He walked out of the room, everything was under his control, and the new worm queen was just a puppet.

Lin Hong had already killed all the way.

General Red Ant raised his hand: "Get out of the way and let me deal with him."

"Only you are afraid that you are not my opponent."

Lin Hong said indifferently, and glanced around, the red ants had already retreated.

"Joke, I'm one of the best generals in the entire underground world!" General Red Ant's voice was cold, and after speaking, he rushed over, and a long knife appeared in his hand.


Lin Hong cut down the Yingying Sword in his hand.

General Red Ant raised his knife to resist, but he only heard a "pop", and the knife broke.

"how so?"

General Red Ant was surprised and found that the sword still had momentum to slash at him.

At this critical moment, he yelled: "Insect King, help!"


Suddenly, Lin Hong was hit by a beam of laser in the chest and flew far away before barely stabilizing his figure and crushing some red ants to death.

"Who?" Lin Hong stood up blankly.

A person in front slowly walked over and took a closer look. It was an old man with a staff.

"Human-like bugs are really rare."

Lin Hong wore a ruowu smile on his face.

The old man snorted coldly and looked at General Red Ant: "What happened to what the Emperor Chong asked you to do?"

"The rights of the entire race are in my hands."

General Red Ant knelt on the spot.

"I said why are you so weird? It turns out that you have already rebelled against the enemy, but you are really a good minister." Lin Hong looked at General Red Ant, with a ruowu smile on his face.

"Sooner or later, the entire underground world will be the territory of the Insect King. I just want to preserve the Red Ant Kingdom."

General Red Ant said decisively.

The so-called worm king is the king of the strongest among the 12 underground zerg kingdoms.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Speaking of selfishness so righteously, look at those red ants, which one is like you?"

"The general turned out to be a traitor?"

"How could this happen? If you say you want to protect the Red Ant Kingdom together?"

The red ant soldiers present were a little crazy, as if their faith had collapsed.

"What are you going crazy? Just listen to my orders!"

The red ant roared.

"You are not a general, but our traitor. You do not deserve to be this general!"

"We must find the old bug queen, only he can lead us to glory again."

"We must have misunderstood the old bug queen."

"Look, they won't buy what you did." Lin Hong smiled.

"Are you saying this to humiliate me? You bastard!"

General Red Ant clenched his fists, staring at it with his eyes, as if an evil spirit was staring at its prey.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Don't get me wrong, I never put you in my eyes from beginning to end."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that it is impossible for a boy or a boy like you to have a good end."

Lin Hong immediately continued.

"The great insect emperor has promised me that he will give me great rights." General Red Ant almost roared.

"You ask the dog that was sent. Is it so."

Lin Hong said indifferently.

General Red Ant looked at the old man: "Master Wang!"

"The trash of betraying the race, how could our great insect emperor put you in his eyes? But rest assured, the most basic promise will still be granted."

The Lord Wang said, showing disgust on his face.

It can be seen that he doesn't look down on such despicable people as General Red Ant.

"Have you heard? Did you hear?!" General Red Ant roared almost frantically.

"It's just to deal with your situation."

Lin Hong shook his head slightly, leaning on the system, he could know what the old man was thinking.

General Red Ant angrily scolded: "You are jealous, you can't see me well."


Lin Hong sighed.

He immediately waved his hand and motioned to General Red Ant to go while playing. He was now facing the Lord Wang.

"You are a master, I represent the insect emperor, and the entire underground world. I implore you to join us." Lord Wang smiled kindly.

"Why are you doing this? He is obviously the enemy!"

General Red Ant frowned.

Lord Wang glared over: "It's not your turn to speak here, get out of here!"


General Red Ant had to step back two steps.

"It's not impossible for me to join you." Lin Hong rubbed his chin with a Ruowu smile on his face.

"Just mention what conditions are needed. As long as this underground world has it, there is nothing we can't get it out."

Lord Wang said indifferently.

Lin Hong chuckled: "First of all, I want to see your sincerity."

As he spoke, he looked at the general Red Ant on the side with a brighter smile on his face.

"Asshole, what do you mean?"

General Red Ant was shocked, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"Is it sincere?" Lord Wang whispered and looked at General Red Ant, "As a subordinate of the Insect Emperor, you must consider everyone's interests. You must be prepared to sacrifice at any time. "

"What do you mean? What do you want to do?"

General Red Ant held the knife with only the handle tightly in his hand.

Lord Wang waved his hand and the long whip appeared. It was only one meter long, but it was made of unknown metal.

General Red Ant roared: "You can't do this to me, I'm a hero!"

"Yes, the seller's meritorious service is really amazing."

Lin Hong nodded thoughtfully, with a smile on his face.

"It's all because of you! Bastard!" General Red Ant backed back, turned his head to look at him, his fist was tightly clenched, and the resentment in his heart filled his face.

"This is our sincerity."

Lord Wang disappeared instantly, appeared next to General Red Ant, and swung the long whip in his hand vigorously.


General Red Ant was hit in the chest and sank most of it, showing how hard he was.

He also wanted to say: "I hate..."

However, before the words were finished, Lord Wang was hit on the head with another whip, and the corpse was separated directly, and the death was miserable, and the dark green blood flowed all over the place.

"So strong."

Lin Hong whispered in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a strong guy in this underground world. He served the insect emperor. Doesn't it mean that the insect emperor is even stronger?

"This is terrible." Lin Hong glanced around, now it's hard for him to get out.

"This is our sincerity, are you still satisfied?"

Lord Wang turned his head to look at him, and at the same time he showed his strength while letting out a sigh of foul.

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