When Qin Hongyu woke up again, it was already lunch break.

When he opened his eyes, he still felt a little tired in his body, and his brain was dazed for a while, and it took two or three minutes for him to feel uncomfortable.

It seems that the saying that the body is the capital of the revolution is really not a joke. He couldn't help but smile wryly.

With his current physical state, he is still a little worse.

It's just that I reviewed a notebook twice, and the amount of knowledge I absorbed in a short period of time was a little more, and my body and brain couldn't bear it.

It seems that after I go back tonight, I have to use that primary quenching pill quickly.

With this in mind, he opened the system panel again.

"Host: Qin Hongyu

Age: 17

Strength: 8 (10 below average) Agility: 8 (10 below average)

Spirit: 25 (Level 1, 10

above average), 25% mission completion.

"Now the physique is actually a little lower than before? No wonder I can't bear it after reading the notes twice." Qin Hongyu shook his head secretly, and later found that when he repeated reading the notes, he did not increase his spiritual power by 2 points. This time the increase in spiritual power is entirely due to the achievement of [Reviewing the Past and Learning the New].

However, just by going through the notes again, he increased his mental power by five points, which was already a speed like opening up!

Qin Hongyu was very satisfied, and once again opened the three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination.

After this test, although the effect is not as big as the last one, the average accuracy of multiple-choice questions has also increased by about 5% on the basis of the previous improvement, which is also very good.

Moreover, what satisfied Qin Hongyu the most was that after this test, he could basically be sure that he had almost completely mastered Xia Tiantian's notebook.

"Give it back to you. After confirming this, Qin Hongyu generously returned the notebook to Xia Tiantian.

Xia Tiantian was slightly surprised: "Didn't you just start reviewing in the morning, so let's review?" "

A genius like me can review a notebook, half a day is enough." Qin Hongyu replied with a stinky fart.

Xia Tiantian was afraid that he did not understand the importance of this notebook, so she perfunctorily reminded carefully: "In this notebook, at least 20% of the test points of the college entrance examination are included.

"Settle down, do you have any other notes, borrow them from me to review." When I'm done reviewing, I'll surprise you. Qin Hongyu said, his eyes began to glance at Xia Tiantian's desk.

Xia Tiantian was still a little skeptical, after all, with her IQ and foundation, it would take at least three or five days to review the information in her notebook ......

Qin Hongyu saw that she still didn't believe it, so he simply said: "I've convinced you, if you really don't feel at ease, why don't you just pick a few test papers that I haven't done and test me?" However, you can't test me in vain, if I really review well, you have to help me sort out other review materials, and then help me draw all the key points of the college entrance examination."

"No problem. However, if you don't review it well, then you have to promise me that you will have to memorize this notebook in the next week. Otherwise, I will ignore you from today until the end of the college entrance examination!" Xia Tiantian also made her own conditions.

Qin Hongyu didn't think twice: "It's proper, Xia Xiaohua, please ask the question."

Xia Tiantian nodded, immediately opened Qin Hongyu's information book, compared the knowledge points in the notebook, selected a total of 150 test questions, and pushed them to Qin Hongyu.

"There are a total of 30 questions with a total of 150 points, and if you can achieve 90 points, you are considered to have passed.

Seeing this, the four of Little Wolf, Little Shuai, Eryu, and Fat Man all stuck their heads out.

As soon as they looked at the questions, the four of them couldn't help but help: "Xia Xiaohua, your requirements are too high, right?" "

These are not basic knowledge test points, but moderately difficult questions, and many of them are problems that compound several test points."

"That's right, even if Brother Qin is a genius, the starting point is so low, with his previous level, it would be considered lucky to be able to get 50. Now you raise the passing line to 90 all at once, which ...... "......

." As soon as Xia Tiantian heard what they said, she also felt as if she had set the standard too high, and when she was about to lower the passing line, Qin Hongyu suddenly spoke: "Don't say 90 points, if you can't reach more than 100 points, you don't need to speak, I will immediately turn around and recite this information!"

When the little wolf, the little handsome, and the fat man heard this, they were all stunned, and then looked at Qin Hongyu with a face full of disbelief.

Eryu raised his orchid finger with a divine stick: "I'll pinch my fingers, Brother Qin is afraid that he will be ......cold this time

" "You shut up!" The little wolf, the little handsome, and the fat man said in unison.

Eryu retracted his head and whispered, "I'm just telling the truth."

When the little wolf, the little handsome, and the fat man heard this, they glared at him fiercely again.

Eryu didn't dare to say anything, but shook his head secretly on the side.

Qin Hongyu's level, they all know it too well.

But he actually boasted about such a Haikou, which was really a bit reckless.

Xia Tiantian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qin Hongyu seriously: "I think what they said also has a certain truth, freezing three feet, not a day's cold." There is a step-by-step process of studying, and if you can score 80 points this time, you will be considered a pass.

Qin Hongyu didn't reply, but just took the information book casually: "Is there a

time limit?" "The time limit is thirty minutes." Xia Tiantian glanced at her watch.

“ok。 Qin Hongyu gestured, picked up the pen and began to review the question.

Seeing this, the fat man immediately glanced at Xiao Shuai, who was sitting closest to Qin Hongyu, and motioned him to see what topics Qin Hongyu was going to do.

Xiaoshuai immediately understood, and the thief began to peek at the question made by Qin Hongyu, and then sent it to the WeChat group of the 'Two Blossoms' action.

After receiving the question, the fat man once again exerted his command ability: "Eryu, you are stronger in bird language, you go and search for answers in English, little wolf, you are responsible for mathematics, I am in charge of physics, Xiaoshuai, you are responsible for chemistry with the least number of questions and pass the answers to Brother Qin." The

group suddenly became lively.

The four scumbags also flipped through various information books.

Qin Hongyu didn't know their movements at all, he just focused on reviewing and answering questions.

The 30 questions picked by Xia Tiantian are all multiple-choice questions, but only about 10% of them are basic questions, or those that are sent for points, and 80% of the questions are of medium difficulty; and even the difficult questions that compound multiple test points and require divergent thinking also account for 10%!

Such a difficult question, if Qin Hongyu encountered it before, he really didn't have a 50 points; besides, let alone 30 minutes to finish, even if he was given an hour, he would definitely not be able to finish it.


, he wants to let Xia Tiantian, Eryu, Fat Man and others see what it means to be impressed by Shibei for three days!

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