In the next comprehensive exams of English and science, Qin Hongyu was not expected by everyone, and they all submitted their papers in advance.

Xia Tiantian originally had some hopes for Qin Hongyu, but after seeing him hand in his papers one after another in advance, he was deeply disappointed after dealing with the exam in such a child's play.

Such a boy who is not responsible and so indifferent is not her ideal Qin Hongyu.

Especially when he saw Qin Hongyu still look unconcerned after handing in the science comprehensive exam in advance, the disappointment in his heart couldn't help but deepen.

Even, looking at Qin Hongyu's back, she couldn't help but shake her head and let out a sigh.

Seeing this, the fat man and the others immediately had a heated discussion in the two blossom groups: "The situation seems to be a little bad, Xia Xiaohua seems to be a little disappointed in Brother Qin?"

"Steady, don't wave." Brother Qin must have his considerations, let's observe and observe.

"After all the exams, what else are you observing?"

"I pinched my fingers and calculated, and I knew that Brother Qin's hope for a comeback this time was focused on Chinese and mathematics.

The fat man thought thoughtfully, "The language results are estimated to come out tonight." Let's just take a look at Brother Qin's results before making plans. The

little wolf sighed: "Having said that, Brother Qin is indeed too prodigal this time. If it is obscenely developed, no matter what the final result is, at least in front of Xia Xiaohua, the impression will not be bad. But now......

"Look at Brother Qin's recent series of manipulations, it is impossible for him to develop obscenely, and it is impossible in this life. Xiaoshuai sighed.


Gao Qiu also had a full view of Xia Tiantian's reaction.

After retracting his gaze, he smiled without a trace, then shook his head, and said in his heart: "In vain, I was worried that this thing would suddenly be a dark horse, but looking at the current posture, even if I don't add this fire, he can kill himself."

"There is no suspense in this wave, it is stable!" ......

On the rooftop, Qin Hongyu didn't listen to what was going on outside the window, and only read textbooks.

It wasn't until the bell rang for the end of the exam that he finished reading a comprehensive textbook and then slowly returned to the classroom.

As soon as I returned to the classroom, before I had time to sit down, the Chinese teacher hurriedly came in with the test papers, and said quickly: "The results of the Chinese subject have come out, and the overall questions in this exam are difficult.

As she spoke, she shouted, "Chinese class representative, send the test papers to everyone." The

representative of the language class stood up, and Gao Qiu also stood up: "I'll help you send it together." "

OK. The representative of the Chinese class divided a part of the test paper to Gao Qiu.

After Gao Qiu took it, he immediately looked at Qin Hongyu and Xia Tiantian.

Qin Hongyu knew that this product must be eager to see himself make a fool of himself, so he rushed to get his hair rolled.

Xia Tiantian was worried, and hated that iron could not become steel, and couldn't help but squint at Qin Hongyu: →_→

Fat Man and the others couldn't help it, and looked at the test paper in the hands of the representative of the Chinese class and Gao Qiu with their eyes.

I don't know if God is joking with them on purpose.

Seeing that the test papers were sent down one by one, even Xia Tiantian, Fat Man, Xiao Shuai, Little Wolf and others all received the test papers, but they didn't send them to Qin Hongyu.

"When the Chinese teacher marks the papers, he likes to start with the test papers of students with good grades, and then rearrange the test papers from top to bottom according to the results after the change, Brother Qin shouldn't be at the bottom, right?"

"MD, I'm panicking now, and I'm more nervous than I am in the exam. "

Panic +1

" "+10086"


After Gao Qiu finished sending the test paper in his hand, he didn't see Qin Hongyu's, and he was slightly disappointed.

He glanced at the few remaining test papers in the hands of the representative of the language class, resisted the urge to go over and open them, and returned to his seat.

"116 points. Looking

at the marks on his test paper, he was quite satisfied.

The overall difficulty of this test paper is high, and I can still score 116 points in the Chinese subject, and I can get more than 125 points in normal times, which is basically stable.

Gao Qiu was very satisfied.

In the WeChat group of the class, seeing that many people were asking about the scores, he replied with some reserve and coldness: "I didn't do well in the exam this time, so I scored 116 points." "

, 116 points is called not doing

well in the test?" "Lao Tie, it's heartbroken!" "

I remembered a joke, every time I finished the exam, when Xueba said that he didn't do well in the exam, he basically scored 97 out of 100 points, and the scumbag felt that he was stable, and nine times out of ten he scored 59 out of 100 points.

"It's so true. "

People are hard to dismantle!"

"I just felt that I was stable, and the results came out, and I took the 150 exam and 62...... I'm autistic!"


Gao Qiu smiled with great enjoyment and watched his classmates discuss himself in the group, and after a long time, he looked back at Qin Hongyu.

When he saw this, a few students who didn't think it was a big deal to see the excitement immediately reacted, and in the group @ Qin Hongyu: "How many exams did you take?"

As soon as these words came out, the group immediately quieted down.

Gao Qiu, who was originally pretending to review, also stopped his pen and looked at the screen intently.


On the back seat, Xia Tiantian looked at Qin Hongyu's Chinese test paper, her expression was first surprised, then relaxed, and then a little regretful.

The fat man and the others frantically swiped the screen in the red envelope group: "96 points

!" "Brother Qin is mighty!"

"It's also nine years of compulsory education, why are you so good, Brother Qin, are you secretly tutoring?"

"I pinched my fingers and knew that Brother Qin must have already made arrangements.

While swiping the screen, several people also noticed that in the general group of the class, someone @Qin Hongyu immediately helped Qin Hongyu answer: "Brother Qin said that he was barely able to score 96 points in the exam." "

Impossible, right?" In the originally quiet class group, the pot was fried again.

Although there are a lot of subjective questions in Chinese, as long as you listen carefully to the lectures, even if you are a scumbag like Qin Hongyu, you can get about 40 points.

But 40 points

and 96 points are two concepts! Moreover, the most important thing is that this exam is very difficult, and if you convert it, this time the score of 96 can at least be higher than the usual 106 points

! How could Qin Hongyu take the test so high?

That is the middle and upper level of the class!

Gao Qiu was also a little unconvinced, and after the Chinese teacher left, he was the first to rush to the back row.

Many people who eat melons also followed.

Xia Tiantian was analyzing the questions of the test paper for Qin Hongyu, and after carefully reading Qin Hongyu's test paper, she sighed with emotion:

"Your score this time, the teacher gave it a mistake."

When many people who eat melons heard this, they immediately said: "I also think it must be wrong, how can he take the exam so high."

Gao Qiu also looked happy.

Only the fat man and the others changed their expressions, and they all became nervous.

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