At the end of the morning self-study, the fat man and the others handed breakfast to Qin Hongyu and Xia Tiantian for the first time, and at the same time said tentatively: "Brother Qin, I heard that Gao Qiu asked you to make trouble again just now, do you want our brothers to do something?"

Qin Hongyu waved his hand casually.

"Then let him go like that?" the fat man and the others were still a little unwilling.

"It's impossible to let him go, it's impossible to let him go in this life, you can only rely on hitting him to maintain the appearance of your life. Qin Hongyu said, without waiting for them to continue speaking, he waved his hand directly, "You can rest assured."

"Maybe he was once a king, but I'm no longer bronze.

After breakfast, Qin Hongyu went out for a while, relaxed his brain, and then returned to the classroom for the exam.

This time, he learned to be obedient, even if he finished answering the Chinese test paper early, he did not hand in the paper immediately, but simply memorized the words in his seat.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian was quite pleased: "That's right, at least the impression score of the language can increase by more than ten points." "

You're good-looking, you have the final say. After Qin Hongyu finished speaking, he continued to recite the words.

Xia Tiantian was speechless for a while, and it took a long time to react and remind: "In the next exam, don't hand in the papers in advance." Qin

Hongyu didn't care.

For the math test, the paper is submitted half an hour early.

For the English test, you will be submitted 40 minutes in advance.

For the comprehensive exam, the paper is directly submitted an hour in advance.

"Are you thinking about it?" Xia Tiantian was so angry that the roots of her teeth itched, seeing that Qin Hongyu had handed over the comprehensive test paper so long in advance, she directly bombarded her with several WeChat messages, "I really want to strangle you

!" "Big

stupid!" "You're a big stupid!"


On the rooftop, after Qin Hongyu saw WeChat, he smiled slightly, and then replied: "Take the exam well, otherwise if the big fool in your mouth surpasses you, wouldn't it seem that you are not as good as a big fool

?" "Can you surpass me?" Xia Tiantian sneered, "Don't say it, I'll settle accounts with you when the results come out

!" "I answered the question seriously, 886!"

Qin Hongyu sent a "Come on" After the emoji, he put away his phone and began to concentrate on memorizing words.

He waited until the exam was over before he returned to the classroom.

Unexpectedly, before the butt was hot in the classroom, the English teacher came in with answer sheets and test papers.

The answer sheet is scored by the machine, and the speed is very fast, but the results come out so quickly that it is still beyond everyone's expectations.

As soon as Qin Hongyu received the test paper and answer sheet, the heads of Xia Tiantian, the fat man and others poked over.

When he saw the bright red 67 on it, Qin Hongyu was quite satisfied, and the fat man and the others also gave a thumbs up one after another: "Brother Qin, it's really a cow

!" "43 last time, 67 this time, 24 points in a week, this progress speed is comparable to riding a rocket!"

"When will I be as good as Brother Qin?"


But Xia Tiantian snatched the test paper for the first time and went to look at the composition column.

After reading the test paper, he pinched Qin Hongyu hard with some hatred of iron and steel, and pointed to the composition column: "Let you not

submit the paper in advance, you have to submit the paper in advance!" "English composition, your way of writing, you can get at least 9 points, but just because you submitted the paper in advance, the teacher only scored 3 points!" "

I suffered this loss in Chinese last time, and I still suffered this loss this time, you say you don't have 4 or 4 sake?".

Ahead, Gao Qiu heard Xia Tiantian's voice, and he also came over with a gloating face, glancing at Qin Hongyu's test paper.

When he saw the bright red and huge 67 points on it, he laughed twice, and then looked at Qin Hongyu: "This is the real trick you let me see?"

Qin Hongyu ignored him.

"Haha. Gao Qiu laughed twice, then patted Qin Hongyu's shoulder, and said with a happy face, "Little brother, you are still far away."

After speaking, he intentionally or unintentionally revealed the bright red 136 points on the test paper, and left the classroom with a proud face.

Although Xia Tiantian didn't like Gao Qiu's behavior, she still hated iron and steel: "Let people see jokes, right?"

"Hold on, we can win." After Qin Hongyu finished saying with a hippie smile, he went back with his things.

"Win, win, you big-headed ghost!" Xia Tian was so angry that he couldn't help but scold him.

Qin Hongyu didn't care, and after arriving at the classroom the next day, he memorized the words as usual.


At the same time, in the office of the senior high school mathematics group, Lao Zhang, the mathematics teacher of the eighth class of the third year of high school, was humming a small key to change the test paper.

It's not that he's not serious, it's that he's too happy.

In this mock test, the overall difficulty is the same as the average level of the college entrance examination in previous years, but under such circumstances, there have been two excellent scores of 140 points in the test papers of the eighth class of the third year of high school that he had reviewed before, and even if the score is above 120, there have been 178 points!

Such results, even if it is Nansha No. 3 Middle School, which is a key high school in Nansha, it is also a record-breaking existence.

It is precisely because of this that the teachers of the entire senior high school mathematics group today are full of all kinds of envy and jealousy when they see him, which makes Lao Zhang not beautiful.

At this moment, seeing Lao Zhang humming a small tune, Teacher Hu from the seventh class of the third year of high school couldn't help but joke: "Lao Zhang, you are inflated, you never dared to open your mouth before."

"Can you not swell? Two 142, seventeen or eighteen 120, anyone has to swell."

"If these students can also perform such results in the college entrance examination, then Lao Zhang's senior title will definitely be stable, and he will 100% get a reward to get a soft ......"


Lao Zhang was full of a sense of accomplishment in his heart, but he still said modestly: "It doesn't matter if the reward is rewarded or not, what I hope most is to be able to teach a student who can get a perfect score in the Bajing exam in his lifetime."

"Full score?" The teachers in the office were stunned, "Since there has been a college entrance examination, if you can get a full score in the college entrance examination mathematics, then the whole country is also counted on one hand, right?" "

Yes, 140 or even 145, there is still hope for an impact, but if you want to take a 150 exam, it is not easier than taking the college entrance examination champion."

"Lao Zhang, your ambition is not ordinary!" ......

When a group of teachers were talking and laughing, Lao Zhang suddenly couldn't help but say: "!" "What's

wrong?" Teacher Hu looked at him in surprise.

Teachers are role models, and swearing is never allowed, even if there are acquaintances in the office, it is never allowed. But Lao Zhang actually exploded just now?"

"You all come over and take a look." Lao Zhang didn't have time to explain, so he stood up and pushed out a test paper he was reviewing.

Teacher Hu and others immediately came over.

After carefully skimming through the test papers, a group of teachers were all dumbfounded.

Then, the teachers of the senior mathematics group, who are usually quiet and civilized, came out with a series of national scoldings one after another: "Is it really a perfect score?"

"I believe in Lao Zhang's evil, Lao Zhang's mouth has been opened, right? "

I said, which student is this? Is it Gao Qiu or Xia Tiantian in your class? This is a big talent!"


When several teachers said this, Lao Zhang also reacted, and hurriedly picked out the staples and looked through the full-score test paper.

When he saw the three big characters "Qin Hongyu" written crookedly on the name column, Lao Zhang couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

The other teachers in the math group were all at a loss: "Qin Hongyu, which immortal student is this?

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