"It's stupid to watch too many martial arts movies, right

?" "What kind of fist are you putting here?"

"Bad pen!"


Several martial arts students laughed.

Qin Hongyu suddenly moved, and quickly took the initiative to rush towards the martial arts student who was laughing the most.

"Li Sanjiao!" The

first kick kicked the one in the chest, the second kick shook the other person, and the third kick ......

The one flew out three or four meters upside down, and after falling to the ground, the whole person seemed to be stupid, and sat on the ground without responding for a long time.

The remaining few martial arts students who were still laughing at Qin Hongyu immediately seemed to be collectively turned off by the machine, and the laughter came to an abrupt end.

Then, they all subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

Although they look down on traditional martial arts, they don't watch less martial arts movies.

And now this scene happening in front of their eyes is too similar to the scene in the movie!

Qin Hongyu seems to be really a little fierce?

Thinking of this, they can't help but feel a little frightened.

Although they are all students of the martial arts school, the main bullies on weekdays are the kind of students who are powerless, fierce people like Qin Hongyu...... Seeing

this, Xu Fei was a little afraid of it, and said with some hatred: "What are you afraid of, there are still six of you!" On the same day, two people entangle him, and the other four people, one person and one kick, can beat him and call him Dad!"

Several martial arts school students heard this, and suddenly felt reasonable.

The two strongest of them immediately rushed out skillfully, ready to fight Qin Hongyu, while the remaining four were waiting for an opportunity to take the black hand.

Although Qin Hongyu has been inherited by Bruce Lee, he still lacks experience in street fights after all.

was surrounded by six people, and suddenly there was a little chaos.

Seeing this, several martial arts school students immediately boosted their confidence, and they also recovered a lot of ferocity when they moved.

At the same time, Xu Fei tightened his grip on the short stick hidden in his clothes and sneaked behind Qin Hongyu.

Seeing Qin Hongyu enter the attack range, he yelled: "Get out of the way!" The

two martial arts students who were familiar with his style immediately dodged.

At the same time, Xu Fei quickly pulled out the short stick and slammed it at Qin Hongyu's head!

"Xu Fei!" Su Mengmeng and Xia Tiantian were instantly stunned, and while shouting in anger, they subconsciously closed their eyes, unable to bear to see the bloody and miserable scene that followed.

And the students of several martial arts schools all showed a look of schadenfreude.

"Death to Lao Tzu!" Xu Fei slashed fiercely!

Qin Hongyu was also made his scalp numb and his hairs stood on end all over his body from the sudden sneak attack, but between the lightning and fire, Bruce Lee's experience of snatching the blade empty-handed emerged.

Almost without thinking, he used it.

When he really snatched Xu Fei's short stick, Xu Fei's originally hideous face froze.

He looked at Qin Hongyu blankly, as well as the short stick that was taken away by Qin Hongyu.

And the martial arts school students who were originally gloating around were also deeply shocked, and they were all stunned in place.

Qin Hongyu was afraid for a while.

Xu Fei's sneak attack just now, if he hadn't gotten Bruce Lee's inheritance, he would definitely have been hit.

And once he was hit by that stick, it was estimated that the lightest would be a concussion

! Thinking of this, his eyes were cold, he raised his short stick, and slammed it towards Xu Fei's face, arms, and knees!

Then there was a wail of pain, and the sound of a heavy object kneeling on the ground!

Xu Fei knelt on one knee, one hand drooping unnaturally, and the other hand covering his face that had been drawn out of blood, and he was crying out in pain!

Several martial arts school students felt a chill just by looking at it.

Especially when he saw that Qin Hongyu was still holding a short stick in his hand and glanced at them, he was even more frightened and unconsciously took half a step back.

Even the two staff members on the other side of the water bar were stunned at the moment: "One punch knocked people flying, one kick kicked people flying, and they grabbed the white blade with their bare hands! Heifer took a plane and the cow's nose went to the sky!" "

This Nima is the same as in the movie!"

"This little brother, I'm afraid it's Bruce Lee's reincarnation, right


?" Su Mengmeng and Xia Tiantian heard the movement, and slowly opened their eyes with nervousness and fear.

When they saw that Qin Hongyu was unscathed, the two women subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Qin Hongyu holding the short stick that Xu Fei had taken in a sneak attack just now, while Xu Fei was half-kneeling on the ground and wailing, the two women were obviously stunned, obviously not reacting to what had just happened.

Qin Hongyu didn't notice their reactions, but just looked condescendingly at Xu Fei who was half-kneeling in front of him: "Take your dogs, and within a minute, disappear from my sight; Also, don't harass my friends in the future! Otherwise, next time it won't be as simple as letting you kneel down on one knee!" Xu Fei didn't

say much, and motioned to his subordinates with a cold face to support him.

After being helped up, he immediately took the people and left.

When he was leaving, he didn't say anything cruel, but his eyes were like evil ghosts, and he looked at Qin Hongyu deeply.

Let him lose such a big face in front of his beloved girl, even if he is a ghost, he will never let

Qin Hongyu go!" "Still want to die?" Seeing this, Qin Hongyu directly threw the short stick over.

Xu Fei was staggered, but he didn't dare to say anything, let alone stare at Qin Hongyu anymore, he just let his subordinates support him like a ruined dog, and fled quickly!"

Qin Hongyu sneered, and then looked back at Su Mengmeng, "If this bastard comes to harass you again in the future, remember to tell me."

Su Mengmeng nodded, feeling a little sweet in her heart.

On the other side, Xia Tiantian said a little sourly

: "What, do you want to be a cute flower messenger?" Qin Hongyu keenly felt that this was definitely a proposition, and immediately smiled: "I want to be your flower messenger at the same table, but you don't give a chance at the same table."

"Hmph!" Xia Tiantian snorted lightly with satisfaction, and then pretended to be careless, "Those people just now, didn't hurt you, right?"

When Su Mengmeng heard this, she hurriedly jumped to Qin Hongyu's side, and after carefully observing Qin Hongyu up and down, she also said with concern: "You, are you okay?"

"These stinky fish and rotten shrimp are not enough to make me have trouble." Qin Hongyu smiled.

He was also quite satisfied with his first fight.

One to eight, the other party is still a group of martial arts students -

it feels very good.

In particular, this battle was fought in front of two beauties.

Xia Tiantian saw his stinky fart, patted him lightly, and advised: "Don't underestimate Xu Fei's gang, they have a bad stomach, if you let him lose such a big face today, he will definitely find a chance to retaliate in the future." "

Then I'll beat him all over the ground again!" Qin Hongyu didn't care.

Xia Tiantian pinched him: "I'm serious with you, be careful, do you hear it?" "

Knowing the Bodhisattva, my grandson must remember it." Qin Hongyu laughed.

Xia Tiantian smiled and gave him a slap in the face.

Seeing this, Su Mengmeng on the side was faintly envious and disappointed in her eyes.

How much she hoped that the person who could play with Qin Hongyu was herself, but she couldn't ......

Su Mengmeng glanced at Xia Tiantian with a complicated expression, and then took advantage of her inattention, and secretly ate a big bite of her favorite ice cream in a huff


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