"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Gao Qiu sneered, "I want to see how you cross this distance of nine thousand steps!"

Qin Hongyu turned a deaf ear and still walked towards the cafeteria without hurrying.

Xia Tiantian's eyes flashed with some brilliance, and she couldn't help but secretly look at him a few times, and then asked in a low voice: "The ball just now was so fast, or it suddenly hit you from behind, how did you catch it?"

"Intuitively, it's the same as your girl's sixth sense." Qin Hongyu smiled, "Isn't it amazing

?" Xia Tiantian was skeptical, "Why didn't you see it before, your reaction speed is so fast and your strength is so great?"

"There are more things you haven't seen." Qin Hongyu said, quickly changing the topic, "When I go back later, you can help me see if there is anything that needs to be added to the key points of the painting." Next time I take a mock exam, I'll give you something exciting.

"Gao Qiu's man has a hole in his brain, don't take his words to heart. Xia Tiantian thought that he was stimulated by Gao Qiu, and immediately persuaded him.

Qin Hongyu just smiled and didn't explain too much.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian looked back again.

When she found that the ball thrown by Qin Hongyu was actually hit, her eyes lit up, and she subconsciously asked, "You can still play basketball?" "

No, but if you want me to, I can learn." Qin Hongyu smiled.

With his current reflexes and physique, if he wants to learn some sports, it is not easy to catch.

Xia Tiantian was a little skeptical: "It's really fake, I just need a basketball sparring partner."

"When do you need it?" Qin Hongyu also knew that Xia Tiantian had always had a pimple in her heart, that is, although she was the captain of the school's women's basketball team, she had never been able to help the school win the award of the city's middle school league for a long time. This time, she was afraid that she wanted to take advantage of the fact that she had not left her alma mater yet, and finally make another wave of impact for it.


Tiantian saw that Qin Hongyu agreed so happily, and she was a little happy in her heart, but on the surface, she still said with a little disgust: "If you want to be my sparring partner, you must at least have some basic skills, and after school this afternoon, I will find a friend to test you together." If it's okay, I'll reluctantly allow you to be my sparring partner in the future.

"So reluctantly, then forget it, I don't like to be strong the most. Qin Hongyu quipped.

Xia Tiantian suddenly stomped her foot in anger and gave him a small pink punch: "Why are you like this?

Qin Hongyu laughed, "Rest assured, the little one must behave well and win into your eyes." "

Hmph, ignore you!" Xia Tiantian snorted arrogantly and went straight to eat.

Qin Hongyu silently followed.

During the meal, he posted a message in the red envelope group, asking the fat man and others if they knew anyone who could play basketball.

Xiao Shuai was the first to bubble: "Brother Qin wants to play ball? I will! It's not me who blows, if it weren't for my height birth defect, now the position of the captain of the school basketball team, there is nothing to do with Gao Qiu

on the cliff!" "Don't blow or black, Xiao Shuai does have a hand in playing ball, when everyone didn't develop well in the first year of high school, people gave the nickname 'Wind Wolf', and that coquettish move and steal, passing people, is indeed very cowhide!"

It's a pity that everyone in the second and third years of high school got up, but he was the only one who stood still...... has been in his early sixties, and I really want to carve the word 'miserable' on him. "

@二鱼, you stand still and don't move!" Xiao Shuai sent another emoji after sending this message, "Like you, you can live in a TV series for one episode at most

!" "Wrong, I know it's wrong, little handsome guy!"


Qin Hongyu watched them chatting and farting inside, and directly smashed a five hundred red envelope into it, and then said quickly: "I'm eating, and in half an hour, we will meet at the entrance of the basketball court who can play, and you will teach me." "

O chicken k! guaranteed to arrive!" Xiao Shuai was the first to reply.

The fat man followed: "Although I can't play ball, I will shout 666"

"At this time, a melon-eating crowd who has been studying for ten years, is not handsome, has no culture, and can't play, but calls the thief six, passes by silently!" The little wolf also joined in the fun.

Eryu put up the magic stick again: "I pinched my fingers and counted, and I knew that Brother Qin was going to bloom in both style and style." "


Qin Hongyu didn't pay attention to these sluts anymore, and after putting away his mobile phone, he ate silently.

After lunch, he accompanied Xia Tiantian to the bottom of the teaching building, and then found an excuse to go to the entrance of the basketball court.

The fat man and the others have arrived.

Not only did they arrive, but these guys actually cleared the field in advance and prepared basketballs, melon seed drinks, mineral water, small benches, and parasols.

"Professional!" Qin Hongyu couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The fat man laughed.

Xiao Shuai skillfully played with the basketball, and asked with a smile: "Brother Qin, what do you want to learn?"

"From beginner to proficient." Qin Hongyu replied with a smile.

Xiao Shuai was stunned for a moment, and then said briskly: "Okay, then let's start with the basics." "

As he speaks, he will dribble with one hand, dribble with both hands, dribble under his crotch, dribble behind his back, and dribble cross...... All these basic skills were taught once.

The fat man and the others felt a little boring when they saw that Qin Hongyu had actually learned from such a simple one, and whispered: "Do you think, why does Brother Qin suddenly want to learn basketball?"

"There must be a demon when things go wrong!" The little wolf thought with his cheeks back, "I heard before that when Brother Qin passed by the basketball court just now, Gao Qiu, who was playing basketball on the basketball court, looked for his stubble again. Perhaps, it has something to do with this?"

Eryu nodded and shook his head again: "I think that Brother Qin didn't pay too much attention to the surname Gao, maybe for some other reason."

"I also think that Brother Qin doesn't take the surname Gao too seriously. The fat man agreed, "But if it's not surnamed Gao, then why did

Brother Qin suddenly want to learn basketball?" "Basketball ......" The little wolf thought for a moment, and then slapped his thigh violently, "Isn't Xia Xiaohua also the captain of the school's women's basketball team?" You said that Brother Qin suddenly wants to learn basketball, isn't it ......?"

"Right!" Eryu also slapped his thigh.

The fat man also felt reasonable, but thinking that Qin Hongyu didn't know anything about basketball now, he was suddenly a little worried: "Now it's only ten days before the city's middle school student league, besides, the college entrance examination is also imminent, Brother Qin is learning basketball from scratch at this time, will this temporary cramming be a little ......

" Before he finished speaking, he heard Xiao Shuai exclaim from the basketball court, "Awesome!"

Following the prestige, I saw that Qin Hongyu, who didn't even enter the basketball door just now, can now pass the little handsome man known as the 'Wind Wolf' by only relying on one hand to carry the ball.

"Brother Qin, to be honest, are you here to play the routine of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger with a few of us?"

Xiao Shuai was dumbfounded.

Just now, he just taught Qin Hongyu to dribble with one hand and dribble with both hands three times, but Qin Hongyu was able to get by himself by relying on this alone

? Moreover, what is even more outrageous is that when Qin Hongyu's speed soared, he didn't even react?

You know, he used to make a name for himself among the gang of people who played basketball at school, relying on his reaction speed and agility.

But now, Qin Hongyu is actually faster than him?

If Qin Hongyu hadn't learned it before, Xiao Shuai really didn't believe it!

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