It is dusk, and the road on the wasteland is inaccessible.

A dangling car came from a distance and stopped by the side of the road. The door opened and one person walked down.

He squatted down by the front right tire and looked at the big holes on it: "Who is so wicked and put nails on the road?"

"Cousin, what's the matter?"

Lin still held the magic stone in his arms, poked his head out, and asked curiously.

"Don't stick your head out of the car window." Lin Hong tapped her head lightly, and then made trouble. "Where can I go to repair the tire of this barren mountain?"

"Oh, what a coincidence?" At this moment, three people ran out from behind the hills in the distance. Among them, Wang Wanxiu was carrying the tire. It was Lin Honghou who was very embarrassed when he looked closer, and the other two were Degu and Liang respectively. fiscal.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence..." Lin Hong looked at their posture and touched his chin to think, "You put the nails on the road before, right?"

He just drove the car on a pile of nails, and the car had a puncture, so he had to stop here, and then they came out carrying the tyre. How could it be such a coincidence?

"A few of our brothers are walking upright and sitting upright, how can we do that kind of thing?"

Wang Wanxiu patted his chest, but his eyes dodge involuntarily. It was obvious that they did the nail work.

"Since I know, I'll give you a 10% discount, eight thousand five hundred yuan!" Liang Cai took a step forward and looked at Lin Hong with a profiteer's eyes.

"Since the ninety-nine percent discount is eight thousand five, how much is it before the discount?"

Lin Hong smiled faintly, and Liang Cai was taken aback when he heard this question and scratched his head to calculate. However, he hadn't even attended kindergarten, how could he understand it?

"Haha..." Wang Wanxiu smiled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed, and looked at Lin Hong, "I licked my face and called you senior, this tire will be given to you, no money, don't listen to him nonsense."

"How can it be done? The cost of this tire is still hundreds!"

When Liang Cai heard the free delivery, he was immediately unhappy. He was about to make trouble, but was dragged aside by Degu abruptly. He wanted to speak but was also covered in his mouth.

"I can't call it a senior." Lin Hong shook his head, and took the tire from him unceremoniously.

"The expert is a teacher, and you take the role."

Wang Wanxiu took out the wrench and began to help Lin Hong install the tires.

"The crystal skull was sold by you for tens of millions of dollars, so why do you still do such a wicked thing?" Lin Hong asked Wang Wanxiu, which made him strange.

Ten million U.S. dollars is enough for them to enjoy their lives.

"Children have no mothers. It's a long story. The Big Bang that year gave birth to the earth..."

"Don't say it if you don't want to say it." Lin Hong replied speechlessly. If he didn't want to say it, why bother?

"Just laugh, since the tires are already installed, we will remove them first." When the tires were installed, Wang Wanxiu laughed and looked at Degu and them, "Let's go."

They left soon, and Lin Hong sat back in the driving position and fastened his seat belt.

"Cousin, who were those people just now?"

Lin still asked Xiang Lin Hong, she was almost a hundred thousand whys along the way. No matter what, she would ask first, but Lin Hong answered very patiently.

"They are profiteers." Lin Hong smiled faintly, and then stepped on the accelerator, "Don't worry too much. In many cases, these people are just passers-by in your life."

"What is a passerby?"


Lin Hong twitched his mouth and answered while driving.



In the dark, there are no street lights on this asphalt road that leads directly to the depths of the Western Continent. Only the faint light of the headlights illuminates the area a few meters away.

"I remember you are afraid of the dark?" Lin Hong suddenly remembered this and looked at Lin still.


Lin still took off her shoes and curled up in her seat. Hearing Lin Hong's question, she faintly responded. She was very afraid of the dark. So far, she only dared to look at the illuminated road in front of the car, not the surroundings.

"Let me think about it..." Lin Hong saw her like this and quickly figured out a way, "Still, you put your hand in my pocket."

"Will it bother you?" Lin still heard the words and didn't directly follow suit, but asked instead.

"Don't worry, it won't." Lin Hong shook his head and smiled softly.


Lin still put his hand into Lin Hong's pocket, the familiar temperature made her a little shy and at the same time at ease, and soon passed away in a daze.

"This girl..." Lin Hong helplessly, staring at the road ahead, knowing that today will be a sleepless night again.

One night passed.

Lin still woke up leisurely and rubbed his eyes: "Cousin?"

"Shhh... from now on, don't call me cousin anymore."

Lin Hong hurriedly made a booing gesture. They had already arrived in a city deep in the Western Continent, and they were about to go to the unknown family. If they called their cousin, they would show their stuff.

"Then what do I call you?" Lin was still puzzled.

"Call me... honey." Lin Hong thought for a moment and said in English.


Lin repeated it again, his face slightly red.

There was a little ambiguity in the small space in the car, and Lin Hong nodded: "Just call me that. If someone makes trouble for you, hurry up and hug my arm."


Lin still nodded, staring at the magic stone in his arms silently, and raised his head embarrassedly.

When the car drove into the parking lot, Lin Hong had already contacted Nathan: "This little guy will pick us up in a while."

"You scratched Lao Tzu's car, can you afford it?"

Suddenly a voice came from the parking lot. There was a lot of noise. Lin Hong frowned and looked over and found that it was a person embarrassing the beggar.

"Sir, please don't be like this, this is not what I did." The beggar pleaded, pointing to the so-called scratch, which is already very old.

"Who else can you be? You beggar like a bug!"

A foreign man in front of the beggar was sneer, just wanting to simply embarrass the beggar.

"You must not insult me!" The beggar was very angry.

"Want to beat me? You can never have a stinky beggar in a car in your life!" The foreign man shook the car key in his hand and looked at the beggar contemptuously.

"Cousin... that person is a badass, right?" Lin still looked at that person and asked Xiang Lin Hong.

"Do you want to help that beggar?" Lin Hong looked at her, saw her hesitating, and smiled slightly, "It's okay."

"I'm here to send the car."

Lin Hong drove the car over, lowered the window and said to the beggar.

"My God, this car..." The foreign man who was embarrassed by the beggar was surprised to see Lin Hong's car. Although this car is a bit old, the market price can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.

" lucky guy."

Lin Hong led Lin still to get out of the car and walked to the beggar.

"Sir?" The beggar was puzzled, and Lin Hong handed out the car key, "It's yours now. You can dispose of it whatever you want."

He bought this car from a second-hand dealer. At that time, he only said it was the best. Now that it is in the place, it is no longer needed, so it is better to send it out.

"You are God!"

The beggar took the key ecstatically.

"I'm not, she is." Lin Hong pointed at Lin still, and then led her out of the parking lot.


The beggar snorted coldly at the person who was embarrassing him, raised his brows, and drove away.

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I pick up **** and become a treasure

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