It took Qin Hongyu nearly thirteen hours to barely finish reading the "Green Capsule Sutra" for the first time.

But as a result, I didn't remember anything except that my mind was a little dizzy because of the excessive amount of information in the short term.

"After completing 129,600 words of classical Chinese reading, congratulations to the host for earning 324,000 yuan.

After hearing that the system prompt did not mention the comprehension skill, Qin Hongyu slowed down a little and continued to discuss.

After all, he had been vaccinated in advance in the basic information of the "Green Capsule Sutra" before, saying that he only had a small chance of comprehending Hua Tuo's medical skills after reading, and he had already prepared the opportunity to brush the book repeatedly.

The second time, with the first primer, Qin Hongyu only took about two hours to finish.

This time, though, nothing was gained.

The third time, after an hour and a half of brushing, there was still no gain.

The fourth pass ......

The fifth pass ......


After three days of brushing the Green Capsule Sutra in succession, Qin Hongyu himself forgot how many times he had brushed this book.

But when he opened the Qing Capsule Sutra again, he didn't have to wait to turn the page, and he could probably recite the content of the next page.

But even so, after brushing the green capsule meridian again, he still found nothing.

Qin Hongyu was speechless and looked at the sky.

"This Nima, is it something that people can do

?" "The top student in the college entrance examination won't go back and forth so many times for the college entrance examination, right

?" "Are you kidding me in the system

?" "How low is this so-called 'low probability'?"


But thinking of the third aunt's illness, he silently withdrew his gaze and began to read books again.

When he finished brushing the "Green Capsule Sutra" again, Qin Hongyu was habitually about to start reading it from the beginning again, when a prompt sounded as if it was from heaven: "Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the inheritance of Huatuo's medical skills." Acquire the green capsule acupuncture method and the green capsule meridian. "

Congratulations to the host, read and comprehend a book 100 times, achieve the [Read the book 100 times] level 1 achievement, and receive an intermediate skill enhancement coupon. "

......" Qin Hongyu was a little speechless, could it be, this so-called low probability refers to 1%, right?

Open the system interface, this time, under his attribute bar, there were two more small sections.

They are [Reading Skills] and [Skills] Among them, in the [Reading Skills] column, there are the reading comprehension and memory skills he gained before

: "Reading Speed

: Lv1 Comprehension Ability: Lv1 Memory Ability: Lv1"

and in the [Skills] column, it is the skills he learned from books:

"Green Capsule Sutra, Lv2 (Physician Level)"

Green capsule acupuncture, lv2 (physician level)"

behind the physician grade, there is also a small question mark.

Qin Hongyu clicked on it and saw that there was a hint: the level of medical skills is divided into five levels, level 1 assistant level, level 2 physician level, level 3 famous doctor, level 4 divine doctor, and level 5 heirloom level ......

At the physician level, it has reached the level of chief physician of a tertiary hospital.

The famous medical level directly corresponds to the level of well-known experts who enjoy special national allowances.

As for the miracle doctor, there are only two or three in the world today. Even among the previous Nobel laureates in medicine, only one can be counted.

"So, in other words, in fact, I now have the level of medical skills at the level of the chief physician of a tertiary hospital?" Qin Hongyu felt that he did have a lot of medical knowledge in his mind. As soon as his mind moved, countless oceans of knowledge would rush out.

But when he thought of what the chief surgeon said when he was in the hospital before, he was a little apprehensive: "Although I do seem to be a little powerful now, but the chief physician-level level alone is probably not enough to treat the third aunt's illness, right?"

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the reward he had just harvested: "Intermediate Skill Enhancement Coupon: Enhancement skill level +2, one-time consumables, only valid for level 2 and below level skills."

Qin Hongyu's breath suddenly stagnated: "This Nima, who can withstand this!The system is so good, what should I do if I fall in love with you?"

The system did not react.

Qin Hongyu didn't care, he decisively used the intermediate skill enhancement coupon.

Soon, a cool and abundant energy poured into his mind.

At the same time, the system display interface, the skill column also changed: "Green Capsule Sutra, lv4 (Divine Medical Grade)" "Green Capsule

Acupuncture, Lv4 (Divine Medical Grade)"

Qin Hongyu slowed down in place for a while, and then felt that the amount of information in his brain seemed to have been digested a little.

He was about to study the new features of the research system again when there was a sudden coughing and the sound of wiping his nose outside the door.

"Third Uncle is sick?" Qin Hongyu got up and walked out of the room.

The third uncle was sitting at the table, constantly drinking hot water, looking a little haggard.

Seeing Qin Hongyu come out, he smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a little cold." I guess I was tired a few days ago, so drink more hot water and rest more and it should be fine.

Qin Hongyu was stunned for a while, because almost at the same time as he saw the third uncle, the medical skills he had just comprehended came into play, allowing him to judge the third uncle's illness and condition: "Acute upper respiratory tract infection plus wind chill and cold, the main symptoms are sore throat, runny nose, and slight fever in the body...... The first shot of the green capsule acupuncture method can be treated.

Seeing that Qin Hongyu was silent, the third uncle thought that he was worried about himself, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, don't you know the third uncle's physical condition, don't worry......" Qin Hongyu

reacted at this time, and hurriedly said: "Third uncle, I met a teacher in school some time ago, Chinese medicine is very powerful, I learned a few hands from him, including a needle, which specializes in treating wind and cold." You wait for me for a while. As

he spoke, he ran out of the house with a cigarette, found several stores one after another, and bought all the silver needles, alcohol lamps, and cotton swabs in one go.

When he returned home with these things, the third uncle seemed to be a little worried, and said suspiciously: "Is your teacher reliable? I often hear TV news that there are many people who deceive people under the guise of traditional Chinese medicine.

"This ......" Qin Hongyu was a little apprehensive, after all, he was actually not sure whether the medical skills he had comprehended were reliable.

Seeing this, the third uncle immediately became even more suspicious: "Your teacher, did he charge you a lot of money to teach you?"

Qin Hongyu coughed dryly, a little uncertain, "However, judging from the previous contact, he shouldn't be able to deceive people." The

third uncle was still a little skeptical, but seeing that Qin Hongyu had already begun to sterilize the silver needles, it was not a big deal to think of being acupuncture a few times, so he didn't say anything more.

Qin Hongyu twisted the needle in his hand, and countless knowledge about the green sac acupuncture method suddenly swept over.

At this moment, he seemed to be really possessed by Hua Tuo, and suddenly calmed down, and his whole person became full of confidence.

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