Session 1, Language.

Except for the essay column, Qin Hongyu was a little unsure of how many points the teacher would judge, and almost all the other questions were answered smoothly.

No Stress!Session

2, Math.

In less than an hour, he had answered all the questions and completed the calculations and checks.

After answering, he couldn't submit the college entrance examination papers in advance, so he simply slept on the table.

Seeing this, the three invigilators were originally a little unbearable, thinking that he had given up on himself and was about to come over to remind him, but when they saw Qin Hongyu's neat answer to the paper and the answers to a few questions, they all swallowed back in shock if they originally wanted to remind him.

Session 3, English.

Qin Hongyu only felt a little pressured on the exam.

Because, although the senior English teaching team specially prepared materials for him, and he himself has a god-level reading system, this "listening" is really not something that can be improved casually.

However, except for the listening part, Qin Hongyu answered the other questions relatively easily, and overall it was relatively smooth.

The last one, Li Zong.

It is a large test paper composed of physics, chemistry and biology, with a total score of 300 points, but the examination time is only two and a half hours.

Before the start of the exam, there was a sense of tension and anxiety in the class.

Everyone is particularly worried that they will not be able to answer the comprehensive examination paper.

In particular, some students who have answered the answers of Chinese, mathematics and English are so nervous that they can't sleep at noon.

Only Qin Hongyu, who didn't hear anything about the world with his ears, silently continued to read the "Green Capsule Sutra".

After the exam today, he was just ready to do a second course of acupuncture for the third aunt, and he wanted to read the medical books a few more times to see if he could learn from the past.

When the lunch break was over and the last exam came, the atmosphere in the exam room suddenly became tense and solemn.

Especially after the test papers were handed out, the whole examination room could be heard of needle drops!

Almost everyone was racing against time and nervously answering questions.

Qin Hongyu, on the other hand, filled in basic information such as name and test number without hurry, and then reviewed and answered the questions slowly and methodically.

A female invigilator looked at his abrasive appearance, and seemed to be a little unbearable, coughed lightly, and reminded: "The time for the comprehensive examination is from two o'clock in the afternoon to four and a half o'clock, a total of two and a half hours, everyone hurry up, even if you can't finish the test paper, do one more question, you may get a few more points!"

Qin Hongyu ignored it, continued to maintain the rhythm, and answered the questions without hurrying or slow.

The female teacher was a little disappointed, shook her head secretly, and didn't pay much attention to it.

But as time passed, she gradually became a little shocked -

Qin Hongyu, who seemed to answer the questions slowly and logically, actually seemed to be slow and fast, starting from the first question, she went all the way, without any stuck, and easily answered the whole set of comprehensive test papers!

"This thing, it won't be a random answer, you want to mix some impression points and sympathy points, right?" The female teacher was a little disbelieving and pretended to walk over inadvertently.

She has not only been a college entrance examination invigilator for many years, but also led a chemistry class in the third year of high school for many years, and knows the psychology of many students very well: there are always some students who think that even if they don't know anything, as long as they fill in every question, the teacher will more or less give some impression or sympathy points. And now Qin Hongyu is very much like this kind of person.

After all, the finale questions of physics and chemistry are often very difficult in the comprehensive examination papers, and even the top students in the province need to think hard for a while. And Qin Hongyu, except for the examination of the topic from beginning to end, does not seem to have stopped to think.

If this wasn't for the confusion of sympathy, she really didn't believe it!

When she walked to Qin Hongyu's side, the female teacher deliberately stopped for a moment.

At this moment, Qin Hongyu is answering the last finale question of physics, which is the most difficult question on this year's science comprehensive test paper.

Although the female teacher didn't know much about physics, after seeing Qin Hongyu's clear and smooth handwriting, as well as the neat solution format, accurate and detailed solution ideas, and steps, she was instantly a little dazed: "This goods, it seems that there is really ink in the stomach?" "

Could it be the demon among this class of students?"

She couldn't help but secretly glance at Qin Hongyu's name and admission ticket number, and silently wrote it down.


When the last subject was completed, Xia Tiantian returned home, and was ready to call Qin Hongyu and check the answer with him.

But as soon as he picked up his mobile phone, Li Dongsheng's call came.

"What is the head teacher doing on the phone?" Xia Tiantian was a little puzzled and connected.

Li Dongsheng's slightly nervous voice immediately came from there: "Xia Tiantian, didn't you go to Qin Hongyu for the answer?"

"I was just about to call him, but I didn't have time to call him." Xia Tiantian replied honestly.

Li Dongsheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Then it's better not to look for the right answer, if he does well in the exam, then it's fine......; You go to him again for an answer and sprinkle a handful of salt on his wound......

" Xia Tiantian reacted at this time, as if this was indeed the case, and after a while, he was afraid and said seriously: "What you said makes sense." In the days to come, until the college entrance examination results came out, I no longer raised the exam in front of him.

"That's the best. Li Dongsheng answered, and then asked: "What about you, how do you feel about

the test?" Xia Tiantian thought for a while: "The difficulty of this college entrance examination is comparable to that of the last mock test in the school. In the end, I haven't had time to answer the right answer, but I personally feel that it should be okay, and the overall and last mock test results should fluctuate between 5-10 points. "

That's really good, the teacher will wish you success and the title of the gold list in advance!" Li Dongsheng said, and added, "Also, if you find that Qin Hongyu's mood is not right during this time, Tiantian, you remember to tell the teacher."

Xia Tiantian answered, and only after hanging up the phone did she react: The head teacher seems to attach importance to

Qin Hongyu, far more than to himself? Make no mistake

, is it? Could it be that in the eyes of the head teacher, Qin Hongyu's college entrance examination potential is higher than himself?

Xia Tiantian was a little confused.


At the same time, in Li Dongsheng's office, several teachers in the eighth class of the third year of high school looked at Li Dongsheng with blank eyes.

After he put down the phone, he hurriedly asked, "How's the situation?"

Li Dongsheng breathed a long sigh of relief, "Qin Hongyu's little girlfriend hasn't had time to find him for an answer, and she has been cut off by us!" "

That's good." Several teachers also put down the stones in their hearts, "No matter how well this child does in the exam this time, in short, just don't affect his mentality and self-confidence." After all, his potential

is a proper champion material!" "Even if you don't play well this year, as long as your mentality is not affected, you can work hard for another year and make up for your shortcomings in English by the way, and next year's college entrance examination champion is estimated to be nine out of ten!"

"Yes, yes." "


Several teachers agreed.

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