After laughing, Qin Hongyu decisively returned to the home page of the system.

"Elementary Skill Enhancement Coupon: Skill level +1 can be strengthened, one-time consumable, only valid for level 2 and below skills.

After reading the description of the primary skill enhancement coupon, he didn't think twice and struck at Bruce Lee's technique: "Use!" The 2 of the primary skill enhancement

coupon *2 immediately became 1.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the system immediately sounded: "[Bruce Lee Technique Attack] Enhancement Level +1."

Qin Hongyu glanced at the attribute panel: "[Skill]:

Green Capsule Sutra, lv4 (Divine Medical Grade) Green Capsule Acupuncture Method, Lv4 (Divine Medical Grade)

Bruce Lee Technique Attack Method, Lv3 (Xiaocheng Level)"

A subtle feeling poured into Qin Hongyu's mind from the limbs.

I don't know how long later, when that feeling disappeared, Qin Hongyu clearly sensed that his ability to mobilize and control the muscles, muscles, bones, and joints of his body was obviously higher than before!

Not only that, but he also vaguely felt that his reaction speed and five senses seemed to have improved a little.

Qin Hongyu tried to throw a few punches into the air -

his strength did not improve significantly, but his power skills and explosiveness, and even the use of body strength have obviously improved a lot.

For example, if his Bruce Lee technique is at the mastery level, he can mobilize 70% of the muscle strength of his arms and 30% of the muscle strength of his whole body, then after his Bruce Lee technique is upgraded to the Xiaocheng level, he can not only mobilize 90% of the muscle strength of his arms and at least 60% of the muscle strength of his whole body!

In other words, even if there is no improvement in physical fitness, after Bruce Lee's skill level is raised, his overall combat effectiveness should be more than doubled

! You must know that the same punch hitting the enemy, 50 catties of strength and 100 catties of strength, that is far more than a double damage gap!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu stopped the experiment, simply lay down on the bed, and began to think about how to appear tomorrow.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly had an idea-next

, he would definitely comprehend a lot of extremely sassy and powerful skills through reading

! That is to say, he would definitely need to use a false identity to show people in the future!

In this case, then ......

After a fun and feasible idea popped up in his mind, Qin Hongyu laughed and soon fell asleep.


At 8:50 the next day, at the door of the Wing Chun gym of Xu Xiaoshuai's second master's house.

When Xia Tiantian, Su Mengmeng, Fat Man, Little Wolf, and Eryu arrived, although the boxing gym had been cleared, and only the people in the gym and Xu Dong's team were left, they immediately felt a sad atmosphere.

At this moment, Xu Dong, who was wearing a practice uniform, was facing the live broadcast equipment and playing all kinds of snack.

And Xu Xiaoshuai was standing in the center of the martial arts training ground, his face was a little ugly.

Around him, although there are also a few boxers from the Wing Chun gym, these people obviously have no intention of coming out, and although they are standing behind Xiao Shuai one by one, they keep their distance from him intentionally or unintentionally.

The fat man and the others immediately surrounded him, and said worriedly: "What's the situation, are you really going to go on your own?"

Xu Xiaoshuai glanced back at the boxers behind him, and whispered: "These people have been bought by Xu Dong, except for me today, no one will go on it later."

"Grass!" The fat man couldn't help but curse, "At that moment, if Xu Dong really said that let the people from your martial arts hall go together, wouldn't your

martial arts hall be completely finished?" "Yes!" The little wolf also sighed, "Your martial arts hall still has some skills for these boxers, if they don't go for a while, what will netizens across the country think?"

"I pinched my fingers and knew that Xu Dong's team, it is estimated that the title of the copy has been written-'Shocked, a Wing Chun master who claims to be able to fight ten at a time, in the face of Xu Dong's provocation, it was actually this reaction!'", 'Delete the quick look, risk death to shoot the video, a famous Wing Chun gym in Nansha, was actually scared by Xu Dong single-handedly and didn't dare to do it!', 'Is Wing Chun exaggerated?'1.3 billion Chinese will be silent after watching it!'......" Xu

Xiaoshuai was silent for a while, then raised his head blankly, and sneered: "But, what can

I do?" "If I don't do it, will I watch this son of a bitch's thing, after my second master is hospitalized, and then press the reputation of the boxing gym that he has worked hard to fight all his life on the ground and rub it?

Xu Dong also seemed to hear his angry cry, and pointed the live camera at Xiao Shuai, "Look at this."

"Look at his height, his physique, and his current expression, doesn't he look like a monkey in a circus who is about to be forced to perform on stage?" Hahahaha!"

As soon as he said this, the anger in Xu Xiaoshuai's eyes suddenly became even stronger.

And Xia Tiantian and the others also looked at Xu Dong angrily.

Xu Dong didn't care at all, and continued to smile at the live broadcast room: "Don't underestimate monkeys...... Oh, no

, it's that guy!" "But what about the proud disciples of the gym owner I'm going to challenge today? I just ask you if you're afraid? Hahaha"

A large barrage immediately appeared in the live broadcast room:

"Just this thing, can it be regarded as a proud disciple?" It seems that the Wing Chun, which is rumored to be miraculous, is nothing more than

that!" "I originally thought that Wing Chun, which focuses on actual combat, will be different from Tai Chi and the like, but I didn't expect it to be all the way!" "

Completely disappointed in traditional martial arts!" "Completely disappointed +1" "Completely disappointed


" "......"


" "Seriously, this battle doesn't have to be fought, I think Wing Chun is lost!"

"In the future, it is estimated that if I see any traditional martial arts blowing, I will feel embarrassed and blush, hey......


Thank you, Brother Dong, for helping us uncover this stinking circle of pretending to be a ghost, so that we will not be deceived again


! Xu Dong saw the rising number of followers on Weibo and in the live broadcast room, and the smile on his face suddenly deepened.

Seeing that nine o'clock was approaching, he handed over the live broadcast equipment to the assistant and secretly glanced at the assistant.

The assistant immediately understood, nodded without a trace, took over the equipment, quickly found a good angle, and began shooting.

Seeing this, the corners of Xu Dong's mouth hooked a sinister arc, and then moved his hands and feet, walked directly to the center of the martial arts training ground, glanced around at Xiao Shuai and the others, and said coldly: "What bullshit Wing Chun, in my opinion, it's just a bunch of garbage!

Seeing this, Xiao Shuai's face immediately changed.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian, Su Mengmeng, Fat Man and others also turned ugly -

the worst situation really happened!

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