I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 800: The world is unfair

After Lin Hong said, he was too lazy to kill them personally, released Jian Tu Cangtian, and let Cheng Ying Jian kill by itself.

Screams came one after another, but his expression didn't shake at all.

"You scared the child..." the lunatic knife said.

I saw that Xue Qianhan's face was pale at this time, as if she was uncomfortable seeing the killing.

"My apprentice, if you are afraid of even seeing the massacre..."

Lin Hong said with a sneer, and did not continue.

I myself, the most common thing I do is to kill. If the apprentice who accepts it will be disgusted with it, don't worry.

After all, this is the basis for improving one's strength.

Xue Qianhan seemed to have guessed a little: "Master, I am not afraid of peace!"

Ping An is her nickname, even though she has a name, she still mentions it often.

"Good apprentice, go, let's meet the master here."

Lin Hong nodded lightly and stepped inside.

After not taking a few steps, Chengyingjian flew back on its own. It turned out that those people had been killed clean.

These are all guilty people, and there is no burden to kill them.

The lunatic knife swallowed and spit, unable to conceal his shock.

So strong.

Is this the realm of Xianjun?

He hesitated for a long time and couldn't help asking: "Junior Brother, how did you become stronger quickly?"

If you become a fairy king, can you make greater progress on the path of the sword?


Lin Hong shrugged and didn't say anything lie.

After walking for a while, the group greeted him again, and the leader was a fat old man, the realm of Xianjun.

He holds a hammer in his hand: "Dare to come to my place to make trouble, I really don't know how to write the dead words, come, give me..."


Lin Hong did not wait for him to finish, so he performed the fourth formula of the Dugu Sword Art, Wuming.

This sword flattened everything and cut off all those people, but the fat old man barely escaped, but was also seriously injured.

"You should be the master here?" Lin Hong said lightly, "Give out the key, get out."

"You, you deceived so much!"

The obese old man said angrily, wanting his own territory?

Lin Hong stared at him lightly: "I don't want to say the second time."

At this time, Xue Qianhan's eyes were full of little stars, and she felt that her master was so handsome.

"This is the key to the mansion."

The obese old man hesitated for a long time, clenched his fist, and threw out a key.

There is no way, if you don't do this, you may be fatal.

"Another key." Lin Hong didn't even look at the flying key, letting it fall on the ground.

"You, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

The obese old man was startled and quickly pretended to be puzzled.

Lin Hong chuckled, "Isn't what I said is not clear enough? Well, I'll explain it to you carefully."

"Listen thoroughly."

At this time, the obese old man still pretended not to understand.

"Very well, I want you to imprison people, torture people, and even secretly capture many of the children of masters to torture..."

"Stop talking, I'll give it to you!" The fat old man yelled quickly, interrupting Lin Hong and giving a golden key.

"This is sensible..."

Lin Hong nodded gently.

There is a formation there, if you don't have this key, even yourself, it will take some time to break the formation.

The obese old man wanted to leave, but was locked with a sword.

It's not Lin Hong, or a knife lunatic, but Xue Qianhan.

"This?" For a while, even Lin Hong was a little surprised.

"What did you kill him for?"

The lunatic knife asked that the obese old man was seriously injured. If it weren't for this, it was not certain who died.

Xue Qianhan pursed her lips: "Because... Ping An is not afraid of murder."

There was only one thing she was afraid of, and that was leaving Lin Hong.

"You girl."

Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed her head, knowing that it was because of her previous words that had affected her.

But this is also good.

In the fairy world, if there is no intention to kill, one can only be killed.

There is no key to picking up the mansion, a crowd of people come and go in a hidden place. This is a corner with only a wall in front of it.

"What are we doing here?"

The madman said, breathing out.

Lin Hong chuckled and threw the key over. In an instant, the hidden formation was opened. At the same time, the wall slowly pushed to both sides by itself, and a downward tunnel came into view.

"Why would you know? And...familiar with the road?" The lunatic knife was puzzled.

From the outside, it is impossible to know such a place unless it is particularly familiar.

"Blind, let's go in."

Lin Hong said, hesitated for a moment, and did not put Xue Qianhan in the storage ring.

Although the scene below is terrifying, she has grown up and it is time to take a look at the other side of the world.

When walking through the long tunnel, a low wailing sound came: "Help, help me!"


Xue Qianhan looked over and vomited directly.

I saw that it was a man, only the upper body could move, and the lower body was already necrotic and decayed, and maggots could be faintly seen crawling inside.

"You can't live anymore." Lin Hong glanced over.

This guy was being hanged by a kind of pill, but it was just equivalent to locking the soul in the body, and in fact was already dead.


The man was hideous and desperate.

Lin Hong couldn't bear it: "The person who tormented you is dead, and Xiaoyaan will never survive."

"Really? Haha, deserve it, that **** deserves it!"

The man laughed instead, seeming to have forgotten all the pain, and only excitement.

"I can give you a pleasure, would you like?" Lin Hong asked.

"Yes, please kill me!"

"And I…"

There are voices coming, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, there is not only one man here, there are also many people who have been tortured to hopelessness.

Lin Hong saw this: "Disciples, go and kill them."

"But, master, master?"

Xue Qian was flabbergasted on the spot, let her go?

"This is not killing people, but saving." Lin Hong said calmly, paused, and then said, "I don't have any desire to save people. I'm just a murderer. I'll leave this to you."

"Little girl, please, kill me..."

The wailing sounds came one after another, causing Xue Qianhan to draw out the Cicada Wing Sword.

Soon, those who were begging for death died, and those who were still alive were let go. Only after that they were dead or alive, which is hard to tell.

"Are we here to save them?" The madman was puzzled.

"Of course not, I'm not so free yet."

Lin Hong said indifferently, those things were just a matter of effort for him.

Xue Qianhan's face turned pale: "Master... I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, why are they tortured like this?"

"This is the reality, the reality hidden in the dark, even more cruel than here, is countless. They did nothing wrong, because the world is unfair."

Lin Hong chuckled and rubbed her head.

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